Douluo's Blue Silver Family

Chapter 265 Basic Skills

The next morning, Yuan Changqing woke up early, then sat cross-legged on the bed and started practicing.

Although Yuan Changqing had tried practicing "Changchun Jue" before and it had no effect, Yuan Changqing felt that he should persist.

Even if you really can't practice in this world, you can still rest your mind or something.

Therefore, Yuan Changqing would practice once in the morning and evening every day. Moreover, after finishing the practice in the morning, Yuan Changqing began to practice "Five Animals" again.

After all, after working in the canteen of the steel rolling mill yesterday, Yuan Changqing also experienced that without a good body, it might really take a long time to adapt to the current work in the canteen.

Yuan Changqing had never exercised much before, so it was normal for him to adapt when he suddenly started working like this.

After completing the practice of "Changchun Jue", Yuan Changqing left the room and started playing Wu Qin Xi.

When performing Wu Qin Xi, the imitation must be realistic, not only similar in shape, but also similar in spirit.

After all, Yuan Changqing had practiced Wuqinxi for several decades in his previous life, and he was already very familiar with it.

Therefore, when Yuan Changqing is practicing now, those movements are vivid and vivid, such as the mighty flapping of a tiger, the stretching neck of a deer, the cleverness and agility of an ape, the depth and stability of a bear, and the erectness of a bird's wings. Every movement seems to be It just corresponds to an animal.

Moreover, when practicing Wu Qin Xi, one should gradually achieve a state of calmness and relaxation of the mind and body, a balance of movement and stillness, a balance of hardness and softness, using the mind to guide Qi, spreading Qi throughout the body, using Qi to nourish the mind, with enough energy to circulate Qi, and enough Qi to generate essence. In this way To achieve the best results.

Long-term exercise of Wu Qin Xi has a great effect on the head, neck, chest and back, waist, limbs, and internal organs.

While Yuan Changqing was practicing Wu Qin Xi selflessly, the third uncle also got up early, went out to the yard, and saw Yuan Changqing playing Wu Qin Xi there.

After Yuan Changqing finished playing Wu Qin Xi, the third uncle said: "Changqing, you got up so early. Did you just practice Wu Qin Xi?"

The third uncle is still discerning, otherwise he would not be able to claim to be a scholarly family in the courtyard.

Yuan Changqing looked up, and then said: "Good morning, third uncle, if I don't say that your vision is very accurate, what I do is Wuqinxi. No, after cutting vegetables for a day yesterday, I realized that this cook needs to have a good look." My body, otherwise, I really wouldn’t be able to do it.”

"So, I will practice this Wu Qin Xi now, so that I can exercise my body."

The third uncle nodded and said: "I've never seen you practice this before. Where did you learn this? I see you can play well."

"Hey, I just saw an old man practicing in the park, so I learned it like this. If you haven't seen me practicing before, that's because I didn't even think about practicing. I'm working now, right?"

"So, I thought about practicing again and improving my physical fitness. Then I can learn cooking skills from my dad more quickly."

Today's factories are all big pot jobs. If you don't have a lot of strength, you really can't do this job.

Later, Yuan Changqing said again: "Third uncle, I won't tell you any more. I have to practice it again, or you can learn from it."

The third uncle quickly waved his hand and said: "Forget it, forget it, this practice will consume a lot of energy, which is not cost-effective."

After Yuan Changqing heard this, he thought to himself, he is indeed the third uncle, he can calculate everything clearly, and Yan Laoxi's name is really not buried.

Afterwards, Yuan Changqing shook his head, ignored the third uncle, and started playing Wuqinxi again, while the third uncle also watched with great interest.

Time flies, and a few months have passed without realizing it. Yuan Changqing has also adapted to working in the canteen. Now, even tasks such as chopping vegetables are no longer as strenuous as when he first started.

Now Yuan Changqing has also begun to follow Yuan Dongfang in learning how to cook big pot dishes.

Yuan Changqing's situation is not like that of other masters and apprentices. It takes several years of serving tea and water before he can learn a little bit about cooking skills.

Just like Si Zhu, when you become his apprentice, you will start with a three-year probation period. Whether or not you will be taught cooking skills later depends on your mood.

