Douluo's Blue Silver Family

Chapter 225 The powerful clan is destroyed

Just when Bibi Dong arranged for Golden Crocodile Douluo to take people to Haotian Sect, there was also a massacre at the Force Clan's station in Tiandou City.

After Bibi Dong learned from Yuan Changqing that the Li clan was conquered by Tang San, he sent his men to the Tiandou Empire to find Qian Renxue.

Tiandou City, the prince's residence.

"Xue Qinghe" took the letter from Bibi Dong, which talked about things about the Force Clan and the follow-up plans of Wuhun Palace.

After reading Bibi Dong's letter, Xue Qinghe felt a little flustered in her heart. She didn't expect that she had just learned from Yuan Changqing that the Li clan had surrendered to Tang San.

As soon as Houji returned to the Tiandou Empire, the Wuhun Palace planned to destroy the Li clan first because of Tang Hao.

Moreover, Bibi Dong also vaguely mentioned in the letter that even though she knew Tang San was the enemy of Wuhun Palace, she still let him go and ignored the forces under his command.

At this time, Xue Qinghe recalled many things in his mind, as well as the last conversation Yuan Changqing had with him in the car.

From various clues about these things, Xue Qinghe made a bold guess, thinking that Yuan Changqing might be very close to Wuhundian, or to Bibi Dong.

And then, in the last conversation in the carriage, it was obvious that Yuan Changqing was reminding himself in a subtle way. No wonder those words had a strange meaning before.

Later, Xue Qinghe thought about what Yuan Changqing said when he first wanted to recruit Yuan Changqing, "As long as you get his (her) consent, it's not impossible to help you." Could it be that he was referring to Bibi Dong? ?

Although, it is not yet certain whether this guess is true, but after thinking about it carefully, coupled with Yuan Changqing's own impressions, it is very possible!

Xue Qinghe thought about Yuan Changqing's optimistic thoughts about Tang San again. From what he said, it was obvious that he was not optimistic about his thoughts, and he even sneered at them. At the same time, he also reminded himself in disguise that Tang San and his son were not optimistic about his thoughts. The deep hatred between the Wuhun Palace.

Then, what he did was simply ridiculous in Yuan Changqing's eyes. Thinking of this, Xue Qinghe's face began to slowly turn red.

Afterwards, Xue Qinghe's face slowly returned to normal, and he murmured again: "Yuan Changqing, I didn't expect you to hide it so deeply. No matter whether my guess this time is correct or not, it seems that we will meet again for a while." ”

So, next, because of the arrangements in Bibi Dong's letter, Xue Qinghe could only arrange for She Long and Thorn Blood to go out together, together with the people sent by Wuhun Palace, to prepare to annihilate the force clan together.

Tiandou City is where the Force Clan resides.

As the leader of the Force Clan, Taitan is a pure strength soul master. All soul rings only have a single power attribute attached to them. In order to do this, every soul ring he obtains needs to be produced from the same kind of soul beast.

Therefore, when it is necessary to obtain soul rings one by one, the difficulty of finding the same kind of soul beast will increase exponentially.

Moreover, the biggest disadvantage of Titan's single-attribute attached soul ring is its single ability. When facing different opponents, its adaptability is much worse than that of ordinary soul masters, who are only strong in one aspect.

Although, take the single-attribute route and focus on your greatest advantages, so that you can maximize this only attribute.

Therefore, even among the titled Douluo, there are few people who can surpass the strength of a Titan with eighty-sixth level soul power.

After Tailong returned to Tiandou City, he told Taitan about Tang Hao's glorious deeds in Wuhun City, which also made Taitan very happy.

However, what Tai Tan didn't know was that his decision to worship Tang San as his master brought disaster to the Li clan.

After Xue Qinghe arranged everything, he asked She Long and Thorn Blood to lead the team and raided the Force Clan's station in a dark night.

Originally, there were not many members of the Force Clan, but the sleeping disciples of the Force Clan were caught off guard by the Wuhun Palace's surprise attack, resulting in numerous casualties.

When Tai Tan saw that a large number of his clansmen had been killed and injured, he was really shocked and angry, and he quickly activated his martial spirit and joined the battle.

As an eighty-sixth-level attack-type fighting soul Douluo, Titan's martial soul is a powerful gorilla, a pure strength-type beast martial soul. When possessed by the martial soul, his already extremely strong body will expand again, and the muscles on his arms will be greatly enlarged. , and at the same time, the arms extend down to the knees, and black hair is exposed in the exposed areas.

"Ah, you deserve to die." The enraged Titan rushed directly towards a Spirit Hall soul master who was massacring his own people.

"Your opponent is me." She Long took action and stopped Titan.

She Long, as the elder of the Elder Hall of Wuhun Palace, has Wuhun Snake Spear, a level 93 attack-type titled Douluo, titled "Snake Spear".

Moreover, its Snake Spear Spirit is a mutated product that combines the toughness and strength of the Weapon Spirit with the physical strength of the Beast Spirit.

