Douluo's Blue Silver Family

Chapter 262 Awesome joke

Seeing the third uncle walking out of the courtyard gate with fishing tools, the third uncle had not bought a bicycle yet, so he had to take the No. 11 bus. Then, Yuan Changqing turned around and went home for breakfast.

After breakfast, Yuan Changqing was fine at home, so he was ready to go out for a walk while the weather was still cool in the morning.

Although Yuan Changqing was born from his mother's ten-month pregnancy in this world, there was no such thing as reincarnation.

However, Yuan Changqing had not awakened his memory seventeen years before that, and now his understanding of the courtyard is only what he has in his memory in this life.

However, Yuan Changqing's past life memories awakened, and he still wanted to see the environment here with his own eyes and experience the characteristics of this era.

After staying at home for a while, Yuan Changqing walked out of the courtyard gate. Because it was holiday time, many children had gathered outside to play together.

Some played eagles and chickens, some threw sandbags, some wrestled and fought, and some even peed and made mud.

The little girls were fine, they were just playing with rubber bands, throwing handkerchiefs and the like.

These children all live nearby. Although they may not recognize them all, they all have familiar faces.

Moreover, the more people playing these games, the more fun they become. This is also a growth process that everyone will experience.

After seeing this, Yuan Changqing felt a little dazed for a moment. Whether it was himself in the past life or in this life, these are all the beautiful memories of his childhood.

Childhood is the most beautiful stage for everyone. As you grow up, you have to work and run around for a living, and you will have troubles, difficulties and so on.

Seeing these children playing so happily, Yuan Changqing thought that he was similar when he was a child, and a smile appeared on his face unknowingly.

After watching for a while, Yuan Changqing left. These childish things were far away from him, and he would start working in the future.

Later, he saw an old man playing chess on the street. Yuan Changqing was fine now, so he went up to take a look.

However, after watching for a while, even someone like Yuan Changqing, who doesn't play chess often, discovered that the two old men who were playing chess were not very good at playing chess. They were both bad chess players.

This is really an encounter with an opponent in chess, a general with a good talent, and the fight is inextricable.

However, the atmosphere and momentum of playing chess are not affected at all by the level of playing chess.

Moreover, there were several uncles on the side who were also helping to give pointers. You said something to me, but they didn’t have the consciousness of a true gentleman watching the game without saying anything. In the end, the two uncles couldn’t tell the winner, and they could only win. A draw results in a tie.

When it comes to playing chess on the roadside, what you need is this kind of atmosphere, this kind of liveliness, so that you can play chess and talk about the mountains at the same time. News from all over the world came from this place, just like some aunts and aunts Same, like to get together and gossip.

For example, someone's family is getting married, someone's family is fighting, someone's child has been promoted, etc. These are all news about the owner's parents and your family. The contents are true and false. They sound quite interesting. Otherwise, people’s curiosity is very strange!

Just as Yuan Changqing was listening to it, a scream suddenly came from not far away.

Looking for a reputation, I saw a man with a pot-covered head, who looked about six or seven years old. Judging from the hairstyle, he had a sense of age.

After seeing the child clearly, Yuan Changqing found that it was Bang Gang who lived in the courtyard of the courtyard where he lived. He was crying on the ground, and it looked like he had failed to win a fight.

But this stickie is really spoiled by his grandma. Although he has not completely evolved into a "stealing saint" yet, he has learned 100% from his grandma in his behavior.

Banggeng, who didn't win the fight, immediately used this trick, making him burst into tears.

Afterwards, Banggeng cried for a while, and when no one paid attention to him, he ran home crying.

After a while, I saw Mrs. Jia Zhang coming out again with Banggeng. Looking at the direction they went, I knew they were going to the supply and marketing cooperative.

To say that Mrs. Jia and Zhang are really kind to Banggeng, she is just too doting. However, if Banggeng can become a "stealing saint" in the future, Mrs. Jia and Zhang must bear the greatest responsibility.

Since Jia Dongxu's death, the Jia family is now left with orphans and widowed mothers. Qin Huairu is still pregnant with her child and has not yet taken over Jia Dongxu's shift at the Red Star Rolling Mill.

Although there were compensations and subsidies from the steel rolling mill, the money was hidden by Jia and Zhang as pension money, and they were reluctant to use it.

However, as soon as Banggeng cried like this, Jia Zhang took him to the supply and marketing cooperative, which shows how much he dotes on Banggeng.

It's true that as long as a child cries or makes a fuss, everything will happen. It's no wonder that Banggeng has developed a character of being the boss and the second child.

Just like Silly Zhu now, after eating the meals brought back from the steel rolling mill to Bang Geng's family every day, he felt no gratitude at all and felt that it was a matter of course.

Moreover, when Bangge sees Silly Zhu, he always yells "Silly Zhu, Silly Zhu", not like a junior should treat his elders at all.

This is just awesome. How can children from other families be so squeamish? It’s not like they met Jia Zhang a few decades later. If the second uncle’s children were like Bangge, they would have been beaten long ago. The ghosts are crying and the wolves are howling.

