Douluo's Blue Silver Family

Chapter 274 Daily Life 2

Time flies so fast. It is now 1965. Yuan Changqing's daughter is almost one year old and can walk, but her walking is a little crooked and she still needs adult care.

Moreover, during this period of time, the courtyard was full of excitement, and things happened one after another.

First, after Yuan Changqing's daughter was born, Xu Damao and Lou Xiao'e came to the house with gifts to ask for advice on how to conceive a child.

Regarding this, Yuan Changqing also expressed that he was a little speechless. He really missed his child so much that he was so sick that he rushed to the doctor.

However, come to think of it, even though Xu Damao is married, Silly Zhu's sworn enemy always complains about the fact that Xu Damao has no children after being married for so many years.

It's okay that Silly Zhu didn't say it. If he said this, it would be a direct hit on Xu Damao's painful foot. How could Xu Damao endure this?

As a result, Xu Damao, the talkative king who couldn't beat Silly Zhu, was often staged in the courtyard. You said that you were good enough, but you still went up to join him. This led to another scene where Xu Damao was chased and beaten by Silly Zhu.

Also, every time Silly Zhu mentioned Xu Damao's sore feet, his family was disturbed. Every time such a thing happened, there would definitely be quarrels and fights in Xu Damao's house.

Since Yuan Changqing's daughter was born, and after Yan Jiecheng and Yu Li went to the hospital for a check-up, due to nutritional problems, they clamored to separate the family when they got home. Finally, after the third uncle compromised, and after a period of recovery, Yu Li finally became pregnant. child.

Xu Damao, a man who wanted children like crazy, was really greedy after seeing this, and had a big quarrel with Lou Xiao'e when he got home.

Until now, Xu Damao still believed that not being able to have children was a woman's problem, and he never thought it was him.

But, to be honest, in this day and age, although hospitals also promote that having children is a matter for both men and women, it is not necessarily a woman's problem if she cannot have children.

However, people always ignore this part. As long as they don't have children, they think it's the woman.

Let’s just talk about Xu Damao and Lou Xiao’e. They have been married for so many years, but they still often quarrel and fight because of their children.

And Lou Xiao'e is the same. You said that you were born in a wealthy family and are a serious high school student. After so many years and suffering so much grievance, you have never thought of going to the hospital for a check-up. Looking at this, Yuan Changqing can only say: Speechless.

Speaking of Silly Zhu, a bachelor, he was also itching to see him. He wanted a wife and children, thinking about his wife and children.

So, Silly Zhu started to ask people to help introduce partners again, and things were going smoothly. However, Silly Zhu was thinking about blind dates while also supporting Widow Qin's family. He had to admire how generous Silly Zhu was. What a talent.

After so many years, Silly Zhu had no one to point out those problems because of the blind date.

However, Silly Zhu still goes his own way and doesn't care about other people's opinions. He daydreams all day long and wants to find a beautiful girl. He doesn't even think about whether he can't find a partner because of this reason.

Originally, Yan Jiecheng and Yu Li had no children at this time. After Yuan Changqing's reminder, they took good care of themselves and the child was naturally conceived.

Just because Yuan Changqing and Yan Jiecheng's family had a child, Shazhu and Xu Damao came out to make a living again.

Moreover, both of them were tragic this time, but Xu Damao was the most tragic.

The cause of the matter was Sha Zhu's blind date. Originally, Xu Damao didn't know about Sha Zhu's blind date because he was going to the countryside to show a movie.

However, there was Widow Qin, a white lotus, fanning the flames and pretending to mention it in front of Xu Damao.

So, Xu Damao knew that Sha Zhu was on a blind date again. After knowing this, Xu Damao was immediately ready to sabotage Sha Zhu again.

Moreover, Xu Damao is not a fool. As soon as Widow Qin talked about Sha Zhu's blind date, she knew why.

Everyone is a sensible person, and no one knows who is who. Isn't it because Widow Qin saw Silly Zhu going on a blind date, and was afraid that if Silly Zhu's blind date really succeeded, there would be no blood left to suck.

You must know that the blood of Silhu, a big blood cow, is thick and abundant. Judging from the current trend, in the future, Silhu will not only be able to inherit the house of the deaf old lady, but also the house of the uncle. Including my own two houses, this can be said to be the most in the courtyard house.

With such good conditions, how could Widow Qin give up on Silly Zhu, a bitch, so easily?

After Xu Damao found out about Sha Zhu's blind date, he found out the time and waited for the day of Sha Zhu's blind date to give him a hit.

In the end, Xu Damao healed his scar and forgot about the pain. You have already made the blind date with Silly Zhu obscene, and you actually ran up to him and yelled at him. Isn't this just looking for trouble?

So, Sha Zhu failed in his blind date. The next day, Xu Damao went to the third cafeteria of the steel rolling mill to eat. While he was still getting food, he ridiculed Sha Zhu in front of Sha Zhu.

Therefore, Si Zhu was not a good-tempered person to begin with, and he was a sworn enemy of Xu Damao. In addition, when he saw Xu Damao being so arrogant this time, he also had a guess in his heart, knowing that it might be Xu Damao's grandson who was behind the scenes.

Otherwise, Shazhu was not stupid. Therefore, Shazhu didn't save any face and just gave Xu Damao rice and a few slices of cabbage.

Xu Damao was furious when he saw this. After arguing with Silly Zhu, he got the answer whether he wanted to eat or not.

In this way, Xu Damao came back with revenge no matter what, and then went directly to the factory to report Sha Zhu for deducting workers' meals.

