Douluo's Blue Silver Family

Chapter 156 Bibi Dong arrives

In the Wuhun Hall, after receiving Yuan Changqing's letter, Bibi Dong arranged things in the Pope's Hall, and rushed towards Hanhai City with Ju Douluo, Ghost Douluo and other confidants.

After arriving in Hanhai City, Bibi Dong first went to Hanhai City's Wuhun Branch Hall to settle down, and then went to find Yuan Changqing alone.

In the hotel room, the atmosphere was a bit awkward after Catherine, Wang Yuyan and Bibi Dong saw each other.

At this time, Yuan Changqing had no choice but to introduce them to the three of them, so that they were officially acquainted.

After all, Wang Yuyan was Yuan Changqing's first wife. Seeing that she was a little uncomfortable here, she said, "Brother Changqing, please go out for a while. Sister Catherine and I want to talk to His Majesty the Pope."

Suddenly, Yuan Changqing felt relieved and left here quickly.

After Yuan Changqing left, Catherine asked: "His Majesty the Pope, he has not made it clear about you and my husband. So, what did you say and what are your plans?"

Bibi Dong said: "You should call me Bibi Dong. In fact, it is an accident that Changqing and I can be together. Something happened at that time that brought us together, and it was also my initiative. "

Bibi Dong also told her everything about what happened to Yuan Changqing in the Killing City. When it came to what happened to Yuan Changqing, Catherine and Wang Yuyan's expressions became weird. They looked at each other and didn't know what to say. What.

Then, Bibi Dong added: "As for the future plans, I also told Changqing that our relationship will remain as it is for the time being and will not be made public."

Catherine asked: "Did you make such a decision because of your position as the Pope?"

Bibi Dong shook her head and said: "Chang Qing actually persuaded me to give up the position of Pope, but I have a reason why I have to sit in the position of Pope, so this is the only way I can do it now."

She looked into Wang Yuyan's eyes, nodded, and then Catherine said: "You are already the Pope, and you are still willing to follow your husband like this. We will not stop you. We can also accept your existence. We just hope that you will not use Wuhun If there is trouble in the palace, please guide my husband here."

Bibi Dong nodded and said: "Don't worry, I'm not that stupid. Although I am the Pope of Wuhun Palace, Wuhun Palace is Wuhun Palace, and I am me. Moreover, wait until I finish my work in Wuhun Palace." When it’s over, I will step down as pope.”

Bibi Dong's words basically made Catherine and Wang Yuyan accept her, and then they started chatting about other topics.

Bibi Dong asked: "Catherine, I didn't expect that you are also a titled Douluo!"

Catherine said: "I still can't compare with you. You are a titled Douluo at such a young age. You must be the youngest titled Douluo in the history of Douluo Continent."

"Hahaha, the youngest titled Douluo in Douluo Continent is Haotian Douluo Tang Hao, not me!" Bibi Dong said jokingly.

"Hehe, Bibi Dong, what you said was uploaded by Douluo Continent. However, you are truly the youngest titled Douluo, but everyone doesn't know it." Wang Yuyan also said with a smile.

Catherine affirmed: "That's right, Tang Hao was only circulated in the Douluo Continent, and everyone thought he was the youngest titled Douluo on the Douluo Continent. Bibi Dong, if you make it public, it will definitely make people in Douluo Continent People are even more shocked.”

Bibi Dong shook her head and said: "I'll forget it, it's better to keep a little bit of mystery. Moreover, although I haven't made it public, those big forces should also know the age at which I became a titled Douluo. So, this There is no difference between whether it is public or not."

Catherine and Wang Yuyan also nodded, expressing their approval. Indeed, if those forces did not even have this intelligence capability, they would have been destroyed countless times.

When Yuan Changqing saw Catherine and the three girls again, they were talking and laughing, and they were much closer. Suddenly, the worries in his heart were relieved.

They were afraid that they would not be able to get along harmoniously. Although Catherine and Wang Yuyan had their opinions, they would not make Yuan Changqing too embarrassed.

Yuan Changqing was most worried about Bibi Dong. After all, her personality was much stronger. In addition, after becoming the Pope of Wuhun Palace, her power became even greater. If she was afraid that she would speak in the tone of the Pope, it would be a direct blow.

When Yuan Changqing saw that the three women could get along harmoniously, he put down his worries. It seemed that Bibi Dong was still very good to him and knew how to get along with Catherine and Wang Yuyan.

After seeing Yuan Changqing, Catherine said: "Husband, you have passed the test this time. If you dare to do it again, we three sisters will definitely let you experience an unforgettable experience."

After Yuan Changqing heard this, he was happy, and then, like a coward, he said with a smile: "My three wives, don't worry, it won't happen anymore. You are enough, I promise."

Wang Yuyan also said: "Brother Changqing, you have said this before, but this time we will forgive you, but you must remember your promise."

