Douluo's Blue Silver Family

Chapter 234 Goodbye

Yuan Changqing didn't have many good friends in Tiandou City. To say that he had the best relationship, the ones with whom he had the closest relationship would be Dugubo's family.

After all, the two families have been friends for decades, and Dugubo's family also started a business partnership with Yuan Changqing and his father-in-law's family.

Therefore, every time he comes to Tiandou City, Yuan Changqing will get together with Dugu Bo to deepen the relationship between the two parties.

In fact, after understanding Dugu Bo's character, he is also very suitable for being friends.

After Dugu Bo saw Yuan Changqing, he asked: "Changqing, why did you say goodbye in a hurry last time when you came to Tiandou City? What are you busy with?"

"Hey, what else can you be busy with? After the last continental soul master competition, wasn't it because a friend asked me to help hunt soul beasts, so I went to help, and then I went directly back to my hometown to practice cultivation for a while." Yuan Changqing explained road.

Dugu Bo sensed Yuan Changqing's current strength and said: "No wonder your strength has improved so quickly. It turns out that you are still so diligent in training!"

Yuan Changqing smiled and replied: "Old Poison, what you said is a bit wrong. Don't you work hard? Otherwise, how can you get the strength you have now?"

When Dugu Bo thought about his own strength, he sighed and said, "Well, this may be the end of my life. Maybe I will be done with it after one or two more levels."

Yuan Changqing rolled his eyes at Dugu Bo and said, "Old poisonous creature, don't be dissatisfied. There are many titled Douluo who want to improve to your current strength. You might even wake up laughing in your dreams."

"However, if you want to talk about this level of soul power, you still have to persist. You must know one truth, that is, if you don't advance, you will retreat."

"If you don't practice consistently, it's very likely that your strength will decline very quickly after it passes its peak."

Dugu Bo also nodded and said: "That's true. For me, now I can only rely on time to slowly grind it out."

As far as Yuan Changqing knows, this is indeed the case with Dugu Bo. One is that he was deeply troubled by the martial soul poison in the past and missed the optimal strength improvement of seven, but fortunately he still cultivated to the title Douluo.

The other is because of his age. After all, Dugu Bo is dozens of years older than Yuan Changqing, and his physical functions and potential are almost exhausted.

Therefore, now we will see if we can improve our strength through time.

Yuan Changqing also said: "Old Poison, you don't have to think so much. You are both titled Douluo. Now you can still train Xiao Cheng and Yan Yan well."

"Besides, your family is no longer troubled by the martial soul poison. As long as you train them both, your Dugu family will still be prosperous."

Dugu Bo replied: "Yeah, I'm done. From now on, I'll just have to look at the two juniors."

Later, Dugu Bo asked again: "Changqing, since the Continental Soul Master Competition, a lot of things have happened during this period. What do you think of these things?"

How to look at these things, for Yuan Changqing, if possible, he would of course want to sit on the bench and watch.

However, sometimes the development of things is so helpless, and if there is involvement, there is no choice but to join.

However, fortunately, it is not the last moment yet, and Yuan Changqing does not need to worry about these things. After all, they do not involve him yet.

Yuan Changqing replied: "If I say I have no opinion, you may not believe it."

"But, after all, this matter has little relevance to you and me, and it doesn't involve us."

"However, it may be very relevant to those big forces, such as the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect."

Dugu Bo thought about it and thought it was true, and then said: "Yes, the Haotian Sect, one of the top three sects, was wiped out so quietly. The other two sects must have felt a bit sad."

Yuan Changqing said with a smile: "Who made them famous? They are so powerful. It is normal to feel like this."

"However, the Haotian Sect is also unlucky. Both times were because of Tang Hao. It is really bad."

At this time, Dugu Bo said with a "hehe" smile: "I think the really unlucky ones should be the Li clan in Tiandou City. You said that you had already left the Haotian Sect, but you still eagerly joined them. Unexpectedly, in the blink of an eye, He was destroyed by Wuhun Palace in a short time, this is truly unlucky."

"Also, Chang Qing, you may not know that the fact that the Force Clan was wiped out has become a joke."

Yuan Changqing understands that the Force Clan has become a joke. After all, there are still many people who know the inside story of the Force Clan's destruction and the reasons. Now that it has been pulled out and spread, it is not surprising. .

Yuan Changqing said: "This can only be blamed on the Li clan being so stupid. The scars have healed and they have forgotten the pain. They knew that Tang Hao was still wanted by Wuhun Palace, but they rushed forward without fear of death. This really didn't know what they were doing. How strong is your head?"

Dugu Bo thought of these things and sighed: "Now Tang Hao is out to stir up trouble again. Douluo Continent is really troubled right now. I hope it won't affect us."

Yuan Changqing said with a smile: "Old Poison, you are overthinking. If it really affects us, then soldiers will come to cover up the water and soil. There is no need to be so entangled. With the relationship and strength of our two families, it will not be a disaster." Too much worry.”

