Douluo's Blue Silver Family

Chapter 162 Refining the Soul Ring

After Yuan Changqing finished building the Five Elements Furnace, he was ready to start refining the soul rings for himself and his family.

Moreover, Yuan Changqing planned to come first to see if his method of refining the soul ring could be realized.

This time Yuan Changqing planned to complete this refinement of his own origins at night. In addition to temporarily setting up a five-element formation, because it was done directly in the family treasure land, the three formations in the treasure land also needed Fully open.

At night, you can also draw down the power of the stars. The power of the stars is also the essence of heaven and earth, which can be absorbed directly.

In the Treasure Land of Seven Stars and Moon, Yuan Changqing also explained to everyone.

Yuan Changqing said: "After I enter the Five Elements Furnace, you will activate the formation. Then, Catherine, help me activate the Five Elements Furnace and keep the Five Elements Furnace running."

Everyone also nodded, and then Catherine said: "Don't worry, husband, but if you feel something wrong in the Five Elements Furnace, you must come out in time!"

Wang Yuyan also said: "Yes, brother Changqing, if it doesn't work this time, we will just find another way."

Catherine and Wang Yuyan were also worried, so they brought it up first, and the family members present also nodded in agreement.

Yuan Changqing nodded and said: "Don't worry, it will definitely work."

Why is Yuan Changqing so sure? That's because Yuan Changqing thought of the performance of Tang San's small group after participating in the Divine Examination. Coupled with the power of faith contributed by Yuan Changqing and Lan Yincao, he was so sure.

After Yuan Changqing entered the Five Elements Furnace, Catherine and the others opened the Bagua Array, the Yin and Yang Five Planets, the Chenjian Array, and the Ice and Fire Array in turn, plus the Five Elements Array that Yuan Changqing temporarily arranged to specifically guide the Five Elements elements.

I saw a huge Bagua pattern emerging from the Seven Stars and Moon Treasure Land, which carried the Yin and Yang Five Planets Chenjian Formation and the Ice and Fire Array, and the temporarily arranged Five Elements Formation also surrounded the outside of the Bagua Pattern.

The Five Elements Furnace was placed in this huge pattern, and Catherine also started to activate the Five Elements Furnace.

After Catherine activated the Five Elements Stove, the stove also began to light up. This time, unlike alchemy, flames were needed, and soul power was directly used as an accelerant.

After the Five Elements Furnace was activated, the spirit gathering array above also began to absorb energy from the outside, especially the energy of the Five Elements. The Ice and Fire Dragon King's soul bone was also activated by the soul guidance array in the furnace, drawing out the divine power in the soul bone.

Yuan Changqing himself was tempered by the Ice and Fire Eyes, and there were not so many impurities in his body. However, he later added a soul ring. Therefore, this time of refining also completely removed the impurities remaining in the soul ring. Clean out the necessary impurities.

Therefore, Yuan Changqing has no feeling for the divine power of ice and fire. It may be that when Catherine and the others come to refine it, it will become a little stronger when they are refined by the divine power of ice and fire.

As the divine power of ice and fire poured into the body, it was constantly washing away each of Yuan Changqing's soul rings, and the five elements were assisting in the washing. I saw that some black gas was constantly emerging from those soul rings, and impurities were also being eliminated from the body. .

Among these impurities, there are not only impurities produced by the body itself, but also the origin left by the soul beast corresponding to the soul ring that cannot be integrated with the martial soul. When these things are continuously removed from the soul ring and body, Yuan Changqing can also obviously I feel that my body is lighter, and the soul ring fits the martial soul better than before. How can I put it, it feels like the soul ring is a part of the martial soul.

Originally, Yuan Changqing planned to use the power of faith, but now it seems that he doesn't want to use it. However, it is an unexpected surprise that Catherine and the others can use it.

After Yuan Changqing felt that the impurities had been removed, he said, "Catherine, there is no need to activate the soul power anymore. I have completed the refining of the soul ring."

Then, when he opened the lid of the Five Elements Stove, Yuan Changqing jumped out.

After seeing Yuan Changqing, Catherine asked: "Husband, how come you completed the refining so quickly?"

