Douluo's Blue Silver Family

Chapter 205 Showdown

Dai Zhen was quite satisfied with Duke Civet's cooperation. It seemed that the other party still knew the seriousness of the matter.

Dai Zhen continued: "We still don't know what the other party's strength is, so we also need your Civet Duke's Mansion to send manpower to check with our royal family. When the time comes, we will need your Civet Duke's Mansion and your second Contact my daughter and ask her not to do anything that will harm the face of our family."

After hearing what Dai Zhen said, Duke Civet knew that he was trying to bring trouble to his family. It seemed that Dai Zhen also discovered some clues and realized that the other party might not be easy to mess with, so he asked Duke Civet's Palace to get involved.

However, even if Duke Civet knew this, he couldn't refuse. After all, it involved the existence of Zhu Zhuqing. However, he was also a little angry at Dai Mubai, a loser. If it hadn't been for him, how could such a thing have happened.

However, Duke Civet now had to bite the bullet and agree.

So, after Duke Civet thought about this clearly, he replied: "Your Majesty, after all, it involves a little girl. This is what my family should do. Just do as your Majesty said. We will discuss the next step after there is specific news." action."

Dai Zhen also nodded with satisfaction and said with a smile: "Very good, then let's wait for the follow-up news first!"

Zhu Zhuqing was practicing peacefully in Lanyin Village. She didn't know that the Star Luo Empire had discovered something about her situation, and now they were intensifying their efforts to find Zhu Zhuqing.

Although Yuan Changqing's family is usually not prominent in Soto City, there are still many families in Soto City who know that Yuan Changqing's family is not a force to be trifled with.

Moreover, the Yuan Changqing family also regards this place as its base camp for operations, and has the greatest power in Soto City.

Just when the intelligence personnel of the Star Luo Empire were investigating where Zhu Zhuqing was, the Yuan Changqing family also got the news.

Yuan Changqing also felt that since the family had now formed a gold-patterned blue and silver knights composed of soul masters, it was time to get them out and gain some practical experience.

So Yuan Changqing went to his father Yuan Fei and talked about the situation.

Yuan Fei said: "Changqing, regarding Zhuqing's matter, do you want the Gold Pattern Blue Silver Knights to take action? This is not a big problem."

"However, should I tell Zhuqing about it? After all, it involves her."

Yuan Changqing replied: "I do plan to let the Blue Silver Knights with Golden Patterns increase their actual combat experience and test their quality. Fortunately, it will have more reference value in future training."

"Besides, I'm not going to kill anyone this time. Just expel them."

"As for Zhuqing, let's talk to her. Let's see if we have a chance to take advantage of this incident to directly solve her future problems."

Yuan Fei nodded and said: "That's good. Once the matter is resolved, Zhuqing can truly rest at ease and practice."

Yuan Changqing said again: "Okay, Dad, you should prepare here first so that you don't have to be in a hurry when the time comes to take action."


Afterwards, Yuan Changqing left Yuan Fei's side and asked people to find Yuan Hailan and Zhu Zhuqing.

Not long after, after Yuan Hailan brought Zhu Zhuqing to Yuan Changqing's side, Yuan Hailan asked: "Dad, do you have anything to do with me and Zhuqing?"

"Well, there is something indeed." After Yuan Changqing finished speaking, he looked at Zhu Zhuqing and said: "I called you here this time mainly about Zhu Qing. There are many spies in Soto City looking for Zhu Qing. The whereabouts should have been exposed when you went to Soto City, but they haven’t found us yet.”

Zhu Zhuqing's mood fluctuated a bit at this time, and he asked, "Uncle, are you a spy from the Star Luo Empire?"

Yuan Changqing nodded and said: "I guess so, but Zhuqing, you don't have to worry. This time I also want to take advantage of this opportunity to directly solve these troubles for you, so as not to worry about anything in your heart." Burden, after the problem is solved, you can practice hard with Hai Lan and improve your strength first."

"Well, thank you, uncle." Zhu Zhuqing heard that Yuan Changqing said that he would directly help her solve the trouble this time, and the big stone that had been in his heart finally fell away.

