Douluo's Blue Silver Family

Chapter 260 Awakening Memory

In the summer of 1961, No. 95, Nanluogu Lane, Sijiucheng, was a courtyard house with three entrances.

This courtyard house used to be a four-entry courtyard, but was later changed into a three-entry courtyard.

This is because the dividing wall between the front yard and the outer yard was later demolished, turning it into a three-in-one quadrangle.

It is still early ten years since the founding of New China. In this era where workers are proud to be workers, Chinese people have shown their hard work that is engraved in their bones and are working hard to build New China every day.

It's still working hours during the day, and there aren't many people in the courtyard, except for those aunts and ladies who don't have jobs.

However, they also do housework like cooking and cooking at home every day, providing logistical support for their working families.

In a room on the left side of the front yard of the courtyard, a young man is lying on the bed. He looks about sixteen or seventeen years old. There is also a woman in her thirties or forties, dressed in simple clothes, who is taking care of him. .

Since it is summer now, the temperature in Sijiu City is also uncomfortably high. This young man suffered from heatstroke due to the weather.

Fortunately, someone was with the young man at the time, and he was sent home in time and his family was notified.

After that, a doctor was invited over. After diagnosis and treatment, it was indeed heatstroke. Medical treatment at this time was not like it would be in the future, and only physical methods could be used to help cool down the body.

Afterwards, the doctor explained some precautions and left.

However, looking at the sad look on the woman's face, one could tell that the young man hadn't woken up yet, so he could only keep putting a wet towel on his head to help cool him down.

After some physical cooling, after a while, the young man's originally red face gradually returned to normal.

After seeing this situation, the woman's complexion also became better, indicating that the young man's heat stroke symptoms began to improve.

After a while, the young man lying on the bed slowly opened his eyes. He didn't know if it was because of heat stroke, but he was also a little confused, not knowing what happened.

"Changqing, it's great that you're awake. I'm worried about my mother." Looking at the young man named Changqing who woke up, the woman said in surprise.

As the sound of "Evergreen" sounded in the young man's ears, suddenly, a lot of information suddenly appeared in the head of the young man lying on the bed.


The young man also let out a scream because of the sudden large amount of information.

Moreover, the young man had a severe headache due to the influx of a large amount of information into his mind, and the expression on his face was about to wrinkle into a ball.

The scream sounded, and the woman still beside the bed became worried again.

"Changqing, Changqing, what's wrong with you? Are you feeling uncomfortable somewhere? Mom will take you to the hospital now." The woman asked anxiously.

Just when the woman wanted to leave the room and call someone, the pain in the head of the young man lying on the bed began to slowly subside.

Previously, it was only because the large amount of information came too suddenly that it could not be digested, so it caused such severe pain.

"Mom, I'm fine. It's just that my head hurts. I bumped it just now. As long as I rest, I'll be fine." The young man quickly stopped the woman, but from the tone of her voice, she could still feel that she was still hurt when she spoke. Somewhat difficult.

"It's really okay. Don't lie to mom. You are the only child in our family now. If something happens to you, how will mom live?" the woman asked quickly.

"Mom, I'm really fine. I'm much better now. As long as I get more rest, I'll be fine. Just rest assured." The young man said with certainty.

The woman looked at the young man suspiciously and said, "Well, you should rest more now. If something happens, you must tell your mother, you know?"

"Well, I understand."

"Okay, you rest first, call me if you need anything." After the woman finished speaking, she left the room.

"Jiang Fen, how are your parents doing? Are you feeling better?"

"Third aunt, it's okay. My parents have woken up. As long as they get some more rest, they'll be fine."

Listening to the conversation outside, the young man in the room also began to check the information in his mind with his eyes closed, and this young man was Yuan Changqing who came from Douluo Continent.

Yuan Changqing did not expect that he would come to the TV series called "Qinman Siheyuan". At the same time, he also thought in his heart, would he have to spend his life in the mortal world again?

In this courtyard world, Yuan Changqing is still called Yuan Changqing. I don't know if it is because of his own reasons that a butterfly effect has occurred. There is an extra family of his in this courtyard.

It is now 1961. Yuan Changqing is a family of three. His father is a chef + monitor in the canteen of Hongxing Steel Rolling Mill. His name is Yuan Dongfang, a seventh-level chef, with a salary of 39.5 yuan + 2 yuan, which is 41.5 yuan per month.

He works in the same factory as Sha Zhu in the original drama, but Sha Zhu is still an eighth-level cook + monitor, with a salary of 35.5 yuan + 2 yuan, and 37.5 yuan per month, working in the third canteen.

The woman who took care of Yuan Changqing before was named Jiang Fen. She was Yuan Changqing's mother and worked as an accountant at a waste recycling station.

