Douluo's Blue Silver Family

Chapter 223 The end of the road

The six titled Douluo of Haotian Sect were all restrained by the titled Douluo from Wuhun Palace, and other soul masters from Wuhun Palace also began to surround and suppress the disciples of Haotian Sect.

Although the Clear Sky Hammer is known as the world's best offensive weapon spirit and has extremely strong lethality, the current Clear Sky Sect is not the previous Clear Sky Sect.

In the past, the Haotian Sect had many affiliated forces and a large number of soul masters. There were no distinctive soul masters like the four single-attribute clans anymore.

Therefore, the current disciples of the Haotian Sect, faced with the encirclement and suppression by numerous Spirit Masters from the Spirit Hall, were outnumbered, suffering heavy casualties and screaming in agony.

Seeing such a tragic situation, Tang Xiao and other senior officials of Haotian Sect were shocked and angry, but there was no way to help now.

Therefore, I can only vent my anger on my opponent. However, the ones sent by Wuhun Palace this time are all elites, and in terms of high-end combat power, they are better than Haotian Sect.

Also, among the five elders of the Haotian Sect, the strongest one now is the second elder, a level 94 Titled Douluo. How could he be the opponent of the Titled Douluo of the Spirit Hall?

The second elder's current opponent was Qianjun Douluo, a powerful attack weapon war spirit master with a coiling dragon stick. Therefore, the second elder was also suppressed and beaten by Qianjun Douluo.

The remaining titled Douluo of the Haotian Sect have lower soul power levels than the second elder, so they can barely protect themselves against the titled Douluo of the Spirit Hall.

Tang Xiao was now facing Golden Crocodile Douluo, a peak level 98 Douluo, and had no time to care about others. He could only rely on the Haotian Sect's unique skills to concentrate on dealing with Golden Crocodile Douluo.

Because facing a powerful spirit like the Golden Crocodile King in terms of spirit skills, Tang Xiao didn't have much advantage, and it also consumed a lot of spirit power, so Tang Xiao began to use Haotian's Nine Jue to fight against the enemy.

Haotian Jiujue is composed of nine ways of exerting force: "empty, sealing, penetrating, penetrating, entangling, shaking, breaking, braking, and collapsing", rather than nine specific skills.

These methods of exerting force respectively represent different attack methods and effects, such as "shock, split, accumulate, seal, press, lock, twist, twist, swing", etc.

Tang Chen created this very powerful stunt, and Tang Xiao also successfully practiced the Nine Arts of Haotian and became a level 96 Titled Douluo level expert.

In addition, Tang Xiao's Haotian Nine Jue formulas are composed of "Tang Zi Jue, Xuan Zi Jue, Hook Zi Jue, Fan Zi Jue, Chong Zi Jue, Zhen Zi Jue, Dang Zi Jue, Split Zi Jue, Split Zi Jue" It is composed of nine characters.

This Haotian Jiujue paired with the Haotian Hammer is simply a perfect combination.

Therefore, when faced with Golden Crocodile Douluo's "Ferocious Golden Crocodile" soul skill, Tang Xiao first used the Tangle Zi Jue, constantly entangled with the materialized Golden Crocodile, then the Dang Zi Jue and Zhen Zi Jue, and finally Another cracking formula.

Continuously changing Haotian Jiujue's skills, he also successfully defeated Golden Crocodile Douluo's soul skills.

"Tang Xiao, Haotian Sect's Nine Skills of Haotian are indeed well-deserved. I didn't expect that you would learn the skills that Tang Chen left behind." Golden Crocodile Douluo also didn't expect that there are still people in the Haotian Sect who know the Nine Skills of Haotian. .

Seeing that Tang Xiao had already taken out the secret skill of Golden Crocodile Douluo from the bottom of the box, he was not polite and said: "Tang Xiao, come on, let's see how long you can hold on, the seventh soul skill, Golden Crocodile True Body."

The "Golden Crocodile True Body" soul skill allows Golden Crocodile Douluo's muscles and veins to instantly increase. He transforms into a giant golden crocodile with a length of more than ten meters. His strength and defense are directly increased by 75% and 60% respectively. , Moreover, when in his true form, all of Golden Crocodile Douluo's soul skills can double the damage.

Then, the giant golden crocodile flicked its tail and headed towards Tang Xiao. The huge pressure immediately made Tang Xiao feel the power of this tail.

"Ling Tian's attack." Faced with the attack of the golden crocodile, Tang Xiao also fought hard. With a "bang", the Haotian Hammer collided with the golden crocodile's tail. The huge energy exploded instantly, causing the surrounding people to explode. Things were also destroyed because of this powerful energy.

Tang Xiao was also knocked away by the power of the golden crocodile.

"What a powerful force." After the collision, Tang Xiao also truly felt the power of Golden Crocodile's martial spirit avatar.

