Douluo's Blue Silver Family

Chapter 296 Arriving at Beidou


As the sound of the ancient coffin falling to the ground sounded, Yuan Changqing knew that he should have arrived at the ancient forbidden land.

"I saw the light." At this time, a gap appeared in the ancient coffin, and the light shone into the ancient coffin from the gap. After that, another gap opened in the ancient coffin.

Then, the people inside the ancient coffin came out one by one from the gap.

Coming to the outside world, the place is lined with green trees and tall trees can be seen everywhere, just like coming to a primeval forest.

"The Ancient Forbidden City..." At this time, someone saw a stone tablet and read the three words on it.

"There should be another word after these three words, which is either the ancient forbidden area or the ancient forbidden area."

After hearing that this was a forbidden area, these classmates of Ye Fan were also a little scared, but now that they were here, there was nothing they could do.

Ye Fan looked at Yuan Changqing's family at this time, came over with Pang Bo, and asked: "Senior, what should we do now?"

After learning Yuan Changqing's age, Ye Fan also changed his name.

As soon as Yuan Changqing got out of the ancient coffin, he felt that there was some force draining the vitality here.

However, perhaps because of Ye Fan's arrival, this power was suppressed to the lowest level, so he quickly used his divine power to resist this power.

Yuan Changqing reminded at this time: "Brother Ye, there is a force here that will make us lose our vitality. It is best not to stay here too much. Let everyone find something to eat first, and then quickly find a way out. Bar."

Although there are some nine-second elixirs and divine springs in this ancient forbidden land, Yuan Changqing now has many little medicine kings obtained from the sacred soil of Kunlun Mountain.

On the contrary, even the White Tiger Magic Medicine is around, so he doesn't care so much about the things here. After all, these things are prepared for Ye Fan.

Therefore, Yuan Changqing is not prepared to share that the ruthless emperor's mental state is now good and bad, and he is not afraid of anything but ten thousand.

Hearing this, Ye Fan and Pang Bo were also a little panicked, and quickly asked: "Senior, what should we do? Is there anything you can do?"

"Don't worry, there won't be any big problems in this moment. As long as everyone gets out as soon as possible." Yuan Changqing said.

Suddenly, Ye Fan and Pang Bo felt a lot more at ease.

Yuan Changqing added: "Our family will not stay here any longer. This place has a greater impact on the monks."

Ye Fan hurriedly said: "Senior, can you take us with you?"

Yuan Changqing looked at Ye Fan, shook his head, and said: "There may be an opportunity here. You'd better find a way out with your classmates."

"However, since we have come all the way here, it is fate, so I will give you a life-saving thing."

Then two five-color jade stones appeared in Yuan Changqing's hand and handed them to Ye Fan and Pang Bo respectively.

Then he said: "This is a one-time forbidden weapon, one for each of you. My strongest blow is sealed inside. As long as it does not exceed the king level, it is enough to save your lives."

"Thank you, senior." After Ye Fan and Pang Bo took over the five-color jade, they quickly thanked them. Neither of them expected to have such a harvest.

Then, Yuan Changqing thought for a while, stretched out his hand and lit two divine lights, which penetrated into the eyebrows of Ye Fan and Pang Bo respectively.

"This is a practice guide, called the Five Elements Sutra. I give it to you. We will see you again in the future."

After saying that, Yuan Changqing took his family and left. Yuan Changqing took out Emperor Fuxi's Imperial Weapon Hetu Luoshu, rolled up his family, set up the rainbow light, and left quickly.

Pang Bo looked at the direction Yuan Changqing left and said, "Ye Zi, I didn't expect that we would have such a harvest."

"Yeah, but let's find something to eat quickly, and then find a way out quickly. Senior also told us about the situation here, so we still shouldn't stay here too long." Ye Fan replied.

Later, Ye Fan and Pang Bo also got an opportunity here, and Liu Yiyi and Wang Ziwen also benefited from being friends with Ye Fan.

Later, after Liu Yunzhi saw Yuan Changqing's family leaving, he returned to his old ways and confronted Ye Fan.

However, Ye Fan finally dealt with Liu Yunzhi's group, and then the group left the ancient forbidden land.

After Ye Fan and his party left the ancient forbidden land, the power in the ancient forbidden land was instantly reflected.

Because Ye Fan and Pang Bo ate the magic fruit, they returned to their childhood. Liu Yiyi changed little, and Wang Ziwen became a middle-aged man.

However, other people have become old men and old ladies, and none of them can accept this situation.

After that, they met Weiwei. Fortunately, they knew that after practicing, they would become young again, and they finally calmed down.

Weiwei also took Ye Fan and the others away from the Ancient Forbidden Land. Later, these people were also accepted as disciples by the six caves.

From then on, Ye Fan and his classmates also embarked on the path of spiritual practice.

After Yuan Changqing and his family left the ancient forbidden land, they felt refreshed, and there were a few more notches on the wheel of life.

This time it was also because of Ye Fan's presence that the ruthless emperor suppressed the power in the ancient forbidden land. Otherwise, even if Yuan Changqing had the emperor's soldiers, he would not be so relaxed.

