Douluo's Blue Silver Family

Chapter 228 Hunting

Yuan Changqing and his party have been in the Star Dou Forest for some time, and they have searched many places, but no trace of the Dark Demon Evil God Tiger has been found.

Sometimes Yuan Changqing wonders whether this dark evil god has gone to the outskirts of the Star Dou Forest.

Fortunately, Yuan Changqing and the others are still looking for it.

It was another day of searching for the Dark Demon Evil God Tiger. Suddenly, I smelled a hint of blood in the air, and there were also roars of beasts coming from a distance.

Yuan Changqing stopped and said, "Do you smell blood?"

Bibi Dong also nodded at this time and said: "There is indeed a smell of blood. It seems that there is a battle in the distance. I don't know if someone is hunting soul beasts, or it is a battle between soul beasts."

Yuan Changqing added: "It should be a battle between spirit beasts. Listen carefully. There are two different sounds of spirit beasts. One of them seems to be the roar of a tiger spirit beast. I don't know if it is the roar we are looking for this time. The dark evil evil tiger."

Then, Bibi Dong started to sense it, and sure enough, she sensed a dark aura.

So, Bibi Dong said: "I did sense a dark aura in front of me, but I don't know if it's the Dark Demon Evil God Tiger we are looking for."

Yuan Changqing also began to use the Blue Silver Emperor Martial Spirit to sense through the Blue Silver Grass. The information transmitted back had a power that made the Blue Silver Grass very uncomfortable.

Yuan Changqing also said: "It seems that we should have found the Dark Demon Evil God Tiger this time. I sensed an energy through Blue Silver Grass that makes Blue Silver Grass uncomfortable. It should be the dark evil energy emitted by the Dark Demon Evil God Tiger." of energy.”

"Let's be careful and approach it now. If it is really the Dark Demon Tiger, it should be hunting soul beasts for food."

As far as Yuan Changqing knows, the way for soul beasts like the Dark Devilgod Tiger to improve their cultivation is by devouring other soul beasts or human soul masters to improve their strength, rather than through their own cultivation.

It is extremely difficult for the Dark Demon Evil God Tiger to cultivate itself. Only by devouring the soul power of other soul beasts or human soul masters can its strength be quickly improved. In addition, its body is also very tough.

It is precisely because of this that no matter where the Dark Demon Evil God Tiger appears, it will immediately cause other spirit beasts to attack in groups. It is necessary to completely destroy it before it can grow up.

Moreover, it seems that the Dark Demon Evil God Tiger also challenged the Titan Giant Ape, but did not get any benefits.

However, the Titan Giant Ape was helpless against the Dark Demon Evil God Tiger. Every time he tried to kill the Dark Demon Evil God Tiger, he always escaped.

When Yuan Changqing and others came closer, they saw a black tiger with wings on its back, killing a ten-thousand-year-old soul beast.

After seeing this tiger, Yuan Changqing nodded to Bibi Dong and said that this was the Dark Demon Tiger they had been looking for for a long time.

This dark demon evil tiger looks like a giant tiger that is entirely black, without a trace of color, and its red eyes are full of a sinister aura.

His body is over eight meters long, with bulging muscles all over his body. He is probably weighing more than three thousand kilograms. The king character on his forehead is also black, but unlike the black of his fur, it is a gloomy, mist-like black.

Moreover, the most peculiar thing is its tail. Compared with ordinary tiger soul beasts, its tail is much longer, and it stands upright. It is composed of countless joints. The top is a huge barb, shining with Senran dim light.

When Yuan Changqing saw this huge hook, a name came to his mind: Evil God Hook.

This "Evil God Hook" is a curved black hook trailing from the long tail of the Dark Demon Evil God Tiger.

When the hook shape changes, the curved hook body will straighten like a long thorn, which is called "Evil God Thorn".

At this time, Yuan Changqing whispered: "Looking at its size, it is more than 60,000 years old. It is difficult to deal with this strength!"

