Douluo's Blue Silver Family

Chapter 103 Attacked

Star town.

When he came here again, Yuan Changqing was already a quasi-Contra. After joining his uncle Ye Xiaofan and his sister-in-law, they rested here for another night.

Early the next morning, everyone who had regained their energy stepped into the Star Forest.

A total of five people came this time. In addition to Yuan Changqing, there were also Catherine, Dugu Bo, and my sister-in-law and her husband.

The soul beasts hunted this time were all very powerful, so no other members of the family were called.

Dugu Bo asked: "Changqing, which plant type soul beast did you choose?"

When everyone heard what Dugu Bo said, they all looked towards Yuan Changqing.

Yuan Changqing also replied: "I have chosen several types, but the one I want most is the soul ring of a plant type soul beast like Silver Leaf Sword Willow. I am in the attack type, so for me, Silver Leaf Sword Willow, It can enhance my attack power."

"As for the selection of several more plant-type soul beasts, they are also used as backup plans. If you really can't find them, there are still multiple choices, right?"

Dugu Bo added: "Yes, the more advanced the soul beast is, the harder it is to find it, and the further you go into the Star Dou Forest, the more dangerous it becomes."

After arriving at the Ten Thousand Years Soul Beast area, Dugubo said: "Everyone, stay focused, stay in formation, and don't keep the distance too far."


The others said in unison.

After that, everyone has been carefully searching for traces of soul beasts in the forest to avoid attacks by soul beasts.

After a few days passed, no one found the soul beast that Yuan Changqing and Ye Xiaofan needed.

As you go deeper into the Starry Forest, the trees become thicker and denser, and the light under the trees becomes darker.

Yuan Changqing's current Titled Douluo level mental power is also released from time to time, observing the surrounding situation.

Suddenly, he mentally sensed something in the shape of a long strip, probably a snake-like soul beast, moving towards Yuan Changqing and others at high speed.

Yuan Changqing also turned around and saw that the black-gold body was shooting towards his sister-in-law. It could be seen from the color that it was highly poisonous.

Yuan Changqing saw this and said quickly: "Sister-in-law, defend yourself, there is danger."

When the sister-in-law heard Yuan Changqing's words, she didn't take any unnecessary actions and quickly activated her defensive soul skills.

"The sixth soul skill, blue silver diamond shield."


The jet-black soul beast directly hit the shield and was bounced back, revealing its true form. It was indeed a snake, and it was also relatively petite.

Dugu Bo also saw it and said quickly: "Everyone, be careful. This snake is called the Linglong Black Golden Snake. Its poison is very terrifying. If it is contaminated with the poison, it will kill or cripple it. It looks like it is 40,000 years old."

If it weren't for Dugu Bo's research on poisons, Yuan Changqing wouldn't have recognized the snake's name, but Dugu Bo did.

Yuan Changqing said: "Everyone, please be careful and deal with this exquisite black gold snake first."

When my sister-in-law heard Dugu Bo's explanation of the exquisite black golden snake, she was so frightened that she broke into a cold sweat. This time it was really too dangerous.

"The fourth soul skill, Diamond Lock."

"The fifth soul skill, Blue Silver Bite."

My sister-in-law was very angry, and the consequences were a bit serious. She saw that the vines of the Blue Silver Grass directly wrapped the Linglong Black-Gold Snake, and the top of the vines also became very sharp due to the fifth soul skill, and began to penetrate directly into the delicate part of the Linglong Black-Gold Snake, thinking As if to devour it.

Dugu Bo said again: "Catherine, Ye Xiaofan, you two should attack together. Your martial soul attributes are more restrained against it."

Ye Xiaofan had just seen the Linglong Black Golden Snake attacking his sister-in-law, and he was very angry, so he immediately used his ultimate move.

"The sixth soul skill, soaring pillar of fire."

I saw a huge pillar of lava fire rising into the sky and landing on the body of the exquisite black gold snake, followed closely by Catherine's attack.

"The sixth soul skill, double-wing slash."

The golden eagle martial spirit's wings spread out like two golden knives and struck directly at the snake.

Because the exquisite black-gold snake was trapped, it could only spit out black-gold poisonous light from its mouth and fight back at everyone.

Everyone also defended themselves to avoid being attacked by its poison.

After these poisons collided with everyone's soul skills, they scattered and fell on the ground. The ground was also corroded. After everyone saw it, they couldn't help but take a breath. The poison of this exquisite black golden snake was really... What a poison.

"The eighth soul skill, freezing time."

Dugu Bo also used soul skills to imprison it in place, and everyone also attacked the Linglong Black Golden Snake. However, in any case, it was also a 40,000-year-old soul beast, and it later broke free from its confinement.

With its petite body, fast speed, and extremely poisonous nature, everyone dealt with it carefully.

Dugu Bo also used his eighth soul skill to imprison it repeatedly, giving everyone the chance to attack it.

In the end, it was also because of the difference in strength that it was resolved.

After dealing with the exquisite black golden snake, Yuan Changqing asked: "Old Poison, why haven't I seen any records about this snake in the soul beast atlas? How do you know it?"

"Hey, of course you won't recognize it, because this exquisite black golden snake is very rare. I'm sure that there may only be records about it in Wuhun Palace. As for whether other major forces have records about it, I think The chance is not high." Dugubo explained.

Then he said, "How do I know? Of course it's because our ancestors have encountered it before, so I know it. It would be great if I could use its soul ring to attach my martial spirit. I haven't encountered it before. well!"

Yuan Changqing said: "Okay, you've already blocked your account. There's no point in thinking about it. Didn't you say it's rare? If you want to use its soul ring to attach a martial soul, it all depends on luck."

Dugu Bo also nodded, and then went forward to check out the Linglong Black Golden Snake. Dugu Bo was still very interested in the venom of this snake.

You wouldn't know if you didn't check it. After checking, you also found a soul bone. After the examination, you found that it was a left arm bone. However, this soul bone is really suitable for the martial spirit of the Dugu Bo family. After all, it is a poisonous soul bone.

Later, everyone decided to give this soul bone to Dugu Bo. After all, this soul hunting still required Dugu Bo's help, so it was regarded as payment.

When Dugu Bo saw that everyone had given him soul bones, he did not refuse and simply put them away. He just said that if he needed help in the future, just ask.

Yuan Changqing said again: "Okay, let's leave here first. There was a lot of noise just now."

Afterwards, everyone left here quickly and started looking for the soul beast they needed to find this time.

A few days later, everyone walked along and came to a lake. They finally found a target, which was the silver-leaf sword willow that Yuan Changqing was looking forward to. After careful observation for a moment, they found that the silver-leaf sword willow had eight branches. The eighth branch is still relatively small and seems to have just reached 80,000 years old.

Yuan Changqing said at this time: "This silver-leaf sword is about 80,000 years old. It is just right. It is also my first choice for the soul ring."

Dugu Bo looked at Yuan Changqing and said, "Can you withstand the soul power in an 80,000-year-old soul ring?"

Yuan Changqing replied: "Don't worry, old poison, you can bear it. Besides, I won't make fun of my own life."

After hearing this, Dugu Bo nodded and said: "Okay, now that you have decided, let's get ready to start working on it!"

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