Douluo's Blue Silver Family

Chapter 293 Cleverly picking up the word secret

After leaving the deep valley where the sword-washing pool is located, Yuan Changqing's family walked towards the outside world along the way they came.

This trip to Shushan was full of rewards. Not only did Yuan Changqing and others obtain the three-style grass-character sword technique here, but they also obtained two sword embryos, which enabled Yuan Dongfang and Jiang Fen to obtain the tools of enlightenment. .

After leaving Shushan, Yuan Changqing said goodbye to his family and embarked on a journey alone, all the way down the Yangtze River.

Yuan Changqing had a purpose in going down the river this time. When he arrived in Gan Province, Yuan Changqing went straight to Wuyi Mountain.

There is what Yuan Changqing needs here. The earth star that covers the sky has a great origin.

In the age of mythology, Earth Star was the place where people became immortals. People like Emperor Zun, Lingbao Tianzun, Daode Tianzun, and Infinite Tianzun came out from here.

The most glorious time for the Earth Star was at the end of the mythology, when Emperor Zun became enlightened.

Emperor Zun established the Heavenly Court at the end of the myth, and collected ninety-nine sacred mountains in the universe, and placed them in the Kunlun Mountains where they became immortals.

The purpose of Emperor Zun's doing this was to refine the immortal cauldron and teach him to become an immortal. In the end, it was to refine the universe and to become an immortal alone.

At that time, several emperors coexisted, and no one who could become a great emperor was a person with extraordinary talents, and none of them was a simple person.

Emperor Zun felt that his actions could be hidden from everyone, but in the end, he still fell short. Some clues were discovered by other emperors, and a big war broke out at the critical moment.

The Chengxian Cauldron also stayed in the Chengxian Land, and was eventually refined into an immortal weapon. Perhaps it was because no one participated in the subsequent refinement of the Immortal Cauldron, or because too much time passed. Xianding actually has its own consciousness and thoughts.

After having the idea, Chengxian Ding ran away secretly, leaving a shell in Chengxian Land. The weapon spirit later appeared in Beidou, which was the divine child who followed Ye Fan.

Later, when the ruthless emperor came to the Immortal Land in Kunlun Mountain, he smashed the shell of the Immortal Cauldron into pieces.

The Immortal Cauldron was broken, but the ninety-nine dragon mountains arranged by the Emperor were still there, and the formation was still in operation.

And this is also the reason why Earth Star is in the Age of Ending Dharma, because the ninety-nine dragon mountains in Kunlun Mountain are absorbing spiritual energy from the outside world all the time.

Yuan Changqing came to Gan Province just for the opportunities here. Speaking of opportunities, there should be many on earth and stars.

As for the Immortal Cauldron, even if it is placed in front of him, Yuan Changqing will not touch it at all. After all, the cause and effect here is too great.

Moreover, Emperor Zun is still alive, but he is hiding in some corner of the universe and is secretly peeping. Yuan Changqing does not want to die in the hands of such an old monster.

Therefore, it is natural not to provoke such an old monster. Besides, the broken Immortal Cauldron may not be used by anyone except Ye Fan.

Also, Emperor Zun spent so much effort in refining the Immortal Cauldron. As long as he was a smart person, no one would believe him even if he did not tamper with it.

Another opportunity in the sacred soil of Kunlun Mountain is the Purple Gold Pagoda with Divine Marks, which is what Yuan Changqing is most likely to obtain.

It's just that I can't get in now. This is also the purpose of Yuan Changqing coming to Gan Province. As long as he can get this opportunity here, the chance of obtaining the Divine Mark Purple Gold Pagoda will be greater.

However, there is still the quasi-emperor's blood on the Divine Mark Purple Gold Pagoda. If the quasi-emperor's murderous intention is activated, it can be easily wiped out based on Yuan Changqing's current strength.

