Douluo's Blue Silver Family

Chapter 269 Rune Books and Zeng Li

Yuan Changqing returned home. As soon as he returned to the room, there was a knock on the door.

The layout of Yuan Changqing's house is that there is a separate room behind the door, where Yuan Dongfang and Jiang Fen live. To the right is the room where Yuan Changqing lives.

When Yuan Changqing opened the door and took a look, he found that it was his father Yuan Dongfang.

"Changqing, did you go to the ghost market tonight?" Yuan Dongfang asked.

Yuan Changqing nodded and replied: "Well, I went to take a look."

Yuan Dongfang looked a little worried, and reminded: "Changqing, you have never been there before, and you didn't tell your family, so you just ran there so recklessly. There are many people in the ghost market from all walks of life. You’d better be careful!”

"Dad, don't worry, I paid attention to it, and I also observed the surrounding situation when I came back." Yuan Changqing explained.

Seeing this, Yuan Dongfang nodded and said, "You should avoid going to the ghost market in the future. If you want to go, just let me know and I will go with you."

"Well, I got it, Dad, I just went to check it out. Isn't it okay? You should go back to the house and rest. It's getting late now, and you have to go to work tomorrow!" Yuan Changqing nodded to express his understanding.

Yuan Dongfang said again: "Well, you should rest early, and I will go back to the house first."

After Yuan Changqing closed the door again, he sat on the bedside and picked up the book he bought today and read it again.

Seeing that the Taoist classics mainly described some scripture meanings, Yuan Changqing didn't understand why for a while.

After all, even though Yuan Changqing was a person in the previous two generations, it can be said that he knew very little about Taoist classics.

Therefore, it seems a little confused now, and there is nothing that can be done about it, even though Yuan Changqing knows every word in the book.

However, when put together, Yuan Changqing is confused. Some of the terms in it are like a book from heaven to people who have never been exposed to them.

However, Yuan Changqing also had a solution. He had bought some Taoist classics from the recycling bin where his mother Jiang Fen worked. At that time, Yuan Changqing realized this problem.

Therefore, Yuan Changqing is also planning to go to the library to see if there are any books with comments on this aspect, so that he can always learn something.

However, Yuan Changqing still hopes to get to know people who study these Taoist classics, especially people who study the I Ching.

After all, the I Ching is the first of all scriptures, and the terms in it are still very useful for interpreting the meanings of those scriptures.

Afterwards, Yuan Changqing closed the Taoist classic and picked up the book that seemed to be a talisman.

When I opened it and looked at it, I couldn't understand anything. The talismans drawn by the Taoist priests were just some talisman patterns, but I didn't understand their reason and meaning.

Yuan Changqing felt that either the pictures in this book were a trick.

Or it was the runes unique to this world that covers the sky. For example, the Black Emperor that Emperor Ye Tian met later was proficient in runes.

Rune patterns can be used to create formations and break formations, to open transmission channels, to refine weapons, etc. These are all indispensable things on the road to training.

Therefore, if it is true, this is what Yuan Changqing needs to learn, but he doesn't know how to start yet.

After all, there are no annotations and no one to help teach. Yuan Changqing is really blind now. He can only wait and see if there is a chance to meet someone who understands this in the future.

The only people who understand this are probably the various sects in the famous mountains and rivers.

Although I gained some useful things, but I don’t understand them, I can only keep them as collections for the time being.

Later, seeing that it was getting late, Yuan Changqing also started to take a rest, as he had to go to work tomorrow.

Time has passed, and two years have passed in the blink of an eye. The courtyard is still relatively peaceful now, except for the news about Sha Zhu and Widow Qin.

Needless to say, we knew that it was Xu Damao who was instigating it behind the scenes, and maybe the first uncle also contributed to the situation. After all, Silly Zhu was now the number one candidate chosen by the first uncle to provide for his retirement.

Therefore, Shazhu's reputation around the compound is not very good now. Even if Shazhu wants to go on a blind date, there is no matchmaker to introduce him to a blind date.

