Douluo's Blue Silver Family

Chapter 252: Heaven Dou’s Death Martial Spirit Stands

Xuexing was not disappointed with Dugu Bo's rejection. In that case, he just wanted to test it out.

After all, the relationship between the two has always been that of ordinary friends, and Dugu Bo has not reached the level where he can risk everything for Xuexing.

After hearing Dugu Bo's rejection, Xuexing quickly replied: "Your Majesty, I have no other intentions. I came here mainly to consider a way out for myself. If there is really a critical moment later, I hope that I can get your Majesty by then." s help."

Dugu Bo thought for a moment and thought that Xuexing had always been respectful to him over the years. Although there was an element of solicitation, at least he didn't do anything out of the ordinary.

Dugu Bo added: "When that time comes, I can take action for you and send you out of Tiandou City to a safe place."

"But, this is just this time. What good fortune you can have in the future will only depend on yourself."

After receiving Dugu Bo's accurate answer, Xuexing's anxious heart finally calmed down.

Xuexing said with a grateful face: "Thank you so much. It's great that your Majesty can help me once."

Time passed by slowly, and several days had passed since Wuhun Palace's big move. And because of the fermentation of time, almost everyone who should know about it already knew about it.

This also allowed people on the Douluo Continent to truly see that the behemoth of the Wuhun Palace actually hid such a huge power.

This time, for the actions within the Tiandou Empire's sphere of influence, Wuhun Palace's speed can be said to be devastating, with almost no obstacles.

For those principal kingdoms close to Wuhun Palace, these countries had actually been infiltrated long ago and were captured without much effort.

Therefore, in addition to maintaining a defensive posture on the border with the Star Luo Empire, Wuhun Palace has been deploying troops and generals on the Tiandou Empire's sphere of influence, quickly integrating the armies of various countries.

Then he continued to move towards the Tiandou Empire, hoping to capture and integrate the strength of the Tiandou Empire as quickly as possible and with the cooperation of Xue Qinghe.

In this way, there will be more time to react to the Star Luo Empire's actions.

The Xingluo Empire was also decisive in its hard work. After learning about Wuhundian's actions, they knew through deduction that if no external force intervened this time, it would happen.

Then, it can be said that the Tiandou Empire is really helpless. The relationship between the lips and the teeth also makes the Star Luo Empire have to lend a helping hand to the Tiandou Empire.

Therefore, now that the troops of the Star Luo Empire have assembled at the border, they are about to prepare for war with Wuhun Palace, in order to reduce the pressure on the Tiandou Empire.

However, the Xingluo Empire might be disappointed. Just after Xue Qinghe became the emperor of the Tiandou Empire, he quickly received the news that Wuhun Palace was attacking the Tiandou Empire.

However, Xue Qinghe didn't take much action. He only strengthened his control over Tiandou City to prevent those unstable factors from causing trouble.

It's not time for the dust to settle yet, so Xue Qinghe cannot take it lightly.

After all, there is another force in Tiandou City that Xue Qinghe has not yet fully controlled, and that is the army in the hands of Ge Long.

However, it is hard for Ge Long to act rashly now. After Yuan Changqing's reminder, Xue Qinghe also made some moves to win over Ge Long.

However, Ge Long had been avoiding him like he was doing Tai Chi, so Xue Qinghe didn't know if he would suddenly attack now.

Therefore, after taking control of Tiandou City, Xue Qinghe sent a titled Douluo-level expert to monitor Ge Long day and night.

If Ge Long makes any move, he will be hunted by Titled Douluo, although Ge Long can temporarily compete with Titled Douluo due to his martial spirit.

However, after all, Ge Long is still just a Contra, and he cannot really fight against Titled Douluo.

Now Yuan Changqing has been in Tiandou City, just to discuss it with Bibi Dong, so that he can respond to Xue Qinghe in case of emergencies.

After Dugubo learned about Wuhun Palace's actions, reinforced the abnormal situation in Tiandou City in the past few days, and some of Yuan Changqing's previous warnings to him, he immediately guessed that something big was going to happen in Tiandou Empire.

So Dugubo quickly came to Yuan Changqing's house and wanted to ask about the specific situation.

