Douluo's Blue Silver Family

Chapter 111 Doukai Experimental Product (please vote for me)

Since Yuan Changqing completed the forging hammer, he has also used the new forging hammer to forge metal. Sure enough, after experiencing it, this feeling is different from before.

Because after this forging hammer became spiritual, Yuan Changqing also began to use soul skills to nourish it, which made the connection between the forging hammer and Yuan Changqing become closer and closer.

Therefore, when forging, Yuan Changqing had a feeling that the forging hammer was also a part of him.

Therefore, the forging is now not as time-consuming and labor-intensive as before. There are really many benefits. This also makes Yuan Changqing more confident when he builds the battle armor later.

Now Yuan Changqing teaches everyone about battle armor design, soul guidance formations and runes every morning in the morning.

In the afternoon, I will start to forge and refine the metal ores collected at home and purchased in Gengjin City in the past two years. I will occasionally give guidance to people who are learning forging.

After a period of practice, Yuan Fei and Ye Xiaofan have now learned the skills well. Their soul power is higher than that of the others, and their endurance is also much stronger, especially Ye Xiaofan, who is a strong Contra player after all. By.

Of course, this is only the early apprenticeship stage, and everyone is still refining ordinary metals.

However, due to their strong strength, Yuan Fei and Ye Xiaofan, as well as Yuan Changqing's younger brother Yuan Zilong, the three of them have almost learned the most basic forging, and can also make some ordinary items, such as sickles and hoes.

I am already ready to move towards the Hundred and Thousand Refinements. This is the support of my own strength. After I can reach the Hundred Refinements, I can try to create some ordinary high-quality products, such as some swords.

After reaching the Thousand Forgings, you can even build parts of the Doukai. Of course, you still need to learn the knowledge about Doukai, and you may not be able to succeed in one go.

However, learning the basics is also a good start. As long as you work hard, your skills can be gradually improved. Of course, you must have talent, otherwise, everything will be nonsense.

After studying for more than half a year, Yuan Changqing has taught everyone everything that Yuan Changqing should teach. After Ye Guang's vacation, he was picked up by Ye Xiaofan and joined the learning ranks.

Everyone has learned quite well in terms of design, and they can also understand the runes, but they understand the soul guidance formation and understand the six orifices, but they can't understand any of them.

However, we cannot blame them, because everyone knows too few things and cannot be verified, so it appears that there is a flaw in the understanding of soul guidance formations.

Afterwards, Yuan Changqing thought about it and still felt that this soul guidance formation still needed to rely on the current group of blacksmith apprentices at home.

After all, if Yuan Changqing's understanding of the soul guidance formation had not been constantly verified, he might be like them, only knowing the runes but not how to combine them.

After half a year, all the metal ores at home were refined and forged by Yuan Changqing, and he was ready to start forging the battle armor.

Forge room.

Yuan Changqing's family has gathered here. Today, Yuan Changqing will start to forge the first component of the battle armor.

What was forged this time was an experimental product, and Yuan Changqing planned to build the first battle armor as an experimental product.

Sister-in-law Yuan Linglong asked: "Changqing, didn't you say that the Doukai has a total of eleven parts? Which is the first part you are going to make now?"

My sister-in-law asked this, and everyone was a little curious. Yuan Changqing also replied: "As for the components of this Doukai, the complexity of each one is still somewhat different. This is also the first time I have made it. As for me, I will choose first. Start with simple components and slowly accumulate experience, starting with easy things and then difficult ones. This way, the success rate will be higher.”

"So, relatively speaking, the gauntlets at the shoulder and arm positions are not as complicated as the parts in other positions, so just choose the left shoulder gauntlet + the big gauntlet!"

After finishing speaking, Yuan Changqing came to the forging platform and said to everyone: "Since everyone is here today, let's take a look together and wait for the finished product to come out."

After Yuan Changqing finished speaking, he turned around and asked Yuan Zilong to help.

Yuan Changqing shouted: "Zilong, you have been learning forging for a while, now go and blow the bellows for me."


After Yuan Zilong responded, he immediately trotted to the bellows. After Yuan Changqing put the metal on the charcoal fire, he began to pull it up hard.

Yuan Changqing also looked at the firepower situation and said again: "Increase more firepower. I need to make the metal reach the forging requirements faster."

After hearing this, Yuan Zilong also speeded up the speed of pulling the bellows. He saw that the charcoal fire became more intense due to more wind power, and the temperature became higher and higher. The temperature could also be clearly felt in the forging room. promote.

With the increased firepower, the metal quickly met the forging requirements, and Yuan Changqing quickly clamped it to the forging table with pliers.

Taking out the forging hammer, Yuan Changqing produced a burst of crazy output. With the help of the relativistic hammer method, the impurities in the metal were continuously forged out.

After several rounds of calcination and forging, after seeing that impurities could no longer be forged, Yuan Changqing began to process the metal, and beautiful metal textures appeared. After reaching a thousand forgings, Yuan Changqing stopped.

Then, he came to the workbench and started carving the soul guidance formation.

Although Yuan Changqing cannot fully understand the functions of the runes on the soul guidance formation, he is still proficient in it. Moreover, he has gone through a lot of experiments in the past two years and gained a lot of experience.

Therefore, the soul guidance formation to be carved this time has been researched and designed, and now it is just a matter of carving it.

Everyone saw Yuan Changqing holding a seal knife that was specially used to carve soul guide formations, and he was concentrating on carving soul guide formations on the metal lines. Because he had a lot of experience, the seal carving went very smoothly this time.

After the seal carving was completed, Yuan Changqing came to the forging table again, put the prepared metal on the fire, calcined it again, and then forged it again until it was forged into finished parts, and then came to the workbench to perform the soul guidance formation. After several rounds of seal carving, I finally finished forging the components of the left shoulder armor and the big arm armor.

A left shoulder armor + large arm armor component is also made of parts, otherwise it will not be able to be shrunk and folded into something like an accessory in the end.

When not in use at ordinary times, it can be shrunk and put away and turned into an accessory. Only when fighting, through mental power and soul power, can the left shoulder arm + big arm armor be stretched out and cover the left shoulder and big arm, turning it into an accessory. It looks like a complete left shoulder armor + big arm armor.

After Yuan Changqing made all the parts, he began to assemble them. After some complicated assembly, he finished the left shoulder armor + big arm armor.

Afterwards, Yuan Changqing directly put it on his left shoulder armor and upper arm, and began to use his soul and mental power to feel it.

Everyone also looked at Yuan Changqing. My sister-in-law was a little anxious and asked: "Changqing, how are you doing?"

After feeling it, Yuan Changqing said: "There is indeed an increase, but it is of no use to soul masters who are soul saints and above."

My sister-in-law said disappointedly: "It seems that this battle armor is not of much use!"

Yuan Changqing was a little speechless when he heard his sister-in-law say this, so he had to explain: "Sister-in-law, don't think about it, this is just a basic battle armor. Naturally, its power is of no use to high-level soul masters, but it will be of great use to low-level soul masters. .”

Then, Yuan Changqing ignored his sister-in-law, but took off his left shoulder armor and arm armor, handed them to Yuan Zilong, and said, "Zilong, you are the Soul King now. Try it and see how it feels."

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