Douluo's Blue Silver Family

Chapter 184 The crisis is coming

After Zhu Zhuqing took the fairy grass, he not only brought evolution to his martial spirit, but also made the ghost spirit cat's martial spirit even weirder, and the aura of death contained in it became stronger.

Moreover, the quasi-soul master who has now reached level 30 in soul power can still increase his soul power by several levels as long as he attaches a soul ring.

Also, because of Manzhu Shahua, Zhu Zhuqing's two original soul skills have also been slightly changed, making them more suitable for the current Nether Civet Cat Wuhun.

Yuan Hailan was quite surprised when she heard Zhu Zhuqing say that her soul skills had also changed, because her family had all used fairy grass before, but none of them had any changes in her soul skills.

So, Yuan Hailan asked: "Zhuqing, what changes have been made to your soul skills?"

Zhu Zhuqing replied: "Brother Hailan, my first soul skill used to be Nether Thrust. I used my speed to get close to the enemy, and then used the civet claws to attack. Now the changed soul skill is called Nether Blade, and there is no need to get close to the enemy." , you can directly wave the civet's claws and issue soul-power blades with death energy to attack."

"The second soul skill was originally the Netherworld Hundred Claws. It was similar to the previous first soul skill. It also used speed to attack. It was just that after approaching the enemy, it quickly and continuously swung the civet claws to attack. The changed soul skill is called the Netherworld Ghost Claws. , This one hasn’t changed much, except that the attack strength and lethality are much greater, and the claws also have death energy.”

Yuan Hailan said: "Wow, the attack power and lethality of these two soul skills have become much stronger than before!"

Zhu Zhuqing also nodded and said: "That's true. I didn't expect that the Manzhu Shahua plant my uncle gave me would be so effective."

Yuan Hailan turned around and asked: "Dad, when we used fairy grass in the past, why didn't our soul skills change like Zhuqing did?"

Hearing this, Zhu Zhuqing also looked at Yuan Changqing with interest in his eyes.

Yuan Changqing actually had some guesses about the changes in Zhu Zhuqing's soul skills.

Therefore, Yuan Changqing explained: "Each type of fairy grass has different functions, just like the fairy grass used by your sister-in-law and cousin and their father and son. It is mainly reflected in purifying the flame, purifying the origin, and allowing the martial arts to The soul evolves the same."

"So, this is different from Zhuqing's. Originally, the Nether Civet Cat Wuhun itself was nothing because of the two additional soul rings, but the ghost aura of the Wuhun was not improved. Now after Manzhushahua's changes, Wuhun The soul evolves and the death energy increases, and this is how the soul skills change."

"And, in the final analysis, the changes in soul skills are due to the improvement of the death aura, which increases the death aura in the soul skills. In fact, to say how big a change it is, it is not that big."

Zhu Zhuqing thought about what Yuan Changqing said, and it does make sense. The current soul skills are indeed due to the increase in death aura, which makes the attack power stronger, so he feels that it has changed a lot. In fact, if the death aura is put aside, it is not much. changes.

Zhu Zhuqing also nodded and said: "After what my uncle said, and after thinking about it carefully, it is really like this."

However, Zhu Zhuqing's future soul skills will undergo great changes due to the change in the route chosen by his martial soul!

Then, Yuan Changqing said again: "Hailan, since Zhuqing's strength has now reached the point where she needs to add a soul ring, then after Zhuqing has consolidated her soul power, you can take Zhuqing to the Star Dou Forest to add a third soul ring to her. Bar!"

Yuan Hailan replied: "Well, I know dad. After Zhuqing adapts to the skyrocketing soul power in two days, I will take her to add a soul ring."

Two days later, Yuan Hailan took Zhu Zhuqing to the Star Dou Forest to obtain the soul ring.

Because Zhu Zhuqing is a third soul ring, Yuan Hailan's Soul Saint's strength is more than enough to deal with those thousand-year-old soul beasts, so he didn't call anyone else to join him.

Moreover, shortly after Yuan Hailan and Zhu Zhuqing left, Yuan Changqing also thought of something. This time they went to the Star Dou Forest, there would definitely be unrest there, so he followed them quietly.

Because, based on time, this time period happened to be the time when Shrek Academy went to help Oscar obtain the soul ring.

However, on the way, Tang San encountered a temporary bottleneck and needed to add a soul ring. Then, he met the forest overlord, the king of soul beasts, the Titan Giant Ape.

Therefore, just in case, Yuan Changqing followed Zhu Zhuqing and Yuan Hailan after they left.

On the other side, when Yuan Hailan and Zhu Zhuqing were preparing to obtain the soul ring, Oscar from Shrek Academy had also been promoted to level 30, and he also chose to go to the Star Dou Forest to obtain the soul ring the next day.

Star Forest.

Because Zhu Zhuqing's third soul ring is only a thousand-year soul ring, there is no need to go to the area of ​​ten-thousand-year soul beasts.

However, it is not that easy to find a suitable soul beast, especially now that Zhu Zhuqing's Nether Spirit Cat Spirit has chosen to take the death-type route, and the choice of soul rings is much higher than before.

After several days of searching, Yuan Hailan and Zhu Zhuqing finally found a suitable soul beast.

Yuan Hailan pointed to a tree in front of him and said: "Zhuqing, there is a death mantis in front of you. It looks like it is about 1,200 years old, which is just right for your martial spirit."

Zhu Zhuqing followed where Yuan Hailan's hand pointed and saw a death mantis spirit beast lying on the tree trunk.

Zhu Zhuqing said: "Brother Hailan, just choose this death mantis. Its attributes are just right for my martial soul attributes."

Later, Yuan Hailan did not let Zhu Zhuqing take action. Now that she was still relatively weak, it would not make much sense to take action.

After a while, when Yuan Hailan came back, he was holding a comatose death mantis soul beast in his hand.

Yuan Hailan threw the death mantis on the ground and said: "Zhuqing, kill it now. After you absorb the soul ring, we will complete the mission."


While Zhu Zhuqing was absorbing the soul ring, Shrek Academy was also helping Tang San find the soul ring.

Zhao Wuji brought the students from Shrek Academy this time to help Oscar come to the Star Forest to obtain the soul ring. On the way, they happened to meet a suitable soul beast like a crested cockscomb snake.

However, Meng Yiran and his grandson first discovered this crested crested snake, but it took advantage of its speed and ran away.

Then, they were intercepted by Zhao Wuji and others, but just when Oscar was about to kill the crested crested snake, Meng Yiran and her grandmother Snake Woman arrived in time.

In the end, the two parties agreed to have a fight over the ownership of the cockscomb, and the winner would obtain the ownership of the cockscomb.

However, Oscar had no fighting ability because he was a food-type soul master, and Tang San was about the same strength as Meng Yiran. Therefore, Tang San had no choice but to fight in Oscar's place. After a battle, Tang San finally won.

It was also because of this battle that Tang San, who was already on the verge of breaking through, was promoted to level 30. Therefore, after Oscar absorbed the spirit ring, Tang San also needed the spirit ring to break through his own spirit master level.

Later, Shrek and his team set out on the journey to help Tang San find the soul ring.

However, while helping Tang San search for the spirit ring, something unexpected happened one night while he was resting.

Zhao Wuji was also a strong man at the Soul Saint level. A powerful aura soon aroused his perception, and he knew that a powerful soul beast was approaching quickly.

So, Zhao Wuji quickly shouted: "Everyone, get up and retreat immediately. You go first, and I will stop it."

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