Yuan Yuer asked at this time: "Dad, I didn't expect this ancient forbidden land to be so weird. In just a short time, there were several notches left on my wheel of life."

Yuan Changqing said: "Otherwise, why would this place be called the Ancient Forbidden Land? Fortunately, now that it is out, there is no need to worry so much."

"Now that you know the situation here, just pay attention in the future."

Yuan Yue'er nodded and asked: "Dad, we are not familiar with the place here, what should we do next?"

"Let's leave here first, find a place with people to inquire, and then talk about the next thing." Yuan Changqing is not familiar with Beidou, although he knows the situation of some forces here.

However, you know, after all, I have never really been here, so I can be said to be a stranger to Beidou.

Later, Yuan Changqing's family built the Hongqiao and came to the nearest country here.

The Ancient Forbidden Land is located in the Southern Territory, and the country closest to the Ancient Forbidden Land is called the Yan Kingdom.

There are three most famous forces in the Southern Territory, namely Taixuan Sect, Huanggu Ji Family, and Yaoguang Holy Land.

It's just that Taixuanmen is much worse than the other two families. After all, the Huanggu Ji family is the descendant of the Great Emperor of the Void, and is suppressed by the Emperor's Void Mirror. This is also one of the top forces in Beidou.

The Great Emperor of the Void has never been weaker than anyone in his life. After becoming the Great Emperor, he has been fighting against the Dark Forbidden Zone. It is also because of this that he has not lived for two more lives. This is also the Great Emperor that Yuan Changqing admires.

Although no emperor-level figures have appeared in the Shaking Light Holy Land, it is also suppressed by the imperial weapon, the black gold cauldron with dragon patterns, and is one of the top forces in Beidou.

However, Yuan Changqing knew that this dragon-patterned black gold cauldron was refined by the ruthless emperor, and was not a lie made by generations of sacrifices made by Yaoguang Sheng.

After all, if you want to become an imperial weapon, you need the laws of the emperor. Without the laws of the emperor, where can you get the emperor's weapons?

You must know that the Imperial Arms is like the Emperor's second life, because the Imperial Arms carries the Emperor's lifelong understanding of Tao. The laws of the Imperial Tao on the Imperial Arms are the Emperor's Tao.

On the surface, the Shaking Light Holy Land is one of the Holy Lands, but secretly, they also have a lineage that is the descendant of the Ruthless Emperor, and this lineage exists to inherit the Dharma of the Ruthless Emperor.

It's just that because of the ruthless emperor's heaven-swallowing demon power, as long as her legend is discovered, she will be like a rat crossing the street. Everyone shouts and beats her, so she can only hide in the dark.

In addition to these three major forces, there is another famous place in the Southern Territory, which is the Fire Territory, which is also a famous treasure refining place.

Legend has it that this area was ignited by a fairy fire that fell from the fairy world. The fire there lasts forever. It is said that at the very core, the fairy fire is waiting for the opportunity to be reborn.

There is also a rumor that an immortal was once burned to death in the depths of the Fire Realm, and that the most precious treasure of the East Wilderness, the Wild Tower, has been floating in the Fire Realm for thousands of years. Therefore, it can be seen how extraordinary the Fire Realm is!

There are 9 floors in the fire domain. The general power is only in the first six levels, and it will basically not be able to hold up after that! Therefore, ordinary powerful people cannot enter here casually, unless they are extremely powerful.

After Yuan Changqing's family came to Yan State, they also inquired about these situations.

Yuan Yue'er is rather interested in the fire domain. After all, as a person with a special physique of fire attribute, the fire domain is still very attractive to Yuan Yue'er.

"Dad, how about we go to the Fire Domain first and have a look?" Yuan Yuer'er suggested.

After hearing this, Yuan Changqing replied: "Okay, then let's go to the Fire Domain to have a look. It just so happens that the flames there are special, and we can also go there to practice."

After that, Yuan Changqing and his family went to the Fire Domain. Sure enough, the fire in this Fire Domain lived up to its reputation, with each layer being hotter than the next.

In the original work, Ye Fan also relied on the fire in this fire domain to trap many people.

This is not only a good place for refining treasures, but also a good place for body refining.

It is a good place for Yuan Yue'er. There are unexpected benefits in meditating on the Great Way of Fire.

After realizing the benefits of this fire domain, Yuan Changqing said: "We can use the fire here to refining our natal weapons, and we can also use the fire here to refine the body."

"However, everyone should act according to their ability. After all, the fire here is not ordinary fire, so you should be careful."

Yuan Yue'er said at this time: "I feel so comfortable here. It is of great help to my cultivation."

"In that case, let's find a place to practice each other first."

While Yuan Changqing was practicing in the Fire Domain, Ye Fan and Pang Bo were already practicing in the Lingxu Cave. However, Ye Fan was also found to be the Ancient Holy Body.

Nowadays, the ancient holy body is called a waste body. This is because it is cursed and is difficult to cultivate. Moreover, it consumes a lot of cultivation resources.

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