Finally, when Silhu got off work, he was carrying a net bag and two lunch boxes as usual. Looking at the heavy weight of the net bag, he knew that Silhu's lunch box contained food.

As a result, before Si Zhu could even walk out of the gate of the steel rolling mill, he was caught by the people from the factory security department.

Moreover, this time period was the time when the workers were off work. Silly Zhu was stopped by the people from the security department. The workers usually didn't have much fun, so they could watch the excitement at this time.

Good guy, it doesn’t matter if you look at it. Once you see it, the worker brothers will explode and even start to get angry.

In this Silly Pillar lunch box, one is meat, and the other is meat and vegetables. This is not bad, it is just poaching the corner of socialism.

The people in the security department were also shocked. They didn't expect Shazhu to be too courageous. It is rare for a worker brother to eat meat once a month.

However, Si Zhu relied on being the chef of the cafeteria to hide behind his back and eat a lot of food, which immediately aroused the anger of the crowd.

The moment the lunch box was opened, Silly Zhu's face turned pale with fright, knowing that he had failed this time.

As a result, Shazhu was immediately locked up by the people from the security department, and the incident at the steel rolling mill was immediately reported to the leaders in the factory. When those leaders in the factory heard about it, they were also frightened.

Moreover, because too many people saw this, the matter spread, and even the higher-ups were alerted.

The leaders of the steel rolling mill also knew the seriousness of this incident. They were the ones who came to Xiaozao in the factory.

If something bad happened, it would be the leaders in the factory who would be the first to suffer misfortune. They had no choice but to wipe out the accounts of the steel rolling mill in advance.

Otherwise, if the superiors really investigate, the leaders in the factory will suffer.

Sha Zhu brought food and the director of the steel rolling mill agreed, so he was saved. The uncle and the deaf old lady interceded, and Sha Zhu was released after being imprisoned for two days.

Because of this incident, the steel rolling mill immediately eliminated Shazhu's hidden benefits, his salary was also paid for a month, and he was even sent to the workshop for renovation.

After Si Zhu came out, as the saying goes, revenge does not last overnight, he was ready to cause trouble for Xu Damao.

However, Xu Damao also knew that the matter was getting serious this time, so he simply stopped going back to the courtyard and planned to hide for a few days before talking.

However, Youdao can run away but the monk cannot run away from the temple, so it is not a problem to hide all the time. Therefore, within a few days, Xu Damao returned to the courtyard.

As soon as Xu Damao returned to the Siheyuan, he was beaten up by Silly Zhu. Good guy, Silly Zhu beats people. He really doesn't have any seriousness in his attacks. He specializes in picking out people's weak points.

Xu Damao was hit directly, and he seemed to hear a green sound. In an instant, his face turned as red as shrimps in hot water.

Xu Damao was beaten so hard that he huddled up, covered his hands, and couldn't stop kicking his legs. His face was red, he was sweating, and he was screaming in pain.

Seeing Xu Damao like this, the melon eaters watching the excitement knew that if something went wrong, Xu Damao might not be able to survive.

At this time, the uncle also realized that something was wrong, so he quickly stepped forward and pulled away the fool, and fell to the ground, with Xu Damao huddled in a ball and still wailing.

Later, the first man knew that if the matter was not handled well, Silly Zhu would be in big trouble.

So, the uncle quickly called Yuan Changqing and several young men in the hospital, and quickly sent Xu Damao to the hospital on a trolley.

After some examinations in the hospital, fortunately, Xu Damao only had soft tissue damage, nothing serious. Silhu also breathed a sigh of relief. Finally, Xu Damao was not crippled because of his own attack.

However, although nothing happened to Xu Damao, he only needed to cultivate for a period of time.

However, Xu Damao was found to have symptoms of infertility, and Lou Xiao'e's inability to conceive a child finally came to light.

After Lou Xiao'e found out about this, she ran back to her parents' house crying and told her family about the incident. This made the Lou family very angry.

After so many years, Xu Damao has been treating Lou Xiao'e badly because he has no children. Now he finally understands the reason for not having children.

In the end, the Lou family must let Lou Xiao'e and Xu Damao divorce. After the divorce, due to some reasons, Lou Xiao'e left Sijiucheng with the family. This has to be said to be a hit-and-run, and avoided Xu Damao's backstabbing.

And Lou Xiao'e left quietly, and some of the deaf old lady's little plans also came to nothing, and the incident of Silly Zhu and Lou Xiao'e being locked in the house by the deaf old lady did not happen.

However, this is good, as there is no longer any involvement with Sha Zhu, and it also eliminates the need for Lou Xiao'e to be sucked by Sha Zhu and Widow Qin later.

After all, as far as Yuan Changqing is concerned, in the original drama, Lou Xiao'e is the only person in the courtyard who is a normal person, and the other people are so angry that they are itching their teeth.

After what happened, Xu Damao got divorced, but he also received a large amount of compensation from the Lou family. Coupled with his infertility, he felt a little free.

At the same time, because of the infertility issue, Xu Damao completely hated Sha Zhu, and secretly swore in his heart that one day he would make Sha Zhu look good.

Therefore, Xu Damao is now focused on becoming an official. In this way, wouldn't he be able to better control Silly Pillar?

However, what Xu Damao didn't know was that the last time he reported Silly Zhu, Xu Damao was remembered by the leaders of the steel rolling mill.

Therefore, Xu Damao still fantasizes about being an official. The leaders in the factory will burn incense if they don't give you small shoes. He still wants to be an official, but he wants to eat shit!

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