"The fifth soul skill, thunderous explosion and crushing kill."

There was a burst of thunder, and the sharp blade at the front of the snake spear pierced the Titan like lightning.

"Unleakable golden body." When Tai Tan saw a titled Douluo coming out from the side, he was immediately frightened and furious, and quickly activated his self-created soul skills.

She Long's snake spear was immediately blocked by a powerful force, unable to advance even an inch, and the soul skills of both sides were also in a stalemate.

"Okay, it's your Wuhun Temple again. What are you trying to do? How dare you sneak attack on other people's bases in Tiandou City." At this time, Tai Tan also recognized that the force clan who attacked this time was from the Wuhun Temple. people.

"Humph, you don't have to worry about this gorilla anymore. You should just worry more about yourself!" She Long said to Titan.

"Fifth Soul Skill: Thorns and Bone Spurs." Thorns Blood's side also joined the Titan's attack.

Because we were in Tiandou City, this battle focused on a quick victory.

"The fifth soul skill is powerful enough to shake the mountains and rivers." Faced with the two attacks, Tai Tan quickly counterattacked, hitting She Long and Xie Xue with a powerful attack.

The huge force exerted by Titan also caused She Long and Thorn Blood to retreat continuously.

However, after all, the two of them are titled Douluo. Although the power of the Titan is very powerful, if you are accidentally hit by it, you will be injured.

However, Titled Douluo is not a level that can be easily surpassed by Contra.

So, She Long quickly picked up the snake spear and kept hitting the Titan, while Stinging Blood also kept releasing soul skills to hit him.

Thorn Blood, the elder of the Elder Hall of the Spirit Hall, a level 92 control-type titled Douluo, the Spirit Thorn Blood Pufferfish, titled "Greyfish". Its martial soul possesses the ability to deliver poisonous poison, strong armor, and poisonous sting.

Because the poison of the bloody puffer fish constantly attacks the Titan, it uses the poison to control the Titan and creates opportunities for She Long.

"The sixth soul skill, the Explosive Flame Palm of Power." When Tai Tan faced the toxin, he quickly used soul skills with fire attributes to deal with it. In addition, because of his ironwork, he practiced a palm refining method of iron sand palm. , can effectively restrain toxins.

However, this is only targeting the palms of both hands. It is difficult for the body to cope with the blood-piercing soul attack.

Facing the siege of two titled Douluo, Titan could be proud.

Moreover, neither She Long nor Zhang Xue is a powerful soul master. This is also the case. Titan has an advantage over the two in terms of strength.

Otherwise, it would be difficult for a powerful soul master like you, Taitan, to have a lot of strength and a self-created "Leakless Golden Body" soul skill to be able to persist for such a long time.

She Long then used his true weapon soul to intensify his attack on the Titan, preventing it from attacking both sides. He continued to cooperate with the nosebleed, and also allowed the blood-piercing poison to corrode the Titan.

Titan was also injured by the blood-piercing blowfish poison. You must know that in the original work, Dugu Bo was also stabbed in blood and was in a state of embarrassment. If it were not for absorbing too much of Dugu Bo's green phosphorus snake venom, the poison skills of the two would have been greatly reduced. I really can’t tell who is stronger and who is weaker.

In order to capture the Titan as quickly as possible, She Long and Thorn Blood directly used their soul skill combo: Rock Dolphin Spear.

A joint attack between Snake Spear Douluo and Galileo Douluo, a move that uses the rock dolphin's body protected by the rock combined with the attack of the snake spear to exert its power. It has both offense and defense. The increased output can even be used to launch a "ten times rock dolphin spear"

The rockfish spear took advantage of Titan's unpreparedness and directly penetrated the titan's defense and pierced its body. The poison of the bleeding pufferfish quickly spread in the titan's body. Later, it was stabbed to death by She Long's snake spear. .

"Ah, master will avenge me, and you two will be buried with me." Before dying, Taitan made his final threat.

At this point, with the death of Tai Tai, the rest of the Force Clan were quickly wiped out, and then the Wuhun Palace quickly evacuated.

There was such a big commotion at the Li Clan's station, which also attracted attention. Shortly after She Long and others evacuated, the city guards arrived.

When they saw corpses strewn in the Force Clan's camp, blood flowing in rivers, and the buildings severely damaged due to fighting, the city guards knew that something serious was going on, and quickly reported it to the Tiandou Empire.

The Tiandou Empire was furious when they found out that all the Li clan had been wiped out. There were people who dared to ignore the empire's prohibition and fight in the city, and they also expressed that they would investigate to the end.

After hearing Yuan Changqing's question about Tiandou City, Bibi Dong also replied: "The Li clan has also been exterminated. Since they chose to take refuge with Tang San and his son, they must be prepared to die."

After hearing that the Li clan was also wiped out by Wuhun Palace, and the Haotian Sect was also wiped out, Tang San's help would be much less in the future. This was also a warning to some forces that dared to join forces with Tang San.

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