Douluo's Blue Silver Family

Chapter 139 Major Events

When Yuan Changqing heard Bibi Dong's many questions, he did not answer her immediately, but put it on for her first.

After Bibi Dong put it on, Yuan Changqing began to explain to her what the Doukai was.

So, Yuan Changqing began to say: "Dong'er, as for this battle armor, you can think of it as armor, but this is not an ordinary armor. You will know now by using your soul skills and mental power to communicate with this battle armor. "

After hearing this, Bibi Dong looked at the battle armor she was wearing, and then said, "Changqing, no matter how I look at this thing, it looks like a decoration."

Yuan Changqing had no choice but to say: "Dong'er, just do as I say."

"Oh, okay."

Then, Bibi Dong followed Yuan Changqing's instructions and began to use soul skills and mental power to communicate with the Doukai.


Then, he saw that the Doukai began to fully stretch out. When all the stretching was completed, Bibi Dong also looked incredible.

Bibi Dong said excitedly: "Changqing, it turns out this is the battle armor. It's really good."

Yuan Changqing said: "That's right. However, this battle armor is not of great help to you now. However, you can use soul skills and mental power to nourish it. It will also be upgraded and may be helpful to you in the future. However, You can use that as your trump card.”

Yuan Changqing knew that Bibi Dong was already taking the Rakshasa God test, so when this battle armor was upgraded to level four, it would be useful.

Bibi Dong played with the Doukai back and forth for a while and said, "Why doesn't it help me much? I feel very good. It can bring out the strength of a titled Douluo."

Yuan Changqing further explained: "You are already a Titled Douluo now, so it won't be of much help to you."

"Let's put it this way, this battle armor of yours is a three-word battle armor. If worn on a Soul Douluo, it will be equivalent to the combat power of the ninth ring. Of course, if you have a domain during the Soul Saint period and wear the three-word battle armor, In the end, he can also reach the strength of a titled Douluo."

"Furthermore, there is a four-character battle armor at the back, which is equivalent to a peerless Douluo. Therefore, when you reach the four-character level, you will be able to exert the strength of a peerless Douluo. However, when I think about it, you might be able to He has that strength, but he’s also good as a trump card.”

Bibi Dong said: "This is very good. I like it very much. What about the one-word battle armor and the two-word battle armor?"

"One word is equivalent to Soul Saint, and two words is equivalent to Soul Douluo, but for you now, it is of little use."

Bibi Dong looked at the Doukai and liked it very much, and then started playing with it non-stop.

Seeing this, Yuan Changqing said: "Okay, now it is yours, and there will be plenty of time for you to play with it in the future."

Then, Bibi Dong put away the Doukai and said, "Changqing, where did you get this Doukai? Why haven't I heard of this before?"

Yuan Changqing said: "I personally built this for you. You haven't heard of it before. Naturally, it's because I am the only one who has it. So, it's normal that you haven't heard of it."

"Also, you can give her a name. This is a three-character battle armor, so you can name her with three characters."

So, Bibi Dong thought for a while and said, "What do you think of Dong Huang Jia?"

Yuan Changqing nodded and said: "Okay, naming it after you is not a bad idea."

Then, Bibi Dong said affectionately: "Changqing, thank you for this gift. I like it very much."

"Well, that's fine if you like it."

Later, Yuan Changqing asked: "Dong'er, now that you are the pope, what are your plans next?"

Bibi Dong said: "I have just become the Pope. Moreover, although I was said to be a saint in Wuhun Palace before, which sounds nice, in fact, I have no foundation at all."

"So, my top priority right now is to control some of the forces before I can plan for others."

Yuan Changqing also said: "Yes, your plan is very good. You can't be too impatient. Otherwise, even if you are the Pope, you will be very passive. Also, you must start to train your subordinates so that you can be useful." people."

"Well, I think so too. Now, the titled Douluo who are on my side in Wuhun Palace have just come to join me. I don't know if they have sincerely turned to me. Therefore, they also need to be cultivated and cultivated slowly. Win some people over.”

"Then what have you been busy with these days? It's been so many days, and now you have time to come see me."

"In addition to sorting out some things that the Pope's Palace needs to deal with, the Wuhun Palace is discussing how to avenge the previous Pope."

Hearing this, Yuan Changqing knew that Wuhun Palace was preparing to attack Haotian Sect, and was also preparing to use Haotian Sect as a scapegoat.

Bibi Dong continued: "The previous pope was seriously injured by Tang Hao of the Haotian Sect and died after he came back. Therefore, we have been discussing in the past few days to ask the Haotian Sect to give us an explanation from the Wuhun Palace."

Yuan Changqing also asked deliberately: "Tang Hao severely injured Qian Xunji, so powerful!"

Bibi Dong nodded and said: "Yes, Tang Hao just became a Titled Douluo and severely injured the previous Pope. It was naturally very powerful. However, now Tang Hao is hiding, so our Wuhun Palace is preparing to go to Haotian Sect and let Hao Tianzong hands over Tang Hao."

