Douluo's Blue Silver Family

Chapter 266 Confused, is this a world that covers the sky?

It has been several months since Yuan Changqing awakened his memory, and he has gradually adapted to the life here. He has also begun to learn cooking skills from Yuan Dongfang. His daily work is to follow the instructions step by step, and go to get off work and get off work on time.

Moreover, there are many trivial matters in the courtyard house, and the three stewards also play their role in regulating neighborhood conflicts.

A lot of big things have happened in the courtyard recently.

First of all, Liu Guangqi in the backyard is also married. Everyone in the courtyard knows that the second uncle's favorite is Liu Guangqi, his eldest son.

Moreover, the second uncle is really mean-spirited towards Liu Guangqi. Liu Guangqi is probably the only one in the family who can have dinner with the second uncle, not even the second aunt.

As for Liu Guangtian, the second eldest brother, and Liu Guangfu, the third eldest brother, the second uncle didn't take these two brothers seriously at all. If things went wrong, these two brothers would suffer.

Therefore, almost every day or two, the two brothers Liu Guangtian and Liu Guangfu would be heard crying for their father and mother in the courtyard.

Speaking of which, these two brothers really resisted being beaten. As a blacksmith, the second uncle was extremely strong. In addition, when the second uncle hit someone, he really used his strength to hit him.

Also, the two brothers usually ate just one meal a day, and had no strength to resist or run away, so they could only suffer there.

But, to be honest, it is a miracle that the two brothers were not beaten to death and were still alive and kicking after the second uncle had dealt such a heavy hand.

Talking back to Liu Guangqi, the second uncle really paid attention to his marriage.

You must know that we are still in the three-year drought period, when the shortage of food and meat is serious. In order to make Liu Guangqi's wedding more glamorous, the second uncle spent all his money.

This time at Liu Guangqi's wedding, the second uncle made a big splash. However, it didn't last long before it turned into a tragedy.

After Liu Guangqi got married, he quietly signed up to support the third front line, still in the northwest, and left with his wife.

Liu Guangqi has always been chosen by the second uncle to provide for him in his old age. This is why he often punches and kicks the second and third sons in the family.

Now it's tragic. Liu Guangqi, a candidate for pension, has taken the initiative to draw money from the bottom of the cauldron and chose to stay away from the courtyard. He can't stop it.

In the end, the second uncle and the second aunt felt as if their backbones had been slapped, and they felt much older.

In the end, the people in the courtyard persuaded the second uncle and Liu Guangtian and Liu Guangfu, but in exchange, the second uncle said that he had never beaten Liu Guangqi since he was a child, and that was why he became like that.

As a result, Liu Guangtian and Liu Guangfu became even more miserable, and the second uncle beat them even harder.

Yuan Changqing also admires the second uncle's brain circuit very much. He can only say that the second uncle's brain circuit is so strange. At this time, he doesn't know how to treat the two brothers better.

The final result is that when the second uncle gets old, none of the three sons will care about the second uncle and the second aunt. Of course, this is something to talk about later.

Another thing is that Qin Huairu of the old Jia family gave birth to another baby girl in the hospital. When Jia Zhang, an old pious woman, found out about this, she went back to the courtyard directly from the hospital without caring about Qin Huairu at all. In the end, she still Silly Zhu, the licking dog, was busy pulling Qin Huairu back to the courtyard on a cart.

Moreover, even Qin Huairu's food problem was solved by Shazhu. It can only be said that there are many strange characters in this courtyard.

As for the euphemistically called help Qin Huairu, Shazhu enjoyed it. It can only be said that Shazhu went further and further on the road of licking the dog.

This also makes melon-eating people like Yuan Changqing shake their heads. It's not like no one has said anything about Silly Zhu.

However, Shazhu opened his mouth and said that it is necessary for leaders and residents to help each other and to be caring. From this, it can be seen that Shazhu was deceived by the uncle.

Silly Zhu didn't even think about it. You, a single young man, go to help the widow and don't talk about it once or twice. That is indeed caring.

However, if you have been helping people for a long time, in this era, others will think that you are just cheating in Labang and being an old scalper.

Just like that, Silly Zhu still wants to marry a yellow-flowered girl, but he doesn't even think about it. Don't you know what's wrong with the widow's house?

As long as you have a normal mind and ask around, you can immediately call it a bluff in a situation like Silly Zhu's.

After Qin Huairu finished her confinement at home, she went to the steel rolling mill to pick up Jia Dongxu's shift. At first, she didn't think anything of the fitter, but slowly, Qin Huairu realized that she was not a fitter at all.

So, with an old man taking care of her in the workshop and a fool taking care of her in the cafeteria, Qin Huairu began to mess around. From then on, in order to have enough food for her family, Qin Huairu began to transform into the attributes of the white lotus.

Silly Zhu was the biggest blood cow and was eaten to death. He helped Qin Huairu raise several orphans and widows in Lao Jia's family.

These are the two biggest melons in the courtyard recently.

In this era, if you have a bicycle and ride it on the road, you will be the most beautiful person. Now riding a bicycle is like seeing a beautiful woman. The rate of turning heads is 100%.

Although Yuan Changqing's family used to have two jobs, he could afford a bicycle, but bicycle tickets were difficult to obtain.

Therefore, there are no bicycles at home. In the courtyard, only Xu Damao and He Yuyu have bicycles. As for the third uncle, they have not bought one yet.

Xu Damao did it because of his marriage and Lou Xiaoe's family's dowry, and He Yuyu's school was far away, so Silly Zhu bought a second-hand bicycle for He Yuyu to ride to school.

Yuan Changqing also wants to buy a bicycle now. Although it is difficult to get a bicycle ticket, it is impossible for a living person to suffocate to death.

