In the original work, when Tang San went to Hanhai City to prepare for Poseidon Island, he also encountered a creature like a wolf bandit on the way.

When Yuan Changqing went to Hanhai City this time, he did not expect that he would encounter wolf thieves on the way. So, it seems that there are probably a lot of these wolf thieves. Otherwise, after so many years, they have not all been wiped out.

"The fourth soul skill, double golden shields."

"The sixth soul skill, double-wing slash."

Catherine was flying in the air and faced the wind blade attacks from the wolf thieves around her. She also quickly activated her defensive soul skills and then counterattacked.

The wings of Catherine's Golden Eagle Spirit also turned into two golden knives, and she slashed at the wolf thief. The wolf thief who was struck was cut into pieces.

The leader of the wolf bandits saw that his men were being killed and had no power to fight back. The number of wolf bandits was slowly decreasing. Seeing that even long-range attacks on his side had no effect on Yuan Changqing and Catherine, he decided to retreat. .


The wolf bandit leader also began to send out signals, and the surrounding wolf bandits began to slowly gather towards the wolf bandit leader.

After Yuan Changqing saw this situation, he also guessed that the wolf thieves might want to escape, so he quickly said: "Catherine, these wolf thieves may want to escape."

After saying that, Yuan Changqing began to quickly approach the wolf thieves, preparing to prevent them from escaping and lest they cause harm to other places.

"Killing God Realm."

"The eighth soul skill, Ten Thousand Swords Return to the Sect."

After Yuan Changqing approached the wolf thieves, he quickly activated the Death God Comprehension, and then used his eighth soul skill. He saw that the Death God Domain directly enveloped the gathered wolf thieves. The territory was dark red and filled with murderous intent, and, Even the bluesilver grass inside turned dark red.

Catherine saw in the air that Yuan Changqing had even activated the God of Killing Domain in order to prevent these wolf thieves from escaping, and hurried over.

After seeing Catherine coming over, Yuan Changqing said: "Catherine, you are standing guard outside. If there are wolf thieves who come out of my God of Killing Domain, you can deal with them directly."

"Okay, hubby, don't worry, I will guard the outside." Catherine nodded in response.

Then, Yuan Changqing entered the realm of the God of Killing and began to clean up these wolf thieves. Seeing this, the leader of the wolf thieves knew that if he didn't fight hard today, it seemed that he would not be able to leave.


Therefore, the leader of the wolf thieves had no choice but to give orders to his men to besiege Yuan Changqing.

The wolf thieves themselves have the wind attribute, so the speed of these wolf thieves is generally relatively fast. However, now that they are enveloped by the Killing God Domain, their thinking and speed have also slowed down due to the murderous aura in the domain.

The leader of the wolf bandits is also of a relatively high level, so he can still persist until now. However, as time goes by, Yuan Changqing feels that even if the leader of the wolf bandits is of a relatively high level, he will definitely not be able to persist for long.

Facing the siege of the wolf thieves, he saw countless wolf claws grabbing at Yuan Changqing's body. Yuan Changqing also relied on his strength to flexibly avoid these wolf claws and began to use a forging hammer to fight back against the wolf thieves.

The leader of the wolf thieves roared angrily and joined the attack. Its wolf claws also grabbed the forging hammer, and sparks could be seen from the collision.

Although there are a large number of these wolf thieves, facing the suppression of Yuan Changqing's strength level, no matter how many they are, it will not help. Moreover, there is also the Killing God Realm that suppresses these wolf thieves. In the end, their fate is that they will all be killed by Yuan Changqing. solved.

After Yuan Changqing dealt with these wolf thieves and put away the God of Death Domain, Catherine saw that none of the corpses of the wolf thieves inside were complete, and the scene was extremely bloody.

After Wang Yuyan heard that there was no movement from Yuan Changqing, she asked: "Brother Changqing, sister Catherine, how are you doing over there? Have all those wolf thieves been dealt with?"

Catherine replied: "Sister Yuyan, we have all been dealt with. None of these wolf thieves have escaped. You can tell the villagers that everyone is safe now."

Later, Yuan Changqing also went to check the body of the wolf bandit leader to see if he could find the soul bone. However, Yuan Changqing was disappointed. The wolf bandit leader had no soul bone. It seemed that this was the fate of the protagonist!

After Yuan Changqing completed the inspection, he saw Wang Yuyan and the village chief coming with the villagers.

Many villagers couldn't help but started vomiting when they saw the bloody scene of wolves stealing corpses. The villagers had never seen such a scene in their lives, so they couldn't adapt to it for a while. Can be forgiven.

Yuan Changqing didn't say anything about this. When he was in the killing city, Yuan Changqing also experienced this, so he knew very well how these villagers felt now.

Moreover, even Wang Yuyan and Catherine looked very uncomfortable now, let alone the villagers.

After waiting for a while, Yuan Changqing said to the village chief: "Village chief, please arrange for some villagers to prepare some firewood now and burn the bodies of these wolf thieves later. Otherwise, it will easily cause viruses to breed and cause plague. This is a price your village cannot afford."

