Douluo's Blue Silver Family

Chapter 188 Gains and Losses

Tang San's search for Xiao Wu was also full of twists and turns. On the way, he encountered a human-faced demon spider and finally killed it. Meng Yiran, his ancestors and his grandson arrived again.

Meng Yiran was also unlucky. The two soul beasts he found were both cut off by people from Shrek Academy.

This time Meng Yiran discovered that the person who killed the Man-Faced Demon Spider was the person from Shrek Academy he met before, and it was Tang San who had defeated him before.

When something like this happened again, Meng Yiran suddenly became unwilling and thought to himself: "My soul ring is gone again, so I can't use it, and neither can you."

Fortunately, Zhao Wuji arrived in time and smoothed things over. Afterwards, after a while of whispering with Long Gong Meng Shu, the problem was finally solved.

However, Meng Yiran still couldn't swallow this breath, and still proposed to compete with Tang San again. If Tang San could win, then Meng Yiran would agree to Tang San absorbing the spirit ring of the Man-Faced Demon Spider.

Later, Meng Yiran proposed a dart competition, which almost knocked Tang San off his guard. You said you were not good at anything, but you actually competed with darts. Isn't that asking for trouble!

If Meng Yiran proposed a spirit master competition at this time, Tang San would really lose because he had just fought a battle with the Man-Faced Demon Spider and didn't have much spirit power left in his body.

However, in the dart competition, didn't it play into Tang San's favour? One can imagine the result. Meng Yiran lost again. Although he was not willing to accept it, he had come up with the content of the competition, so he had no choice but to admit defeat.

After Meng Yiran and his grandson left, Tang San also began to absorb the spirit ring of the Man-Faced Demon Spider. Soon after, Xiao Wu also came over and saw the pain Tang San felt when he absorbed the spirit ring of the Man-Faced Demon Spider. Only then did he discover that the Man-Faced Demon Spider was two thousand years old, which already exceeded the maximum age of the third soul ring proposed by Master Yu Xiaogang.

However, fortunately, Tang San was a man of great luck, and in the end he managed to absorb the Man-Faced Demon Spider's spirit ring without any danger.

Not only that, but he also obtained the coveted external soul bone: the Eight Spider Spear. This external soul bone also ran through Tang San's career as a soul master.

Moreover, the ability of the Eight Spider Spears is not simple. One of them is devouring: devouring the opponent's soul power and replenishing one's own soul power consumption 100%. It can take drugs (can absorb any power and any poison) (devouring has no upper limit)

The second is speed increase: increase movement speed by 50%

The third is the physical function: powerful jumping ability (Tang San can use it to jump to a height of 100 meters when he is at the soul king level), climbing ability, and it is also very sharp and equipped with barbs. It has extremely strong attack ability and ignores any geographical factors.

From these three characteristics, we can see that the Eight Spider Spear is really a powerful soul bone. When Tang San was not strong in the early stage, the Eight Spider Spear provided him with strong support.

When Tang San saw Xiao Wu again, he was overjoyed and repeatedly promised Xiao Wu that he would protect her in the future.

Later, everyone also asked Xiao Wu how he escaped from the Titan Ape. Naturally, Xiao Wu couldn't tell the truth, so he could only pull Daming out, saying that the Titan Ape ran away after hearing a cow roar. He also took advantage of the chaos and escaped.

After Zhao Wuji and others heard this, they thought that anything could happen in the Star Forest, so they returned to Shrek Academy without asking any more questions.

On the other side, Yuan Changqing returned to Blue Silver Village after a battle with the Titan Giant Ape without staying too much in the Star Dou Forest.

After seeing Yuan Changqing return, Catherine asked: "Husband, what's wrong with you? Why do you feel that your soul power is a little unstable and your energy and blood are confused?"

Wang Yuyan also noticed it and asked: "Yes, brother Changqing, what have you been doing these days? Did you have a conflict with anyone?"

Catherine and Wang Yuyan also knew that Yuan Changqing was out these days, but they didn't know why Yuan Changqing was going. Moreover, when he went out, Yuan Changqing didn't say what he was going to do.

However, when Yuan Hailan took Zhu Zhuqing to the Star Forest, and Yuan Changqing and the two of them left, Catherine and Wang Yuyan might also have some guesses.

Yuan Changqing replied: "It's nothing. I just followed Hailan and Zhuqing to the Star Forest. I met a hundred thousand year old soul beast there and had a fight with it. I was slightly injured."

Catherine added: "You really went with Hailan and the others. No wonder when Hailan came back, he mentioned that a powerful soul beast appeared outside the Star Dou Forest. It couldn't be that one!"

Yuan Changqing also nodded and said: "Yes, that soul beast is called the Titan Giant Ape. It is also a rare and powerful soul beast race in the soul beast world. I just had a fight with it and was injured. However, The Titan Ape didn't take any advantage, so the Titan Ape and I are both losers!"

Wang Yuyan asked with concern at this time: "Brother Changqing, is your injury not serious?"

Yuan Changqing shook his head and said: "It's nothing serious. I just suffered some internal injuries during the final competition and vomited a few mouthfuls of blood. I'll be fine after a few days of training."

"Also, the reason why you see me like this now is that I have temporarily suppressed the injury and haven't healed it yet."

Wang Yuyan added: "That's good. Brother Changqing, you should hurry up and get treatment now, so as not to delay the injury for a long time and worsen the injury."


Afterwards, Yuan Changqing came to the family treasure land, which had sufficient soul power and was more conducive to Yuan Changqing's healing.

In fact, Yuan Changqing's injuries were caused by the final showdown with the Titan Giant Ape. He was injured under the huge energy impact. Fortunately, he defended himself in the end. Otherwise, the injury would have been more serious. Now he only suffered internal injuries. The foundation was not damaged.

After a few days, Yuan Changqing's injuries were almost healed. Then, Yuan Changqing was also thinking about his situation in this battle.

After some thinking, Yuan Changqing also discovered that although he could fight the Titan Giant Ape with regularity, and even with the soul bones, he did not show signs of decline, his methods were still relatively lacking, and he did not have the kind of fatal blow. trump card.

Moreover, in this battle, although the domain blessing was not used to deal with the Titan Ape, the Titan Ape was not without a domain, so this could be considered a draw.

So, what should you do if you encounter such a situation in the future? These are Yuan Changqing's advantages and disadvantages in sorting out this battle.

Yuan Changqing felt that in the days to come, he should arm himself more and see if he could start with the Blue Silver Emperor martial spirit and further develop the Blue Silver Emperor martial spirit.

You know, Yuan Changqing's martial spirit has now evolved to the Blue Silver Emperor, and he is the only emperor in the Blue Silver Grass family on Douluo Continent.

So, is it possible to use the blue silver grass all over Douluo Continent to help him fight?

Although those Bluesilver Grasses appear to be very weak individually and do not have their own thinking, there are a lot of Bluesilver Grasses. You must know that when the quantity reaches a certain amount, a quantitative change can lead to a qualitative change.

Moreover, Yuan Changqing's martial spirit Blue Silver Emperor, as the only royal family in the Blue Silver Grass family, can also command those of Blue Silver Grass through the authority of the emperor.

Therefore, Yuan Changqing had an idea, that is, is it possible for him to use the Blue Silver Emperor Spirit to control the surrounding Blue Silver Grass to form a domain-like existence when he is in a place, and control the Blue Silver Grass around him? The energy of the grass combined together can be used as a trump card against the enemy in the future!

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