Douluo's Blue Silver Family

Chapter 208 Termination Letter

Hearing Dell's words, Dai Mubai was like a bolt from the blue, hitting his head directly. For a very face-saving person, this was unbearable.

Thinking about the big cuckold on his head in the future, Dai Mubai felt that the anger in his heart had never been so raging. Even if he was suppressed by Davis before, he just felt aggrieved. Dai Mubai could still choose to escape.

Anger filled his brain instantly, and his eyes were red. Dai Mubai looked at Dale with a murderous look on his face and asked: "Where is that bitch? I'm going to kill her!"

When Dale saw Dai Mubai like this, he also knew that he was overwhelmed with anger. Then he poured a basin of cold water on Dai Mubai, which immediately chilled Dai Mubai's heart.

Dale shook his head and said: "Just you? Even I don't dare to have such a loud tone, but you still want to kill others. Others can crush you with just a finger. What are you going to do? Kill!"

"Ah! Why is this happening? Why does God torture me like this? Why is my fate so miserable!" Dale's words instantly broke Dai Mubai's guard, and the strength in his body seemed to have been drained, and he collapsed on the ground. On the ground, he said sadly and angrily.

"Alas!" Dell sighed and added: "Actually, you also have to bear some responsibility for this matter. After you ran away alone, you left your fiancée alone in Xingluo City. It was you who In the end, all the pressure the two of you bear will fall on your fiancée's side."

"Just this year, she ran away. Judging from the route she took, she was definitely looking for you. However, she had an accident along the way and was chased. She was later rescued."

"So, what happened next is also the reason why I came to Soto City to deal with it. However, the opponent is so powerful that even I dare not act rashly. I can only wait for new instructions from the empire."

After listening to Dell's words, Dai Mubai suddenly thought of many things, and he also knew that these things also involved the competition for the throne.

After thinking about this, Dai Mubai smiled bitterly and said: "Davis, you really want to kill everyone. Even if I run so far, you will continue to add insult to injury. Hahaha, sad, sad!"

Then he thought of his fiancée Zhu Zhuqing and murmured to himself: "Maybe the decision you made this time is the right choice. If you stay here, you can only wait to die together. This is not bad. At least you can stay away from this right and wrong, okay!"

When Dell heard what he said before, he felt more and more that Dai Mubai was a piece of mud that could not hold up the wall. However, what he said next also made Dell silent.

Then, thinking about Dai Zhen's instructions, he decided to give some advice.

Dale added: "Mubai, since you know, why didn't you work hard to improve yourself after you came out?"

"Haha, Uncle Dale, although you are much older than me and have experienced more things than me, there are some things that only by experiencing them can you understand the despair. My fate has already been determined, so why bother struggling anymore? , it’s good to enjoy the rest of your life.” Dai Mubai said nonchalantly.

After hearing what Dai Mubai said, Dell saw that Dai Mubai could really say those words when he saw how he behaved. He no longer had the heart to compete, and he was just a person waiting to die.

Moreover, now that the fiancée incident has occurred, what little energy he may have had has been wiped out with this incident.

Seeing Dai Mubai like this, Dale didn't plan to persuade him anymore. If a person's heart is already dead, and you try to persuade him, wouldn't it be in vain?

"Oh." Dale sighed, shook his head again, and said, "Mubai, you'd better think about it carefully, I'll leave first."

Dai Mubai nodded mechanically, and then he lay on the carpet in a daze, not knowing what he was thinking.

Star Luo Empire, Royal Palace.

When the Emperor of the Star Luo Empire and Duke Civet got together again, they both fell into silence after looking at the information sent back by Dale and Zhu Ling.

What Dai Zhen and Duke Civet didn't expect was that the last guess they had made was impossible, and their hearts were filled with complicated emotions.

Zhu Zhuqing's matter is a bit difficult to deal with now. If it involves forces with Contra strength, it can be solved easily.

However, when it comes to forces with the strength of Titled Douluo, it is more difficult. If one is not handled well, the backlash it will cause is unimaginable.

Because Zhu Zhuqing was involved, Duke Civet thought it would be better to leave this issue to Dai Zhen.

Therefore, Duke Civet asked: "Your Majesty, I didn't expect that a titled Douluo would be involved. What do you think we should do about this matter now?"

Dai Zhen looked at Duke Civet and thought to himself, if what happened this time really happened, your Civet family would have nothing to lose.

However, where is the face of the royal family of our Star Luo Empire?

Duke Civet looked at Emperor Dai Zhen's troubled face, but actually felt very complicated now.

Based on the current situation of the competition for the throne of the Star Luo Empire, it is obvious that Davis and Zhu Zhuyun are in a favorable position.

Well, it's good that Zhu Zhuqing is out of this vortex now. At least he can no longer worry about his life, and he can live a better life.

Dai Zhen asked back at this time: "Duke, what do you think we should do about this matter? Although we are not afraid of Titled Douluo, it is better not to offend Titled Douluo."

