Douluo's Blue Silver Family

Chapter 173 Teaching Experience

After hearing what Wang Yuyan said about Liu Erlong, after thinking about it, I thought it was true. After all, Yuan Changqing and the other three were the ones leading this matter.

Yuan Changqing said: "Indeed, after all, we are responsible for this matter, so you can stay in Tiandou City. After Flanders comes, it won't be too late for me to go to Wuhun City."

Wang Yuyan said: "That's fine. You tricked Flanders into coming to Tiandou City. If you went to Wuhun City first, we wouldn't know what to say."

Shrek Academy.

"Flanders, I have an urgent letter from you." After receiving the letter from the courier and knowing that it was an urgent letter, Zhao Wuji shouted directly on the school playground.

When Flanders heard that there was an urgent letter, he was also confused, but he still spread out the wings of the cat eagle spirit and flew to the playground from the window of the principal's office on the second floor.

Flender quickly asked: "Old Zhao, where did this urgent letter come from?"

Zhao Wuji said: "He came from Tiandou City, Flanders, do you still have friends in Tiandou City?"

Flanders did not answer, but said: "Old Zhao, please give me the letter first, and I will see if there is anything urgent to contact me."

After receiving the letter from Zhao Wuji, Flanders quickly opened the envelope and read the contents of the letter at a glance.

After seeing Yuan Changqing's letter, Flanders read the contents and became extremely anxious.

After seeing these contents, his expression changed drastically, and he became more and more anxious.

After Zhao Wuji saw Flanders's expression, he quickly asked: "Flanders, what's wrong? Did something happen?"

Flanders nodded and did not tell the specific content of the letter. He just said: "Something happened to my friend. I have to rush over now. Lao Zhao, I am leaving soon. You can tell the others later. I'll be back as soon as I'm done, and you guys should take care of the school."

Seeing that Flanders was about to leave, thinking that it must be an emergency, Zhao Wuji also said quickly: "Flanders, do you need our help?"

Thinking of what was said in the letter, Flanders shook his head and said: "If it's about other things, you might be able to help, but you really can't help with this matter. As for the specific matter, you don't want to Ask more, I won’t tell you any more, I’m leaving first.”

Before Zhao Wuji could say anything, Flanders flapped his wings and flew towards Tiandou City.

Zhao Wuji also shouted on the ground: "Flanders, if you need help, just say hello!"


Flanders' words came from the air, and his figure disappeared in an instant.

After reading Yuan Changqing's letter, Flanders immediately set off for Tiandou City, hurriedly and slowly, and finally arrived at Tiandou City.

After arriving in Tiandou City, Flanders found Yuan Changqing's home based on the address left in the letter.

When Yuan Changqing saw Flanders again and saw his haggard look, he knew that Flanders had been rushing to Tiandou City all the time.

After seeing Yuan Changqing, Flanders asked anxiously: "Brother Changqing, where is Erlong now? Can you take me to find her first?"

When Yuan Changqing saw Flanders's appearance, he knew that it might be because the content in the letter was too exaggerated, causing Flanders to lose some sense of proportion.

Yuan Changqing had no choice but to say: "Fland, you don't have to worry. Looking at your appearance, you'd better take a rest first, and then I'll take you to find Liu Erlong!"

And when Flanders thought about how miserable Liu Erlong was in the letter, he couldn't even afford to rest.

Flanders pleaded: "Brother Changqing, Erlong is already like this. How can I, the eldest brother, still think about resting? Please take me to see her!"

Seeing Flanders' very anxious expression, he knew that Flanders would not be able to calm down if he didn't see Liu Erlong first, so Yuan Changqing released a little bit of the pressure of the titled Douluo and directly suppressed Flanders. Living.

Flanders also felt the strong pressure coming from Yuan Changqing. Because he was unprepared, he staggered and almost fell to the ground due to the pressure. Then, he suddenly woke up.

After seeing Flanders return to normal, Yuan Changqing said: "Flanders, you really don't have to be so anxious. After I finish explaining the cause of the matter, if you still insist on going to Liu Erlong, I won't I advise you again.”

After Flanders felt the pressure just now, he knew that Yuan Changqing was now a strong man at the title level.

The difference in level also caused a change in identity, so Flanders bowed respectfully to Yuan Changqing, and then said: "Your Majesty, it was Flanders who lost his temper just now."

Yuan Changqing also waved his hand and said: "Flanders, you don't have to be so strict. You can just call me Changqing or Brother Changqing."

Flender shook his head and said: "Your Majesty, this is not good, you are now a strong man at the level of Titled Douluo, and you still have to have the proper attitude."