"The sixth soul skill, Ferocious Golden Crocodile." After Tang Xiao was knocked away, Golden Crocodile Douluo kept up his efforts and used the "Ferocious Golden Crocodile" soul skill again, rushing directly towards Tang Xiao.

As soon as Tang Xiao stood firm, he saw the golden crocodile rushing over again. He didn't have time to think about it, so he quickly dodged to buy himself time to counterattack.

Upon seeing this, Golden Crocodile Douluo quickly swung his crocodile tail towards Tang Xiao, not giving him time to react.

When Tang Xiao saw Golden Crocodile Douluo's attack coming again, he could only deal with it passively. He quickly used Haotian's Nine Arts again, constantly changing his moves.

Fortunately, due to the huge size of the Golden Crocodile, it was at a disadvantage in terms of speed, which also gave Tang Xiao some time to breathe.

However, the defense of Golden Crocodile Douluo in his martial soul's true form is not easily broken. If Tang Xiao makes a mistake, he will be seriously injured by Golden Crocodile Douluo.

Therefore, Tang Xiao had to deal with it carefully to avoid being hit.

Golden Crocodile Douluo was not in a hurry when he saw Tang Xiao's constant changes in position, but was prepared to give Tang Xiao a heavy blow at the right moment.

As a result, the two sides began to fight and counterattack constantly, looking for opportunities to give the other party a big blow.

"The fourth soul skill, tear apart the crocodile claws." After Golden Crocodile found the opportunity, he directly used the crocodile claws to grab Tang Xiao. His speed instantly increased by 15% and his attack power increased by 45%.

"No, it's dangerous." Seeing the crocodile claws waving towards him, Tang Xiao didn't expect Golden Crocodile Douluo's surprise attack to be so fast.

"Haotian Body Protection." Tang Xiao quickly used his defensive soul skills, and then the Dang Zi Jue to quickly resist Golden Crocodile Douluo's sudden attack.

"Bang!" Tang Xiao was knocked back by the Golden Crocodile again and flew backwards. Fortunately, he activated his defense in time. Otherwise, with just such a blow, he would have been seriously injured by Golden Crocodile Douluo.

At this time, Tang Xiao's body was also scratched, because the "Tearing Crocodile Claw" was blessed by the martial soul's true body, and the effect of the soul skill was doubled. Tang Xiao only made a hasty defense, and his body was also scratched. There were several deep claw marks.

"Hammer of Chaos Cloak." Tang Xiao, who was knocked away, had no time to think and quickly used "Chaos Cloak" to deal with Golden Crocodile Douluo's next attack.

"The eighth soul skill, Golden Power Break."

When Tang Xiao was knocked away, Golden Crocodile also seized the opportunity and attacked again.

At this time, the shadow of the Golden Crocodile King appeared and began to rush towards Tang Xiao.

"It came so fast!" Tang Xiao thought to himself.

Looking at the phantom of the Golden Crocodile King rushing towards him, it turned out that it was just as Tang Xiao expected. Fortunately, he was prepared. Otherwise, Tang Xiao might not die but would be maimed this time.

As a result, Tang Xiao's speed increased again, and he continued to use the "Chaos Cloak", trying to use the superimposed power of the "Chaos Cloak" to counterattack Golden Crocodile Douluo's attack.

However, although Tang Xiao had already expected it, Golden Crocodile Douluo did not give Tang Xiao much time to prepare.

Therefore, Tang Xiao's "Chaos Cloak" was not fully completed, and Golden Crocodile Douluo's "Golden Power Break" had already attacked in front of him.

Therefore, Tang Xiao could only counterattack with half of the "Chaos Cloak Hammer".

"Bang bang bang!" Continuous collisions, the surrounding environment became tattered due to the continuous battles, and the powerful release of energy also made people around the two afraid to approach.

In the end, it was Golden Crocodile Douluo's power that was superior. Tang Xiao failed to withstand the blow, and was severely injured and sent flying backwards.


After flying backwards, Tang Xiao, who fell to the ground, couldn't help vomiting blood and his face instantly turned pale. It seemed that the injury he suffered this time was not serious.


Seeing Tang Xiao's condition, other people in the Haotian Sect also shouted quickly. You must know that Tang Xiao is now the strongest person in the Haotian Sect. Now even he has been seriously injured. Others are also a little sad and angry.

Afterwards, the five elders of Haotian Sect quickly forced their opponents back and came to Tang Xiao, protecting him behind them.

"Sect Master, are you okay?" the second elder asked.

Tang Xiaoqiang held on to his injuries and said, "Fortunately, I can't die now."

The second elder said again: "Sect Master, we old guys are here to stop them. You should run away first. This time Wuhun Palace is determined to destroy us. When you have accumulated enough strength in the future, you can help us again." Take revenge."

When Golden Crocodile heard these words, he sneered: "It's up to you. No one of you can even think about escaping today. They will all die here. Do it!"

The other titled Douluo from the Spirit Hall who had gathered around him began to take action after hearing Golden Crocodile Douluo's words.

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