Douluo's Blue Silver Family

Chapter 325 The Hidden Danger of Bodhisattva

Ye Fan thought about the problem of Bodhizi mentioned by Yuan Changqing, and there seemed to be some hidden dangers that he didn't know about.

"Senior, what are the hidden dangers of my Bodhisattva?" Ye Fan asked in confusion.

Yuan Changqing asked: "Speaking of this Bodhi tree, we have to talk about its original owner. So, can you guess who its previous owner was?"

Ye Fan shook his head, glanced at the Bodhi Seed in his hand, and said, "I don't know this, but from what I got, he should be a virtuous monk who practices Buddhism!"

Yuan Changqing asked again: "Then let me ask you again, in your perception, what is the deepest impression on you about Buddha, or the most obvious feature in the books you have read."

At this time, Ye Fan thought that he had read some descriptions of Buddha in the novels on Dixing. In addition to being good at deceiving people, they were all about transformation.

When he thought of Duhua, Ye Fan was suddenly shocked. Could this be the bad question Yuan Changqing said?

So, Ye Fan quickly asked: "Senior, is it because of the transition?"

Yuan Changqing saw that Ye Fan finally got to the point, but he just shook his head and nodded again.

Ye Fan was a little confused when he saw this. He was nodding and shaking his head again. Yes, it is, no, it is no. Please make it clear.

"Senior, what's the reason?" Yuan Changqing made Ye Fan feel itchy.

Later, Yuan Changqing said: "Although you have a good point, it is not accurate enough."

"Let's put it this way, when you are practicing and using Bodhi seeds to assist you in enlightenment, can you feel the sound of Buddha singing in meditation?"

"Also, look at the Buddha's head on this bodhi seed."

Ye Fan looked at Bodhizi again and asked, "Is it because of these Buddha heads?"

"It can also be said that in fact, this Bodhi seed is also a kind of immortal medicine, but after its nirvana, only this seed is left." Yuan Changqing explained.

"What, this Bodhi Seed is still the elixir of immortality!" Ye Fan was a little surprised. He didn't expect that the Bodhi Seed in his hand was actually the elixir of immortality.

Yuan Changqing nodded and said: "Yes, it is the real elixir of immortality. Otherwise, why do you think it can help people realize the Tao and resist the flames in this fire domain."

Ye Fan thought about it carefully and felt that this was reasonable. You must know that this time he came to the Fire Domain, he had truly experienced the power of the flames here.

The kind of temperature that can directly burn people into ashes. If it weren't for the help of Bodhi Seed, I don't know when my Myriad Xuanhuang would be successfully refined.

Yuan Changqing added: "The previous owner of this Bodhi Seed was Sakyamuni, or the Great Emperor Amitabha. The reason why there is the Buddha's head on the Bodhi Seed is because there is a trace of Sakyamuni in this Bodhi Seed. The will exists, although it is weak.”

"However, even such a trace of will will still be affected if time goes by, and it may even be transformed unknowingly as time goes by."

After Ye Fan heard this, he was also shocked, and asked: "Is it because Sakyamuni deliberately left that trace of will inside, just to use it to transform people?"

Yuan Changqing shook his head and said: "The possibility you mentioned is unlikely. I think it should be that this Bodhisattva has not yet reached nirvana. When he was still a Bodhi tree, Sakyamuni enlightened the Tao for a long time under the Bodhi tree, so that this Bodhisattva The tree is tainted with the will of Gautama Buddha.”

Ye Fan thought about it and felt that it was right. This would make more sense. Otherwise, there would not be a weak will in the Bodhi seed in his hand. He might have been transformed and prepared to become a monk.

Ye Fan thought that although there was no big problem with this will now, it might become worse as time goes by.

So, Ye Fan asked again: "Senior, do you have any way to solve this problem of will?"

"I do have this, that is, a strong man at the saint level, holding an imperial weapon, can solve the will in the Bodhisattva." Yuan Changqing also directly said the solution.


Hearing the solution Yuan Changqing said, Ye Fan immediately took a breath, what kind of solution was this.

Ye Fan felt a bit toothache when he thought about that condition. Even the strongest person he had seen now was at Yuan Changqing's current level.

Of course, except for the crocodile ancestor seen on Mars, but in Beidou, I haven't even seen the Dao-Zhan King, let alone a saint.

These are not outrageous, but what is even more outrageous is that they still need to use imperial weapons. These are extremely powerful imperial weapons, and they are all rare.

Ye Fan looked at Yuan Changqing and asked again with luck: "Senior, is it necessary to have the strength of a saint and the divine weapons to solve it? Is there no other way?"

Yuan Changqing nodded and said: "The strength of the saint I am talking about is at the lowest level. Only with this kind of strength and the addition of divine weapons can the characteristics and activity of the Bodhisattva be not destroyed."