"It seems that you can't get what you want. Since Tang Hao is hiding, the Haotian Sect will naturally not be able to hand him over. What are you going to do?"

Bibi Dong replied: "The result of our final discussion is that if Tang Hao is not handed over, we will prepare to destroy the Haotian Sect."

Yuan Changqing asked again: "The Haotian Sect is known as the largest sect in the world in Douluo Continent. If you want to destroy the Haotian Sect, it won't be that easy, right?"

Bibi Dong smiled and said: "This is what the elders of Wuhun Palace should consider. I am just a person who became the Pope. Besides, I don't need to do this. Of course, the elders will take action."

Yuan Changqing clearly knew the final outcome of Haotian Sect. Although Bibi Dong did not tell Yuan Changqing the truth, Yuan Changqing did not want to care about the unspeakable hidden meaning.

Yuan Changqing said again: "Well, since there is not much you need to do here, then you should develop your power well."

"Also, since your Wuhun Palace plans to cause trouble for the Haotian Sect, you can also use this opportunity to clear out some die-hard loyalists of the previous pope and let them go together. I think, with your current status as the pope, you should be able to Fine!"

Bibi Dong thought this method was good and said: "That's natural. After all, I am also the Pope, and I am also a titled Douluo. Although in normal times, those people may obey my orders in secret, but this time I can't help them. , and it just so happens that we can take advantage of this opportunity to clean up some people."

Yuan Changqing said again: "You used to be a saint, why do you feel that your presence in Wuhun Hall is so low?"

"Huh, it's not because of the Angel Family. Although Qian Daoliu of the Angel Family retreated to the Enshrinement Hall, most of the titled Douluo in the Wuhun Hall obeyed him. Therefore, in the past, the forces in the Wuhun Hall were basically eliminated. The Angel Family is in control, so there is no room for me to play. The saint sounds nice, but it is just a decoration. Otherwise, I would not be so weak now that I am the Pope." Bibi Dong was also angry. said.

In fact, Yuan Changqing does not want Bibi Dong to be the pope. After all, Wuhun Palace will be the largest vortex and the center of the storm on Douluo Continent.

Therefore, Yuan Changqing advised: "Dong'er, why don't we stop being the pope? It's pointless to be the pope, and besides, it's hard work and thankless."

Hearing what Yuan Changqing said, Bibi Dong was also confused. Now that Qian Xunji has been killed, Bibi Dong doesn't have such a big grudge against Wuhun Palace now that she has Yuan Changqing. However, thinking of the Rakshasa God Due to the content of the exam, Bibi Dong could only continue to be the pope.

Bibi Dong shook her head and said: "Changqing, it's not that I don't want to, I have to continue to be the Pope!"


Bibi Dong continued: "Changqing, I don't know if you know that there are actually gods in this world, but they are not on Douluo Continent."

Yuan Changqing nodded and said: "I know, doesn't your Wuhun Palace believe in the Angel God? Since the Wuhun Palace has existed for so long, I think this Angel God cannot be fake!"

Bibi Dong added: "Yes, Wuhun Palace does believe in the Angel God, and Qiandaoliu has always been guarding the place where the Angel God inherited his legacy."

"Furthermore, I am currently undergoing the assessment for the divine position, and it is also related to the Spirit Hall."

After Yuan Changqing heard this, he also knew that Qian Xunji really had a reason to die. This might also be related to Bibi Dong's divine test.

Yuan Changqing asked: "Does your divine assessment want to replace the belief in the angel god?"

Bibi Dong shook her head and said: "I won't go into details. Anyway, you know that I have a reason to continue to be the pope."

When Bibi Dong said this, Yuan Changqing didn't know what to say, and said: "Well, since you have decided, I won't persuade you more, but you should be more careful. It seems that the god you accepted is It is very possible that you have enmity with the angel god, and I think you should be aware of it and not let the god get lost in your heart."

Bibi Dong said: "I know, I will be careful, you don't have to worry."

Yuan Changqing said: "Okay, let's not talk about this anymore. Let's rest. We haven't seen each other for so long. We must cherish the time."


So, Yuan Changqing stayed in Wuhun City for a few more days. When he left, he was a little reluctant to leave. The Pope was good, and this feeling was different.

After leaving Wuhun City, Yuan Changqing went directly back to Lanyin Village. After returning to Lanyin Village, the news of Wuhun Palace's attack on Haotian Sect also spread throughout Douluo Continent.

Everyone is saying that Tang Hao of the Haotian Sect killed Qian Xunji, the former Pope of the Wuhun Palace. Now the Wuhun Palace is attacking the Haotian Sect to make the Haotian Sect hand over Tang Hao.

However, Tang Hao did not show up in the end. In the end, the Wuhun Palace beat the Haotian Sect to the point where they had no choice but to retreat, seal the sect, avoid living in their ancestral land, and isolate themselves from the world.

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