Douluo's Blue Silver Family

Chapter 285 Yuan Yuer

Regarding Zeng Li's special physique, Yuan Changqing felt that it could be called "Wood Spirit Body", or it should be more appropriately called "Wood Emperor Body".

The King of Woods, the Lord of Grass and Trees, can command all the flowers, grasses, and trees in the world. As for whether Zeng Li can reach this point in the future, it depends on his personal understanding.

After all, for the Tao to be understood, others can only learn from others, and one's own Tao still needs to be understood by oneself.

Moreover, Zeng Li's vision now is just a prototype, and he will have to wait until the future vision truly appears. This vision will not only help him understand the Tao, but can also be used to fight against the enemy.

Just like the Peacock King's "stars shining in the sky" and Ji Haoyue's "moon rising on the sea", the power of visions against enemies cannot be underestimated.

Yuan Changqing's vision is now the same as Zeng Li's. It has not yet taken final shape and is still in its infancy.

Now, Yuan Yue'er is the only one left in Yuan Changqing's family who has not yet made a breakthrough, but it will be soon depending on the situation.

Yuan Yue'er can now clearly sense the sea of ​​suffering. After breaking through the sea of ​​suffering, Yuan Changqing's family can also be regarded as a cultivating family.

On Earth, a planet in the Dharma Ending Age, it is quite good to be able to achieve this level.

However, there may still be a big gap between them and those sects with inheritances and small worlds.

After all, there are still many powerful people on Earth, such as the Holy Knights in the West, the Three Immortals Island overseas, Buddhist practitioners on the South Asian subcontinent, various sects passed down from ancient times across China, etc.

These places all have their own small worlds, and there is still some spiritual energy in those small worlds.

However, there may not be much now. After all, there is a large formation called Ninety-nine Dragon Mountains in the Kunlun Divine Land, and the spiritual energy of the entire solar system and even the Milky Way has all gathered into the Kunlun Divine Land.

As long as Yuan Changqing is only on the periphery of the Kunlun Divine Land, the aura there is so rich that it turns into mist, and you can imagine what the scene is like in the core part.

This is definitely a rain of spiritual energy, just one puff can be worth a few months in those small worlds.

From this we can imagine what the concept is. Therefore, the current Kunlun Divine Land is simply like a fairy land.

Even the spiritual energy emitted by the spiritual veins of the Holy Land families in Beidou may be different from the spiritual energy in Kunlun Divine Land.

After another period of time, Yuan Yue'er finally came to a breakthrough.

Yuan Changqing told Yuan Yue'er: "Yue'er, when you break through, you must succeed at the first time. Otherwise, it will be even more difficult to break through later."

"If you don't have enough spiritual energy in your body, just keep taking the elixir, you know?"

"Dad, I understand. What you said has been said before and I have heard it several times." Yuan Yuer'er replied.

"Hey, you kid, don't I care about you? I'm afraid you'll get irritable. I'm telling you this to remind you again, lest you panic first when such a situation occurs." Yuan Changqing said again.

Yuan Yue'er quickly replied with a smile: "Thank you for your concern, Dad. Now that Yue'er knows, I will definitely remember my father's advice."

"Okay, I've said all that needs to be said. Now go to the formation and start breaking through." Yuan Changqing waved his hand and said.

With Yuan Yue'er's breakthrough, just as Yuan Changqing guessed, Yuan Yue'er also had strange phenomena when she broke through. Her body emitted bursts of fire when she broke through. It seems that she inherited the fire attribute of Yuan Changqing's Five Elements.

So, from this point of view, Yuan Yue'er's physique should be called "Fire Spirit Body". Whether he can reach the "Fire King Body" depends on his understanding of the fire.

It's no wonder. Yuan Yue'er usually has a fiery personality, and is a little too lively.

Of course, this means that it may not have much to do with personality, but the fire attribute matches Yuan Yuer's personality quite well.

After Yuan Yuer'er broke through, she happily said loudly: "Hahaha, grandparents, parents, I have also made a breakthrough now."

Then he said to Yuan Changqing: "Dad, when I was making a breakthrough, I saw a lot of fires appearing, which illuminated my sea of ​​suffering all red."

Yuan Changqing nodded and said: "Yue'er, this is your vision of the fire attribute. It is still in its infancy. When your cultivation level becomes higher in the future, and you understand your own Tao, it will form a real vision. .”

"So, you have to work hard now. The deeper you understand the Tao, the more powerful your vision will be in the future."

Yuan Yue'er was very excited that she also had a special physique.

Yuan Yuer asked again: "Dad, when will I be able to reveal my true vision?"

Yuan Yue'er's question also attracted Zeng Li's attention, and Zeng Li was also curious about the state at which the strange phenomenon could be truly revealed.

"As for when the vision will appear, it may have to wait until you reach the Four Extremes Secret Realm." Yuan Changqing said.