But Silly Zhu didn't care, and even said it was a good thing. He was really a master of self-hypnosis.

Moreover, he thought about marrying Huanghua's eldest daughter all day long, but at the same time, he took care of Widow Qin's family until they were fat and in vain.

The uncle was also constantly brainwashing Sha Zhu, fooling Sha Zhu into being unable to find himself. In addition, Widow Qin has also evolved in the past two years, making Sha Zhu a little obsessed.

Yan Jiecheng has also started going on a blind date recently, which was noticed by Yuan Changqing's mother, Jiang Fen.

Every time the third aunt told Jiang Fen what Yan Jiecheng's blind date was like.

However, based on Yuan Changqing's understanding of the third uncle, even if Yan Jiecheng's blind date is successful, there will definitely be jokes later, and there will definitely be sequels to the matter, and Yuan Changqing is also ready to wait and see.

You must know that the third uncle has now engraved the calculation in his bones. If he wants to change it, he must be possessed.

However, Yuan Changqing has also reached the age of blind date, and Jiang Fen has also begun to make arrangements, preparing to help Yuan Changqing find a partner first.

In addition to working diligently at the steel rolling mill in the past two years, Yuan Changqing has been studying the exercises and Taoist classics.

It was quite difficult at first, but then I read more and added some I Ching and Taoist classics with annotations in the library, and I gradually understood a little more.

Since he could understand part of it, Yuan Changqing also studied the Five Elements Classic seriously, and then began to try to practice it.

It's just that we are in the Age of Ending Dharma, and the spiritual energy between heaven and earth is extremely thin. Fortunately, Yuan Changqing has not failed to discover it.

Now the only time that can provide Yuan Changqing with a trace of spiritual energy is the purple energy of the morning sun when the sun and moon alternate.

However, this is indeed too little, but fortunately, it also gives Yuan Changqing an opportunity to practice.

Yuan Changqing felt that as long as he took the first step, the rest might be smoother.

Yuan Changqing still doesn't know if he has a special physique in this life. You must know that in the world of Zhetian, physique is still very demanding.

Although in the later stages of practice, your physical fitness may become a limitation, but if you haven't grown up in the early stages, how can you still play.

Therefore, Yuan Changqing is looking forward to his situation now.

Now Yuan Changqing has become a full-time employee in the steel rolling mill. Moreover, with Yuan Dongfang teaching him cooking skills step by step, Yuan Changqing has now become a level 9 chef and specializes in cooking big pot dishes in the first cafeteria.

In this way, Yuan Changqing does not have to attend to those chores, and Yuan Changqing also has a junior brother, MCA.

This matter was also instigated by Yuan Changqing from behind, and Yuan Dongfang was accepted as a disciple, who is still in the investigation stage.

In addition to stir-frying, Yuan Changqing also has free time, which means he has more time to read.

Therefore, Yuan Changqing would take books to the canteen of the steel rolling mill every day, and when he had free time, he would study those books carefully.

Although he couldn't understand some of it, Yuan Changqing also read it with gusto. Isn't there an old saying that goes: "Read a book a hundred times and you will see its meaning."

Maybe if you read too many books, you will suddenly have an epiphany, and you will understand the truth instantly.

Therefore, everyone saw that Yuan Changqing had this habit, and no one bothered him every time he read.

After Yuan Changqing returned home from get off work, he was just about to go back to his room when he was stopped by Jiang Fen.

"Mom, what's the matter?" Yuan Changqing asked.

Jiang Fen said with a smile: "Changqing, it's a good thing. You see, the eldest son of the third uncle's family across the street has a partner. Every time you see the proud look on the third aunt's face, you know she's here to show off in front of me."

"So, am I going to go to the matchmaker and ask the matchmaker to introduce one to you? This time I am asking you just to see what your requirements are. In this way, the matchmaker can have standards."

Yuan Changqing thought for a while, and was originally ready to refuse, but then he thought about it, living in this era, you can't be too different, otherwise, this person must have a big problem.