"As for whether there are other methods you mentioned, there are indeed some, but they take a long time and are somewhat dangerous."

Ye Fan's eyes lit up and he quickly asked: "Senior, what is the solution?"

Yuan Changqing looked at Ye Fan and said: "That is to use your own way to suppress that will and constantly refine that will."

"However, you are not strong enough now, so it is best not to take risks. You will be able to do it when the Tao you understand becomes stronger in the future."

"After all, although the will in the Bodhisattva is very weak, it is still the will of an emperor-level powerhouse. Even I dare not compare with him now."

Ye Fan was speechless when he heard this method. He didn't expect that both methods were extremely difficult.

Yuan Changqing continued: "You don't have to worry too much. As long as your will is strong enough, you won't be affected."

"Moreover, after my strength reaches the saint level, if you haven't solved it yet, I can help you solve it."

When Ye Fan heard what Yuan Changqing said, he immediately thought in his heart, could it be that Yuan Changqing now has the imperial weapon in his hands? This conjecture also shocked Ye Fan.

"Senior, do you have an imperial weapon in your hand?" Ye Fan asked tentatively.

However, Yuan Changqing did not answer Ye Fan's question. He just smiled and said nothing. Seeing this, Ye Fan became even more sure of his suspicion.

Moreover, this also let Ye Fan know the trump card in Yuan Changqing's hand. No wonder when he was born in the Qingdi Tomb last time, he said so many disdainful words about those holy places of aristocratic families and great sects in the original ruins.

It turns out that it was because of the existence of the imperial soldiers that I had the confidence to say those words.

At this time, Yuan Changqing said again: "Since our affairs here are over, let's leave here first."

Ye Fan came back from his thoughts, nodded, and said: "Senior, wait a moment, I will collect some of the flames here first, maybe they can be used in the future."

Then, Ye Fan held the Bodhi Seed in one hand and the Xuanhuang Cauldron of All Things in the other, and began to collect the flames. It was indeed Ye Heizi. This was to prepare for the Yin people in the future.

However, if you think about it, according to Ye Fan's development trajectory, there will be more and more enemies in the future. Now that he has more cards in hand, the danger will be smaller.

"Senior, let's go!" Ye Fan came to Yuan Changqing's side and said after collecting the flames.

Yuan Changqing found that Ye Fan now had no magical weapons to fight against the enemy except the Xuanhuang Cauldron of All Things, so he took out the powerful-level bronze bell that he first obtained on Earth Star.

"This bronze bell is a powerful magic weapon. Your Xuanhuang Cauldron of All Things is not convenient to use, so I will give it to you for self-defense." Yuan Changqing handed the bronze bell to Ye Fan.

Yuan Changqing got a lot of treasures from the Kunlun Divine Soil on the Earth Star. This bronze bell is not of much use anymore. It is just right to give it to Ye Fan now.

When Ye Fan heard that it was a powerful-level magic weapon, he was immediately delighted. This was the first high-level magic weapon that he could own.

"Thank you, senior, for the treasure." Ye Fan also thanked him happily.

Ye Fan is no longer surprised by Yuan Changqing giving him things. Anyway, he is still weak now, so he has nothing to be embarrassed about when he needs these things.

As for repayment and the like, I can only wait until I have the ability in the future, and I will owe it temporarily for now.

"You are not strong yet, so you still need to be careful when using it. It consumes a lot of power." Yuan Changqing reminded again.

Ye Fan nodded and said, "Okay, senior, I'll take note of it."

"Then let's get out of here now."

When Yuan Changqing and Ye Fan came outside the Fire Territory, they found many people from the Ji family guarding outside. It seems that Ji Hui's death also made the Ji family guess that Ye Fan might have come to the Fire Territory to practice. device.

"Senior, there are many people from the Ji family outside. They are determined to kill me." Ye Fan also discovered the people from the Ji family and said angrily.

"It's okay. These little shrimps are not enough for me to fill my teeth. We don't need to pay attention to it. I'll leave it to you to solve it yourself later." Yuan Changqing didn't think about solving the problems for the Ji family who came outside the fire domain. , I still plan to leave it to Mark to solve it later.

Moreover, with the strength of these people, Yuan Changqing has no interest in taking action at all. If he does it himself, it will be like killing a chicken with a sledgehammer.

Ye Fan said again at this time: "Senior, I will deal with them now."

"No, let's leave quietly and let them wait here. Since they are willing to wait, we have to give these people a chance, otherwise, we will be a little too unkind." Yuan Changqing asked Ye Fan When I took action, I immediately wanted to deal with the Ji family.

"Hey, senior, this is a good idea. Seeing how arrogant they are, let them wait here." Ye Fan also smiled sinisterly at this time, this method is still very suitable for him.

As a result, Yuan Changqing took Ye Fan and left the Fire Realm instantly, but the Ji family didn't notice at all.

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