Others also looked over, and Yuan Changqing explained: "I also forgot before that my body had been tempered in the eyes of the Ice and Fire Liangyi before, and the energy in the eyes of the Ice and Fire Liangyi was also formed by the divine power of the Ice and Fire Dragon King. At that time, it was The impurities in the soul ring I attached before have been removed, so I can complete the soul ring refining so quickly this time."

Catherine nodded and said: "So that's it. Let me tell you, how could it happen so fast!"

Yuan Changqing said: "Catherine, let's strike while the iron is hot. You should also start to refine your soul power. I will help you outside."

"Okay, come on then, husband, you'd better tell me what you need to pay attention to first." Catherine asked again.

Yuan Changqing replied: "My situation is very different from yours. You also know that I have tempered my body in the eyes of the Ice and Fire Liangyi before, so the divine power in the soul bone of the Ice and Fire Dragon King is not that great." Big feeling.”

"However, you may be different, so you must persevere when refining the soul ring, because now with the synthesis of the five elements, you can also withstand the refining of divine power, but there is some pain. definitely."

Catherine nodded and said: "Then there is no problem, husband, let's start now!"

Later, Catherine also entered the Five Elements Furnace, and Yuan Changqing also began to activate the Five Elements Furnace to help Catherine refine her soul ring.

After the ice and fire dragon king's soul bones emerged with divine power, Catherine felt the power of the ice and fire divine power. It was indeed not so easy to bear. Fortunately, the power of the five elements was constantly integrating the ice and fire divine power. Otherwise, Catherine would not have known how to Can't hold on.

As Catherine's soul rings were refined one by one, she could also feel the difference between the refined soul rings and the unrefined soul rings. Sure enough, the refined soul rings became more like fingers. The arm worked.

However, when it came to the ninth soul ring, an accident occurred. Catherine's ninth soul ring was sacrificed by a hundred thousand-year-old golden lotus soul beast. The soul ring still retained a golden lotus-like soul. This time it was refined. Soul rings are originally meant to clear away the useless origins of the soul beasts in the soul rings, and the same goes for souls.

Catherine didn't know what to do for a moment. If this was the case, Jin Lian's soul would be directly destroyed and cleared.

So, Catherine asked aloud: "Husband, something happened when I was refining my ninth soul ring. There was still half of Jin Lian's soul in it. If I refining the soul ring, Jin Lian's soul would also be cleared. , what should we do?"

Yuan Changqing thought for a while, and the ice and fire eyes were more suitable for plant growth. Besides, the golden lotus was originally a hundred thousand year old soul beast, and the seeds left behind might be a chance this time!

Yuan Changqing immediately stopped activating the soul power of the Five Elements Furnace and replied: "Catherine, wait a moment, we will help you get the seeds of the Golden Lotus."

Afterwards, Yuan Changqing said to Wang Yuyan: "Yuyan, go and get the golden lotus seeds that Catherine planted."


After Wang Yuyan responded, she took the golden lotus seeds and handed them to Yuan Changqing.

Then, Yuan Changqing opened the furnace cover, handed it to Catherine, and immediately closed the Five Elements furnace again.

Yuan Changqing added: "Catherine, the divine power of ice and fire helps plants grow. Later, you can put the golden lotus seeds on the divine power of ice and fire. Maybe the golden lotus seeds will germinate quickly, and you can put the golden lotus seeds in your soul ring. The golden lotus soul was transferred there."

This golden lotus is also smart. It has arranged its soul in advance. Half of it is in the seed, usually in the soul ring. Although it will fall into a deep sleep, it is also a double insurance.

If the golden lotus seed is destroyed, won't there still be souls in the soul ring? If Catherine can become a god, won't she be able to be resurrected, and vice versa?

Unlike Ah Yin, when he sacrificed it to Tang Hao, he didn't think so much about it. There wasn't much soul in the seed left behind, and the soul in the soul ring also fell into a deep sleep. If it weren't for Tang San, a good son , whether it can be resurrected in the future is still a question mark!

Of course, there are also people like Xiao Wu. After being sacrificed to Tang San, all their souls remained in the spirit ring. They were usually in a deep sleep state. However, when Tang San was in danger, he could directly take over the ten-ring. The ten-thousand-year spirit ring came out to help Tang San fight. It was like a plug-in!

Therefore, the children of the world are treated differently!

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