Douluo's Blue Silver Family

Chapter 201 Ring Explosion

Yuan Changqing and Tang Hao were fighting, but Shrek Academy became calm again after Yuan Changqing left.

They had no idea that after Yuan Changqing left, he immediately found Tang Hao and forced Tang Hao to fight.

As the battlefield became more complicated, Yuan Changqing kept attacking Tang Hao, causing Tang Hao's "chaotic cloak" to be continuously interrupted.

However, the two sides are similar in strength and are equally matched, so they will meet a good opponent.

However, Tang Hao's "Killing God Realm" has little effect on Yuan Changqing. However, Yuan Changqing's "Death Realm" and "Ice Sword Formation" pose a great threat to Tang Hao.

Moreover, the "Ice Sword Formation" also turned the battlefield into an extremely cold world, with cold sword energy emerging from the sword formation all the time.

As time went on, Tang Hao also felt that his whole body was becoming bitingly cold and stiff, and the movements of his hands became a little slow.

Even the wounds left by the sword energy began to appear on the body. In addition, the death energy inside also adhered to the wounds and began to erode the body. As the death energy entered the body, Tang Hao could also feel it. These dead energy seemed to be able to detonate his original injuries at any time.

With these discoveries, Tang Hao also knew the situation he was facing now. If he did not break the status quo, then even if Yuan Changqing did not kill him in the end, he would not be far from death.

Therefore, Tang Hao no longer dared to continue the stalemate, otherwise the consequences would be unpredictable.

"The ninth soul skill can defeat all enemies."

Faced with Tang Hao's powerful blow at this time, Yuan Changqing could only dodge and retreat quickly.


The huge Clear Sky Hammer fell at the place where Yuan Changqing had just left, making a huge sound and directly shattering the "Ice Sword Formation", creating a huge deep pit on the ground.

"so close!"

When Yuan Changqing saw this, he broke into a cold sweat. Fortunately, he escaped quickly, otherwise, if this hammer went down, the serious injuries would be the least serious.

However, what Yuan Changqing didn't know was that Tang Hao was not feeling so well at this time. After all, the soul power required for this ninth soul skill was very huge, which also affected Tang Hao's old injuries. The reason makes the injury somewhat uncontrollable.

This also caused blood to well up in Tang Hao's throat, but it was swallowed back and covered up well without being discovered by Yuan Changqing.

"Tang Hao, you are indeed the new Haotian Douluo. I have to admire you for being safe and sound under such circumstances." Yuan Changqing said.

Yuan Changqing knew that Tang Hao himself was suffering from old injuries, but he was able to fight like this with him under such circumstances. This also made Yuan Changqing feel that he had too few means to fight against the enemy, which was different from the last time he faced the Titan. Ape time is a feeling, which also makes Yuan Changqing a little impatient for the idea of ​​re-developing Blue Silver Grass.

With an advantage in both soul power and physical condition, he could only fight Tang Hao to this level. So, if Yuan Changqing had used all his methods during Tang Hao's heyday, he would have been undefeated at the very least.

Facing Yuan Changqing's praise, there was not much fluctuation on Tang Hao's stern face, but he was suffering from something he couldn't express in his heart. He was doing well now, and his internal injuries had been suppressed again. However, looking at Yuan Changqing's appearance, he still felt He looked so excited, but it was hard to say what happened next.

Therefore, Tang Hao had the idea of ​​​​a quick victory and said without losing momentum: "Let's not talk nonsense anymore, let's go all out and win a quick victory!"

Yuan Changqing also nodded in response: "Okay, if that's the case, it's as you wish, then you have to be careful next time."

"The ninth soul skill, the virtualization of life."

As soon as Yuan Changqing finished speaking, he saw a blue beam of light fall from the sky and land on Tang Hao, locking him directly.


When Tang Hao saw this beam of light, his pupils shrank instantly, feeling that this soul skill was very dangerous to him.

Therefore, Tang Hao quickly used the "Great Sumeru Hammer Technique" and bombarded the light pillar. Although it was blocked for a moment, it was still enveloped by Yuan Changqing's ninth soul skill.

In an instant, Tang Hao, who was enveloped in the blue light beam of the "Void of Life" soul skill, had a clear understanding.

