Douluo's Blue Silver Family

Chapter 114 Fundamental

Although Yuan Zilong lost the battle with Yuan Changqing, this also proved that Doukai can elevate the user to the level of Soul Saint.

Moreover, he could still fight the Soul Saint back and forth. If it weren't for his mental and soul power, he wouldn't have lost so quickly in the end.

However, this also shows that although the battle armor is very good and can allow soul masters to exert superior combat effectiveness, in the final analysis, soul masters still have to focus on their own cultivation.

Otherwise, no matter how powerful the battle armor is, but your own strength is weak, you may be able to compete at first, but as time goes by, you will become a person who is powerless and can only be slaughtered by others.

After the battle came to an end, the battle armor on Yuan Zilong could no longer maintain its status as a battle armor and turned into pieces of decoration. Yuan Zilong also lay on the ground with a pale face.

Yuan Changqing also hurriedly went up to check. After some inspection, there was nothing serious.

Lan Ling and Yuan Fei saw this and hurriedly stepped forward. After seeing Yuan Changqing finishing the examination, Lan Ling asked: "Changqing, how is your brother? Is he okay?"

Yuan Changqing looked at his worried parents and replied: "Mom and dad, Zilong is fine. It's just that his soul and mental power have been exhausted. Take some more rest. When his soul and mental power are restored, he will be alive and kicking again." You are a strong young man, so you don’t have to worry too much.”

After hearing Yuan Changqing's words, Yuan Fei and Lan Ling relaxed. Lan Ling said: "That's good, as long as everything is fine."

Afterwards, Yuan Changqing carried Yuan Zilong on his back and went home with everyone.

After returning home, he put Yuan Zilong on the bed in the room.

Yuan Changqing said: "Okay, Zilong, you should take a good rest now. After you recover your soul and mental power, you will be fine."

Then, Yuan Changqing left the room and came to the living room at home, where everyone sat together again.

After Yuan Changqing sat down, he saw a trace of worry on everyone's faces and said, "Zilong is fine, he just needs to pay more attention."

My sister-in-law said: "I didn't expect this battle armor to consume so much soul power and mental power!"

Yuan Changqing nodded and said: "Yes, but this is also very reasonable. After all, there is sacrifice and gain. It is really a fantasy to be able to reach the strength of Soul Saint at the Soul King level by relying on the battle armor without any cost."

Grandpa also said: "This is a normal phenomenon. Nothing comes without hard work. If you want to gain something, you have to pay."

Yuan Changqing added: "So, once we have the Doukai, we can use it as long as we can unless it is absolutely necessary. We can just use it as our own trump card."

Grandpa said: "Yes, the Doukai can be used as the family's trump card in the future."

"Grandpa is right. The current level of this Doukai is not very useful for people with good talent, but it can be used by people who are loyal to the family in the future." Yuan Changqing said about the one-word Doukai usefulness.

Then, he added: "However, we still need to have our own Doukai. A more advanced Doukai will definitely be a good help to us."

"Also, the battle armor can be upgraded by relying on its own nourishment, and its abilities will become more and more powerful."

Everyone also nodded. What they didn't know was that the more words in the back of the Doukai, the more powerful it would be.

Yuan Changqing emphasized again, saying: "Everyone has also seen some shortcomings of the Doukai. Therefore, we must still work hard to cultivate our own soul power in the future. After all, this is our foundation. External objects are always external objects. Only ourselves are strong. , then there is nothing that cannot be solved.”

Grandpa, as the patriarch, played the decisive role at this time and said: "Okay, listen to Chang Qing. Whether it is now or in the future, even if you have Doukai, you must focus on cultivating soul skills."

Everyone nodded to show that they understood, and then they went to do their own things.

In the following time, in addition to practicing, everyone was also busy designing their own Doukai. Although the Doukai had flaws, its combat effectiveness was still very good. Everyone in the family also wanted to have their own Doukai.

Those who learn forging never give up, and everyone is enriching themselves.

Yuan Changqing also began to design his own battle armor, as well as research on forging, and continued to experiment and learn.

Until one day, Yuan Changqing said in front of everyone that he had been able to create a higher-level battle armor.

My sister-in-law may have a soft spot for Doukai, so she quickly asked: "Changqing, can you really build a higher-level Doukai now?"

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Yuan Changqing also planned to tell the story about the Doukai level.

Yuan Changqing replied in a positive tone: "Yes, I can now build a two-word battle armor."

Later, he explained the issue of Doukai levels: "Oh, by the way, I have also divided Doukai into levels now."

Everyone was listening attentively at this time, and Yuan Changqing also continued: "The set of Thousand Forging Doukai I made last time is called the One-word Doukai. As the name suggests, it means that the name of the Doukai can be given with one word. Armor, and the one with a higher level is the two-character battle armor, which is a battle armor that can be given two characters in its name. As for the subsequent levels, we can analogize it in the same way!"

"Also, let me tell you now, when you reach a certain level of strength, you can build a battle armor."

Yuan Changqing also plans to talk about some of these things. After all, they are also brought from the memories of previous lives, so that people like Yuan Fei who are learning forging can have an understanding.

Yuan Changqing added: "One-word Doukai (One-word Doukai Master→Full set of One-word Doukai Master) has been forged over a thousand times to forge each Doukai component, with a cultivation level of at least five rings or above."

"Two-word Doukai (Two-word Doukai Master→Full set of Two-word Doukai Master) uses all the spirit to forge every Doukai component, with a cultivation level of at least six rings or above."

"As for the three-character battle armor (three-character battle armor master → full set of three-character battle armor master), each battle armor component is forged with the whole soul, and the cultivation level is at least seven levels or above."

"As for the next level, it won't be too late to talk about it later."

The sister-in-law asked again: "So Changqing, can you make a three-character battle armor now?"

Yuan Changqing said: "Didn't I just say that? Now I can build a two-word battle armor. How could I be able to build a three-word battle armor in such a short time? Sister, you are overthinking."

"Hey, I'm just asking, if you can build it, then wouldn't I be able to own the three-word battle armor directly?" My sister-in-law's explanation seemed a bit weak, but in fact she just wanted the three-word battle armor.

Yuan Changqing said speechlessly: "Sister-in-law, I think you just want the three-word battle armor! If you really want to build the battle armor directly, then you can wait until I can build it."

My sister-in-law asked again: "Then when can you achieve it?"

Yuan Changqing thought for a while and said: "My current level is between spiritual forging and soul forging. I don't know when I will reach it. In terms of forging, the further you go, the more talent you need."

"So, if you realize it, you will soon be able to achieve soul training, and vice versa."

My sister-in-law said feebly: "Oh, it turns out it's so difficult!"

"It's not difficult to do anything? Otherwise, what do you think?"

My sister-in-law said awkwardly: "Haha, I'm just saying it."

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