"Moreover, have you seen the hook on the tail of the Dark Demon Evil God Tiger? This thing is called the Evil God Hook. When the hook turns into a straight thorn, it is called the Evil God Thorn. Then, we must be extremely careful. ”

Although Bibi Dong knew that there was a soul beast like the Dark Demon Evil God Tiger from the books in the Spirit Hall, she was not very clear about its characteristics.

So, he asked: "Changqing, what are the characteristics of this evil god hook?"

Later, Yuan Changqing explained: "When the Evil God Hook turns into an Evil God Thorn, the Evil God Thorn can break the opponent's attack with its thorn tip."

"Furthermore, it can also create a huge black hole with a diameter of three meters, suck the opponent into it, and turn the opponent into a juvenile state alone."

"However, after the Dark Demon Evil Tiger itself is sucked into it, it will not be affected by the effect of this skill due to the body's defense."

"Finally, after being sucked in, the Dark Demon Evil God Tiger and its opponent will engage in a life-and-death battle in a different space. Only when one party dies can the life-and-death battle end and escape from this space."

After hearing Yuan Changqing's explanation, Bibi Dong, Ju Douluo and Ghost Douluo couldn't help but take a deep breath, and a trace of solemnity appeared on their faces.

So, Bibi Dong asked again: "Changqing, is there any way?"

Yuan Changqing replied: "There are two ways. One is to kill the Dark Demon Evil God Tiger in advance before it uses the Evil God Thorn."

"Secondly, if you defeat it with your own strength after being sucked into that space, the chance of success is too small."

Bibi Dong nodded and said: "Then it seems we have to fight quickly to avoid being stabbed by its evil god."

Yuan Changqing added: "Its body is also very tough, so when we attack later, we will directly use our ultimate move to catch it off guard."


With the decision made, Yuan Changqing and the others appeared directly and attacked at the same time towards the Dark Demon Evil Tiger.

"The eighth soul skill, Ten Thousand Swords Return to the Sect."

Yuan Changqing was the first to attack. In an instant, Blue Silver Grass quickly emerged from the ground. The slender willow leaves and flying knife-like leaves fell off the vines of Blue Silver Grass, forming several dragon-like swords flowing straight into the dark demon. The evil tiger went away.

"The eighth soul skill is brilliant."

Ju Douluo's velvet-toothing chrysanthemum also bloomed with golden light, and a golden sword blade made of chrysanthemum petals was like a beam of light, soaring into the sky and falling directly towards the Dark Demon Evil God Tiger.

"The eighth soul skill, ghosts and monsters."

At the same time, Ghost Douluo's soul skills also came one after another, and countless skeletons emerged from the ground, surrounding the Dark Demon Evil God Tiger and attacking.

"The third soul skill: Demonic Spider Summoning."

The one hundred thousand soul ring of Bibi Dong's second martial soul also began to flicker, and she immediately summoned a soul-eating spider king and rushed towards the Dark Demon Evil God Tiger. The two spider legs at the front were like two sharp long blades. , chopped directly over.

The Dark Demon Evil God Tiger was also startled by the four sudden attacks. However, fortunately, it also had life-saving soul skills.

"Roar." After being attacked, the Dark Demon Evil God Tiger roared repeatedly and directly activated the Evil God's Guardian Skill.

The Evil God Hook it originally used to attack instantly erupted into a layer of strong gray airflow to protect itself.

This is the most powerful defensive skill of the Dark Demon Evil God Tiger, which can instantly protect its body with the evil god's aura.

Moreover, its defense effect is even comparable to Xiao Wu's absolute defense, except that its limit is slightly lower than absolute defense, but its defense time is very long, and it is not limited by its own actions.

Although he was caught off guard and injured, in the end, he used the evil god's protection to defend against the attacks of Yuan Changqing and others.

Afterwards, the Dark Demon Evil God Tiger quickly jumped out of the attack range of Yuan Changqing and others and began to fight back.