"Furthermore, if we want to be worried, I think people with power like Ning Fengzhi should be more worried."

Dugu Bo nodded and said: "That's true, after all, there is a tall man in front of me."

Yuan Changqing added: "Even if what you are worried about does happen, if you really can't beat it, just join in. Anyway, for people like us who have the strength of Titled Douluo, there won't be much loss, right?"


After Yuan Changqing came back from Dugubo's house, he received an invitation from the prince Xue Qinghe to visit the prince's mansion.

Yuan Changqing did not expect that Xue Qinghe would get the news just a few days after he came to Tiandou City.

It seems that Xue Qinghe still has some abilities, but Yuan Changqing may have others watching around his house!

Later, looking at the invitation letter in his hand, Yuan Changqing thought about the purpose of Xue Qinghe inviting him to go this time.

So, after waiting for Xue Qinghe's invitation, Yuan Changqing came to the prince's residence alone.

When Xue Qinghe saw Yuan Changqing, he said with a smile on his face: "Your Majesty, it's been a long time, please come inside first."

Yuan Changqing also smiled and replied: "Qinghe, we said goodbye last time. How are you doing lately?"

Xue Qinghe replied: "Your Majesty Lao Mian is concerned. Everything else is fine. There are just too many things that have happened recently, so I am a bit busy."

Yuan Changqing added: "But Qinghe, your invitation has arrived just after I arrived in Tiandou City. It seems that you are very well-informed!"

Xue Qinghe laughed and said: "In Tiandou City, a strong person like Mianxia will naturally attract attention. In addition, Mianxia has no cover, so it is difficult not to know."

Yuan Changqing didn't bother with Xue Qinghe's explanation. Although it was a bit far-fetched, it was still justifiable.

After coming to the living room and sitting down, Yuan Changqing sat there drinking tea without saying a word to see what the purpose of Xue Qinghe was this time.

Xue Qinghe saw Yuan Changqing sitting there drinking tea and not talking, so he had no choice but to ask first: "I wonder if what your majesty said to Qinghe before is still valid?"

Yuan Changqing was stunned for a moment when he heard this, thinking that the two of them had spoken too much before, so they couldn't always keep it in mind. If you don't make it clear, who knows what you said.

Yuan Changqing said calmly: "Why does Qinghe ask like this?"

Xue Qinghe didn't see any expression on Yuan Changqing's face, and then said: "I just want to confirm again."

Then, Xue Qinghe moved to another topic and asked: "Your Majesty, last time we went to Wuhun City together, what did you mean by those words? Qinghe still hasn't figured it out yet. "

Seeing Xue Qinghe ask this, Yuan Changqing immediately understood what it meant. This time he was here to test himself again.

Yuan Changqing looked at Xue Qinghe and said, "You really haven't figured it out yet. Do you have anything else to say?"

Yuan Changqing's words made Xue Qinghe not sure how to answer.

Later, Yuan Changqing continued: "Since you asked like this, I will tell you. I talked to you a lot at that time, and I don't know how much you listened."

"First of all, do you think Tang San can really be used by you? I think you should have a shot in mind, but your approach is a little biased."

"Secondly, your ideas are too idealistic. You know that nothing can be done, but your choice is not to hit the wall and never look back."

"Finally, it's about strength. I don't need to tell you this. You know best."

"So, what else do you want to know?"

As Yuan Changqing said this, Xue Qinghe suddenly knew that his previous guesses were correct.

In fact, what Xue Qinghe didn't know was that when Yuan Changqing tested Xue Qinghe again, he had no intention of hiding it from him (her) anymore, so it wouldn't hurt to let him know.

Ever since Yuan Changqing told Bibi Dong some information about Xue Qinghe's situation in Tiandou City, Bibi Dong felt that it would be better to let him know some of the inside information, otherwise, Xue Qinghe might act even more arbitrarily.

So, Xue Qinghe asked again: "So, when you said those words to me that time, it was mainly to remind me, not to actually ask me to do that!"

Yuan Changqing nodded and said: "Otherwise, why do you think I said those words to you? It's not like I have nothing to do."

Then, Yuan Changqing stared deeply at Xue Qinghe and said, "If I hadn't found that some of the things you did were outrageous, I wouldn't have bothered to say those words."

"However, in the end, I already reminded you, but you still didn't respond. If it weren't for your subsequent actions, you might still be looking indifferent like that!"

Xue Qinghe added: "So, what happened to the powerful clan only happened later."

"Yes, when dealing with the enemy, you must make it weaker and weaker, and you will become stronger and stronger." Yuan Changqing nodded.

Xue Qinghe was silent. Yuan Changqing obviously did not approve of his actions.

Then, Xue Qinghe added: "So, you actually knew my identity when we first met."

"Otherwise, what do you think!" Then, Yuan Changqing asked another question that was not answered, and said: "I don't know if Qinghe got the national treasure of the Tiandou Empire: the Vast Sea Universe Shield."

"You also know this!" At this time, Xue Qinghe was a little surprised.

"Because, this is what I proposed."

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