Faced with what Yuan Changqing said, Bibi Dong expressed some of her own thoughts.

Bibi Dong said: "Changqing, don't you feel that the current Douluo Continent is full of darkness and unfairness?"

If he heard Bibi Dong say this, Yuan Changqing would not be very surprised. However, Yuan Changqing knew that Bibi Dong was still in the test of Rakshasa God. How could he say such a thing at this time? It feels very inconsistent!

You must know that the Rakshasa God is not a god with a positive image. Could it be that he has changed his gender, or it is just to cause a war on Douluo Continent and confuse Bibi Dong.

However, no matter what, Wuhundian's plan has already begun, and it is not something that an outsider like Yuan Changqing can stop.

Therefore, Yuan Changqing shook his head and no longer cared about what Wuhun Palace would do in the end, as long as nothing happened to Bibi Dong in the future.

Yuan Changqing said: "Dong'er, what you are asking is out of line. There was no fairness in the Douluo Continent before, there is no fairness now, and there will never be fairness in the future. As long as people still have seven emotions and six desires, then these things are inevitable."

"Furthermore, even if there is fairness for a while, you can't guarantee fairness for the rest of your life, so just think about it and don't take it too seriously."

Bibi Dong said: "Changqing, I also know what you said, but I just want to build a world that can exist under fair rules as much as possible."

Yuan Changqing nodded and said: "So, your Spirit Hall has a plan that Qian Renxue will go to the Tiandou Empire to pretend to be the prince?"

Bibi Dong nodded and said, "Yes, the original candidate was not hers, but after she learned about these plans, she insisted on going."

"It seems that Qian Renxue wants to make some achievements to show you, but then again, sometimes, your personalities are somewhat similar." Yuan Changqing also replied.

Then, he said: "Dong'er, although I feel great about your ideas, I don't agree with you doing this. Of course, this is just my idea."

Bibi Dong asked: "Why? Changqing, do you think that with the strength of Wuhun Palace, there is any force on Douluo Continent that can resist it?"

Yuan Changqing finally understood why Wuhun Palace did this. One was that if Wuhun Palace succeeded, it would be able to establish a unified force and there would no longer be wars between the Tiandou Empire and the Star Luo Empire.

The other is to be able to better spread the glory of the angel god throughout the Douluo Continent.

Yuan Changqing explained: "Your Wuhun Palace is very strong. In terms of the number of titled Douluo, it will definitely surpass Douluo."

"Also, the foundation of your Spirit Hall must be the inheritance of the Angel God!"

As for the Rakshasa God Yuan Changqing did not mention it, since Bibi Dong did not say that she was taking the divine examination, it would be difficult for Yuan Changqing to expose it and embarrass her.

Bibi Dong nodded and said, "Aren't these enough?"

Yuan Changqing replied: "Dong'er, you have to know that there are not only angel gods in Douluo Continent. When we were in Hanhai City, there were legends of Poseidon everywhere. Moreover, your Spirit Hall doesn't Have you ever suffered a loss on Poseidon Island, hehe!"

What Yuan Changqing said is also reasonable. Bibi Dong asked again: "Changqing, do you have any suggestions for me?"

"When it comes to suggestions, I think Qian Renxue should be allowed to improve her strength as soon as possible, and then inherit the position of angel god." In fact, Yuan Changqing didn't have any good suggestions. After all, Wuhun Palace can completely defeat Douluo regardless of the words of those gods. Mainland.

However, it is only right to remind Bibi Dong that Qian Renxue should start the inheritance of the Angel God as soon as possible.

Then, Yuan Changqing thought of the national treasure of the Tiandou Empire: the Vast Sea Universe Shield, and felt that it was necessary to tell Bibi Dong.

So, Yuan Changqing said again: "Dong'er, I think you should ask Qian Renxue to pay attention to the national treasure of the Tiandou Empire: the Vast Sea Universe Shield. I suspect that this thing may have something to do with Poseidon."

When Yuan Changqing said this, he didn't say it with certainty, he just said it was suspicion.