So, Yuan Changqing thought for a while and said: "Mom, tell the matchmaker, my conditions are very simple, that is, she must be good-looking, tall, neither fat nor thin. As for the girl, what are the conditions? , I can accept it."

Jiang Fen said hesitantly: "Changqing, how about we find someone who can have children? You and I are waiting to help you raise your grandson!"

Yuan Changqing shook his head when he heard this. In this era, the gap in aesthetics is a bit big, but Yuan Changqing still feels that the standards he proposed are the best.

After all, it is best to live with this person according to your own wishes.

Yuan Changqing said again: "Mom, just follow what I say. If I want to find a partner, I will find someone who is close to me and likes me."

Seeing this, Jiang Fen had no choice but to agree, as long as Yuan Changqing was willing to find a partner, it would be fine, and the three aunts could not compete.

Then Jiang Fen nodded and said: "Okay, then I will tell the matchmaker about your conditions tomorrow."

"Well, you have to remember clearly. You must introduce me to someone tall and beautiful, otherwise I will not agree to go on a blind date." Yuan Changqing reminded again.

Jiang Fen said dumbfounded: "I know, don't worry, mom will definitely ask the matchmaker to introduce you to a beautiful and tall person."

The next day, when Yuan Changqing returned home from get off work, Yuan Changqing discovered that there was an extra aunt in the house. Later, after being introduced, she found out that she was a matchmaker.

It has to be said that my mother Jiang Fen is very efficient. She just told Yuan Changqing about the blind date yesterday, and today the matchmaker came to her door.

Jiang Fen said, "Changqing, this is Aunt Wang, the matchmaker who introduced you to your partner."

Yuan Changqing also said hello quickly and said: "Aunt Wang, hello, hello."

Matchmaker Wang also smiled and said: "Your mother said your name is Yuan Changqing, so I'll call you Changqing. You are so handsome."

"Haha, it's okay, it's okay." Yuan Changqing replied with a smile.

Jiang Fen said at this time: "Sister Wang, don't praise him first, first take a look at the person you are going to introduce to my parents this time."

Then, Matchmaker Wang took out a dozen photos and handed them to Yuan Changqing, saying: "The people here are all selected by me according to your request, Changqing. Let's take a look and see if any of them are compatible."

Then, Yuan Changqing took the photos and looked at them one by one carefully.

Later, he found that the woman in a photo suited his eyes very well and was somewhat similar to a star in his first life, so he picked it out and handed it to Matchmaker Wang.

Yuan Changqing said: "Aunt Wang, please introduce this girl to me."

Matchmaker Wang gave the photo an aged look and said, "Changqing, this girl's name is Zeng Li. She is a few months older than you. She is tall and thin. She fled to Sijiu City a few years ago. Her family is She was the only one left, and later the street office arranged a job for her, and she is working as a temporary worker in the current textile factory. The conditions she proposed are suitable for you. "

Yuan Changqing nodded and said: "Well, Aunt Wang, I don't care what the other party's conditions are, as long as they have a good rapport with me, just help me arrange a meeting!"

Originally, Matchmaker Wang thought that Yuan Changqing would back down after hearing the woman's conditions. You know, in this era, it is difficult for tall and thin people to find a partner. At first glance, it is difficult to have children. He is so tall and wastes food.

However, I didn't expect Yuan Changqing to fall in love with it, and he also looked happy.

Matchmaker Wang also said quickly: "Then let's make an appointment this weekend. When you all have time, I will bring her over directly."

"Okay, that's it. We'll be ready at home when the time comes, waiting for your arrival." Jiang Fen made the final decision after seeing that the blind date had been chosen.

After Matchmaker Wang left, Jiang Fen said again: "Changqing, we are going on a blind date this weekend. Your clothes are a bit old. It's too late to do it now. Let's go to the mall to buy some while there are still a few days left." A new pair of clothes and pants.”

"Well, I'll go take a look tomorrow."

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