Douluo's Blue Silver Family

Chapter 119 Is it her?

Although the Death Goddess is the one being attacked by a group of people, her martial spirit cannot be underestimated. Otherwise, you would not even know how you died.

At this time, in addition to the other two battlefields, the Goddess of Death was facing a siege by five people. Even so, she looked at ease.

The battle on the stage was fierce, and the shouts from the audience became even more intense. Yuan Changqing was also watching the battle carefully below.

As the battle became more intense, Yuan Changqing and Monica were watching and talking below.

"I didn't expect that the goddess of death could easily deal with the siege of five people. She should be the strongest in the field, but the people in the other two battlefields were a little unwise. If it were me, we should work together to solve the problem of death. Goddess." Yuan Changqing said while looking at the situation on the killing stage.

Monica said: "Haha, maybe they are all confident in their own strength!"

On the killing stage.

"Everyone, be careful. Her martial spirit is very poisonous. Don't get hurt."

Because the Goddess of Death had already won 19 games in a row, the other five people also knew something about it.

The goddess of death had a cold face and sneered: "No matter how careful you are, you will become my stepping stone."

After saying that, her spider spirit quickly waved its spider legs towards the person closest to her.

Others also discovered the intention of the goddess of death, so they quickly warned her and rushed forward to support her.

"Zhang San, be careful!"

That Zhang San also noticed the danger at this time and wanted to retreat, but it was too late as a spider leg was already inserted into his chest.

The goddess of death said: "Die!"

"Why are you so fast?" Zhang San asked with wide eyes and an incredulous look on his face. Then, before the goddess of death could answer, the spider legs pulled out of Zhang San's chest, and Zhang San fell straight to the ground and died.

After seeing Zhang San fall to the ground, the people who came to the rescue also backed away to avoid being affected by Chi Yu.

"Want to run?"

Seeing everyone retreating, they no longer engage in close combat with the Goddess of Death. Instead, they use their weapons or martial arts spirits to harass the surroundings, hoping to exhaust the Goddess of Death's physical strength.

Seeing the situation, the goddess of death was not in a hurry. She just dealt with the sword and spider spirit in her hands, preparing to find another opportunity to strike.

After Yuan Changqing saw this killing situation, he said: "It seems that they want to consume the physical strength of the goddess of death. This idea is quite good, but I don't know if it can be defended. After all, if you defend for a long time, you will lose!"

Monica also nodded and said: "Yes, it depends on who makes the mistake first."

After a little time, the goddess of death found a flaw in one of her opponents, so she directly locked onto that person to prevent him from leaving the attack range.

The goddess of death also suppressed him and hit him, which made him unable to resist and quickly called for help.

"You three, come and save me, I'm a little overwhelmed."

The other three people also knew the truth behind the death of lips and teeth, and hurriedly went to rescue her. However, they misjudged the purpose of the goddess of death.

The goddess of death directly responded with a carbine and slit one person's throat with her spider legs. The person stared angrily, covered his neck, and then fell to the ground and died.

After the Death Goddess slashed the man's neck, she didn't care much and quickly attacked the other two people.

"Ah, we were fooled. Her target is us." Seeing that another person died, one of them guessed the purpose of the goddess of death.

He then called for help at the other two battlefields and shouted: "You four, stop fighting. The goddess of death is too powerful. Come and help, otherwise, you will die too."

The four people heard the shouting and looked over quickly. Sure enough, two people were dead, so they also joined the ranks besieging the goddess of death. Now, it became a situation where seven people were fighting one person.

"I don't know if the goddess of death can handle it this time." Monica said at this time.

Yuan Changqing also watched the Goddess of Death being besieged by seven people, and had a guess as to who the Goddess of Death was, so he said: "I think even so, it shouldn't be difficult for the Goddess of Death. It may just take some effort."

Sure enough, even when faced with the siege of seven people, the Goddess of Death was able to cope with it, but it was just a bit dangerous.

Moreover, the goddess of death did not sit still and wait for death. She was also on defense and could counterattack from time to time.

Although the opponent was not killed in the counterattack, the opponent was injured, scratched by the spider's legs, and his body was poisoned by the spirit of the goddess of death.

Seeing that he was scratched and poisoned again, he quickly reminded his people again to be careful of the poison of the goddess of death.

As the poisoning time prolongs, and soul power cannot be used to force out the poison, the final result will still be death.

Seeing this situation, Yuan Changqing said: "It seems that the goddess of death is better in the end!"

Monica just nodded, said nothing, and watched the battle on the Killer's stage attentively.

Sure enough, people didn't have to wait long. In the end, the goddess of death walked down the killing platform unharmed despite facing two waves of siege.

At this time, the Killing Messenger appeared again and shouted: "Everyone cheers, congratulations to the goddess of death for winning another game and winning 20 consecutive games."

"Goddess of Death."

"Goddess of Death, I love you..."


Following the words of the Killing Messenger, the people below became even more crazy and began to shout fanatically for the goddess of death. However, she could no longer be seen at this time.

Yuan Changqing also saw the cruelty of this battle on the killing platform, and secretly warned himself in his heart that he must be more careful when going on the killing platform in the future, otherwise, he might capsize in the gutter.

Afterwards, Yuan Changqing followed Monica out of the killing field and returned to the temporary residence.

After saying hello to Monica, he went straight back to the room.

Ever since the moment he saw the Death Spider's martial soul, Yuan Changqing had some guesses in his mind, thinking that the Goddess of Death might be her, but he couldn't be sure yet.

After all, it is a bit hasty to judge a person based on his martial soul. Moreover, there are many soul masters on the Douluo Continent, and she is not necessarily the only one who has the Death Demon Spider Spirit.

Although he was 99% certain that it was her, Yuan Changqing still decided to see if there would be a chance to contact her in the future to confirm whether it was as he suspected.

After all, it would be difficult to break out of the Killing City just by relying on one person's strength. If you can find someone to form an alliance with, then your chances of getting out will be even greater, right?

Afterwards, Yuan Changqing no longer thought about the goddess of death, but began to plan a life for the new couple's protection period.

The first thing is to find a place for yourself, and the other thing is to be ruthless to those who think that you are a newcomer and want to kill you, and use it to warn others by killing chickens and monkeys.

Only in this way, Yuan Changqing will live a slightly more peaceful life in the killing city.

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