Therefore, Yuan Changqing set his sights on assembling bicycles. In addition, his mother, Jiang Fen, worked at the scrap recycling station, which made it convenient for Yuan Changqing.

So, on the weekend, Yuan Changqing went directly to the waste recycling station to find his mother Jiang Fen.

After Jiang Fen saw Yuan Changqing, she asked: "Changqing, why are you here with my mother? Did something happen at home?"

Yuan Changqing pulled Jiang Fen to a corner and said, "Mom, it's okay. I came here to see if there are any scrap bicycles that can be recycled at your scrap recycling station."

Jiang Fen asked in confusion: "Changqing, what do you want to do with the scrapped bicycle?"

Yuan Changqing explained: "Mom, don't I want to get a bicycle? After all, there is still some distance from home to the steel rolling mill, and it takes a lot of time to walk to and from get off work every day."

"However, the ticket for this bicycle is not that easy to get. I just want to see if there are any scrapped bicycles here. If there are, I plan to save the parts and assemble a bicycle myself. In this way, I don’t need a bicycle ticket anymore!”

Jiang Fen asked again: "Can you assemble a bicycle?"

Yuan Changqing added: "I've been observing the car repair shop for a while, and there shouldn't be any major problems."

Jiang Fen nodded and said, "Okay, you can figure it out yourself. I'll take you to see if any scrapped bicycles have been recovered."

Later, Yuan Changqing followed Jiang Fen to the place where the waste was piled.

After arriving at the place, Yuan Changqing saw that there were a lot of things here, including bottles and cans, old newspapers and books, chairs and benches with missing arms and legs, scrap copper and iron, etc.

Jiang Fen found an old man who was guarding the scrap warehouse here and asked, "Uncle Li, are you busy?"

This man named Uncle Li is now sorting the recycled waste here so that it can be easily stacked.

Uncle Li turned around and said, "It's Accountant Jiang. It's not time to pay wages yet. Are you here for the scrap warehouse?"

Jiang Fen nodded and introduced the two of them.

"Changqing, this is Uncle Li." Jiang Fen pulled Yuan Changqing to the front and introduced, and then said: "Uncle Li, this is my son Yuan Changqing. It is my son who has something to do with you."

"Hello, Uncle Li!" Yuan Changqing greeted politely.

Uncle Li also smiled and replied: "Hello, young man, what do you want to do with me, an old man?"

Yuan Changqing said again: "Uncle Li, I came to see if you have any scrapped bicycles here."

Uncle Li said again: "Young man, you are looking for a scrapped bicycle. Do you want to save parts and assemble the bicycle yourself?"

Otherwise speaking, people become better with age, and Uncle Li has a lot of experience despite his age.

Yuan Changqing nodded and said: "Uncle Li, you better understand that I am indeed planning to save parts and assemble the bicycle myself."

"So, my mother happened to be working here, so I came over to see if there were any scrapped bicycles."

Uncle Li also nodded and said: "Since you are talking about Accountant Jiang's family, you can go find them yourself. The ones that have been recycled before have been broken into parts. Just pick out what you need and calculate them together when the time comes."

"Okay, thank you, Uncle Li." Yuan Changqing thanked him.

Then, he said to Jiang Fen: "Mom, you can go back to work. I can do it myself."

Jiang Fen nodded and said, "Okay, I'll go back to work first."

Then, Yuan Changqing entered the warehouse and started looking for bicycle parts that could still be used.

When he came to the pile of scrap copper and iron, Yuan Changqing looked up and saw several bicycle frames. At first glance, they were either seriously rusted or severely deformed.

In the end, Yuan Changqing only found a relatively intact frame, which was not too rusty, and some usable parts.

As for the two wheels and missing parts, the only option is to buy new ones.

After Yuan Changqing took out these parts, he saw other things in the warehouse and had another idea.

Yuan Changqing knows that these things are not valuable now, but it will be different in the future.

So, I went to look for those discarded books and newspapers.

Especially some thread-bound books, Yuan Changqing found several in succession and opened them casually to take a look.

Some of these thread-bound books are manuscripts of poetry, some are Buddhist scriptures, some are Taoist classics, and some are about Feng Shui.

However, when Yuan Changqing read an expert book, the beginning of it confused Yuan Changqing.

I saw at the beginning of the book: "The first secret realm: the secret realm of the sea of ​​suffering.

Time is ruthless and will always leave traces on all things. Trees have annual rings, and the human body also has the ring of life.

The Wheel of Life is located below it, corresponding to the human Dantian. The wheel of life in a person's life is constantly drying up, and the years will leave a mark on it every year, just like the growth rings of a tree branch.

When the human body reaches old age, the wheel of life has been engraved with the scars of time. At that time, it is the moment when the wheel of life completely collapses.

And the sea of ​​suffering is the sea of ​​endless suffering that covers the wheel of life.

If you want to transcend and keep the wheel of life, crystal clear and without scars, the mark will always be as fresh as the birth, you can only create it in the sea of ​​suffering, brew vitality in the scars, turn it into the spring of life, cultivate the divine veins, sacrifice the sky bridge, and reach the other shore. , come to the end of the sea of ​​suffering and reach the other shore.

The monk's flesh, blood, organs, and bones will all undergo transformation, and then a different kind of new life will take place, and he will be reborn nine times, completing the transformation like a cocoon and a butterfly.

The secret realm of the wheel and sea is opened, the spring of life gushes out of the sea of ​​suffering, and a magical bridge is built to reach the four small realms on the other side, one step at a time. "

After Yuan Changqing read this description, he couldn't come back to his senses for a long time.

"Could it be that this courtyard world is still the world that covers the sky, doesn't it make sense?" Yuan Changqing murmured to himself after coming to his senses.

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