Douluo's Blue Silver Family

Chapter 244 Tang Hao was forced into killing

Although Tang Hao spoke harshly, what he was thinking about was how to get rid of the four titled Douluo Qianjun, Jiangmo, Gui, and Ju.

After all, now is not the time for a head-on confrontation with Wuhun Palace. Tang Hao still needs to find Ah Yin.

However, what Tang Hao didn't know was that Wuhun Palace was determined to kill Tang Hao this time, otherwise, it would not have directly sent out four titled Douluo.

Afterwards, Qianjun said: "Let's stop talking nonsense and deal with Tang Hao first."

Suddenly, Tang Hao was surrounded by Qianjun and others. It was extremely difficult to escape in such a formation.

So, when Tang Hao saw this, he took the lead to take action to avoid losing the opportunity.

"The fifth soul skill is the Heart of Haotian. The first soul skill is the thunderbolt that collapses the sky."

Tang Hao quickly used the "Heart of Clear Sky" soul skill to improve his own condition. Then he raised the Clear Sky Hammer and used the "Thunderbolt Collapse of the Sky" soul skill to move towards Ju Douluo, hoping to create a gap from here and jump out. Surrounded by four people.

"The third soul skill is breath barrier. The fifth soul skill is the gathering of Han Ying."

Seeing Tang Hao attacking him, Ju Douluo quickly used the "Aura Barrier" soul skill to temporarily block Tang Hao, and then used the "Han Ying Gathering" soul skill again. A large number of chrysanthemum petals became crystal clear and gathered in the Together, they attacked Tang Hao like a giant spear.

After Tang Hao broke through Ju Douluo's "Aura Barrier" soul skill, he saw another soul skill attack coming, and he quickly waved the Clear Sky Hammer to attack him.

"Bang!" The giant spear composed of petals was broken layer by layer.

"The fourth soul skill, the Infinite Steel Staff." Jiang Mo picked up the Coiling Dragon Staff and hit Tang Hao.

"The third soul skill, Coiling Dragon Stick Strike." Qianjun Douluo's single-target attacks also followed one after another, hitting Tang Hao.

"The fifth soul skill, Dark Shadow Pool Hand." Ghost Douluo also began to coordinate the attack, and saw ghost hands emerging from the ground, grabbing at Tang Hao, as if trying to drag him down underground. generally.

Just as they fought against Ju Douluo, the other three people also attacked Tang Hao.

"The sixth soul skill, iron bones."

Tang Hao also quickly applied defensive soul skills to himself. Moreover, facing the siege, ordinary soul skills could not cope with the simultaneous attacks of four titled Douluo.

Therefore, Tang Hao had to give up the battle with Ju Douluo, and his previous ideas were shattered, and he could only turn around to deal with the attacks of the other three.

"Hammer of Chaos Cloak."

Faced with the siege of four people, Tang Hao also wanted to use the energy circle formed when "Chaos Cloak" was used to temporarily block everyone's attacks.



Qianjun and the demon-conquering coiling dragon stick hit Tang Hao's energy circle at the same time, and a huge energy explosion was made under the collision.

Then, Tang Hao also continuously waved the Clear Sky Hammer and used the "Hammer of Chaos Cloak". Qianjun Jiangmo surrounded Tang Hao with the Coiling Dragon Stick and struck continuously.

The sound of "bang bang bang" was continuous, as if the devil would not stop until Tang Hao's "chaotic cloak" was broken.

"Second brother, stop it. We can't let Tang Hao continue to use the Cloak of Chaos. The four of us directly use big moves to interrupt Tang Hao's Cloak of Chaos." Qianjun Douluo noticed something was wrong and quickly called out to Demon-Conquering Douluo. They stopped and then proposed to attack Tang Hao together.

"Okay." Everyone agreed.

"The sixth soul skill, the Demon-Conquering Coiling Dragon Pillar." The Demon-Conquering Douluo's Coiling Dragon Stick stood in the air and fell straight from the air.

"The eighth soul skill, Throw of the Universe." Qianjun Douluo's Coiling Dragon Staff also became extremely huge, standing on the ground. Then, Qianjun Douluo pointed lightly, and the Coiling Dragon Staff moved towards Tang Hao. Fell over.

"Bang, bang!" There were two loud noises, although Tang Hao tried his best to resist the attacks of Qianjun Jiangmo and the two titled Douluo.

However, he also knew that it was impossible to defend just by looking at the energy circle, so he had no choice but to swing the hammer twice quickly. At this time, Tang Hao also found a flaw.

"The opportunity has come." Ju Douluo and Ghost Douluo saw a flaw on Tang Hao's side and began to attack.

"The eighth soul skill, a stream of light." The petals of the chrysanthemums in the sky were like golden glow. Under the action of the soul skill, countless petals turned into countless small sharp blades, forming a stream of light. When Tang Hao showed his flaw, It all pours down.

"The eighth soul skill, ghosts and monsters." A black ghost mist formed around Tang Hao, and a group of skeletons emerged from it. These skeletons were extremely powerful. After seeing Tang Hao, they all attacked him in unison.

Now Tang Hao was in a panic by the attacks of four people. It was not easy to deal with the siege.

Therefore, Tang Hao could only try his best to use "Chaos Cloak Hammer" to resist as much as possible.