Yuan Yue'er grimaced and said, "It won't take a long time."

Yuan Changqing said seriously at this time: "Yue'er, you have to change your anxious and anxious personality, now that you have officially entered the path of spiritual practice."

"Then, we must know that haste makes waste. When we practice, we must practice step by step and not take shortcuts."

"Otherwise, you might make a mistake, and if something unexpected happens, it will be too late to regret it."

"So, you must take time to read the ancient books collected at home every day. Even if you don't understand them, you must keep them in mind."

"When you accumulate enough knowledge, you may be able to understand a lot of truths yourself, which will be helpful for your future practice."

"Let's just say that my cultivation is now at the peak of the Shenqiao realm, and I can make a breakthrough at any time."

"So, why didn't I choose to continue to break through? This is because when I break through to the other side, I have to experience the disaster of getting lost."

"However, I don't have enough accumulation now, so I didn't choose to break through rashly. Instead, I chose to settle down and accumulate more things in the coming time."

"In this way, when the time comes to break through, I will be more confident."

Although the disaster of getting lost in breaking through to the other side mainly involves everyone's original intention, the subsequent transformation is related to the understanding of Tao.

Therefore, Yuan Changqing had to be cautious. After all, Yuan Changqing and Zhetian World had already experienced three worlds.

Therefore, it is really difficult to explain the disaster of getting lost. This is what Yuan Changqing is more concerned about.

Zeng Li also said: "Yue'er, you must listen to your father's words. How do you usually do, we don't care about you."

"But, just like your father said, now that you have embarked on the path of cultivation, you must take it seriously."

Yuan Yue'er also said seriously at this time: "Mom and Dad, don't worry. Dad has said so many things that need attention. I will keep it in mind and won't let you down."

Yuan Changqing nodded and said: "Just remember it. As for you who are afraid of being slow in cultivation, don't worry about it. Didn't I say it before? After you all break through, our family will go there every year to find the one with spiritual energy." Practice locally.”

Yuan Yue'er's eyes suddenly lit up and she asked, "Dad, what place are you talking about?"

Yuan Changqing said with a smile: "You should all have heard of this place, even Kunlun Mountain."

"Ah, even if it's the Kunlun Mountains, then in that case, many of the myths about the Kunlun Mountains in those storybooks should be true." After Yuan Yuer'er exclaimed, she asked again.

Yuan Changqing shook his head and said: "Maybe some of it is true, but there must be myths and legends about Kunlun Mountain, but whether they are consistent with what we know is not something that people with our current level of cultivation can know. ”

"Moreover, the Kunlun Mountains we see now are only a small part of the entire Kunlun Mountains."

"Its true appearance is actually shrouded in a large formation, and this formation is extraordinary. If you don't have the correct way to enter, you won't even be able to get in."

"It took me a long time to find the entrance, and it took a lot of effort to get in."

"This is because I know some formation talismans. Even if I find a way to get in, I still need to be extremely careful. There are dense formations inside. If I make a wrong step, everything can be stopped and people can be put to death directly. ”

Speaking of this, Yuan Yue'er and others were also shocked. They didn't expect that only a small part of Kunlun Mountain was exposed. The part that was not exposed was not only vast, but also so dangerous.

However, Yuan Changqing's family members have never traveled far and have never seen Kunlun Mountain. They may just know that Kunlun Mountain is very big.

As for how big it is, they can only rely on imagination. Only after Yuan Changqing takes them to see it, will they have a complete impression of how big Kunlun Mountain is.

Yuan Yuer asked again: "Dad, when will you take us there?"

Yuan Changqing replied: "It will take a while for the time being. I will take you there to practice at that time. After you practice in Kunlun Mountain, your strength will have made great progress. Maybe when we come out After Kunlun Mountain, you can also achieve my level of cultivation."

"Moreover, we go to the Kunlun Mountains to practice for a period of time every year. This allows us to practice, accumulate, and understand at the same time, which is helpful for our strength."

"Now that you have all broken through to the Sea of ​​Suffering, you can also consider your own divine weapon, a tool for enlightenment."

"Although we haven't found a suitable figure to forge our weapon of enlightenment yet, we can still forge the divine patterns in the sea of ​​suffering first, right?"

After hearing what Yuan Changqing said, everyone agreed.

Yuan Yuer asked with some curiosity: "Dad, what do you plan to forge the instrument of enlightenment into? Please tell us as a reference for all of us!"

Yuan Changqing said: "My weapon of enlightenment is forged from a picture. As for reference, I think you should follow your original intention for your own weapon of enlightenment."

"Everyone can refer to things like swords, guns, swords, halberds, bells, cauldrons, towers, etc. However, we should choose based on what we like!"


Now that Yuan Yue'er has broken through the sea of ​​suffering, Yuan Changqing also plans to do some things that he had planned before.

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