Seeing Dugu Bo coming to see him, Yuan Changqing knew that he must have many questions in his heart, so he quickly invited Dugu Bo into his home.

Dugu Bo saw Yuan Changqing looking calm and relaxed, as if nothing had happened.

Dugu Bo asked curiously: "Changqing, with such a big thing happening in the Tiandou Empire, you are not worried at all?"

Dugubo had some conflicts with Wuhun Palace in the past, although it was not major, but with Wuhun Palace's current actions towards the Tiandou Empire, he was a little worried that Wuhun Palace would come to trouble him again.

Therefore, now that I have come to see Yuan Changqing, I also want to know if there is any connection here, otherwise Yuan Changqing would not have reminded him before.

Yuan Changqing smiled and said: "Old Poison, don't worry. These matters are the affairs of the Tiandou Empire and Wuhun Palace. They are not our business for the time being. What happened before is what it is now."

Dugu Bo asked again: "Changqing, do you know something? Are you also involved in it?"

When Yuan Changqing saw Dugu Bo asking this question, he stopped trying to hide it and said, "Old Poison, based on Wuhun Palace's actions, haven't you seen that it is preparing to annex the Tiandou Empire?"

"Moreover, the Tiandou Empire has not made any moves so far. You should be able to guess some clues here."

"Also, haven't you seen that the Qibao Glazed Sect has not made any moves yet?"

Following Yuan Changqing's words, Dugu Bo thought deeply, and then he couldn't help but take a breath of cold air.

Dugu Bo calmed his mind and said again: "I didn't expect that the layout of Wuhun Palace is so deep. No wonder you reminded me not to get involved in the affairs of Tiandou Empire before. It turns out that it is for this reason. Then what about this matter? You already knew this."

Yuan Changqing nodded and said: "I do know. Since it was kept secret before, I can only remind you like that without explaining what the specific matter is."

Dugu Bo also nodded and replied: "This is also very good, Changqing, you don't know, Xue Xing came to me a few days ago and wanted me to help him escape from Tiandou City. I didn't think about it at the time. So much, I agreed.”

"So, do you think I should send him out then?"

Yuan Changqing thought for a while, after all, Xuexing was also a member of the Tiandou Empire's royal family. If he really escaped, he would definitely cause a lot of trouble.

However, since Dugu Bo agreed, he couldn't break his promise. However, Yuan Changqing could also inform Xue Qinghe and let him operate from behind.

Moreover, this would also give Xue Qinghe more room to perform, wouldn't it?

So, Yuan Changqing replied: "Old Poison, since you promised Xuexing, just fulfill your promise when the time comes, and let me arrange the rest!"

Dugu Bo nodded and said, "Okay, I will send someone to notify you when the time comes."


Time passed by, and Wuhundian's army soon arrived at the capital of the Tiandou Empire.

During this period of time, Wuhun Palace was blocking the Star Luo Empire's attack on the one hand, and on the other hand, it was also rushing towards Tiandou City, and now it finally arrived.

In this process, there were not no obstacles, but with the strong people following along, those troubles were easily solved.

Therefore, after Wuhun Palace arrived in Tiandou City, Xue Qinghe, a super internal leader, quickly surrendered to Wuhun Palace.

Next, when Wuhun Palace accepted Tiandou City, although some diehard elements caused trouble, they were easily killed in the face of absolute strength.

Even people like Ge Long who have absolute prestige in the Tiandou Empire's military do not dare to stab at will now. They can only watch the Wuhun Palace integrate the original Tiandou Empire's army.

As Xue Qinghe announced his surrender to Wuhun Palace, after receiving the news, various cities in the Tiandou Empire also allowed Wuhun Palace to take over each city more smoothly.

The Wuhun Palace also began to quickly integrate the original power of the Tiandou Empire, constantly mixing with the Wuhun Palace's army.

Soon, Bibi Dong announced the establishment of the Wuhun Empire in Wuhun City. At this point, the Tiandou Empire was destroyed and the Wuhun Empire was established.

Subsequently, in addition to leaving some troops to maintain stability in the original Tiandou Empire, other troops also began to move towards the border of the Star Luo Empire.

The Star Luo Empire was also shocked when they learned that the Tiandou Empire was gone and now became the Spirit Empire.

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