After all, the second uncle has always been talking about education with sticks. If something goes wrong, he will punch and kick him without mercy.

Life is not very good now. In the past three years, it was hard to even eat steamed buns, let alone have money to buy sweets.

You must know that no one in the Jia family has an urban household registration, so there is no food supply. At this time, the household registration is with the mother's side, and Qin Huairu has to wait until he takes over at the steel rolling mill before he can become an urban household registration.

Although you can buy it with money now, you still need food stamps, and another thing is that you may not be able to buy them.

But the Jia family won't worry about this now. They have the help of the first master and Shazhu, especially Shazhu.

Moreover, Shazhu is really trying his best to help. I really don’t know what he thinks. I can only say that Zi Feiyu knows how to enjoy fish.

Moreover, now that Shazhu is twenty-four or five years old, why is he still single and not married? Now Qin Huairu has just become a widow and has not yet evolved into a white lotus. This has not affected Shazhu's search for a wife.

So, why is Shazhu not married yet? You know, in this era, people basically get married when they are twenty years old. Finding a partner is also very simple. As long as they are introduced by a matchmaker and they find the right match, they can quickly get a marriage certificate.

Yuan Changqing felt that the reason why Shazhu had not gotten married yet was because there were no elders in the family to help with the affairs.

Although Shazhu went on many blind dates, the lack of elders to help make decisions also led to Shazhu himself being confused.

Another reason is that Sha Zhu has too high standards. Ever since Qin Huairu married Jia Dongxu, Sha Zhu will unknowingly follow Qin Huairu's standards when looking for a partner.

Although Qin Huairu has a rural registered permanent residence, she really needs good looks and good figure.

As the leader of the courtyard, Shazhu has a good income, so he naturally has high standards.

However, Shazhu is slovenly every day. Every time they go on a blind date, it’s not that Shazhu likes the other person but doesn’t.

It's not that the other party fell in love with Shazhu but didn't, it can only be said that the blind date happened again and again, and each time it turned out to be bad, so the matchmaker stopped coming.

In addition, in order to support his old age, the first uncle is also beginning to plot against Sha Zhu, asking Sha Zhu to help the Jia family.

In this way, Shazhu will unknowingly lose his reputation, and it will be even more difficult for outsiders to hear that you are a bachelor helping a widow and want to get married.

It can only be said that this is a matter between the first master, the Jia family and Shazhu. If Shazhu is willing, no one else can control it.

Moreover, from what Yuan Changqing saw, Banggeng's "stealing saint" attribute would also begin to awaken if he did not change his education methods and continued like this.

However, with people like Jia Zhang, it can be said that it is difficult to change if you want to change.

After all, Jia Zhang was a master at taking advantage, and Jia Dongxu was also taught by her to commit petty theft and cheating. The reason for his death was also due to Jia Zhang's education.

And now, looking at Banggeng, there is hope of taking over.

After walking around outside, the temperature gradually increased, and Yuan Changqing strolled back to the courtyard.

Every morning when he wakes up, Yuan Changqing sees the people in the courtyard busy, washing and pouring chamber pots.

Speaking of solving hygiene problems, Yuan Changqing has been the most uncomfortable with this aspect since he awakened his memory.

After all, the Siheyuan is also a large mansion in Nanluogu Lane. In the past, it was a place where dignitaries lived, and the conditions in all aspects were also very good.

Originally, before the courtyard was transformed into the large courtyard it is today, there were toilets inside.

However, later, after the state allocated the courtyard houses to the common people, the toilets in the courtyards were filled in and converted into houses, so that more people could live there.

Nowadays, if people want to go to the toilet, they can only go to the public toilet outside the courtyard. This is why every household has a chamber pot.

The public toilet outside is a dry toilet. There are many people in this area, so the smell is even greater, which is simply unbearable.

A toilet like this is even more unacceptable than the issue of bathing.

However, people have to eat, drink and poop, and Yuan Changqing's family does not have the conditions, so he can only follow the crowd and endure to solve personal hygiene problems every day.

Although he is not used to it and has not adapted from his previous habits, Yuan Changqing cannot show it too obviously.

I have been like this for more than ten years, and now there are changes in you. It will be noticed as time goes by, and I don’t know how to explain it.

Returning to the courtyard, Yuan Changqing saw Xu Damao dressed like a dog and preparing to go out.

Yuan Changqing asked: "Hey, Xu Damao, you are dressed so neatly, are you going on a blind date?"

"That's right, Changqing, my buddy is going on a date." Xu Damao said proudly.

Then, Xu Damao raised his wrist again, looked at his watch, and said, "It's getting late, brother, let's go first."

Yuan Changqing looked at him a little funny. He was showing off, doing it just for himself.

However, speaking of it, in this era, there are really not many people who own bicycles, watches, sewing machines, and radios.

If a family has these things, it means that the family conditions are good and their life must be good. When looking for a partner, if they have these things, the success rate will be much higher.

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