Fortunately, Yuan Changqing still has the World Bead, which he can easily collect as long as he can see the Divine Mark Purple Gold Pagoda.

In the original work, after Ye Fan came back from Beidou, he searched for opportunities on the planet.

And some of the places of opportunity that Yuan Changqing remembered can now be found. As for whether they robbed Ye Fan of opportunities, it has nothing to do with Yuan Changqing.

After all, Ye Fan is not born yet, and if Yuan Changqing gets these opportunities, he might be able to exchange with Ye Fan in the future.

This time I came to Gan Province for the Secret of Combination Words created by Lingbao Tianzun. It is one of the nine unique secrets that cover the world.

The nine secret techniques are: Lin, Bing, Du, Zhe, Ji, Number, Group, Forward, and Xing.

They are unique secret techniques created by the Nine Heavenly Lords in the mythical age, and have different functions.

However, every secret method represents the ultimate of a kind of Tao, and it can be said to be the well-deserved number one.

Even the ruthless emperor, who later became a man of astonishing talent and beauty, created nine corresponding secret methods in order to combat these nine secret methods.

Among them, the secret combination created by Lingbao Tianzun represents the ultimate form of formation. The famous Zhuxian Sword Formation is the imperial weapon of Lingbao Tianzun, and Lingbao Tianzun used the sword formation to slaughter the immortal corpse.

Unfortunately, the secrets of Lingbao Tianzun's composition were later lost, and in the world of Zhetian, only Emperor Zun and Ye Fan had collected all the nine secrets.

Not to mention how Emperor Zun collected it completely, let’s just say that after Ye Fan became emperor, he also collected the Nine Secrets completely.

As for how to collect it completely, this is Ye Fan's ability. Now let's talk about the secret of writing. In the original work, Ye Fan came back from Beidou and visited Wuyi Mountain.

Then, it is very likely that Ye Fan got the secret of the composition in the old place of Lingbao. After all, this is where the inheritance sect of Lingbao Tianzun is located.

After arriving in Gan Province, Yuan Changqing went directly to Wuyi Mountain and did not do those things to show his holiness in front of others. In the end of the Dharma era, the practitioners on the earth and planet are eager to crawl into the cracks in the ground. There is no benefit in doing so.

A few days later, Yuan Changqing finally arrived at Wuyi Mountain.

Looking at Wuyi Mountain in front of me, it is a huge mountain with criss-crossing roads stretching for more than two hundred miles. It has ancient bamboos and pines, peaks and mountains, and beautiful scenery.

However, Yuan Changqing did not go to appreciate these beautiful scenery now, but went to the mountains and forests of Wuyi Mountain for a few ups and downs.

Gezao Mountain, also known as Geling, is a westward branch of Wuyi Mountain.

After Yuan Changqing knew that he was in the world of Zhetian, he had been collecting Taoist classics and ancient books. In addition to enriching his understanding of Tao, these things also had another purpose of understanding some situations in this world.

Moreover, Yuan Changqing has been planning opportunities on the Earth Star. In the past, due to some reasons, it was not convenient, but now that there is an opportunity, naturally he cannot miss it.

Yuan Changqing had also learned about Gezao Mountain before, but now that he came here, Yuan Changqing did not act rashly.

In the next few days, Yuan Changqing also carefully investigated the situation in Gezao Mountain and took a closer look.

Gezao Mountain is a place with smoky catkins, steaming clouds, graceful and introverted scenery, flowing springs and waterfalls, and is a blessed place for immortals.

This was once an important place for Taoism. Yes, it was abolished due to the emergence of the Immortal Land, which led to the Age of Ending Dharma.

Through these days of observation, it seems that the people of this Lingbao Sect are basically hiding in the small world to practice.

With the current cultivation environment of Earth Star, it would take several years for the Lingbao Sect to accept a few disciples for inheritance.

Yuan Changqing also discovered that this person of the Lingbao Sect who presided over things in the outside world had the highest level of cultivation at the Dao Palace realm.

