Douluo's Blue Silver Family

Chapter 195 Hush Money

Zhu Zhuqing watched Yuan Hailan forcefully suppress him to the ground because of the way Dai Mubai looked at him. He felt moved in his heart and thought that he had chosen the right candidate.

Ma Hongjun saw Dai Mubai being pressed to the ground. At this moment, he was extremely scared. Thinking that Ning Rongrong was with them again, and what he had just said, he suddenly felt like a little quail. He stood there silently like a good baby and stopped talking.

The reason why Dai Mubai's martial spirit is still sensitive is because Zhu Zhuqing's martial spirit has just begun to change. Otherwise, there would be no connection between the martial spirits at all.

However, Dai Mubai did not recognize Zhu Zhuqing, but he only vaguely seemed to be acquaintance.

The reason why Yuan Hailan just pressed Dai Mubai to the ground was because of Zhu Zhuqing's consideration. Otherwise, Dai Mubai would not be so lucky, or at least he would be beaten violently.

The good mood of eating was interrupted, and Zhu Zhuqing was no longer in the mood to eat, so he said: "Brother Hailan, Rongrong, let's go!"

After finishing speaking, Zhu Zhuqing stood up and left, and Ning Rongrong followed. Yuan Hailan looked at Dai Mubai and said, "Boy, be careful next time."

After Yuan Hailan and the others left, Dai Mubai was quickly helped up by Ma Hongjun.

Ma Hongjun said: "Boss Dai, are you okay?"

At this time, Dai Mubai had a gloomy look on his face. He had lost a lot of face today, and he had lost it in front of Ma Hongjun. If it was reported to the academy, he would lose face.

So, Dai Mubai warned with a sullen face: "Ma Hongjun, if you dare to bring what happened today to the academy, see how I deal with you in the future."

Ma Hongjun looked at Dai Mubai's expression and quickly assured him: "Boss Dai, don't worry, I won't tell nonsense. You also know that I am the most loyal, honest and reliable person."

Dai Mubai nodded and said, "That's good. You'd better remember what you said."

Ma Hongjun nodded repeatedly, and then said with a smile: "But Boss Dai, look, if you want me not to tell you, do you want to give me some benefits? I still need this hush money."

Dai Mubai was really afraid that Ma Hongjun would tell him. You must know that because of the Evil Fire Phoenix, his willpower needs to be considered!

Dai Mubai asked: "Then how much hush money do you want? However, we have agreed in advance. If there is more, I don't have it!"

Hearing that there was really hush money, Ma Hongjun said with a "hehe" smile: "Boss Dai, based on what you said, based on the relationship between us, it is definitely impossible to ask for more. I don't want the money. For example, what happened last night, you Just ask me for another twenty or thirty times."

"What, twenty or thirty times, you can just go and rob. Do you know how much it costs per time? You are really a lion!" Ma Hongjun's appetite shocked Dai Mubai.

Ma Hongjun asked: "Boss Dai, how many times can you say it's appropriate?"

Dai Mubai thought for a while, and decided to give Ma Hongjun some sweetness. After thinking about it, he said, "I can treat you five times at most, no more."

Ma Hongjun quit and said: "Boss Dai, this is too little. Do you think face is more important or money is more important? At least fifteen times, no more, I will cut it in half for you."

Dai Mubai shook his head repeatedly, saying no, and then, after a while of bargaining, the two finally came up with a suitable number of times.

So, Dai Mubai said: "Let's all take a step back, just ten times. If it's more, I won't lose face and we'll break up."

Ma Hongjun also felt that we should stop as soon as possible, otherwise it would be very likely that the situation would be overturned. He nodded and agreed: "Okay, just do what you said ten times, Boss Dai!"

In fact, Ma Hongjun felt ecstatic in his heart at this time. Although he was shocked by Yuan Hailan today and was a little frightened, he did not expect to get such a big benefit from Dai Mubai. It was a blessing in disguise. ah!

Originally, Ma Hongjun said that he wanted benefits and hush money, but he was just chasing rabbits. It would be great if he could get it, but if he didn't, there would be no loss.

Ma Hongjun knew that Dai Mubai had a good reputation, but he had lost a big face in front of him today, so he just wanted to use this matter to get some benefits from Dai Mubai, but he didn't expect that Dai Mubai would be so good. Save face and make a lot of money.

Thinking of this, Ma Hongjun felt so happy and happy.

After the terms were negotiated, Dai Mubai warned again: "Ma Hongjun, if you dare to talk nonsense after accepting my benefits, be careful I will castrate you directly."

After hearing this, Ma Hongjun suddenly felt a little chilly, and quickly promised: "Boss Dai, it depends on what you said, am I a person who is not trustworthy? Just rest assured, as long as you fulfill the benefits, I promise to keep it secret, even when I’m dreaming, in a dream, I won’t tell anyone.”

After receiving the guarantee, Dai Mubai and Ma Hongjun returned to Shrek Academy together.

After the incident between Dai Mubai and Ma Hongjun, Zhu Zhuqing and Ning Rongrong lost interest in shopping and were ready to return to Lanyin Village.

At this time, Ning Rongrong thought that Shrek Academy would officially start classes tomorrow, so she decided not to follow Yuan Hailan and Zhu Zhuqing back to Lanyin Village.

When looking at Ning Rongrong's confused look, Yuan Hailan thought of something and said, "Rongrong, my two classmates just said that you came to our house yesterday and didn't say hello to Shrek Academy. It’s definitely not easy to explain if you go back like this, so you’d better go back to Blue Silver Village with us, and then ask my dad to take you to find the dean of Shrek Academy, they have a pretty good relationship.”

Hearing Yuan Hailan's words, Ning Rongrong was happy. She was still worried about this matter before and didn't know how to explain it when she returned to Shrek Academy!

So, Ning Rongrong said happily: "Thank you, Brother Hailan, for reminding me. When I get to Lanyin Village, I will beg Uncle Yuan to take me back to Shrek Academy."

After returning to Lanyin Village, Yuan Hailan took Zhu Zhuqing and Ning Rongrong to find Yuan Changqing, and then told them about Ning Rongrong's failure to return home last night.

After hearing this, Yuan Changqing said: "Rong Rong, you really didn't do this well. You have to know that if something happens to you after you leave the academy alone, then Shrek Academy will really have no good fruits. Your father Why don't you, Sword Douluo and Bone Douluo destroy Shrek Academy?"

Ning Rongrong explained: "No, Uncle Yuan, didn't I think of all this? Now I know that I didn't think carefully. I heard from Brother Hailan that you have a good relationship with Dean Flanders, so I came here." Please help me go to Shrek Academy to smooth things over."

Yuan Changqing also nodded and said: "Okay, but this will not happen next time. You must think more about what you do in the future."

"Yes, I understand, Uncle Yuan."

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