Bibi Dong was shocked: "Changqing, what you said is true, are you sure?"

Yuan Changqing replied: "I just doubt it, but it can be regarded as a national treasure by the Tiandou Empire. Moreover, haven't you discovered the mystery of the name of the Vast Sea Universe Cover?"

Without waiting for Bibi Dong to speak, Yuan Changqing explained: "The word Hanhai may mean Hanhai City. The most famous thing in Hanhai City is naturally the God of Poseidon. Moreover, the word Qiankun cannot be used for just anything. The literal meaning can be understood as a world of its own.”

"Then, when the vast sea and the universe are combined, it can be understood that the vast ocean forms a world of its own, and the one who can form a world of its own in the ocean should be the Poseidon on the Douluo Continent."

Of course, these are just Yuan Changqing's explanations of the Vast Sea Universe Barrier. As long as it makes sense, it doesn't matter whether it is correct or not. Anyway, the Vast Sea Universe Barrier is originally related to the Poseidon, and it is also the key to becoming the Poseidon.

Bibi Dong nodded and said, "Okay, I'll take note of this."

Afterwards, Yuan Changqing and Bibi Dong stopped talking about Wuhun Hall. After all, this was Wuhun Hall's matter, and Bibi Dong had no intention of involving Yuan Changqing.

Yuan Changqing also knew what Bibi Dong was thinking, but he would definitely be involved in the end.

Because, if something happens to Bibi Dong, Yuan Changqing will definitely not stand idly by and will eventually be involved. It's just a matter of sooner or later.

Moreover, because of Bibi Dong, Yuan Changqing also considered directly dealing with the potential threat of Tang San first. After thinking about it, he felt that it was a bit too risky.

In the God Realm, they are definitely paying attention to Tang San. If they can't solve it at once, they will be very passive towards people like Yuan Changqing who have the advantage of being a prophet.

Therefore, in the end, Yuan Changqing felt that it was better to focus on cultivation and stop by calmness to see who can have the last laugh.

After understanding some situations in Wuhun City, Yuan Changqing stayed comfortably with Bibi Dong in Wuhun City for a few days before returning to Tiandou City.

Tiandou City, the prince's residence.

"Holy girl, there is a letter from Wuhun City." She Long took out the letter from the storage ring.

Xue Qinghe looked at the letter handed over by She Long Douluo, opened the envelope, unfolded the paper, and then read it, and then he knew it was a letter from Bibi Dong to him.

As mentioned in this letter, I still have to improve my strength first and not let my talents go to waste.

Later, the national treasure of the Tiandou Empire was mentioned: the Vast Sea Cosmic Shield. Seeing this, Xue Qinghe was also a little surprised. He did not expect that the national treasure of the Tiandou Empire might be related to Poseidon.

Thinking of the Vast Sea Universe Shield, Xue Qinghe was also a little curious. Although he knew that the Vast Sea Universe Shield was a national treasure of the Tiandou Empire, he didn't know what its use was!

Now I finally know what it is. Generally, things like this that involve gods have conditions when using them.

Although Xue Qinghe is the prince, it is not easy to get the Vast Sea Universe Cover, so he can only slowly think of ways.

After seeing Yuan Changqing return, Wang Yuyan asked: "Brother Changqing, you are back."

Yuan Changqing nodded and said: "Well, I'll be back when the things are done."

Then, he thought about Flanders and asked, "Have Flanders and Liu Erlong made any progress while I was gone?"

Wang Yuyan said: "It's not that fast. Counting the round trip to Wuhun City, it doesn't take long."

"However, Flender is now using the method you taught him to stalk Liu Erlong, and it is really effective."

Yuan Changqing asked again: "Then you didn't add fuel to the flames or anything like that!"

Catherine said: "Why not? It's just that the time is relatively short now. Maybe your method hasn't been effective yet. We can only beat the drum. In the end, it still depends on whether Flanders has a perseverance."

"Well, it seems we can only help here."

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