Yuan Changqing added: "Hailan, since it is Zhuqing's matter, you should also take action this time and follow the gold-patterned blue and silver knights led by your grandfather."

Yuan Hailan also happily replied: "Okay, this time we must let them know that they are powerful and not just anyone can mess with them."

Yuan Changqing reminded again: "However, Hailan, I'm asking you to go this time, not to let you take action directly. I mainly want to test the quality of the Blue Silver Knights with Gold Patterns. Your main purpose of following there is also to prevent the other party from having any trouble." There are no high-level soul masters, this is the purpose, do you understand?"

Hearing this, Yuan Hailan was a little disappointed, thinking that Yuan Changqing sent him there because the other party had a master, so he was happy in vain.

Yuan Hailan had no choice but to reply: "Okay, then when will we set off?"

"Wait for the notification!" Yuan Changqing replied.

Then, he said: "Zhuqing, you also write a letter and tell them to terminate the engagement with the Dai family and let those people take it back."

Zhu Zhuqing replied: "Yes, I understand, uncle."

Yuan Changqing also considered resolving Zhu Zhuqing's matter, and did not want to make the relationship between the two parties too bad for the time being. Zhu Zhuqing's matter had already happened, and if it added fuel to the fire, this would not be the way to solve the problem.

Therefore, it is better to be polite first and then fight. If the opponent is really ignorant, then Yuan Changqing can only choose Thunder's Fury.

A few nights later, Yuan Fei took several members of the Blue Silver Knights with gold patterns. Of course, Yuan Hailan also followed. After finding the temporary residence of the people from the Star Luo Empire, he directly Just do it.

However, the Blue Silver Knights with Gold Pattern did not kill anyone, they just knocked them all unconscious. This was something Yuan Fei had made clear before coming.

The strength of these people is not too high, but as spies, concealment and speed are their advantages.

In the end, there were only two people left who were still supporting. They were the most powerful among them, and they were probably the leaders here. Moreover, looking at their clothes, it was clear that they were two groups of people.

One of the leaders asked angrily: "Who are you? We shouldn't have offended you. Why are you attacking us for no reason?"

Yuan Hailan said at this time: "You should know it very well, why are you still asking us!"

Leader B was surprised at this time: "It's you. It seems that we have been exposed under your noses for a long time."

"Hmph, you are lucky this time. We don't plan to do anything to you. We just knock you unconscious. If you are wise, you'd better take your people and get out of Soto City." Yuan Hailan has no plans. Tell them what to say.

Then, he threw two more letters and said: "These are two letters. You can take them back and give them to the people behind you. After they read them, if they still send people over, we will no longer be merciful. When the time comes, We are not so easy to talk to anymore, so take these words back with you."

Then, Yuan Fei and Yuan Hailan left with their people. Yuan Hailan, who was walking behind, turned around and said: "I hope I won't see you in Soto City tomorrow, so you can take care of yourself!"

Xingluo City, the Royal Palace.

The Emperor of the Star Luo Empire and Duke Civet were both present. After receiving the information that his subordinates were driven out of Soto City and brought back two letters, Duke Civet rushed to the palace.

After reading the two letters, Dai Zhen looked gloomy and didn't know what he was thinking.

Duke Civet saw this and asked, "Your Majesty, what's going on?"

Dai Zhen directly handed the two letters to Duke Civet and said in a somewhat stiff tone: "Read it yourself!"

Duke Civet took two letters and read them quickly. One of them was from Zhu Zhuqing, and the content was simple. Zhu Zhuqing said that he had found his other half now, and he also directly mentioned that he wanted to terminate his engagement with Dai Mubai. He no longer has anything to do with Dai Mubai.

Another letter was written by Yuan Changqing. The general content was that he hoped that the Star Luo Empire could dissolve the engagement between Zhu Zhuqing and Dai Mubai and stop holding on to Zhu Zhuqing in the future. This would be a happy outcome for both parties.

Also, if the Star Luo Empire is unwilling to terminate the engagement between Zhu Zhuqing and Dai Mubai and continues to entangle, then although it is unwilling to have any unpleasantness with the Star Luo Empire, Yuan Changqing will fight back. As for the consequences, , it is beyond Yuan Changqing's control.

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