The reason why Jiang Fen was able to become an accountant was because she knew some simple arithmetic before she worked at a waste recycling station. Later, when the national literacy program was launched, Jiang Fen also actively studied and enrolled in arithmetic classes, so she entered the waste recycling industry. standing.

Now Yuan Changqing is sixteen and almost seventeen. He was born in 1944. Before New China was established, Yuan Dongfang and Jiang Fen set up a street stall, and the family could barely make ends meet.

Later, when New China was established and the country began public-private partnership, Yuan Dongfang signed up to work in the canteen of the Hongxing Steel Rolling Mill, where he has been until now.

Although Yuan Dongfang's current chef level is level seven and Sha Zhu is level eight, when it comes to cooking skills, Sha Zhu is definitely better.

Yuan Dongfang can also cook home-cooked dishes and big pot dishes, and the taste is neither good nor bad.

These are some information about his family in Yuan Changqing's memory in this life.

I don't know if Yuan Changqing's academic performance in this life is due to his rebirth, but he barely managed to graduate from junior high school.

This heat stroke was caused by the weather being too hot when I was playing outside with my friends before I found a job just after graduation.

Fortunately, due to heatstroke, Yuan Changqing also awakened the memory of his previous life.

However, he has just woken up now. For Yuan Changqing, in the world of Siheyuan, he had learned Chinese medicine before, but he did not dare to use it now.

After all, in this era, the neighbors are very familiar with you. If you suddenly say you know Chinese medicine, others are not stupid. If you don't explain clearly, you will be regarded as a spy.

Therefore, Yuan Changqing could only find a job honestly in the end.

However, Yuan Changqing also has a plan, which is to ask his father Yuan Dongfang to get him to work as a canteen apprentice at the Red Star Steel Rolling Mill. With Yuan Dongfang taking care of him, it will be easier than other jobs to get involved.

You know, in this era, no matter what happens, a chef will never starve to death. With the memories of past lives, the chef will definitely learn the skills very quickly.

Later, Yuan Changqing thought about the exercises he learned in his previous life. Wu Qin Xi must be of some use in this world. As for "Changchun Jue", in this mortal world, it may not be any different from his first life.

After thinking about it, Yuan Changqing felt a little tired probably because of the heatstroke today, the awakening of his memory, and the impact of a large amount of information, and he slowly fell asleep.

Later, while sleeping, Yuan Changqing's soul also came to his own sea of ​​consciousness.

When Yuan Changqing was in Douluo Continent in his previous life, he had already practiced the "Changchun Jue" to the Nascent Soul realm.

However, due to Tang San's self-destruction, Yuan Changqing's body was completely broken, and he was finally saved by the World Pearl, and then came to this courtyard world.

Now in Yuan Changqing's sea of ​​​​consciousness, the martial spirit Blue Silver Emperor from the previous life is still there. After seeing Yuan Changqing come to the sea of ​​​​consciousness, he keeps shaking slightly.

Yuan Changqing still doesn't know why he can still open the sea of ​​consciousness in this ordinary world of Siheyuan.

Could it be that because of the awakening of memory, the soul energy of the previous life helped him forcibly open it? In this situation, Yuan Changqing can only think like this now.

Moreover, in the sea of ​​​​consciousness, the World Pearl that has always been with him is also floating on the top of the Blue Silver Emperor Martial Spirit. No, now the Blue Silver Emperor Martial Spirit looks more like a Blue Silver Tree.

Except for the Blue Silver Emperor's martial soul shaking slightly after seeing Yuan Changqing's soul, the World Pearl remained the same, ignoring him.

Yuan Changqing also wants to use the World Pearl now, but with his current soul state, he has tried it but got no response.

After Yuan Changqing took a nap, he suddenly felt much more comfortable when he woke up. He no longer felt as weak as before due to heatstroke.

However, Yuan Changqing immediately thought that when he was sleeping, he seemed to feel that he had entered his own sea of ​​consciousness.

So, Yuan Changqing immediately closed his eyes and sensed carefully. Sure enough, he really sensed the existence of the sea of ​​consciousness, and the Blue Silver Emperor's martial spirit was also in the sea of ​​consciousness.

Afterwards, Yuan Changqing sat up and immediately started running the "Changchun Jue" again. However, after a long time, he did not feel a trace of spiritual energy.

"It seems that I really think too much." Yuan Changqing murmured.

Then, he whispered to himself: "Is it really because of the previous life that I opened the sea of ​​consciousness? Or is it because there is too little spiritual energy that prevents me from sensing it?"

"Perhaps, I should take some time every day to practice. As for whether I succeed in the end, it depends on luck."

After making the decision, Yuan Changqing stopped thinking so much. If he really couldn't practice in this courtyard world, he would have to wait until he died and the World Pearl would take him to the next world.

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