However, facing four powerful soul attack attacks, unless Tang Hao could ignore the injuries in his body, he would still be able to defeat them directly with force.

However, the current situation is that Tang Hao does not dare to use his full strength, which puts him in a dilemma.

If he doesn't resist with all his strength, he will be injured again under the siege of the four people. Therefore, there is not much time for Tang Hao to think about this.

"Fight." Now Tang Hao didn't have much choice.

As a result, Tang Hao no longer used his soul power to suppress the injuries in his body. Suddenly, Tang Hao's momentum increased a lot.

Seeing this, Demon-Conquering Douluo quickly said: "Tang Hao, you really didn't use all your strength before. It seems you were suppressing your internal injuries."

Then he said to Qianjun and others: "Everyone, try harder. Tang Hao is injured and can't hold on for long. Let's see if he dies this time."

"Don't even think about it. Even if you die, I will drag one of you to accompany me when the time comes." Tang Hao shouted while waving the Clear Sky Hammer with all his strength.

Tang Hao's plan was to distract Jiang Mo and others, so as to create opportunities for himself.

Because now Tang Hao is injured again, but it is not serious yet and he can barely control it. As long as he can break through the siege of Qianjun and others this time, then he still has a glimmer of hope.

"Ah, Chaotic Cloak, ninety-nine to one." With the risk of internal injuries getting worse again, when Tang Hao released his soul power and used the "Chaotic Cloak" with all his strength, he finally showed its full power.

The huge energy collision also caused Qianjun and others to retreat continuously, and Tang Hao, who was in the center, felt a little uncomfortable.


After resisting the siege, Tang Hao suddenly vomited blood because he used his "Chaos Cloak" with all his strength.

However, there was no time left for Tang Hao at this time. As long as he took a little more time, he might have to deal with it here.

Therefore, Tang Hao quickly headed towards the direction of the Killing City, but this direction was exactly where Ju Douluo was.

"No, Tang Hao is going to run away." Seeing Tang Hao heading towards the Killing City, Qianjun Douluo suddenly thought of something and shouted loudly.

"The ninth soul skill, the most devastating thing." Tang Hao also heard Qianjun Douluo's words, and then attacked without giving Ju Douluo time to react.

Facing Tang Hao's hundred thousand year soul ring skill, Ju Douluo could only try his best to resist.

"Everyone, come and help." Ju Douluo said after seeing this, and then quickly used his soul skills to deal with it.

"The ninth soul skill, the chrysanthemums are broken, the ground is covered with wounds, and the flowers fall and people are heartbroken."

Although Ju Douluo used his ninth soul skill to counterattack in time, he could not withstand Tang Hao's hundred thousand year soul ring skill.

After beating Ju Douluo away, Tang Hao took the opportunity to run away quickly, heading towards the Killing City.

In just a short while, Tang Hao found an opportunity, which also made Qianjun and others look ugly. They thought Tang Hao would have no chance of escaping this time, but he didn't expect that due to his carelessness, he ran away again.

"Chase, we can't just let Tang Hao run away." Qianjun quickly called on everyone to pursue Tang Hao.

After Tang Hao escaped from the encirclement, he ignored the four people chasing him and headed towards the killing city with all his strength.

Tang Hao stood at the entrance of the Killing City, looked at Qianjun Douluo and the other four, and said, "Come with me if you have the guts."

Afterwards, Tang Hao jumped down and entered the Killing City.

Ju Douluo asked at this time: "Sixth Elder, what should we do now?"

Seeing that Tang Hao escaped in the end, Qianjun felt angry in his heart. This time he was really embarrassed.

After thinking about it, Qianjun said: "Let's go back and report to the Pope first. Let's see what the Pope's final arrangements are. Alas!"

"You four titled Douluo above level 95 can't stop a seriously injured person. You still have the nerve to come back, ah!" An angry voice came from the Pope's Palace, and even the guards guarding outside were a little worried. Shivering.

Qianjun Douluo and others came back to report Tang Hao's situation. After receiving the news that Tang Hao had escaped again, Bibi Dong suddenly became angry.

Bibi Dong added: "Usually, aren't you amazing one by one? Now four people are beating one person, and the injured person can be allowed to run away. I think even if you have been pampered for a long time, I don't know why. Fighting.”

"In the future, if something big happens in Wuhun Palace, do you think you can take the lead in your current situation?"

Qianjun and others were rendered speechless by Bibi Dong, especially Demon-Conquering Douluo, from whom Tang Hao escaped twice in a row.

However, Bibi Dong didn't say much. After learning this lesson, he was a little arrogant compared to Qianjun and others.

Then, Bibi Dong said again: "Since Tang Hao has escaped into the Killing City, Xiang will not be able to come out for a while, so you guys will take turns leading people to monitor there."

Bibi Dong's words left the four of them speechless, and in the end they could only follow the arrangement.

At the same time, the four of them also swore in their hearts that the next time they saw Tang Hao again, they would definitely kill him.

After Tang Hao entered the Slaughter City, he also attracted the attention of the Slaughter King. After all, if a person with a strong aura suddenly entered the Slaughter City, it would be difficult to avoid being discovered.

You know, everyone in the City of Slaughter is under the influence of the King of Slaughter. Not long after, the King of Slaughter appeared in front of Tang Hao.

"It turns out to be you."

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