Douluo's Blue Silver Family

Chapter 319 The pursuit of troops

Ye Fan doesn't care about the grievances between the Peacock King and the Huanggu Ji family. The most important thing now is his own safety. After all, he has been hunted down by those big forces.

Moreover, Ye Fan doesn't have a good impression of the Ji family, and it can even be said that he has no favorable impression of those big forces.

After all, Yuan Changqing had reminded him before, and now his situation really confirmed this. Only then did Ye Fan truly understand what those big forces looked like.

"The Peacock King directly slapped the Huangguji family in the face this time. It seems that he is trying to establish his authority."

"Yes, it is said that the reason why the Peacock King took action personally was because of Ji Haoyue, the genius of the Ji family, which made the Peacock King angry."

"But the Ji family has so many experts. If the Peacock King confronts the Ji family head-on, he will definitely not be his opponent."

"Haha, the Peacock is not a fool, so he will not stand and be beaten. Maybe this matter will go to nothing in the end. After all, the Peacock King is also one of the most important figures in the demon clan."

"I think the Ji family will definitely not settle this matter so easily. They were slapped in the face by the Peacock King and didn't fight back. As a Yakuza force, how can they have the dignity to hang out in the Eastern Wasteland in the future? There will definitely be more in the future. If a war breaks out, everyone just wait and see!"

"It makes sense. Now Donghuang is lively again, but I don't know how this matter will end in the end. Speaking of which, I'm really looking forward to it."


Listening to these melon-eating people looking to point out the country, Ye Fan also reminded Ye Fan of the uncles and aunts on the earth star. Aren't they similar to those discussed by these monks?

At this time, Ye Fan looked at Ji Ziyue and said with a smile: "Your brother is really good at causing trouble. You heard that, the face of your Ji family was directly knocked to the ground."

For the Ji family being slapped in the face, Ye Fan also cheered in his heart. After all, he and the Ji family also had grudges. Now that he was slapped in the face by the Peacock King, he felt happy in his heart.

Although I didn't do this myself, it was very satisfying to make the Ji family lose face.

Ji Ziyue looked at Ye Fan angrily and said, "Little boy, our Ji family has been slapped in the face, are you feeling happy now?"

"Ahem, no, no, I'm just telling you." Naturally, Ye Fan would not admit in front of Ji Ziyue that he was not that stupid.

"Hmph, it's best not, otherwise, be careful, I want you to look good." Ji Ziyue waved her little fist and said demonstratively to Ye Fan.

Regarding the Ji family being slapped in the face, Ji Ziyue is also grimacing now. Apparently after knowing the news, her mood is not so beautiful.

Seeing this, Ye Fan comforted him generously: "Okay, your Ji family is so big and there are so many strong people, there is no need for you to worry."

Hearing Ye Fan comfort herself, Ji Ziyue's mood improved.

However, after some time, another piece of news came to Ye Fan and Ji Ziyue. However, this news made Ji Ziyue very worried.

Moreover, this news also made the Eastern Barren Southern Territory even more excited. The Peacock King was chasing Ji Haoyue.

However, Ji Haoyue was not killed by the Peacock King, but escaped using a secret method. However, this also allowed the Peacock King to kill a famous figure in the Ji family who was protecting Ji Haoyue.

Although Ji Haoyue escaped in the end, the Peacock King seemed determined not to give up and was still chasing Ji Haoyue, as if he was determined to kill this genius of the Ji family.

But at this time, Ji Ziyue was preparing to leave quietly to find Ji Haoyue, but Ye Fan didn't know about this.

So, Ji Ziyue took advantage of the night and left, and Ye Fan didn't know about it until the next day.

However, Ye Fan knew that his situation might cause more trouble and endanger himself, so he did not go to Ji Ziyue, but moved forward according to his established goal.

Later, Ye Fan went straight to the wilderness and did not appear in those cities to avoid being discovered by people who knew him.

Maybe it was fate. After Ji Ziyue left, Ye Fan went on the road alone, not expecting to meet Ji Ziyue again.

Ever since Ji Ziyue found Ji Haoyue, she had also been hunted down and seriously injured.

Fortunately, Ji Ziyue left a tracking mark on Ye Fan, and went to find Ye Fan again with her seriously injured body.

"Little furry boy..."

When Ye Fan passed by a small village, he suddenly heard a faint voice.

Ye Fan was a little surprised when he heard this very familiar voice. He thought he was hallucinating and quickly looked around.

Immediately, Ji Ziyue was discovered, which meant that the voice was either an illusion or was made by Ji Ziyue.

However, Ji Ziyue's condition is not very good now. Although she still has that sweet smile on her face, her face is very pale.

Ji Ziyue's pale lips still had traces of blood on them at this time. She was standing by a pond looking at Mark, and she was trembling slightly. It was obvious that the situation was not very good.

Ye Fan asked in surprise: "Didn't you leave? Why are you here?"

Ji Ziyue was still the same at this time. Although she was seriously injured, two small pear dimples and those cute little tiger teeth still appeared on her smiling face.

Ye Fan quickly came to Ji Ziyue and asked: "You just left me not long ago, how could you be injured? Are you also being hunted? This shouldn't be the case. You are a little girl, you shouldn't be able to Is it the right thing to do to you?"

"I finally found you."

As soon as Ji Ziyue finished speaking, blood overflowed from her mouth again, her face became paler, and even her eyes lost their former brightness, and then she fell down.

