Douluo's Blue Silver Family

Chapter 258 Transition

After Tang Hao left the battlefield where the Star Luo Empire and the Wuhun Empire were fighting, he decided to return to the Slaughter City. Before Tang San became a god, he planned to stay in the Slaughter City to protect him so as to avoid having to deal with his grandfather Tang San. Like in the morning, something unexpected happened.

Faced with the steady retreat of the Star Luo Empire's army, people within its territory began to panic.

Moreover, many forces have begun to look for a way out, so as not to be buried with them like the Star Luo Empire.

Faced with this situation, Emperor Dai Zhen of the Star Luo Empire also knew that he was now powerless to change it.

Therefore, in order to prevent his White Tiger family from being exterminated, Dai Zhen also began to arrange for the elites of the family to retreat overseas.

There are still many islands scattered on the sea of ​​Douluo Continent. Dai Zhen's arrangement can also allow the White Tiger family to avoid the pursuit of the Wuhun Empire on the mainland.

As for whether they will be found after the Xingluo Empire is destroyed, that is a matter for the future. The most important thing now is to preserve the elites of the White Tiger Family.

The choice of the Civet Cat Family is different from that of the White Tiger Family. Because of Zhu Zhuqing's relationship, the Star Luo Zhu Family also knows that the current situation is a matter of time for the Star Luo Empire.

As a result, the Civet Cat family also began to arrange for people to go to Soto City to contact Yuan Changqing's family, hoping to receive protection.

Now the situation in the Star Luo Empire has really come to terms with the situation. When a disaster comes, they all fly away, and they all start looking for their own way out.

After Yuan Changqing saw the people from the Zhu Zhuqing family, he guessed their purpose of coming to his family.

However, for Yuan Changqing's family, if you want to get protection, you must show your expression. You must know that the Lingmao family is not an ordinary family in the Star Luo Empire.

Therefore, Yuan Changqing looked at the envoy of the Zhu family in front of him and asked, "Although your Civet family has members in my family, we still have some relationship."

"However, it is not impossible for your Civet family to get the protection of my family now."

"Then, what price are you going to pay? You can't just give it up in vain!"

When the Zhu family envoy heard that Yuan Changqing was willing to protect the Civet family, he couldn't help but feel happy.

Then, he said: "Your Majesty, please rest assured that if you are willing to protect the Civet Family, my family will definitely respond accordingly."

Yuan Changqing nodded and said: "My willingness to protect your family is not without conditions. Your Civet family can move to Soto City."

"However, it is best not to have anyone involved with the White Tiger family. This is not only for your family, but also for us to have less trouble."

"So, when you go back, you have to make it clear to your family master, so as not to make everyone look bad."

The Zhu family envoy asked again: "Your Majesty, you should also know that our Lingmao family has been married to the White Tiger family for generations."

"So, many people in the family are more or less involved with the White Tiger family. If we follow His Majesty's requirements, I'm afraid not many people can meet the requirements."

After hearing this, Yuan Changqing thought for a moment and felt that this was really the case with the Civet Cat family.

So, Yuan Changqing said again: "Then let me put it another way, people from your Civet Cat Family and White Tiger Family who are married cannot move to Soto City."

"However, anyone who marries into your civet family can move into Soto City with you. You should understand this!"

The Zhu family envoy nodded quickly and said: "I understand, Your Majesty, I will truthfully report your words to the family master when I return."

Even when all the forces in the Star Luo Empire were looking for a way out, they could not stop the Spirit Empire's attack.

Now, when the Wuhun Empire's troops enter the Star Luo Empire, there is no longer as strong resistance as at the beginning.

Therefore, the Wuhun Empire did not rush to attack after surrounding Star Luo City, but began to attack other cities in the Star Luo Empire.

The Wuhun Empire is preparing to use Xingluo City as the final battle to unify Douluo Continent.

Not long after the Zhu family envoy returned to the Star Luo Empire, people from the Lingmao family came to Soto City one after another. Yuan Changqing also personally helped arrange a family residence for the Lingmao family.

From then on, the Lingmao family was no longer the second family of the Xingluo Empire. Now it was just the Lingmao family that took shelter under the Yuan Changqing family.

After the Lingmao family moved to Soto City, Yuan Changqing also knew that the time for the Wuhun Empire to unify Douluo Continent was not far away from the information coming from all sides.

Sure enough, not long after the entire Lingmao family arrived in Soto City, Xingluo City was breached, and the Xingluo Empire was officially declared dead, and Wuhun Palace officially unified the entire Douluo Continent.

The unification of the Douluo Continent also ended the previous years of confrontation and war between the Tiandou Empire and the Star Luo Empire.

But now that Wuhun Palace has unified the Douluo Continent, only the Wuhun Empire will exist, and ordinary civilians on the Douluo Continent will no longer suffer from the pain of war. This is also a problem for these ordinary civilians. Good thing.

