Douluo's Blue Silver Family

Chapter 334 Western Emperor Sutra

As night falls, the moon is bright and the stars are sparse, a thin layer of silver gauze covers the hazy rocks.

I saw a cliff with moonlight flowing from the sky, and a bare rock with a vague sun imprinted on it.

And if you don't observe it carefully, it will be difficult to find that it is carved on it, just like a naturally formed pattern.

At this time, Yuan Changqing knew that he had found the destination of his visit to Yaochi. This was the place where the Queen Mother of the West created the "Western Emperor Sutra".

Yuan Changqing also reminded at this time: "Ye Fan, this should be the place where the Queen Mother of the West created the scriptures. We need to study it carefully here."

"And have you memorized the quotation from the Western Emperor Sutra left at the end of the Heavenly Book?"

Ye Fan nodded and said: "Senior, don't worry, I've already memorized everything by heart, there won't be any mistakes."

Afterwards, the two of them sat cross-legged in front of the rock, each reciting sutras silently, in order to resonate with the Taoist rhyme here, and elicit the imprint of the Western Emperor Sutra.


As the two of them continued to chant sutras silently, in an instant, the sky was filled with light and brilliance soared into the sky, and a great sun rose into the sky, extremely hot.

The stone with the sky carved on it also turned red, as if it had been burned by fierce flames, and the soaring sun also made the sky red.

The sun was hanging high in the sky, as if it was filled with majestic vitality. At this time, Yuan Changqing and Ye Fan were among them, illuminated by the sun, and their bodies were shrouded in golden light, looking extremely solemn and solemn.

And in this day and night, there is a kind of sacred breath circulating, which can purify people's souls. In fact, this is the Taoist charm of the Queen Mother of the West.

The sun in the sky was an extremely mysterious Dao pattern, which contained the imprint of the Queen Mother of the West. This was also a vision induced by sutras.

Only in this way can it resonate with the imprint left here by the Queen Mother of the West, and then through the Celestial Sun Dao pattern, the imprint of the Queen Mother of the West can be aroused.

Now the Dao pattern is drawn out, and a vision of the sky appears. However, there are no scriptures or Dao sounds in this sky, only the rhyme of the Dao pervades it.

However, it is in this Taoist rhyme that the secret of the hidden heart of the Taoist Palace is clearly explained. Yuan Changqing is now immersed in this Taoist rhyme.

Although there are no scriptures in this Taoist rhyme, it contains all kinds of mysteries of the divine treasure of the heart. Until dawn, Yuan Changqing also woke up from the Taoist rhyme, and a smile appeared on his face involuntarily.

Yuan Changqing was not only meditating, but the Five Elements Diagram was also imprinted with the imprint left by Queen Mother of the West.

At this time, the big sun in the sky, after Yuan Changqing and Ye Fan completed their understanding, turned into a bright fire and rushed into the previous rock again.

"Ye Fan, how's it going? Did you get the scripture about the hidden treasure of the heart?" Yuan Changqing looked at Ye Fan and asked.

Ye Fan replied with a smile on his face: "Senior, with the help of Bodhisattva, I have obtained the scriptures about the hidden treasure of the heart."

Yuan Changqing nodded and said, "Okay, strike while the iron is hot, and let's continue looking for other scriptures."

Ye Fan also nodded in response, and then followed Yuan Changqing to search for other Taoist scriptures again. When the two found a mountain rock with a palm-sized fine gold mark, they stopped again.

Then, he used the sutra citation again to activate the mark in it, and saw a white light rising into the sky, accompanied by a murderous aura and sonorous sound.

Then, the two of them were enveloped by the metallic divine light emanating from here, and the Taoist charm inside also made the two of them begin to accept the inheritance of the Lung Divine Treasure.

Like the previous inheritance of the Heart Divine Treasure, there are no scriptures, only Taoist rhyme, which vividly explains the mystery of the Lung Divine Treasure.

Later, Yuan Changqing and Ye Fan successively found the marks of the Divine Treasure of the Liver, the Divine Treasure of the Spleen, and the Divine Treasure of the Kidneys. At this time, the Dao Palace Chapter of the "Western Emperor Sutra" was finally put together. .


Suddenly, the sound of a dog barking came, and a black light was seen in the distance, rushing towards Yuan Changqing and Ye Fan quickly.

"Damn it, I really lost a lot of money this time, why am I so unlucky!"

I saw a black dog that was as big as a calf. It was running and cursing. It looked very embarrassed. It turned its head and looked back, as if there was some terrifying being chasing it behind. This was exactly what I had gone to before. The Black Emperor of Yaochi.

Judging from this situation, it was obvious that the Black Emperor did not get a favor from Yaochi. Yuan Changqing and Ye Fan looked at each other and couldn't help laughing.

After seeing Yuan Changqing and Ye Fan, it didn't take long for them to come to them.

At this time, the Black Emperor rolled his eyes and grinned: "You two actually didn't go to the Yaochi with me. Do you know how much of an opportunity you missed?"

Yuan Changqing smiled, pretending to be curious and asked: "What big opportunity is it? Could it be that you have already obtained the opportunity there? Congratulations to you, Black Emperor."

"Yes, Black Emperor, congratulations, you have got a great opportunity. Now tell us what the great opportunity is." Ye Fan asked impatiently at this time.

The two members of the Black Emperor Company were attracted by his words, and then continued: "Of course it is the water of the Yaochi, which is comparable to the divine spring. I just went there and soaked for a while, and I felt refreshed and energetic. .”

