Douluo's Blue Silver Family

Chapter 109 The difference between Doukai in memory (please recommend)

There are also some differences between Doukai in some memories.

For example, if a one-word battle armor master is of the fifth ring, wearing a battle armor, his strength is equivalent to that of the seventh ring. A two-word battle armor master is equivalent to the eighth ring, a three-word battle armor master is equivalent to a ninth ring, and a four-word battle armor master is equivalent to the ultimate douluo. The battle armor of a four-word battle armor master can be hidden under the skin.

Most one-word battle armors are white level and yellow level. It is very rare to reach the purple level. One-word battle armor masters still have a shortcoming, that is, their battle armor is not completely integrated with themselves, and problems arise when they wear it.

Only when the two-word battle armor is completely integrated with itself and has wings, can it be a real battle armor, except for the spiritual alloy battle armor.

Three-word battle armor masters must have Title Douluo level combat power - Seven-ring soul masters can also reach title Douluo level combat power with the three-word battle armor and the increased domain aura they possess.

After reaching the fourth word, the battle armor has a certain spirituality. It is like the second body of the soul master, and is also called the armor of the demigod.

Doukai does not necessarily need to be built and upgraded, it can be slowly cultivated with soul power and mental power (four characters and above require spiritual consciousness and divine power to be cultivated).

These are also impossible to say, and based on Yuan Changqing's current forging level, it is estimated that he is between the level of spirit forging and soul forging.

At this level of spiritual forging, Yuan Changqing had already tried it when he created the Sun and Moon Fine Wheel, and even built it.

As for soul training, I haven't tried it yet, but with Yuan Changqing's Soul Douluo-level strength and Titled Douluo-level mental power, as long as he keeps trying, he is still very sure.

But now there is a spiritual training level, and the experience is enough. What limits Yuan Changqing now is the level of the soul master.

Since there was no such thing as a soul master on Douluo Continent at this period, it was only later, after Douluo Continent and Sun Moon Continent merged into one continent, that we learned from Sun Moon Continent that in addition to soul masters, there were also soul masters. The profession of soul mentor.

It was from that time that soul guidance technology began to be discovered here in Douluo Continent, and what was emerging at that time was soul guidance mechas. I don’t know how many years it took for Doukai to develop.

Therefore, although Yuan Changqing's current level of forging is high, the level of soul master may be better than that of soul guide apprentice.

Therefore, when building the Doukai this time, Yuan Changqing could only do it step by step, first creating a sample and taking a look.

If the sample can meet the requirements of Yuan Changqing's Doukai after it is created, then if the Doukai is built later, it will be made directly with spiritual forging to reduce the time for cultivating the Doukai.

Moreover, the complete set of battle armor created in this way can be well integrated, which can effectively solve the problems that arise with the one-word battle armor.

Grandpa asked at this time: "Changqing, after you come back, what will happen to the business in Doucheng that day?"

Yuan Changqing further explained: "We can also go and take care of him from time to time. Now that my uncle is also a Contra, he can come and stay for a while every year."

"Originally, I planned to bring Ye Guang back this time, but Ye Guang wanted to represent Tiandou Royal Academy in the continent-wide soul master competition, so he didn't come back. My uncle and sister-in-law went to Tiandou City, so they can take care of them easily. no."

Uncle Ye Xiaofan said: "Changqing's arrangement is fine, and our family of three can have a good reunion together."

My sister-in-law also nodded and agreed. After all, their family of three spend less time together every year, and this time is also an opportunity.

Yuan Changqing added: "And there is no need to rush to Tiandou City in such a hurry. I have asked Old Poison and his family to take care of us temporarily."

Seeing that Yuan Changqing had arranged everything, Grandpa agreed.

Then, Yuan Changqing added: "As for the Doukai, because everyone has different characteristics, so in the next period of time, I will start to teach you how to design your own Doukai, as well as the soul guidance runes and formations." Law. Only by designing the battle armor yourself can it fit you better."

After a pause, he started to say: "Although I can help you build the parts of the Doukai in the future, I don't know how long it will take to build it by myself, and I haven't built it now. Once a sample comes out, we still don’t know how complete the battle armor is.”

"So, I still hope that all the men in my family can learn blacksmithing. As for whether the ladies in my family can learn it or not, let them do it."

"Also, each person's battle armor is designed, forged, and sealed with the soul guidance formation. As long as you meet the requirements in all aspects, the compatibility between you and the battle armor will be the highest."

"Finally, I will teach you all these things in the next period of time. As for what you choose in the end, it depends on your own wishes. However, the design of the battle armor and the soul guidance runes, everyone must To learn.”

After hearing what Yuan Changqing said, everyone nodded. After all, no matter whether this Doukai is as powerful as Yuan Changqing said, everyone is still willing to believe Yuan Changqing.

Moreover, everyone also believes that Yuan Changqing will not harm everyone, but will only make the family better and better.

If the Doukai is really that powerful, it will greatly improve everyone's strength. In this case, it will also be a great help to improve the family's strength.

So, in the following time, Yuan Changqing's family began to accept Yuan Changqing's teachings, because they were a family, and it was convenient for everyone to ask Yuan Changqing if they didn't understand anything.

In addition to teaching his family battle armor design, runes and soul guidance formations, Yuan Changqing also began to refine the metal ores. His father Yuan Fei and his uncle Ye Xiaofan would also learn forging together.

Also, Yuan Zilong, Yuan Qinglan and Yuan Hailan were also captured by Yuan Changqing to learn together.

Although Yuan Qinglan took leave from school this time, she will go to Tiandou Royal Academy with Yuan Hailan next year to learn more about martial arts, which will also increase her knowledge and knowledge.

Yuan Changqing also began to teach them some basic forging, such as fire control, metal forging, and the properties of various metals. He asked them to start from the basics and work step by step to lay a solid foundation.

After all, in the future, if the family has the technology to make battle armor, it will need someone to pass it on, so some people in the family will need to learn it.

Therefore, those who come to learn forging this time will be the inheritors of the family's battle armor and shine for the future Blue Silver family.

In order to better forge the battle armor this time, Yuan Changqing also planned to use spiritual forging to forge a spiritual forging hammer for himself.

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