Yuan Changqing added: "Hey, it's okay. We are all friends. How it was before is how it is now. Flanders, you don't have to argue anymore, it's just decided."

Seeing what Yuan Changqing said, Flanders nodded and said, "Then Flanders will have the audacity to call you Brother Changqing, but from now on in public, I'll still call you Your Majesty!"

Yuan Changqing also nodded in agreement, and then said: "Actually, asking you to come to Tiandou City this time is not as serious as what the letter said, it is just a bit exaggerated."

Yuan Changqing's words made Flanders a little confused, and then he asked: "Brother Changqing, is there really nothing wrong with Erlong?"

At this time, Catherine interjected: "Flanders, let me talk about the two dragons."

Flanders said again: "Madam, please speak."

Catherine continued: "Er Long is now emotionally injured because of Yu Xiaogang and has been unable to get out. He looks depressed every day, as if he has lost his color in life. Moreover, now Er Long Because of this, Long’s strength has almost stopped growing.”

"So, sister Yuyan and I also wanted to help Erlong, but there was no good way. Therefore, we thought about your relationship with Erlong and saw if you could do anything, so we wrote you a letter. However, the content in the letter may be a bit exaggerated.”

After hearing what Catherine said, Flanders felt a lot more relieved.

Flanders thanked him: "Thank you very much. If you hadn't written to me, I wouldn't have known that Erlong had been in such pain these past few years."

Yuan Changqing also said: "Flanders, there is a reason why we asked you to come."

Flanders asked: "Brother Changqing, is there something else going on here?"

Yuan Changqing nodded and said: "Yes, we still know something about you and Liu Erlong. As for the current situation, Catherine also told the situation just now, and you have understood it."

"So, Liu Erlong has been unable to come out because of Yu Xiaogang. As a sworn brother, you still have some responsibilities."

Flanders was even more confused and asked: "Brother Changqing, what is this statement?"

Yuan Changqing said again: "Flender, let me ask you a question first. Since you like Liu Erlong, why didn't you fight for it?"

Flanders replied: "Brother Changqing, maybe you also know that in the Golden Iron Triangle, since Erlong and Xiaogang both have feelings for each other, as their eldest brother, sometimes it's hard for me to fight over anything. We can only fulfill them.”

Yuan Changqing nodded and said: "You are obviously a good big brother by doing this, but you have also experienced what happened next, so you shouldn't back down at this time!"

Flender added: "Brother Changqing, if I do this, wouldn't it be unjust to my brother?"

Yuan Changqing shook his head and said: "You are wrong to think so. Liu Erlong and Yu Xiaogang are brothers and sisters. This is a fact. Then, you have already given in once. I think the other two people don't know it. Since In this case, why can't you fight for yourself too?"

"Also, Yu Xiaogang knew that he couldn't be with Liu Erlong. If he still wants to prevent you from being with Liu Erlong, then, how much friendship do you think Yu Xiaogang has for you?"

After listening to what Yuan Changqing said, Flanders also felt that it made sense. There was no reason for him to give up once. Now that he had the opportunity, he didn't even know how to fight for himself!

So, Flanders asked again: "Brother Changqing, do you mean that I should pursue Erlong now?"

Yuan Changqing nodded and said: "Yes, if you successfully chase Liu Erlong, not only can Liu Erlong get out of that sad place, but you, Flanders, can also hold the beauty in his arms. Isn't this a killing two birds with one stone?" Is there any way!"

Flanders nodded and asked again: "Brother Changqing, what should I do now? This happened all of a sudden, and I'm really at a loss now."

So, Yuan Changqing began to give instructions to Flanders and said: "First of all, you have to rest first, and then go to see Liu Erlong with a full spirit."

"The second thing is that you have to express your feelings directly to Liu Erlong. You can't delay. You have to cut through the mess quickly and directly impact Liu Erlong's heart and disrupt her inner world. This is equivalent to A breakthrough is equivalent to you directly making a deep impression on Liu Erlong."

"Finally, because Liu Erlong is still thinking about Yu Xiaogang in his heart and can't get out, you need to help Liu Erlong liberate himself from that prison."

"As for what to do, you need to have a persistent attitude, use the spirit of stalking, and often appear in front of Liu Erlong to deepen your impression in her heart and show your sincere concern."

After listening to what Yuan Changqing said, Flanders didn't expect to pursue someone like this. He felt that he had met a god, so terrifying!

However, when Catherine and Wang Yuyan heard this, they felt that Yuan Changqing had begun to fool Flanders again.

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