Douluo's Blue Silver Family

Chapter 306 The Holy Blood of the Green Emperor

Now that the matter in this primitive ruins is basically over, and there is nothing more to watch, Yuan Changqing is ready to leave.

With the Qing Emperor's imperial soldiers being taken away by the demon princess Yan Ruyu, the human race's treasure is now in the hands of the Qing Emperor.

All the major forces in Beidou thought that the Qing Emperor was dead. In fact, the Qing Emperor still had the spirit left to transform the immortal realm among the human treasures, but they failed and were trapped inside the human treasures.

Moreover, it was because Qing Emperor's heart was too big that Qing Emperor had to give up his body in the end, leaving only his soul in order to survive.

Yuan Changqing didn't dare to touch the fragment of the Immortal Cauldron because there was a big cause and effect on it, so after Ye Fan got it, Yuan Changqing didn't say much.

The Qing Emperor's imperial weapons were obviously given to future generations by the Qing Emperor, so Yuan Changqing had no intention of snatching them away, and in the end they were taken away by Yan Ruyu using a cornucopia.

Now that these things have their own belongings, there is no point in staying here. It is better to find a place to practice in seclusion first.

Afterwards, Yuan Changqing said to Ye Fan: "Let's leave here first and find a place to practice. You should also practice well. At least you must break through the life spring first, so that you can fly. Even if you encounter danger in the future, you can still fly." There is no chance of escaping."

Ye Fan also nodded, and thinking about his cultivation, he said helplessly: "Okay, I will listen to the seniors, but it is not so easy for my ancient holy body to break through without resources!"

Yuan Changqing patted Ye Fan on the shoulder and said: "Don't worry, didn't I say I had good things for you before? You will know when we find a place. This time, you will definitely be able to break through the life spring realm and even become a god." Maybe even in the bridge realm.”

"Senior, what you said is true!" Yuan Changqing's words made Ye Fan instantly pleasantly surprised.

Yuan Changqing did not answer directly, but said with a smile: "You will know when you get to the place, don't be so anxious."

After saying that, without waiting for Ye Fan to say anything, Yuan Changqing grabbed Ye Fan and rose into the sky, leaving the primitive ruins.

When Yuan Changqing and Ye Fan appeared again, they had already appeared in Yan Kingdom.

However, Yuan Changqing and Ye Fan did not go to those cities. Instead, they found a hilltop with good aura in the wilderness and planned to retreat here for a while.


With two loud noises, Yuan Changqing opened two caves, which were places for him and Ye Fan to retreat.

After that, Yuan Changqing took Ye Fan into one of the caves, preparing to arrange it first to avoid making any noise during the retreat and being discovered by others.

As the five-color ray of light in Yuan Changqing's hand continued to flash, countless runes were condensed and shot around. After a while, they were arranged.

When setting up the cave, Ye Fan was also watching attentively, and Yuan Changqing did not shy away from it. How much he could understand depends on his luck.

After the arrangement was completed, Yuan Changqing said: "Ye Fan, how are you? How much do you understand?"

Ye Fan scratched his head and replied: "Senior, I have had too little exposure to these things, and I am confused."

Yuan Changqing thought about it, and yes, after all, Ye Fan had only been in Beidou for almost two years, and he was still in the Lingxu Cave Heaven. For such a small sect, he didn't learn much useful things.

Then, Yuan Changqing reached out and pointed, and some knowledge about runes appeared in Ye Fan's mind.

This knowledge was learned by Yuan Changqing on the Earth Star and in the Yaochi Holy Land. Now it has been taught to Ye Fan in one go. This makes Ye Fan wonder how much time he has saved.

Yuan Changqing said: "I learned these talisman knowledge in Dixing and Yaochi Holy Land, and now I have taught them to you. You can learn them seriously. They will be of great use to you."

"For example, the method of making a white jade platform is included. This is an escape treasure. As long as you have the materials, you can make it."

"However, you can only collect the materials yourself, and I don't have much on hand right now."

After Ye Fan got this knowledge, he was also pleasantly surprised, and his eyes lit up after hearing the effect of Bai Yutai.

Ye Fan quickly said: "Senior, it would be great if you could teach me these. As for the materials, I will just collect them slowly in the future."

Yuan Changqing nodded and said: "That's good, let's practice here first. The golden page in your hand now has the Reunion Chapter of "The Book of Tao" on it. You can practice well. This will allow you to fully develop your suffering and build the strongest foundation for you.”

"If you don't understand anything about practice later, I can take advantage of this time to explain it to you."

"I'd like to thank you, senior, for taking care of me." Ye Fan thanked him sincerely.

Then Yuan Changqing nodded, didn't say anything, just waved his hand.

At this moment, in Yuan Changqing's sea of ​​suffering, there was a small crystal coffin with dense divine patterns on it, and it was firmly suppressed by the Blue Silver Emperor in the sea of ​​suffering.

The small crystal coffin contained the Sacred Heart of the Qing Emperor. It was the supreme opportunity left by the Qing Emperor to future generations, but now it fell into the hands of Yuan Changqing.

Then, with a flash of light, the small crystal coffin appeared in Yuan Changqing's hand.

Looking at the beating heart inside the crystal coffin, the Holy Heart of the Blue Emperor contains infinite vitality and mysterious energy.

Ye Fan looked at the small crystal coffin that appeared with curiosity on his face. He was also a little surprised when he saw that the heart was still beating. He didn't expect that the heart was still beating.

Moreover, you can tell from the heartbeat that it is so majestic and powerful, obviously extraordinary, and it was suppressed by Yuan Changqing's seal.

