Douluo's Blue Silver Family

Chapter 27 The Function of Soul Ring

Yuan Changqing said: "It's okay to be a master. I don't want to be in the limelight. After all, if a tree is as beautiful as a tree, the wind will destroy it. It's better to let people in the future take the role."

"That's right. Strength is the foundation in Douluo Continent. Those false reputations are just the icing on the cake for the strong."

"However, when it comes to theoretical knowledge, I also summarized it from the experience of previous people, and added some of my own conjectures."

"In the final analysis, these are a hope for martial souls with low innate soul power, but they have not been verified."

"Moreover, even if it succeeds, this is a family's heritage and heritage and cannot be passed on easily."

"So, you have to explain what I said to your family clearly. It is best to swear it with your martial spirit. This will make the impression more profound and remember it all the time."

"Well, I understand. I also know the seriousness of the matter, but I think even if what you said has not been verified, I still believe that these theories are correct. This can allow my family to develop better."

Catherine thought for a while and then said: "I think it would be best if you tell my dad directly next time you go to my house. This will also allow them to see how talented you are."

"Okay, just let your parents see what your husband and I are like."

Yuan Changqing has no such idea about becoming a master. After all, people are selfish, and it is impossible to cause disaster just because of this.

It can be seen from Yu Xiaogang that what he published is basically common sense.

Therefore, those families or sects on the mainland, for the sake of the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus Rex family, did not take too much care. After all, these things are taught in schools.

If it had been anyone else, he wouldn't have known when he died.

Moreover, Yu Xiaogang expressed his own thoughts, which were all imaginary and had no verification at all.

Don't think that everyone in Douluo Continent is an idiot, but you are the only smart person.

Because the martial arts in Douluo Continent have been developed for so many years, it is impossible that they have not been verified.

So when his stuff was published, many people were laughing at it.

Only those who don't have access will take it as a guide, but for those who have access to this knowledge, it is a bag of poison.

There are also those forces that deliberately allow these theories to spread in order to stabilize their own status.

But then he got lucky and accepted Tang San as his disciple. Tang San verified his idea, and he thought his theory was correct.

However, what he didn't know was that Tang San was not only the Son of the World in this world, but his Blue Silver Grass martial spirit was not simply Blue Silver Grass.

It was the Blue Silver Emperor, the royal family in the Blue Silver Grass, who randomly arranged soul rings for Tang San. If it weren't for the Blue Silver Emperor's strong origins, and if Tang Hao took him to the Blue Silver King to help him awaken the Blue Silver Emperor's bloodline, he would probably His Blue Silver Grass martial spirit has long since expired.

Haven't you seen that Tang San seldom used Bluesilver Grass in the later period?

Coupled with the fact that Tang San later became a god, Yu Xiaogang became more famous and resounded throughout the mainland.

This also made Shrek Academy later become a concentration camp for the powerful in Douluo Continent.

After the Wuhun Palace was destroyed, the materials in the Wuhun Palace were also divided up, which laid the foundation for the subsequent strong rise of Shrek Academy.

Even so, Shrek rarely promoted Yu Xiaogang's theories later on, because they also knew that many of those theories were unreasonable.

And about Tang San, after he awakened his martial soul, he was innately full of soul power. If he hadn't had twin martial souls, it would have been great to be able to cultivate to the level of a titled Douluo.

Innately full of soul power, such a genius, even without Yu Xiaogang's teachings, he is still a genius. Didn't you see that Tang San didn't take him with him after he became a god?

It was because later Tang San also knew how ridiculous Yu Xiaogang's theories were. Otherwise, with his respect for teachers, how could he take Yu Xiaogang to the God Realm?

After all, Tang San was still very selfish. As long as the other party did something detrimental to him, the other party would have a way to kill him.

Therefore, in the end, he simply stopped taking Yu Xiaogang to the God Realm, and even cheated his apprentice. Although he was concerned that he was his teacher, he would not do him any good.

Dugu Bo's help to Tang San can be said to be the greatest in Douluo Continent, but in the end, he didn't even get a hair, let alone Yu Xiaogang who cheated him.

In fact, the most correct way to use the Bluesilver Grass martial soul is to attach all the soul rings of plant-type soul beasts. Only in this way can the Bluesilver Grass take advantage of its vitality.

Therefore, Master, let it be done by Yu Xiaogang.

Yuan Changqing said: "If you want to talk about theoretical knowledge on the mainland, you still have to look at Wuhun Palace. They are the most comprehensive in Douluo Continent."

"Yes, the Wuhun Palace is the longest-standing force on the Douluo Continent, and their research on Wuhun can be said to be the most complete." Catherine also said.

"However, these are the top secrets of Wuhun Palace. Even the people in Wuhun Palace may not have access to them."

"Yeah, let alone people outside Wuhun Palace, don't even think about it unless you join Wuhun Palace."

"Haha, Catherine, you think too simply. Although the major schools on Douluo Continent have collected a lot of them, these are generally known on the mainland."

"There are also some notes of casual cultivators and some things in the ruins. Which family wouldn't hide the really useful things."

"So, only the core personnel can see the real secrets, and others may also be able to see the open part of Wuhun Palace."

Catherine also thought about it, maybe she just didn't think much about it.

"In addition to the open ones in our school, the royal family also has another library!"

Yuan Changqing affirmed: "That's for sure, otherwise you would still imagine that the school library allows you to read at will. You know, even the school library is only for internal personnel to read. Do you think it is open to the outside world?"

"Haha, that's right. After all, the books in the library are also very high-quality."

Of course, it has the level. This is not the facade of an empire. After all, it is a royal academy. Books in any high-end academy are also very precious and difficult for ordinary people to access.

Unless you are a teacher or a student, you can see these, but you cannot see the most important ones.

This is also the foundation of every force. If it is publicized to the whole continent, then everyone will be a master of theory.

This is also the reason why in the future, although Yu Xiaogang is a member of the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus Rex family and he hates the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus Rex family, he will not publish the core things.

In Yu Xiaogang's heart, he still thinks that he is a member of the family. The information he obtained from Wuhun Palace was compiled and published, and became his own. Didn't he just want to return to the family and let the family recognize him?

"Okay, let's not talk anymore, dear Catherine, let's go to bed quickly. The last thing to do is to enjoy yourself while the night is short."

"I hate it, please slow down."

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