"Not good, it can actually eliminate vitality and weaken qi and blood. If you don't find a way to break this beam of light, it will be really dangerous this time." Tang Hao thought to himself.

"The Great Sumeru Hammer Technique."

Then, with a "bang" sound, Yuan Changqing discovered that Tang Hao's first soul ring exploded, and the fragments of the soul ring fell on the Clear Sky Hammer. The light on the Clear Sky Hammer flickered, and in the "Big Sumeru" With the blessing of "Hammer Technique", it hit the beam of light of Yuan Changqing's ninth soul skill directly.

"Explode the ring!" Seeing Tang Hao's soul ring shattered, Yuan Changqing quickly thought of what skills Tang Hao used.

However, Yuan Changqing's ninth soul ring is a 200,000-year-old soul ring and is not so easy to break.

Tang Hao hit the light beam, and although it opened a hole, it was quickly recovered, which made Tang Hao's first bombardment in vain.

"No, I failed to break the blue beam of light at once. I misjudged its power and became passive!" Seeing that he failed to succeed, Tang Hao also felt a miscalculation in his heart.

There was no other way, Tang Hao could only blow up the second soul ring again. With a "bang", another soul ring was shattered. The soul ring fragments fell on the Clear Sky Hammer again. The Clear Sky Hammer flashed again, and its power was doubled. Increase.

After that, Tang Hao continued to swing the Clear Sky Hammer and hit the blue light beam. There is a saying that if you defend for a long time, you will lose. Even if Yuan Changqing has maintained the energy of the soul skill, it was finally broken by Tang Hao.

However, Tang Hao was not feeling well at this time, and "exploding the ring" was not without cost. "Exploding the ring" would also cause considerable harm to himself.

The first is that "exploding the ring" will be counterattacked by the energy in the soul ring. These are the first two soul rings that Tang Hao chose when "exploding the ring". If he chooses a soul ring with a higher age, then the pressure on his body will be Even more huge.

Secondly, "exploding the ring" destroys the soul ring after all, and the soul ring is attached to the martial soul. This will also affect the martial soul, and ultimately feed back to the martial soul owner.

Therefore, the method of "exploding rings" is generally used as a life-saving method when the situation is most dangerous.

However, fortunately, Tang Hao successfully escaped Yuan Changqing's ninth soul skill by "exploding the ring" for the second time, so it was not in vain.

However, Tang Hao's strength has improved overall due to the "ring explosion". Moreover, because of Yuan Changqing, he has been injured again, and he is also angry in his heart.

So, I wanted to teach Yuan Changqing a lesson before his strength faded.

"The ninth soul skill can defeat the enemy at a critical moment." Tang Hao's hundred thousand year soul ring kept flashing, and the huge Clear Sky Hammer hit Yuan Changqing directly.

Yuan Changqing has also been on guard against Tang Hao for a long time, lest Tang Hao steal the chicken.

"The ninth soul skill, life protection."

In an instant, a blue light mask surrounded Yuan Changqing. With a "bang" sound, the Haotian Hammer hit the light mask, directly creating a huge concave shape. Tang Hao failed to break Yuan Changqing's defense.

Therefore, Yuan Changqing quickly launched a counterattack at this time to prevent himself from being in a passive state.

"The eighth soul skill, Ten Thousand Swords Return to the Sect."

Several willow blade dragons rushed towards Tang Hao, which forced Tang Hao to deal with them passively. After all, Yuan Changqing's soul skill was not that easy to deal with.

Fortunately, Tang Hao was now at full strength, and he continuously swung at the sword-bladed dragon, constantly shattering the blades, making Yuan Changqing's soul skills unable to get close.

Moreover, Tang Hao also knew that if he continued like this, he would not be able to teach Yuan Changqing a lesson today. In addition, due to the "explosion of the ring", he had suffered additional injuries, and it would be dangerous to stay here any longer.

Therefore, while returning to deal with Yuan Changqing's eighth soul skill, the two sides distanced themselves, giving Tang Hao time to leave.

Therefore, after Tang Hao shattered another wave of willow leaf blades, Tang Hao flew away.

"Yuan Changqing, this time we will fight here. If we have a chance, we will fight again!"

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