Ye Fan quickly stepped forward to catch Ji Ziyue and began to check her injuries. Ye Fan was shocked as he did not expect the injury to be so serious.

Now Ji Ziyue's pulse is extremely weak, her heartbeat may stop at any time, and there are cracks in her internal organs. It can be said to be a miracle that she survived. I really don't know how she survived until now and persisted in finding herself in the end.

Ye Fan was not at peace at this time. Even if he suffered such a life-threatening injury, Ji Ziyue still wanted to see him in the end. It must be said that this friendship moved Ye Fan.

Although the two of them might have had some meaning before, it is even more obvious now.

Fortunately, Ye Fan got a lot of benefits when he was forced into the ancient forbidden land last time. Although most of them were used by himself, there were still some divine springs left.

Now that Ji Ziyue was injured, it was the time to come in handy. Then, Ye Fan quickly fed the divine spring into Ji Ziyue's mouth.

As the divine spring entered Ji Ziyue's mouth, the life energy inside rushed directly into her body, constantly nourishing her body, and her injuries were stabilized and continued to recover.

After that, another half hour passed, and Ji Ziyue woke up as if from a dream.

"Don't kill my brother!"

Then, Ji Ziyue slowly opened her eyes, and Ye Fan's face came into view.

Maybe it was everything she had experienced before that still made Ji Ziyue panic.

Seeing Ji Ziyue's appearance, Ye Fan asked, "Did you get such a serious injury when you met the Peacock King?"


Ye Fan said again: "Are you stupid? With your strength, you still go up to meet the Peacock King. What strength is he and what strength are you? Don't you have any idea in your heart? Can you escape? It’s pretty awesome.”

Then, Ye Fan took out the divine spring and handed it to Ji Ziyue, saying: "Drink it quickly, and your injury will get better soon."

"What is this?" Ji Ziyue asked curiously with her eyes wide open.

Ye Fan did not answer, but quickly urged: "Drink it quickly. As for what it is, I can't tell you yet. Let's talk about it later."


When she didn't get an answer, Ji Ziyue didn't ask any more questions, but responded obediently, and then drank it in one gulp.

As a huge stream of life essence rushed into her body, Ji Ziyue's originally pale face instantly turned rosy.

Looking at Ji Ziyue who was almost in good condition at this time, Ye Fan asked again: "How did you find me? You can find me in such a remote place. This should not be a coincidence!"

"Hehe, I left a mark on you before, so I can find you!" After Ji Ziyue recovered, she returned to her previous quirky look and said with a smile.

"What, you actually left a mark on me!" Ye Fan's reaction became louder at this time.

Ji Ziyue said quickly: "I have no ill intentions, but I am afraid that I will not be able to find you in the future, and it is difficult to detect the mark because it is too far away. I finally found you this time."

Ye Fan could only nod helplessly and said: "Now that your injury is healed, you should quickly go back to Ji's house to seek shelter. I am not strong enough now to protect you."

Ji Ziyue shook her head firmly and said, "I still have to go find my brother. I don't know how my brother is doing now."

Ye Fan replied: "Don't worry, news has come out recently that your brother is now safe and has escaped the pursuit of the Peacock King. Now you should hurry back to Ji's house."

As soon as Ye Fan finished speaking, a portal appeared in the sky, and several monks rushed out of it.

"Not good." Ji Ziyue also noticed it at this time, and said: "Let's run quickly, the people who are chasing me are coming. They have opened the domain gate, crossed the void, and followed."

However, it was too late to leave now. Those people who appeared in the sky used their magical powers as soon as they appeared, and a divine light hit the place where Ye Fan and Ji Ziyue were.

Ye Fan quickly took Ji Ziyue over, but a huge crater was blown up next to him.

Then, another pagoda appeared in the sky, and then quickly grew in size, suppressing it towards Ye Fan and Ji Ziyue.

Fortunately, Ye Fan still has some trump cards, which Yuan Changqing gave him to save his life when he was at Zhuofeng.

After all, Ye Fan gave Yuan Changqing one-third of the source of the Xuanhuang Mother Qi of all things, and he couldn't help but express his disapproval.

Although Yuan Changqing also gave a piece of dragon-patterned black gold, the role of the source of the black and yellow mother energy of all things is extremely huge. Therefore, Yuan Changqing also gave some life-saving forbidden weapons to Ye Fan.

I saw a piece of jade emitting colorful light appearing in Ye Fan's hand, and he hit the pagoda directly.


The five-color jade stone shot out a five-color divine light, which hit the pagoda directly. In an instant, the huge energy smashed the pagoda to pieces.


The person who used the pagoda was so shocked by this sudden change that he vomited blood and fell to the ground in an instant.

Obviously, the pagoda was that person's divine weapon. The broken pagoda also caused him considerable damage.

The sudden change also made other people a little frightened, and the injured person knew that there was nothing they could do about Ye Fan and Ji Ziyue, so he fled here quickly.

Seeing this, the others scattered and quickly fled the place.

"Little kid, I didn't expect you to have such a good thing. If you still have one, please give me one." Ji Ziyue seemed to have forgotten that she was being chased and started acting strangely again.

Ye Fan is not in such a mood now. Since these people can find Ji Ziyue, it means that there must be pursuers.

"You are still in the mood to cause trouble. Let's run away now. Otherwise, we won't be able to escape later even if we want to."

Afterwards, Ye Fan quickly pulled Ji Ziyue and left here quickly.

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