"Also, we must ensure that our face does not fall short of the majesty of the royal family and the empire."

Dai Zhen also thought about Dai Mubai's current situation and felt that it was obviously unwise to offend a titled Douluo for Dai Mubai's sake.

Moreover, there is not only one prince in the Star Luo Empire who is qualified to inherit the throne.

Seeing Dai Zhen kicking the ball back again, Duke Civet thought for a moment and said, "Your Majesty, Wei Chen has an idea. Is it feasible?"

"Oh, Duke, please tell me now, and I will refer to it with you." Dai Zhen asked.

"Yes, Your Majesty." Duke Civet replied, and added: "Didn't my little girl be hunted before and was rescued later? Then we can make a fuss about the little girl, saying that she is now because of being hunted before. , destroyed the foundation, and is no longer suitable to be a prince and concubine."

"In this way, we can terminate the engagement naturally."

"As for the third prince, judging from the current situation, it is obvious that he does not have the strength to compete for the heir to the throne."

"Then, why don't we take the opportunity to grant the third prince's favor and directly declare that the third prince has failed in the competition for heir."

"Furthermore, because of the prince's concubine, the status of the prince will be revoked and he will be expelled from the Star Luo Empire. Furthermore, without a summons from the empire, he will not be allowed to enter the Star Luo Empire for the rest of his life."

"These are the suggestions of Wei Chen. I wonder what your Majesty thinks?"

When Dai Zhen heard what Duke Civet said, he nodded from time to time. He felt that this method was good. It not only solved the problem, but also effectively saved the face of the royal family.

What's more important is that although Dai Mubai is a bit useless, he is his son after all, so he can save his life.

If it weren't for the fact that the rules passed down from the Star Luo Empire could not be broken, no one would be willing to let the talented children in the family kill each other.

After Dai Zhen thought of this, he also had a smile on his face and said: "Duke, your method is very good. I think it is good, so let's do it."

"You will handle the rest personally. Leave the contract termination letter and the handling of the third prince to Dale and Zhu Ling!"

"Finally, after this matter is over, let's announce the result in the empire. We must cut through the mess quickly and calm down this matter as soon as possible."

"Yes, Your Majesty, I will handle it right now." Duke Civet stood up and bowed, and said.

Soto City.

When Dale and Zhu Ling received the letter from the Star Luo Empire and saw how the matter was handled, they breathed a sigh of relief.

Therefore, Dale and Zhu Ling did not hesitate. After making a decision, they immediately went to Lanyin Village to visit Yuan Changqing.

When Yuan Changqing saw the greeting card sent by his servants at home, he knew that it was someone from the Star Luo Empire, so he asked his servants to introduce the people into the living room.

Later, someone was sent to notify Yuan Hailan and Zhu Zhuqing to come over.

When Dale and Zhu Ling arrived at the living room, they saw Yuan Changqing already waiting there.

So, Dale and Zhu Ling quickly asked: "But His Majesty Blue Silver Douluo."

Yuan Changqing nodded and said: "You two are guests from afar. Let's sit down first and let's talk later."

"Thank you, Your Majesty."

After sitting down, Yuan Changqing asked again: "I wonder what you call them?"

"Your Majesty, my name is Dale." Then he introduced Zhu Ling and said, "This is my wife, her name is Zhu Ling."

Yuan Changqing looked at the two of them and said: "It seems that the two of them are also members of the Star Luo Empire's royal family. So, I wonder if you two have brought news about the Star Luo Empire?"

Just when Dale was about to speak, Yuan Hailan came to the living room with Zhu Zhuqing.

When Zhu Zhuqing saw Zhu Ling and Dale, he was surprised and said: "Aunt Zhu Ling, Uncle Dale, why are you here?"

At this time, Zhu Ling stepped forward and pulled Zhu Zhuqing, saying: "Your Uncle Dale and I are here this time to discuss matters concerning you with His Majesty Blue Silver Douluo."

After hearing this, Zhu Zhuqing also looked forward to it, hoping for a good result.

Yuan Changqing said at this time: "Zhuqing, you and Hailan sit down next to each other first."

Then, he looked at Dale and asked, "I wonder what the Xingluo royal family said?"

So, after Dale handed over a letter, he said: "Your Majesty, this is the letter of termination of the contract between Zhu Zhuqing and Dai Mubai, as well as the letter written by our Majesty to Your Majesty."


After Yuan Changqing received the letter, he read the contents, nodded, and handed the termination letter to Zhu Zhuqing.

The content of the letter written by Dai Zhen also hopes that Yuan Changqing will not tell the truth about the matter, so as not to damage the face of the Star Luo Empire.

Later, Yuan Changqing said: "You two, I agree with what you said. After all, one thing more is worse than one thing less. You can rest assured about this."

Dale replied: "Thank you, Your Majesty, for understanding."

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