Douluo's Blue Silver Family

Chapter 304 Duan De

Seeing that countless powerful forces from the Eastern Wilderness have arrived, the strong men of the Demon Clan did not dare to take advantage of them, so they could only choose to retreat and wait for the opportunity.

This time, Yuan Changqing reminded me that apart from the chase he had experienced before, Ye Fan had no other dangerous experiences in the future.

However, after seeing the cruelty of the cultivation world and seeing the grace of so many strong men, I also had a firm belief in my heart that I must become stronger.

Otherwise, in this world where the weak eat the strong and eat people without spitting out their bones, without strong strength, you cannot even control your own destiny.

This is also the first time Ye Fan has a goal since he came to Beidou for so long. Ye Fan also felt disappointed after knowing that he was the ancient holy body.

Although I have been persisting in practicing, it is just a kind of muddling through mentality, and I don't have the firm belief now.

To be honest, sometimes people are really forced out. If you haven't experienced it, you don't know the powerlessness involved. Ye Fan also experienced this this time and inspired his fighting spirit.

Although later because of Yuan Changqing, Ye Fan did not encounter those big demons, nor was he chased by them.

However, the correction power of the world is still very powerful. Yuan Changqing just asked Ye Fan to find a safe place to hide, but he didn't expect that he would go back to the starting point.

Yuan Changqing can now be very sure that even if he is by Ye Fan's side now, if the two of them encounter a powerful attack and distract themselves from their experience.

At that time, I will not be able to take care of Ye Fan. With Ye Fan's current strength, I am afraid that no one can kill Ye Fan. On the contrary, it may also cause great terror.

This is the Son of the World. Even if Yuan Changqing is a time traveler, he can be said to be an anomaly. Although he has the World Bead to hide the secret, he cannot change the final main line evolution of the world.

At most, it can change the direction of some side branches. Perhaps, even a powerful immortal does not have the ability to change it. After all, there is still a great terror in the long river of destiny.

This should be: small things can be changed, but general trends cannot be changed.

Ye Fan will eventually rise as always and become the most powerful being in the world.

No, Yuan Changqing had picked up a lapel of "Tao Jing" wool from Ye Fan before.

Because, in this way, it will not attract attention, there will be no trace, and it will not attract the attention of the terrifying existence in the ancient restricted area.

You know, in the world of Zhetian, in the nine heavens and ten earths, being the protagonist is very tiring, and the result will be miserable.

And Yuan Changqing didn't think about changing anything, nor did he buy the ability to change anything. But now he has some ability to help Ye Fan, which is also a good thing.

After all, Yuan Changqing is not alone in this world. He still has his family. If he has this good fate, even if he is no longer in this world in the future, with these as a foundation, I think Ye Fan can take care of him.

Also, Ye Fan has a lot of opportunities, and Yuan Changqing can also get some things he needs from them, so why not do it.

With the arrival of the major forces, these people are also eager to open the Demon Emperor's Tomb.

As a result, the countless monks gathered here took action against the ancient palace. However, as a result, monks continued to fall, and the ancient tomb of the Demon Emperor was not broken.

Suddenly, the major Holy Land families and major religious sects became a little anxious. Now the news of the opening of the Demon Emperor's Tomb is still spreading. If the forces in other regions get the news, why not hurry up and compete for the opportunity? When the time comes, There are even more forces coming here.

"We and other major forces are going to forcefully open the Demon Emperor's ancient tomb. In order to avoid hurting innocent people, everyone should leave here first."

After some discussions between the major forces, these high-sounding words spread throughout the primitive ruins.

Yuan Changqing and Ye Fan also heard this at this time and said: "How about it? Now that you have seen the faces of these people, they talk so nice. Don't you feel shameless? Some of the news looks similar.”

Ye Fan nodded and said with emotion: "It is really like this, and this time the earth star is even more cruel, the strong is respected, in this Beidou, in this world of cultivation, this is vividly demonstrated."

Yuan Changqing also looked at Ye Fan with some surprise, but then he thought about it and felt that it was not strange that Ye Fan could think clearly with his character and mentality. It would be strange if he couldn't think clearly.

Otherwise, Ye Fan would not be called Ye Heizi, which shows that he is also a person with scheming and means.

So, Yuan Changqing said again: "The fact that you can think this through clearly shows that you have begun to slowly adapt to the rules of this monk world, which is really gratifying."

Ye Fan added: "Senior, I have also experienced this from the original ruins to now, and I have realized it from what I have seen. If I haven't changed my mind yet."

"Then, I don't know how I will die in the future. Now in Beidou is not as good as before in Earth Star. From what I saw this time in the Tomb of the Demon Emperor, I can know how cruel it is. .”

"Well, it's good if you can think clearly. Then, work hard to become stronger. Only in this way can you control your own destiny." Yuan Changqing said with a smile.