If the two countries continue to have wars all year round as before, no one knows how many people will die every year.

Wuhun City.

Now Wuhun City is not only the headquarters of Wuhun Palace, but also the capital of Wuhun Empire.

This time Yuan Changqing came here again to attend the ceremony of Bibi Dong's coronation as the Emperor of Wuhun Palace.

Although the Wuhun Empire had been established for some time, due to the war at that time, the coronation ceremony of the Emperor of the Wuhun Empire was not held.

Now Bibi Dong is not only the pope of Wuhun Palace, but also the emperor of Wuhun Empire. This is equivalent to a political and religious empire.

After the coronation ceremony of the Emperor of the Wuhun Empire was completed and all the guests were sent away, Bibi Dong took Qian Renxue to find Yuan Changqing.

This is the first time Yuan Changqing has seen Qian Renxue return to her original appearance.

However, Qian Renxue looked at Bibi Dong and Yuan Changqing with complicated expressions. However, Qian Renxue knew about the relationship between the two in advance and thought of some things, so she felt relieved.

Yuan Changqing didn't care much about Qian Renxue's attitude. After all, he only had a relationship with Bibi Dong.

After seeing Bibi Dong and the two arriving, Yuan Changqing asked: "Now that Wuhun Palace has unified Douluo Continent, what are your plans in the future?"

Bibi Dong said: "Originally, I planned to pass the positions of Pope and Emperor to Xue'er after unifying Douluo Continent in Wuhun Palace."

"But now Xue'er has lost her strength because of her previous days in the Tiandou Empire."

"So, prepare to go all out to improve your strength and prepare to inherit the throne of the Angel God."

Yuan Changqing glanced at Qian Renxue and said, "She should really work hard. I think you should know that Tang Hao and Tang San are in the Killing City!"

Bibi Dong replied: "Yes, and I also know that the Killing City is also the place where God King Shura inherits his throne and is protected by God King Shura."

"Also, as far as I know now, apart from Xue'er's angel god, my Rakshasa god and the evil god, the other gods on Douluo Continent are the gods of the sea. Now Na'er brother and sister should be with your son. They have arrived at Poseidon Island!"

Yuan Changqing nodded and said: "Based on time, I think they should have arrived at Poseidon Island."

"However, although Wuhun Palace has unified Douluo Continent now, the troubles between Tang Hao and his son have not been resolved, and they are protected by God Shura. So, there should be a battle to decide the outcome in the end."

"So, you still have to complete the divine test as soon as possible. Only after you become gods can you solve the problem of father and son."

Qian Renxue said at this time: "What are you afraid of? Even if Tang San becomes a god in the end, when two of us in Wuhun Palace become gods, we are still afraid that Tang San will not become a god."

Bibi Dong reminded at this time: "Xue'er, you haven't officially started the divine inheritance yet, so you don't know much about God yet."

"As far as the angel god is concerned, the angel god's level is a first-level god, which is the same as my Rakshasa god."

"However, the Shura God's throne in the Killing City is one level higher than the Angel God's throne. Let's put it this way, if we have the strength of the two first-level gods against a god who has inherited the throne of the God King, That has no chance of winning at all.”

"However, fortunately, last time Changqing helped me find an evil god king of the same level as the Shura god. Even if Tang San becomes a god, we don't have to be afraid of him."

After Qian Renxue heard this, she nodded, knowing that gods also have strengths and weaknesses.

Bibi Dong asked again at this time: "Changqing, what about you, have you found any other divine inheritance?"

Yuan Changqing did not tell Bibi Dong about the "Changchun Jue" because she was undergoing the examination for the divine position. This was also to prevent the gods from knowing about it.

Yuan Changqing replied: "It's not that easy to find, but don't worry, when you become gods, I think my strength will not be weak anymore. Then I will let you see my strength."

"Also, Dong'er, now that you have an additional position as Emperor of the Spirit Empire, will it interfere with your divine status assessment?"

Bibi Dong added: "Don't worry, I have sorted out those things now, and there is a special department to handle those things."

"So, I will have a lot of time in the future to complete my divine status assessment as soon as possible. I will not be burdened with those mundane things. I still know the seriousness of the matter."

Yuan Changqing nodded and said: "That's good. Although there is no threat on Douluo Continent now, Tang San is still a time bomb."

"Therefore, in the future, becoming a god is the primary goal, and other things are not important."

The reason why Yuan Changqing kept reminding Bibi Dong was because when Tang San passed on the throne, God Shura was releasing water.

Otherwise, in the original work, it would have been impossible to complete the divine status assessment so quickly, and this was still the case with two divine statuses.

Therefore, this is also the reason why Yuan Changqing reminded Bibi Dong.

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