Douluo's Blue Silver Family

Chapter 25 Conjecture about the development of Wuhun

After hearing what Yuan Changqing said, Catherine was greatly shocked. She didn't expect that he was so talented. Could this be the reason why his family could practice so quickly.

She didn't expect my man to be so capable, and her love for Yuan Changqing deepened when she looked at him.

If Yuan Changqing knew that Catherine thought of him this way, he would definitely give her a thumbs up.

Yuan Changqing said: "Catherine, don't talk about what I said everywhere. You can talk to your family, but you must be careful not to tell them."

"Yes, I know, husband." Catherine replied sweetly.

"Although these are just theories of mine now, I think there won't be any big mistakes. I will compile a document for you when the time comes."

"Again, don't leak it. If my theory is correct and it is leaked, I will definitely be suppressed by those soul master families."

"Our current strength is not enough to deal with these forces, because this is the trump card for those soul master families to maintain their status in Douluo Continent."

Catherine also knew at this time what to say and what not to say, as this could bring about disaster.

"I understand, husband, continue talking."

"Where did you just say that?"

Catherine said: "The connection between the additional soul ring and the mutated martial soul."

"Oh, here, behind you are the three powerful men in the mainland, right?"

"Of course you know this. As long as you are a soul master, I think there is no one who doesn't know it. Angel Douluo, the King of the Sky, Haotian Douluo, the King of Land, and Poseidon Douluo, the King of the Ocean."

"Well, let's talk about Angel Douluo first. From the information we can understand, Angel Douluo's martial spirit angel is the only god-level martial spirit known in the mainland."

According to the divine levels of Angel God and Poseidon, they are the same. Maybe Poseidon is stronger than Angel God.

Since few people in Douluo Continent have access to Poseidon Island, and there is a lack of information, few people except those big forces know about the situation on Poseidon Island.

Therefore, although Poseidon Douluo is very famous, everyone has only heard about it, and Poseidon Douluo's martial spirit should also be a god-level martial spirit, so everyone thinks that there is only one god-level martial spirit on the mainland.

"I know this too. After all, I have been wandering around the mainland for so many years."

"The angel martial spirit is considered the perfect martial spirit on Douluo Continent, and it is also a god-level martial spirit. So why can't it dominate Douluo Continent?"

"It's true. It stands to reason that even if the Clear Sky Hammer is the most powerful martial spirit, it is only a super martial spirit, and there is still a gap between it and a god-level martial spirit."

Yuan Changqing said: "I think this has a lot to do with the soul ring. Poseidon Douluo is a sea soul master. I have never been in contact with him, so I won't say more."

"Let's talk about the angel martial spirit first. Although it is a god-level martial spirit, she also needs to attach a soul ring. Due to its perfection, attaching a soul ring to it is only for the soul skill and cannot make the martial spirit more powerful."

"As for the Clear Sky Hammer Spirit, although it is a super spirit, it is not perfect, so as long as a reasonable spirit ring is attached to it, it will become more powerful, which makes it strong enough to compete with the Angel Spirit."

"This reflects the importance of the soul ring to the martial spirit. As long as the compatibility with the martial spirit is high, the martial spirit can become stronger and more perfect."

"Look at the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus Rex, the best beast martial spirit in the Douluo Continent. I heard that the spirit ring they attached requires a dragon beast with dragon blood."

"As long as a dragon has a trace of its bloodline among soul beasts, it is a relatively strong soul beast, but the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus family is also a super martial soul, so they can compete with the Clear Sky Hammer."

"But why don't the three powerful people in Douluo Continent have their own families? Although their families have titled Douluo."

"If I can't think of anything unexpected, there are two main reasons. The first is that there are very few soul beasts with dragon blood among the soul beasts. Even if they exist, they are very rare."

"The second reason is that the first reason is that the soul rings cannot be more reasonable, or there is something wrong with their inheritance."

Catherine said: "What's the problem? Their family is considered a top sect, so there shouldn't be any problems."

"How should I put it? It should be said that there was no problem with the inheritance before, but it is not suitable now. Therefore, although their sect can still have titled Douluo, it can no longer be compared with Haotian Sect."

Yuan Changqing asked again: "What kind of soul beast soul ring do you think is most suitable for the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus?"

"Didn't you just say that, Dragon Beast?"

"That's good, but the blue electric Tyrannosaurus rex has the words "electricity" and "dragon" in it. The best soul beast soul ring is a dragon beast that also has thunder and lightning. But now even dragon beasts are basically dragon beasts with thin blood."

"So, their inheritance is problematic now."

Catherine said: "It seems that you should be careful about the choice of soul rings and martial souls."

"Of course, I've just had my fill of mouth. I'm just guessing, maybe it's not the case."

"But we must choose the spirit ring carefully, even though there is great uncertainty when we hunt the spirit beast."

"Well, I understand. It seems that I must choose the subsequent soul rings carefully in the future, but please see if there are any problems with the soul rings I attached before."

Then Kaiseli told him about the spirit ring and spirit beast that he had previously attached.

Not to mention, she made good choices, there were no major problems, and the attributes were consistent, although not all were bird soul beasts.

But it's not bad to find one with suitable attributes, which is already very good for civilians like them.

After all, hunting soul beasts is very dangerous, especially soul beasts that are more than ten thousand years old. Even the Haotian Sect cannot perfectly hunt the soul beasts they want.

"Yes, although the soul ring you attached is not in the most perfect state, its attributes are also consistent, which is very good."

"Haha, that's right, you don't even know who picked it, but from now on, I'll have to rely on you to help me choose the additional soul rings for my martial soul."

"No problem, you are my wife now. If I don't help, who will?"

At this point, they became bored again, talking to each other.

Yuan Changqing said: "So, the choice of soul rings is more meaningful for low-level martial souls than for high-level martial souls, because it can make the martial soul stronger."

"Therefore, I prefer to call this an evolution of the martial soul, allowing the martial soul to evolve to a higher level, weakening the shortcomings of the martial soul, and thereby expanding the advantages."

"This is the result of my constant thinking and conjecture since I started studying. It is also the result of going to Tiandou Royal Academy to be a teacher and reading books in the library in the past two years."

Catherine suddenly understood and said: "No wonder you have been running to the library whenever you have free time in the past two years. It seems that your achievements today did not come out of thin air."

"If you can continue to study in depth now, you will definitely become a theoretical master in the soul master world in the future."

Hearing the master, Yuan Changqing thought of the plagiarism master Yu Xiaogang, who should have been born now.

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