Ye Fan also nodded firmly at this time and said: "Senior, I will definitely become a strong man and a person who can control his own destiny."


As the major forces negotiated, the murderous aura in the sky suddenly became more intense, and countless divine lights shot straight into the sky, oppressing the void.

The momentum was overwhelming, and the powerful pressure was like a god coming to the world. Countless demonic and divine powers collided, bursting out powerful energy that shook the world, and the ancient palace began to tremble continuously.


With a loud noise, a corner of the Demon Emperor's ancient tomb was broken, and countless rays of light shot out from inside, so fast that no one could see clearly.

However, as long as a person with high strength can still see clearly what they are, they are all psychic weapons escaping.

"Swish swish!"

After seeing countless rays of light shooting out, they knew it was a good thing, and people around them also took action, preparing to intercept it.

Suddenly, a ray of light shot into a rock on the side of Yuan Changqing and Ye Fan, and was inserted directly there.

After Ye Fan saw it, he quickly went over and took it out. It turned out to be a dagger. It was a psychic weapon. He also murmured in his heart that he didn't expect such an opportunity at such a long distance. Ye Fan also had a look on his face. Happy.

Just when Ye Fan returned to Yuan Changqing and was about to ask something, suddenly, there was a burst of arrogant laughter.

"Hahaha..." At this moment, a Taoist priest with a red face drove the divine rainbow and landed next to Ye Fan and Yuan Changqing.

"What a chance. I didn't expect it to be a psychic weapon." The fat Taoist priest looked at the dagger in Ye Fan's hand and reached out to grab it.

"My child, the dagger in your hand is a murderous weapon. If you can't control it, you'd better let Taoist master subdue it!"

After Ye Fan heard this, his face turned green with anger. Seeing his shameless remarks, he really wanted to punch him.

When Yuan Changqing saw this person, he knew who it was. Isn't it Duan De? He didn't expect to meet him at this time.

Yuan Changqing knew that he had a lot of good things in him. He also knew what kind of virtue Duan De was, and he was ready to play tricks on him.

"Give it to him, and then I'll give him a steal, hehe." After Yuan Changqing had an idea, he immediately sent a message to Ye Fan.

Ye Fan was stunned when he heard it, but he immediately reacted and handed it to Duan De pretending to be reluctant to part with it.

"Well, not bad, my child, you have a great future, but don't worry, Master Dao will definitely subdue it and prevent it from harming time. You have done a great deed, and people will thank you." Duan De said to Ye Fan with a look of shame on his face, and then he set up the Shenhong and left the place.

"Damn fat man, I thank you, uncle." Ye Fan muttered quietly at this time.

"Master Dao is strong, not fat." Duan De's words came from the horizon.

At this time, another ray of light flew from the sky, and a red bead fell directly into Ye Fan's hand.

"Hahaha..." The arrogant laughter came again.

Ye Fan was dumbfounded and couldn't help but cursed: "I...I'll complain."

At this time, Duan De came to Ye Fan again, and pretended to be a wise man, and said: "My child, we are really destined. Come on, come on, give me the murderous weapon in your hand." , so that I can resolve it together.”

"Give it to him." Yuan Changqing's voice appeared in Ye Fan's mind again.

Ye Fan was worthy of being Ye Heizi. After hearing Yuan Changqing's words, he was very cooperative and immediately put on an angry expression on his face.

"Damn fat man, you have already robbed me of one of my treasures. Why don't you come back again? How shameless are you?"

Duan De looked at Ye Fan with a smile and said: "My child, you are still too young to know the power of this bead. You can't suppress this evil thing now, so you should leave it to the Taoist Master to suppress it. I am saving You, no need to thank me, who calls Master Dao a good person?"

"Alas! It's hard to be a good person nowadays. Why doesn't anyone understand?"

After that, as soon as Duan De left, Ye Fan got another psychic weapon, but Duan De, a Taoist priest, came back and snatched it away.

Suddenly, Ye Fan, who had been robbed of three psychic weapons, couldn't help it and exploded.

Ye Fan gritted his teeth and asked: "Damn fat man, who are you? Do you dare to tell me your name?"

Duan De still smiled and said, "My surname is Duan Mingde."

"You are indeed a fat man with no virtue. I wish you a child without a butthole." Ye Fan cursed.

Duan De said coquettishly: "I am a monk and will not marry and have children. It is useless for you to curse me, hehe."


At this moment, Yuan Changqing couldn't bear it anymore and burst out laughing.

Duan De was stunned by the laughter and asked with a confused look on his face: "Why are fellow Taoists laughing?"

Yuan Changqing also hid his cultivation before Duan De came, so Duan De thought that Yuan Changqing was just a young monk who was still in the secret realm of Lunhai, so he didn't pay much attention to it.