"Moreover, the water in the Yaochi can also speed up your cultivation. You know, in the past, only the fairies of the Yaochi could enjoy it."

Yuan Changqing watched the black dog boasting like crazy, and wanted to see how it would deceive him next.

So, he asked again: "Really? Then why are you back now? Why don't you continue to hang out for a while?"

The Black Emperor looked like he was doing your best, and continued to brag without drafting: "Hey, I didn't think that since we all came together, I can't just enjoy it."

"Therefore, after soaking in the water of the Yaochi for a while, I immediately thought of you. I will come back to look for you now, and let you experience it together. How about I, the Black Emperor, be loyal enough!"

Yuan Changqing said with a moved face at this time: "Hei Huang, I didn't expect that you found such a great opportunity and didn't enjoy it alone. You still think of us. We are so touched."

"However, now we have found all the Dao Palace chapters of the "Western Emperor Sutra". We are going to look for the follow-up chapters of the "Western Emperor Sutra" here, so we won't compete with you for the opportunity."

"Furthermore, we agreed before that as long as you lead us to find the "Western Emperor Scripture" here, the things we find in Yaochi will be yours."

"Therefore, we must keep this promise. We will only take what is ours. If it is not ours, we will not give back any of it."

"So, don't worry. We won't compete with you for the opportunity at Yaochi. You deserve this. You don't want to test us now. We still keep our word."

Ye Fan also said at this time: "Senior is right, Black Emperor, don't worry. Since we had such an agreement before, we will definitely abide by it. You can rest assured."

The harmony between Yuan Changqing and Ye Fan made the Black Emperor feel entangled for a while. He didn't expect that he had already offered such a great opportunity to seduce the two of them, and he was still unmoved at all.

Then, they were surprised when they heard that the two of them had found the Dao Palace chapter of the "Western Emperor Sutra".

Therefore, the Black Emperor ignored the previous deception and asked hurriedly: "You two really got the "Western Emperor Sutra", didn't you lie to me?"

Ye Fan looked at the Black Emperor funny and said: "Why are we lying to you? It's not good for us. Why, do you think we can't get this "Western Emperor Sutra" or there is something hidden from us?"

Not to mention, the Black Emperor really has something to hide. The reason why the Black Emperor dared to bring two people to the hometown of Yaochi before was because he felt that even if he came here, he would not be able to get the "Western Emperor Sutra" here. After all, Only sutra citation can trigger the imprint of the Queen Mother of the West here.

However, what Heihuang didn't expect was that the two found the Yuan Tianshu, and the Yuan Tianshu contained quotations from the "Western Emperor Sutra".

As for how this sutra quotation came about, it is naturally because the previous generation of Yaochi Saint and the previous generation of Yuan Tianshi were lovers, and the sutra quotation was left in the Yuan Tianshu.

The Black Emperor asked with twinkling eyes at this time: "Did you find the quotation of the "Western Emperor Sutra"? Otherwise, how could you possibly trigger the mark here?"

"Why, wouldn't it be possible without that sutra citation, and we wouldn't be able to get the "Western Emperor Sutra"?" Yuan Changqing said pretending to be confused.

Afterwards, Yuan Changqing and Ye Fan looked at each other, then looked at the Black Emperor with an unkind expression, and said: "Okay, it turns out that you knew what other scriptures were needed, but you didn't tell us. Sure enough, you promised to bring us here. , this is not a good intention!"

Seeing that Yuan Changqing and Ye Fan were gearing up at this time, the Black Emperor knew that something was wrong. He knew that he had not paid attention for a while and had let the news slip.

The Black Emperor immediately reacted and said with a sneer on his face: "Of course not, don't take it seriously. I was just joking. I just said it casually, but I took it seriously."

At this time, Ye Fan stood up to the Black Emperor and said: "You continue to be perfunctory. Do you really think we don't know that we need to draw the scriptures to activate the mark here? At this time, you are still thinking about denying it."

Suddenly, the Black Emperor knew that some of his intentions had been exposed long ago, and he could only bite the bullet and defend: "Really, I just heard about it, and I'm not very sure. Moreover, I only saw it in ancient books. That’s what I said.”

Yuan Changqing also knew that the Black Emperor was a piece of meat, and at this time, he was still preparing to struggle and quibble.

So, Yuan Changqing asked: "Black Emperor, is the Yaochi fun? There must be many Yaochi fairies there to play with you!"

"How do you know!" The Black Emperor's eyes suddenly widened and he looked at Yuan Changqing intently.

"I also saw it from ancient books. I didn't expect it to be true. Now after your expression, I am finally sure." Yuan Changqing answered in the manner of the Black Emperor.

However, Yuan Changqing's answer directly made the Black Emperor want to vomit blood. Obviously, the Black Emperor also saw it. Yuan Changqing had known this for a long time.

However, he did not remind himself, which made the Black Emperor suddenly feel unhappy. Thinking of his previous experience in Yaochi, he still feels a little cold on his back!

The Black Emperor bared his teeth and said, "Wow, you know what's going on there, so why didn't you remind me? It's too unkind. After all, I brought you to this place of Yaochi."

"And, you know, I was so frightened there that I'm still scared."

Ye Fan sneered and said: "Black Emperor, I think you are too shameless. Don't you also have something to hide from us? In this case, we can be considered even."

The Black Emperor's face turned even darker at Ye Fan's words. He was now filled with anger and the urge to curse.

However, my reason told me that impulse is the devil, and I might be the one who suffers in the end, so I had to endure it.

After that, the two of them and one dog went to look for other scriptures again.

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