Douluo's Blue Silver Family

Chapter 149 Promotion

Catherine and Wang Yuyan were surprised when they heard Yuan Changqing say that after the plant-type soul beast was sacrificed, a seed was left behind in the end. Maybe even other people on Douluo Continent would find it incredible. They didn't expect the plant-type soul beast to be sacrificed. Soul beasts can still survive in this way.

As far as Yuan Changqing knows, generally, the soul can be preserved when a soul beast is sacrificed. As long as the body is not harmed, then it only needs to meet certain conditions before it can be resurrected again.

It's just that plant-type soul beasts have an advantage over other soul beasts in that they can slowly re-grow on their own, which is much more likely to be resurrected than beast-type soul beasts.

Catherine asked: "Is this still possible? I just don't know if the seeds can be left behind after the golden lotus is sacrificed."

Yuan Changqing also thought of what Catherine said. This golden lotus was born with the element of gold. It is somewhat special than other plant-based soul beasts.

So, Yuan Changqing said: "We will know if we ask the golden lotus!"

Catherine nodded and said, "Indeed, you have to ask clearly."

Wang Yuyan asked at this time: "Sister Catherine, did Jin Lian really say that you can advance as long as you absorb the soul power of these gold elements here?"

"Well, that's what Jin Lian said, but now I can't guarantee it myself, hehe." Catherine thought that she might not be far away from being promoted to a titled Douluo, and she smiled unconsciously.

Also, I feel even happier when I think that I might still be able to advance to Titled Douluo ahead of Yuan Changqing.

Originally, Catherine's soul power level had always been much higher than Yuan Changqing's, but later Yuan Changqing slowly caught up with him. At this stage of leaving the title Douluo, it is very likely that he would reach it before him. , which made Catherine a little depressed.

However, I didn't expect that this time I would have the opportunity to reach the Title Douluo one step ahead of Yuan Changqing. I was happy just thinking about it.

Although this was not about being competitive, they were a family after all, but for some reason, Catherine couldn't help but feel happy just thinking about being able to reach the title Douluo before Yuan Changqing.

Wang Yuyan added: "That's great. In this case, wouldn't our family have a titled Douluo? This will make our family even more powerful."

Yuan Changqing also said: "Yes, now our family has top-level combat power, which can better ensure the continuation of the family. Look, among the top forces on Douluo Continent, which one does not have a titled Douluo sitting in charge, waiting for Catherine? After becoming a Titled Douluo, we can speak with more confidence, right?"

Catherine smiled and said: "Hahaha, what you said makes me a little embarrassed. You should wait until I become a titled Douluo before congratulating me. But, hubby, how long will it take for you to reach the title?"

Yuan Changqing shook his head and said: "Perhaps we can reach it during our travels this time. By then our family may also be a double Douluo sect, just like the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect."

"However, it's useless for us to think so much now. Let's wait until Catherine completes your promotion here."


In the next two months, Catherine has been practicing hard here, while Yuan Changqing and Wang Yuyan are doing logistical support.

Because of the rich soul power of the gold element here, this is like a tonic for Catherine. She can also better understand the characteristics of the gold element here, which also plays a key role in breaking through to the Titled Douluo. .

Therefore, after two months of training, Catherine quickly reached level 90 quasi-titled Douluo.

Catherine came to Yuan Changqing and said: "Husband, I have reached level 90."

Hearing what Catherine said, Yuan Changqing looked surprised and said, "Really, that's great. Catherine, when are you going to accept Jinlian's sacrifice?"

Wang Yuyan also looked happy and said: "Sister Catherine, congratulations, you will soon become a titled Douluo."

"Haha, sister Yuyan, we are all happy together." Catherine said to Wang Yuyan with a smile.

Then, he said to Yuan Changqing: "Husband, I still need to consolidate my soul power. It may only take a few days before I can accept Jinlian's sacrifice."

Yuan Changqing nodded and said: "Okay, let's ask Jin Lian first."

Later, Yuan Changqing and Wang Yuyan followed Catherine to Jinlian's place.

Catherine used her mental power to ask Jinlian: "Jinlian, I have reached level 90 now. I wonder what you should pay attention to when you sacrifice to me?"

At this time, Jin Lian heard a voice of surprise after Catherine's breakthrough, and said: "Okay, there is nothing to pay attention to. It is relatively easy to absorb the sacrificed soul ring."

Catherine asked again: "Then how do you need me to help you after you offer your sacrifice?"

Jin Lian responded: "After I sacrifice myself to you, I will leave a seed in the end. There will be half of my soul in it, but it will be temporarily asleep, and the other half of my soul will be in the one hundred thousand year old seed." Inside the soul ring."

"So, I need you to help me plant the seeds in a place full of soul power or metal elements. When my seeds grow golden lotuses again, I will wake up and you can put my other half in the soul ring. The soul has been transferred."

Catherine nodded and said, "Okay, I will help you find a good place."

Jin Lian asked: "Then when will you be ready to accept my sacrifice?"

"Just wait a few more days. I have just made a breakthrough. I will take advantage of these few days to consolidate the newly improved soul power." Catherine replied.

Then, Yuan Changqing and the others left here and came to the main hall outside.

Catherine told her what she had said to Jin Lian.

After listening, Yuan Changqing said: "That's pretty much what Jin Lian said about the sacrifice. However, it is a hundred thousand year soul ring after all. The soul power inside is too huge. Although it is much easier to absorb, Jin Lian still has Half of your soul is still there, so you should pay more attention."

"Finally, you should consolidate your soul power in the past few days and calm down."


Catherine sat cross-legged next to Golden Lotus, preparing to accept the sacrifice from Golden Lotus.

Jin Lian finally said: "I'm going to start."

Catherine was also ready at this time and said: "Jinlian, come on, help me become a titled Douluo."

At this time, the golden lotus body began to glow with golden white light, and the light became stronger and stronger.


A red beam of light stood up and fell on Catherine. This was the huge soul power generated when the Golden Lotus was sacrificed. Then, a red soul ring slowly appeared and wrapped around Catherine.

Because a sacrificial soul ring will not explode in soul power like a soul ring produced by hunting a soul beast, a sacrificial soul ring slowly transfers the soul power, so it is much easier to absorb.

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