Bibi Dong also joined in and said: "I firmly agree. From now on, we three sisters will be an offensive and defensive alliance. You'd better not do it again, otherwise, hum! So, we decided happily."

Soon the three Bibi Dong women reached a unanimous decision, and Yuan Changqing was not allowed to refute.

Then, Bibi Dong began to ask some questions about the location of the scroll.

Yuan Changqing also briefly talked to Bibi Dong and asked, "Dong'er, when are you going to set off?"

Bibi Dong said: "Let's wait a few days so that I can arrange for the Wuhun Palace personnel to prepare ships and living supplies for sea use. Once these are ready, we can set off."

Yuan Changqing nodded and said: "That's good. If you are well prepared, you won't have anything to worry about."

After discussing this, Bibi Dong and Yuan Changqing had a meal together and then returned to the Wuhun Branch Hall in Hanhai City to make arrangements for their trip to sea.

In the following days, Bibi Dong came to Yuan Changqing again until the day of departure, and Yuan Changqing also experienced days of pain and joy, which was so cool.

Demon Soul Island.

When Yuan Changqing and his party set foot here again, there were many more people. Except for the three people on Yuan Changqing's side, the people who came to Wuhun Palace this time were all highly capable people to ensure the success of this soul hunt.

On the way to Demon Soul Island, Bibi Dong also introduced Ju Douluo and Ghost Douluo to Yuan Changqing and the others.

What surprised Ju Douluo and Ghost Douluo was that they didn't expect Pope Bibi Dong to have such powerful friends. Moreover, this time he also helped Bibi Dong find two soul beasts that were at least one hundred thousand years old.

What's even more surprising is that Bibi Dong and Yuan Changqing seem to have a very close relationship. The relationship is not simple.

Of course, these were just the inner thoughts of Ju Douluo and Ghost Douluo, and they did not dare to ask these thoughts out.

After everyone arrived on the island, Yuan Changqing said: "The black mist here was released by the Soul-Eating Demonic Chapter, and according to my estimation, its strength is very powerful."

Bibi Dong said: "Let's go check on the situation of the two soul beasts first, and then we'll discuss what to do."

Afterwards, Yuan Changqing led everyone into the somewhat dilapidated building and went underground from the entrance.

As soon as everyone entered the underground, they could see a spider soul beast locked there by a chain.

Yuan Changqing said: "This spider soul beast is trapped by chains, and these chains are also quite special. You can also take a look at the soul guidance formation carved on the ground. The energy source of this soul guidance formation is through the chains. Links This hundred thousand year old spider soul beast is here.”

Bibi Dong said: "This spider soul beast is called the Poisonous Blue Water Spider. It is a water-type spider. It is very rare. I didn't expect to encounter one here."

Yuan Changqing said: "So it's called the Poisonous Blue Water Spider. Why don't I recognize it?"

Bibi Dong smiled and said: "For the soul masters in the mainland, they may rarely know that there is such a spider soul beast. It is also because I am a spider-type martial soul that I know more about it."

After Yuan Changqing learned that the name of this spider was the poisonous blue water spider, he looked at this arrangement and thought of a possibility.

So, Yuan Changqing asked: "Your Majesty the Pope, since this spider is called the poisonous blue water spider, its toxicity must not be ordinary!"

Now the relationship between Yuan Changqing and Bibi Dong is not easy to expose, so the two people are called the same as others.

Bibi Dong nodded and said: "Yes, not only that, its soul power also contains poison. Yuan Changqing, you mean, this poisonous blue water spider is locked here. In addition to providing the energy of the soul guidance formation, In addition, it is also spreading the poison in its soul power to the sealed soul beast?"

Yuan Changqing replied: "Yes, I do have this conjecture. Think about it, why didn't the people who sealed this place before kill the Soul-Eating Demonic Chapter? I think in addition to not being sure to kill it, there may be losses for both sides. There is no danger, so we can only seal the soul-eating magic seal here."

"Furthermore, from the fact that the Soul-Eating Magic Medal has the word "soul-eating" in it, we know it is not simple. Also, everyone should also know that this Soul-Eating Devil Medal is not popular with those sea soul beasts in the sea. Sea Soul Beast."

Bibi Dong said: "Indeed, now we have to see how much strength the Soul-Eating Demonic Chapter has left."

Yuan Changqing added: "Judging from the way it can be sealed, and the need to use a hundred thousand-year-old poisonous blue water spider as an energy source, the strength of the Soul-Eating Demonic Chapter should not be what ordinary titled Douluo can handle. It should be hundreds of thousands of years old!"

Bibi Dong nodded and said: "Then it seems that we have to deal with the Soul-Eating Demonic Chapter first before we can go back and deal with this poisonous blue water spider."

"Yes, if you don't deal with the Soul-Eating Demonic Chapter first, if it still has a lot of strength left, it will easily get away." Yuan Changqing responded.

Then, Bibi Dong made a decision: "Okay, let's discuss how to solve the Soul-Eating Magic Chapter later."

Everyone also nodded and started discussing.

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