The reason why Yuan Changqing has been observing carefully for so many days is because he knows that these inherited sects still have some background.

Just like the old Celestial Master of Longhu Mountain, he is a person with the realm of Immortal Two Great Powers, and he was cultivated in this age of Dharma End.

From this, it can be seen that the talent of the old Celestial Master is also very outstanding. If it were not due to the cultivation environment of Earth Star, relying on the talent of the old Celestial Master, he would be in a realm above the Dao-Slaying King.

Although Longhu Mountain also has a small world opened up, as of now, there is not much spiritual energy left in that small world.

And this Lingbao Sect is also the inherited sect of Lingbao Tianzun. Although it is in decline now, it is also because of the cultivation environment.

Moreover, after all, this Lingbao Sect is also the direct descendant of Lingbao Tianzun, so it still has some background.

Even the Lingbao Sect has its own small secret world. There have been saints before, otherwise how could such a small world exist?

And Lingbao Sect, as the inheritance sect of Lingbao Tianzun, cannot be too careful. Who knows if Lingbao Sect has set up any formations.

If there is really any formation left behind and it is accidentally triggered, wouldn't it be a disaster?

There are thirty steps in front of the Lingbao Sect. In the original work, these steps seem to be specially set up to test the disciples.

Of course, that was talking about the past. The current era of Dharma Ending has long been abolished, and only the disciples of the Lingbao Sect with cultivation will come and go from here.

As for other ordinary disciples, Yuan Changqing also found that they would walk around these thirty steps and walk from other places.

Moreover, Yuan Changqing also knew that the set of calligraphy secrets was hidden under these thirty steps. It had to be said that the Lingbao Sect was also a thieves, hiding directly in front of the mountain gate, in the dark under a lamp.

Presumably, the Lingbao Sect also knows that many people must be concerned about this thing. After all, it is a sect that has been passed down for thousands of years, and it is also particular about finding a place to hide.

Then, hiding in front of the mountain gate is the easiest to be ignored, which is also the safest.

After several days of observation, Yuan Changqing also understood the situation here. In addition, the Lingbao Sect did not have any experts in the outside world, which made it easier for Yuan Changqing to take action.

Therefore, Yuan Changqing also took advantage of a night when no one was around to carefully come to the mountain gate of Lingbao Sect, and took away the group secrets very easily.

After getting the secretariat, Yuan Changqing ran out of Gezao Mountain in one breath.

"Heaven and earth are the shape of the Great Dao. Yin and Yang are the Qi of the Great Dao. Cold, hot, wet, cool, there is Qi in the shape. Clouds, fog, rain, dew, there are images in the Qi. The Qi of the earth rises and rises. It becomes clouds and disperses into rain. When the weather drops, it disperses into fog and condenses into dew. If the accumulation of yin passes, the dew will turn into rain, frost or snow; if the accumulation of yang passes, the fog will turn into smoke, clouds or clouds. . Yin is under yang, the yang qi does not rise, and thunder is generated when it strikes. yin is under yin, and yin qi does not fall, and it solidifies and produces hail. Yin and yang are not in harmony, and lightning is produced when yin and yang are not in harmony. If yin and yang do not match, promiscuity results in rainbows. Ni. Accumulate the true yang to form gods, and the stars are as beautiful as the sky. Accumulate the true yin to form, and the earth and rocks are as strong as the earth. The big stars are the sun and the moon, and the noble earth and rocks are the gold and jade. Yin and yang can be seen in form, the sun and the moon are above , the next thing is gold and jade.”


Yuan Changqing looked at the animal skin that recorded the secret of writing, the dense small characters, and the words and pictures engraved on it. He knew that this was the secret of writing, and he was very excited in his heart.

In this way, having this set of secret words will be of great help to Yuan Changqing, and the opportunities in the sacred land of Kunlun Mountain will be closer to him.

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