"Hehe..." Ye Fan saw Yuan Changqing laughing and said with a sinister smile.

Duan De was completely confused at this time, and his heart was so full of laughter that he said, "What's wrong with you? You're not possessed by something, are you?"

At this time, Yuan Changqing ducked and came to Duan De's side. He put a hand on Duan De's shoulder and grabbed him to prevent him from running away.

Yuan Changqing said at this time: "Fellow Taoist, you are not kind. How can you just steal people's things? This is not in line with your image of being a master."

"Let me tell you, you'd better give back what you robbed, so that we won't tell anyone about it, and it won't affect your image as a good person, don't you think so?"

Duan De quit immediately. How could he just hand over the things he got? This is not in line with my style of doing things.

"Fellow Taoist, you are kidding me. I am here to help that child. This evil thing can only be suppressed in the hands of a poor Taoist. I have good intentions." Duan De said and wanted to break Yuan Changqing's hand away, but, I couldn't break it apart no matter what, I knew that this time I kicked it onto the iron plate.

When Yuan Changqing saw that Duan De still wanted to escape, a pressure suddenly emerged from his body, and it became stronger and stronger, directly covering Duan De.

Yuan Changqing looked at Ye Fan and asked, "How many psychic weapons were you robbed just now?"

Yuan Changqing deliberately emphasized the word "grab". In an instant, Ye Fan understood and knew that this was a good opportunity.

He said with an aggrieved look: "I was just robbed of ten psychic treasures by this damn fat man."

"What, you said that I robbed you of ten psychic treasures, you little brat, why are you so shameless? I obviously only robbed you of three pieces. Listen carefully, it's three pieces, not ten." Duan De suddenly said I was so angry that I didn't expect that I would make a big mistake here today.

Now that he knows Yuan Changqing's strength and that he is not to be trifled with, Duan De feels really dejected.

Duan De said with an apologetic smile: "Fellow Taoist, you see we had no grudges in the past and we have no grudges today. Why don't you let me go first?"

Ye Fan said at this time: "Hey, you damn fat guy is still playing tricks here. Hurry up and hand over the things you robbed me, otherwise you will have something to eat today."

Yuan Changqing also said: "Fellow Taoist, look, can you please return the ten psychic weapons you snatched? This will be easier for all of us, and we will still be good friends in the future."

"Friends, good friends, who wants to be friends with such shameless people like you two?" Duan De kept muttering in his heart.

However, he still said: "Master Dao, what you saw on the side just now, I took three psychic weapons from the child, not ten at all. I will return them to him now. You see, we are two How about clearing up."

Yuan Changqing added: "Although that's what I say, I still need to give some interest, what do you think?"

"What about the interest?"

"You don't need to pay too much interest." Yuan Changqing said this, and Duan De was relieved a lot. However, Yuan Changqing changed his voice and said: "You can just pay one for each and return six psychic weapons."

Ye Fan suddenly became happy, stretched out his hand, and said with a smile: "Taoist Master, come on, six psychic treasures."

Duan De's eyes widened, obviously he still didn't want to take out so many treasures. After all, just by relying on his desperate energy to directly attack the attention of the Yakuza forces, this was simply draining Duan De's blood.

However, the situation is now pressing, and Yuan Changqing has caught him, so he has to compromise.

Seeing Duan De's eyes rolling around, Yuan Changqing reminded: "Don't think about anything here and there, hurry up."

After Duan De was reminded, he reluctantly took out six psychic weapons and handed them to Ye Fan. Ye Fan also took them with a smile, which hurt Duan De's flesh.

"Hahaha, damn fat man, you are now here too." Ye Fan laughed happily when he saw Duan De's aching look.

Yuan Changqing also let go of Duan De at this time, patted his shoulder, and said grandly: "Okay, look, everyone is happy, and we will be friends from now on."

These words made Duan De angry, and he said: "Return friends, I will not be friends with you two. Master Dao is in trouble this time, I admit it, we will never see each other again."

After saying that, Duan De couldn't wait to fly away.

"Hahaha..." Yuan Changqing and Ye Fan also looked at each other and smiled.

Then, Ye Fan took out three psychic weapons and handed them to Yuan Changqing.

However, Yuan Changqing waved his hand and said: "You should put these things away, there is no use for me to hold them."

After hearing this, Ye Fan thought about it and put it away. After all, with Yuan Changqing's strength, these things are really not of much use.

"Then you're welcome, thank you, senior." Ye Fan thanked him sincerely. If it weren't for Yuan Changqing today, these things would have been snatched away by Duan De and he wouldn't be able to get them back.

Suddenly, there was an abnormal protrusion, and a powerful pressure came towards Yuan Changqing, constantly approaching, Yuan Changqing grabbed Ye Fan and left here quickly.

"No, let's get out of here quickly."

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