For example, Ma Hua and Fatty, two apprentices of Silly Zhu, have been studying for more than ten or twenty years, but they have not reached the level of apprenticeship.

It can be seen from here that, not to mention the bottom-of-the-box cooking skills, even some ordinary cooking skills, Shazhu is still in his hands.

Even Ma Hua, a loyal apprentice, was defeated by Silly Zhu.

Later, Fatty even chose to betray Silly Zhu. Speaking of which, Fatty couldn't be blamed for this.

After all, strictly speaking, Shazhu is not honest in doing things. If you don’t want to teach cooking skills to others, then don’t accept apprentices. Isn’t this a trap for others? If you continue to cheat people for more than ten or twenty years, isn’t it harming others for a lifetime? .

Therefore, Fatty betrayed Silly Zhu, which was also the bitter fruit planted by Silly Zhu himself.

Fortunately, the fat man is still a little smart, and he follows the fool without any hesitation. He is not like MCA who is stupid and stupid. In the end, he learned nothing and lived in poverty all his life.

Therefore, this stupid Zhu really did a lot of harm to others, and in the end it was retribution, and he also harmed himself.

However, although MCA is stupid, such a person is really a good choice as a disciple. He really dares to come up when something happens.

However, Yuan Changqing has been coming to the steel rolling mill for several months, and he has not heard that anyone in the three canteens is named Ma Hua.

Therefore, Yuan Changqing felt that he would see if Yuan Dongfang could be allowed to cut off the MCA in advance.

When Yuan Dongfang taught Yuan Changqing how to cook, he also talked about some basic skills to learn how to cook well.

Yuan Dongfang said: "Changqing, a good chef depends on the basic skills of a chef."

"The first is knife skills, which are the basic skills necessary for chefs and an important criterion for testing whether a chef is qualified."

"Therefore, for a chef, the proficiency of knife skills not only affects the visual appearance of the dishes, but also affects the taste of the dishes. Of course, this is about small stir-fries and has nothing to do with big pot dishes."

"However, if you want to be a good chef, you must have proficient knife skills and be able to use the right thickness and skill."

"The second step is flipping pots. Like knife skills, it is also a basic skill necessary for chefs. It is also one of the criteria to test whether a chef is qualified."

"Also, the level of turning the pot directly determines the taste of the dish. Different dishes use different turning techniques, so that when the dish is finished, it can reach the level the chef wants. In the future, I will combine small stir-fry and large pot I’ll leave the skill of turning the dishes to you.”

"The third step is to master the technique of heat. Heat refers to the amount of firepower and the length of time used in the cooking process of dishes."

"Therefore, when cooking, on the one hand, we must identify the size of the firepower based on the intensity of combustion, and on the other hand, we must grasp the length of maturation time based on the properties of the raw materials."

"Then, only by unifying the two can the cooking of dishes reach standard. Generally speaking, the amount of firepower used should be determined according to the properties of the raw materials."

"The next step is spoon work, which is a comprehensive cooking technology that organically combines the five cooking elements of fire, utensils, ingredients, water, and methods to implement cooking and achieve cooking purposes."

"Finally, a chef must know how to use a knife, turn pots, correctly identify and grasp the oil temperature, add ingredients accurately and at the right time, master the heat, thicken the sauce, remove the pan in a timely manner, plate it, etc."

"So, if you want to be a chef, you must take knife skills, spoon skills, mashing, and butchering as the essential basic skills for getting started as a chef. Only by learning the basic skills of cooking can you become an excellent chef."

Yuan Dongfang gave Yuan Changqing a brief introduction to the basic skills he should master in learning to cook.

Then, he continued: "I am just saying this to give you a basic understanding. In the future, I will slowly give these to you."

Yuan Changqing nodded and said, "I will study hard."

This is the first time Yuan Changqing has heard of this. However, Yuan Changqing, who has experienced the Internet era, may not be very good at cooking.

However, as long as you master the basic skills Yuan Dongfang mentioned, you will definitely be able to get started quickly in the future.

Moreover, Yuan Changqing also knows Chinese medicine and wants to combine his cooking skills to develop some of his own medicinal formulas.

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