The Dark Demon Evil God Tiger instantly fired dozens of black and red light blades, and these light blades were shot at Yuan Changqing and the four of them.

Seeing the light blade attacking from the Dark Demon Evil God Tiger, Yuan Changqing quickly shouted: "Defense."

"The sixth soul skill, blue silver diamond shield."

"The fifth soul skill, Thousand Peaks and Ten Thousand Shields."


These light blades are formed by the fusion of wind and evil attributes. With the powerful cutting of wind attribute and the powerful corrosion of evil attribute, their power is astonishing, no less than that of human soul masters with more than 50,000 years of black energy. The soul skills emitted by the soul ring.

Moreover, these light blades hit everyone's defensive soul skills, and they were constantly corroded by the evil aura.

Later, after Yuan Changqing and others noticed this situation, they quickly got out of the attack range of the Dark Demon Evil Tiger and launched a defensive counterattack.

"The ninth soul skill, the virtualization of life."

Knowing that the Dark Demon Evil God Tiger was difficult to deal with, Yuan Changqing was not polite and directly used the soul skills on the 200,000-year-old soul ring.

As a result, a blue beam of light fell on the Dark Demon Evil God Tiger. At this time, it also felt the power of the "Void of Life" soul skill.

The Dark Demon Evil God Tiger felt that his life was constantly diminishing, and his energy and blood were also constantly weakening. If he did not break away, he would probably be slaughtered by others in a short time.


Then, I saw a spherical energy ball composed of layers of gray light condensed around the body of the Dark Demon Evil God Tiger, with bursts of thunder. This was its Dark Demon Evil Thunder skill.

This is also a very powerful skill of the Dark Demon Evil God Tiger. It can integrate its own magic power with evil power, and then instantly burst out with terrifying power. It is a range attack composed of a mixture of wind, thunder, and evil attributes.


A violent explosion sounded, and even the Dark Demon Evil God Tiger's own defense was blown apart.

Yuan Changqing and others were also shaken back by the energy wave generated by the explosion of the Dark Demon Evil Thunder because of this violent explosion.

"The ninth soul skill, the chrysanthemums are broken, the ground is covered with wounds, and the flowers fall and people are heartbroken."

Golden petals all over the sky flew out from a huge strange antler chrysanthemum, filling the sky. Then, they turned into countless sharp blades, spinning continuously, and finally killed the dark demon who had just escaped from Yuan Changqing's soul skill. Surrounded by evil tigers.

"Ninth Soul Skill, Infinite Ghost Shadow Devouring." The continuous ghost shadows rushed towards the Dark Demon Evil God Tiger crazily and began to devour the soul power and flesh and blood of the Dark Demon Evil God Tiger.

The Dark Demon Evil God Tiger that was attacked roared again and again, and the damage it suffered continued to increase as it was hit continuously.

Facing the siege of Yuan Changqing and the four others, even if the Dark Demon Evil God Tiger is not weaker than a hundred thousand year old soul beast, it is still too much to bear.

Continuously consuming a large amount of energy, the Dark Demon Evil God Tiger no longer had the composure it had at the beginning, and roared continuously.

"The first soul skill, Half Moon."

Bibi Dong also saw the opportunity at this time, and the second martial spirit sent out a half-moon-shaped energy moon blade to attack the Dark Demon Evil God Tiger.

Suddenly, it directly caused a lot of damage to him.

In order to escape from the siege, the Dark Demon Evil God Tiger once again activated its "sprint" skill.

This is a special skill of the Dark Demon Evil God Tiger. It can be used on the ground or in the air. The speed is so fast that it can even be compared to teleportation.

However, unlike teleportation, this sprint skill must move forward in a straight line to reach the set target. If it encounters an obstacle midway, it will cause a collision. Unlike teleportation, it can directly appear in another place.

However, when this skill sprints in a straight line, the evil power will completely explode. The attack in this straight line is twice its normal attack.

Therefore, in a sense, this skill is more terrifying than teleportation. If you are unprepared, you are likely to be severely injured.


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