After hearing Yuan Changqing's words, the village chief nodded repeatedly and said, "Okay, Master Soul Master, let's prepare firewood right now."

Afterwards, he called a few men to prepare firewood.

Yuan Changqing saw the condition of these villagers at this time and knew that it was unrealistic for them to clean up the corpses of the wolf thieves, so he had no choice but to help others and started to gather all the corpses together, waiting for the firewood prepared by the village chief. .

Not long after, the village chief and a few men came over with firewood. Yuan Changqing asked him to put the firewood in a circle around the corpses of the wolf thieves, and then lit a fire directly to burn the corpses of the wolf thieves. Burned.

This time the wolf bandits attacked, many people died in the village, and the villagers were busy until dawn to clean up the village.

At the village chief's house, Yuan Changqing originally planned to ask the village chief to take him to find Shouhou's father today, but then he thought about it and decided to wait a little longer. Today, the village would need to deal with the funeral affairs of the deceased, so Yuan Changqing planned to Stop in the village for now.

In the evening, many people came to the village chief's house. They all came to thank Yuan Changqing and the others. If it were not for Yuan Changqing and the others, their village might no longer exist.

The village chief said: "Master Soul Master, thank you very much this time. Otherwise, we might have died in the hands of those wolf thieves."

"Yes, yes, thank you three soul masters."


Seeing these villagers say thank you to each other, Yuan Changqing was also filled with emotion. Although these villagers did not live a good life, they were very simple at heart.

Yuan Changqing also said: "Villagers don't have to keep thanking you. It's just the right time. We happened to stay at the village chief's place. Since we have encountered him, we will naturally not stand idly by if we can help within our capabilities."

"Master Soul Master, I still have to thank you for this. Although we can't give you anything good to thank you, if we don't even have a word of thanks, then wouldn't the people in our village have no conscience! "

After hearing this, Yuan Changqing had no choice but to say: "Okay, I have received your thanks. You don't have to keep thanking me anymore. It's too late now. You all should go back and rest!"

After the villagers left, the village chief said: "Master Soul Master, this time is really thanks to you three adults. I really don't know how to thank you!"

"Okay, village chief, I already told you that you don't need to thank me anymore. This is just a piece of cake for us." Yuan Changqing said helplessly when he saw that the village chief was still thanking him.

Then, Yuan Changqing asked again: "Village chief, do wolf thieves often appear here?"

The village chief nodded and said: "Yes, but this is the first time our village has encountered it. However, I have also heard some rumors about wolf bandits from the city. It is said that many villages have been massacred. If not this time There are three adults in the village, so we may not be able to escape the fate of being massacred."

Yuan Changqing nodded and asked: "Didn't the Tiandou Empire organize manpower to encircle and suppress those wolf thieves? Isn't it frightening to be constantly harmed by wolf thieves?"

The village chief sighed and added: "At the beginning, we also carried out several rounds of encirclement and suppression of the wolf thieves, and many of them were killed."

"However, those wolf thieves later became cunning, and it became more difficult to encircle and suppress them. Therefore, the subsequent results were not very great. It is said that those wolf thieves came and went like the wind, and ordinary soldiers could not catch up with them at all, and those wolf thieves also I don’t know where it is hidden, and when the soul masters looked for it, they had long since disappeared. Therefore, since the wolf thieves appeared, many places have suffered."

After Yuan Changqing heard this, he felt deeply helpless. Those officials in the Tiandou Empire did not regard the common people at the bottom as human beings at all.

Yuan Changqing thought in his heart that if he encounters those wolf thieves again in the future, he must kill them all to avoid harming others.

Catherine and Wang Yuyan were both curious about how the wolf bandit appeared.

Wang Yuyan asked: "Brother Changqing, how did those wolf thieves appear? Why haven't you heard of them before?"

Regarding the wolf thief, Yuan Changqing must be clear about it, so he spoke out and said: "I'm not too sure how the wolf thief came from. However, it is said that the wind demon wolf turned into a human after reaching 100,000 years. Later, he married a human woman and gave birth to offspring. However, when he awakened his martial soul, the martial soul mutated and turned into a wolf thief. Originally, the Gale Demon Wolf was a cruel and bloodthirsty soul beast. After becoming a wolf thief, , these characteristics were inherited.”

"As for the origin of the other type of wolf bandit, the former type of wolf bandit specializes in capturing human women and using those women to give birth to their offspring. As a result, the number of wolf bandits has become more and more, resulting in the current wolf Robbery is rampant.”

"And, as far as I know, these wolf thieves usually appear in a group at the same time, and there are quite a few of them."

"These are the origins of the wolf thieves that I have learned about. Whether they are true or not is not something I can know."

"Ah, I didn't expect these wolf thieves to be so hateful. The Tiandou Empire didn't think of a way to eliminate them all."

Yuan Changqing sneered: "Those people don't care about the life and death of the people at the bottom. If you count on them, you don't know how long it will take."

Then, he said: "Okay, let's not say that this wolf bandit is gone. If we encounter wolf bandits again in the future, we will just eliminate them."

Catherine also said: "Yes, if we meet in the future, come and kill one, come and kill a group."


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