Douluo's Blue Silver Family

Chapter 137 Testing

When Bibi Dong killed Qian Xunji and settled the follow-up questions, he quickly returned to his residence.

By the time Qian Daoliu got the news, it was already too late.

So, Qian Daoliu brought Qian Renxue and many elders from Wuhun Palace to Qianxunji's palace. Looking at Qianxunji lying lifeless on the bed, he burst into tears. Originally, people from the Angel family were Young Master, now only he and Qian Renxue are left.

Qian Renxue cried when she saw her father Qian Xunji.

Now Qian Renxue has awakened his martial soul. As a god-level martial soul, the angel martial soul can innately awaken level 20 soul power. Therefore, he is now a great soul master at a young age.

Moreover, in Qian Renxue's childhood memory, for some reason, her mother didn't like her at all, and she also lived with her grandfather Qian Daoliu since she was a child.

Naturally, she would not let her know the secret behind this. Moreover, Qian Daoliu had taken Qian Renxue away since Qian Renxue was born. He did not trust Bibi Dong to take her away, fearing that Bibi Dong would not be able to bear it alone. Just kill Qian Renxue.

At this time, Golden Crocodile Douluo, who was in the enshrinement hall, saw Qian Xunji's appearance and said angrily: "What a Haotian Sect, what a Clear Sky Hammer, great enshrinement, we should directly attack the Haotian Sect and destroy Haotian Zong."

Other elders also echoed, clamoring to avenge Pope Qian Xunji.

Qian Daoliu was also very angry at this time, but in the end he suppressed the anger in his heart and said: "Don't get excited, everyone. The Haotian Sect will definitely fight, but we should deal with Qian Xunji's funeral first. Everyone Just go back first and let me stay here for a while."

After hearing Qian Daoliu's words, everyone in the room understood, so they left one after another.

Qian Daoliu's first reaction was that he didn't believe Qian Xunji's sudden death, saying he died of serious injuries. So, after the others left, Qian Daoliu went to check it out, and sure enough he found something unusual. The breath, moreover, was very similar to the breath of Bibi Dong's Soul-eating Spider Emperor. At this time, Qian Daoliu knew what was going on.

Qian Daoliu looked at Qian Renxue beside him and said, "Xiaoxue, look at your father again. We will never see him again."

At this time, Qian Renxue cried: "Grandpa, I don't have a father now. My mother hasn't come to see me since I was a child. Does my mother not like me? Did Xiaoxue do something wrong?"

Qian Daoliu didn't know how to comfort Qian Renxue, so he could only say: "Xiaoxue, it's okay. You still have grandpa, and grandpa will always be with you. Don't cry anymore, be good."

"Well, wuwu, Xiaoxue doesn't cry, wuwu, Xiaoxue still has grandpa, wuwu..."

At this time, Qian Daoliu looked at Xiaoxue like this and felt helpless. He actually sympathized with Bibi Dong in his heart. After all, the characteristics of the angel spirit symbolized light. Qian Daoliu was actually a relatively upright person. Otherwise, he would not be able to cultivate to level 99 Peerless Douluo.

It's just that Qian Xunji, who has an angelic spirit in his body, is jealous and dark in his heart. Therefore, he has only reached level 95 after so many years. Moreover, he can't even defeat a newly promoted titled Douluo, which means that the angelic spirit cannot let Qian Xunji. Xunji fully exerts its strength.

Although the father and son later wanted to get rid of Bibi Dong, the person who threatened the Angel family, it was Qian Xunji's idea, and Qian Daoliu only acquiesced.

Enshrinement Hall.

The great worshiper looked at Bibi Dong and said, "Bibi Dong, you were the one who killed Qian Xunji, right?"

Of course, Bibi Dong would not admit that Qian Xunji was killed by him, and said calmly: "Dear worshipper, don't talk nonsense without evidence. The Pope is my teacher, how could I kill him? The teacher didn't die from serious injuries. ?"

Qian Daoliu looked at Bibi Dong deeply and said: "It doesn't matter if you don't admit it, I know it in my heart, but, no matter what, Xiaoxue is also your child, Qianxunji is also Xiaoxue's father, you How could you do this!"

"Haha, big worship, I said, it's not me, and also, don't mention them in front of me. You should know best what Qian Xunji did to me. Now he is seriously injured and has died. To me This is really great news, hahaha." Bibi Dong said with a cold face, getting more and more excited as she spoke, and even laughed out loud when she mentioned that Qian Xunji died.

"Do you hate him that much? After so many years, have you still not let go?" Qian Daoliu asked helplessly.

Bibi Dong looked at Qian Daoliu and sneered: "Don't persuade others to be kind without their suffering. He can even do things like animals. Even if he dies, he can't erase the harm he did to me. "

Seeing that Bibi Dong was unwilling to admit it, Qian Daoliu said helplessly: "Even if you don't admit it, I know it's you. Considering that you are Xiaoxue's mother, I don't plan to pursue you. But, Bibi Dong, I warn you You, don’t do anything sorry for Xiaoxue, otherwise I won’t show mercy anymore, so you can go away so that you can take care of yourself.”

"Hmph, but you don't have to keep testing me, Dacheng. I said it's not me. Also, don't threaten me. I know what I'm doing." Bibi Dong replied coldly, and then left the enshrinement hall.


When Bibi Dong left the enshrinement hall, Qian Daoliu could only sigh there alone. It could be seen that he felt a deep sense of helplessness in his heart. In the final analysis, it was his son who did something wrong first, and finally ended up with a man who deserved all the blame. The end is also the fate of reincarnation.

Now Qian Daoliu knows in his heart that Bibi Dong did it. Even if she doesn't admit it, and Bibi Dong is Qian Renxue's mother, she can't kill Bibi Dong. If so, there will definitely be big trouble in Wuhun Palace.

At this time, what Qian Daoliu was thinking about was to train Qian Renxue well so that she could inherit the throne of the Angel God.

After Bibi Dong left the enshrinement hall, she felt relieved. After all, Qian Daoliu was a level 99 peerless Douluo, which put a lot of pressure on Bibi Dong.

Moreover, from what Qian Daoliu said today, Bibi Dong also knew about his killing of Qian Xunji. Qian Daoliu must have discovered something, so he kept testing himself.

However, Bibi Dong is not stupid. Even if he refuses to admit it, Qian Daoliu can't do anything to him.

Now Bibi Dong is the saint of Wuhun Hall. If Qiandaoliu wants to kill her, although she can't beat him, it will not be easy for Qiandaoliu to explain if it attracts the attention of other worshipers or elders of Wuhun Hall. After all, there is no evidence and he kills her for no reason. I want to kill the Saint of Wuhun Palace.

Then, it will make the people of Wuhun Palace alienated, which will destroy Wuhun Palace and the Angel Family. After all, this Wuhun Palace is not just a family of the Angel Family, there are many families or individuals under it, but The Angel family is the strongest and most prestigious.

This is also the reason why Bibi Dong is confident, and now Bibi Dong is the only candidate for the Pope in Wuhun Palace.

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