No wonder when this thing first appeared before, the sound of heartbeats could shake people's souls. It was indeed the Sacred Heart of the Blue Emperor.

So, Ye Fan asked: "Senior, is this heart still alive? This is really shocking!"

Yuan Changqing replied: "Yes, this is the sacred heart left by a generation of demon emperors. It depends on what you want to improve your cultivation."

"The holy blood in the Blue Emperor's Sacred Heart is a good thing. It can be compared with the magic medicine. A drop of its holy blood can save you several years of hard work. Do you think it is powerful or not?"

Ye Fan suddenly looked excited and said: "Then the Holy Heart of the Qing Emperor is a mobile treasure house. I don't know how far the holy blood in this heart can improve people."

Yuan Changqing shook his head and said: "You are overthinking. If we squeeze it too hard, the energy it bursts out will not be suppressed by us."

"Furthermore, this Sacred Heart of the Azure Emperor was left to its descendants by the Great Emperor of the Demon Clan, the same woman who took away the Imperial Soldiers of the Azure Emperor."

"So, we can't keep it in our hands for a long time. There is a big cause and effect in it."

"Therefore, now we can only take out as much of the holy blood as possible, and the rest will be left to the Demon Emperor's descendants."

Ye Fan had a look of pity after hearing this. However, after thinking about it, he felt that it would be good to get this holy blood that is comparable to the magic medicine. People should not be too greedy and cannot imitate that shameless Duan De.

After that, Yuan Changqing took it back into the sea of ​​suffering, then removed the sealing divine pattern on the crystal coffin, and then violently smashed the crystal coffin.

A blood-red heart like the scorching sun appeared in the sea of ​​suffering and beat continuously, like a thunder drum, setting off huge waves in the sea of ​​suffering.

Looking at the Sacred Heart of the Blue Emperor, which was full of infinite vitality and vast demonic aura, Yuan Changqing couldn't help but feel a little excited at this time.

Subsequently, countless divine chains emerged from Yuan Changqing's sea of ​​suffering, striking towards the Sacred Heart of the Blue Emperor.

I saw the blood of the Blue Emperor's Sacred Heart surging, like a blood-red sun, emitting powerful power, making Yuan Changqing's sea of ​​suffering begin to boil, and the fountain of life also spewed out countless divine power and swept into the sky.

However, Yuan Changqing was unmoved at this time. The Sacred Heart of the Green Emperor, which had been refined with imperial power and murderous aura, was a peerless medicine that could not do anything to Yuan Changqing now.

As the countless divine patterns in the sea of ​​suffering turned into divine chains of order and hit the Sacred Heart of the Azure Emperor, the Sacred Heart of the Azure Emperor also burst into blood-red divine light, bursting out with astonishing energy and shattering countless divine chains of order.

However, the Holy Heart of the Green Emperor is now in Yuan Changqing's sea of ​​suffering. This is his own territory, and it is not a place where the Holy Heart of the Green Emperor can run wild.

Yuan Changqing could do whatever he wanted in his own sea of ​​suffering. Countless divine chains of order were evolved again and hit the Sacred Heart of the Qing Emperor again.

After Yuan Changqing kept hitting the Qing Emperor's Sacred Heart, he finally got a drop of holy blood from it.

A drop of blood-red holy blood bloomed with infinite brilliance, and the blood-red glow shrouded it, full of powerful vitality and mysterious energy.

Afterwards, Yuan Changqing took out a jade bottle made of jade, quickly put the drop of the Holy Blood of the Blue Emperor into it, and stamped it with divine patterns to avoid leaking the divine light inside.

After doing all this, Yuan Changqing took out the jade bottle and threw it to Ye Fan, saying: "There is a drop of the Holy Blood of the Green Emperor in it now. You can take it to practice first, and I will give it to you after I take out some more." .”

Ye Fan quickly caught the jade bottle that was thrown over. After knowing that it contained the holy blood of the Qing Emperor, he began to get excited. This is a peerless medicine that is comparable to the magic medicine, and it is of great help in improving strength.

After giving the first drop of the Holy Blood of the Green Emperor to Ye Fan, Yuan Changqing continued his efforts and continued to evolve the divine chain of order in the sea of ​​suffering, and once again hit the Holy Heart of the Green Emperor.

After that, after Yuan Changqing obtained another drop of the Holy Blood of the Blue Emperor, Yuan Changqing directly shattered the drop of Holy Blood.

Immediately, the drop of holy blood turned into blood mist and poured into Yuan Changqing's whole body, muscles and flesh. In an instant, with the help of the blood mist, Yuan Changqing's whole body blood energy was as majestic as the sea, and the muscles and bones of his whole body made a roaring sound. Voices.

With the action of that drop of holy blood, Yuan Changqing's whole body bones were white, flawless and crystal clear, making constant crunching sounds, and his internal organs also began to vibrate.

It was like forging and tempering, constantly strengthening Yuan Changqing's body, and it lasted for half a day before stopping.

After some induction, Yuan Changqing felt that his body had been greatly strengthened, his treasure body was glowing, and his whole body was full of strength.

With such a powerful effect, Yuan Changqing was even more looking forward to it, and he couldn't wait.

After that, Yuan Changqing continued his efforts, constantly using divine patterns to evolve into divine chains of order in the sea of ​​suffering, and continuously attacked the Holy Heart of the Blue Emperor.

After receiving a drop of Qing Emperor's holy blood, Yuan Changqing began to exercise his body, and the cycle continued.

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