Douluo's Blue Silver Family

Chapter 351 Refining Treasures in the Fire Domain

A golden spear exuded unparalleled energy and locked onto the ancient king in front of him.

This golden spear exudes a blazing light like the sun, and you can obviously feel the burning sensation when it shines on your body. It is obviously very high temperature.

This is the quasi-imperial weapon of the ancient Sun Queen who fell in the Kunlun Divine Land - the Sun God Spear. It was obtained by Yuan Changqing. This time, he faced a king-level powerhouse with it.

Going up there were three great emperor weapons that suppressed the holy city, making the creatures of the ancient royal family dare not act rashly.

And now, the ancient creatures who are still in the divine source and have not completely broken out of the seal, facing three imperial weapons and one quasi-imperial weapon, feel extremely angry and aggrieved in their hearts.

Thinking back to the beginning, although the human race had great emperors born in every era, there were also nine powerful men like the Dacheng Holy Body appearing in succession.

However, in the face of all races, the human race is still the weakest race. It is regarded as food, not as good as pigs and dogs.

However, I did not expect that the ancient clan has been sleeping until now, but the human race has become more and more prosperous, and three Ji Dao imperial weapons have appeared in the Holy City alone.

Obviously, this is not the entire heritage of the human race. If a race war really breaks out and the Ji Dao Imperial Weapon collides, Beidou will be crushed by the power of the Imperial Weapon.

Moreover, the ancient creatures in the divine source were filled with unspeakable anger. However, they could not be easily born and could not exert their full strength.

After all, it is not the time to be born yet, these ancient creatures are also waiting for the arrival of a great world, when they will be reborn.

Another point is that the environment of heaven and earth has changed drastically. Even after they come out, they still have to adapt to the environment of heaven and earth and regain their strength.

If you come out now, the gains outweigh the losses. After all, they have been sleeping in the divine source for so long.

Although it is frustrating, it is obvious that patience is still needed.

I saw that at this time, an ancient creature in a piece of divine source opened its eyes, showing a strong murderous intention, and said in a cold voice: "When our ancient clan is born, we will definitely bloodbath the human race for hundreds of thousands of miles, retreat!"

After finishing speaking, a space passage appeared in the sky. The ancient creature transformed into a stream of light and rushed in, and then returned to the Purple Mountain.

As the ancient creatures retreated, the people in the Holy City breathed a sigh of relief. After all, if the ancient creatures fought to the death, the human race would not gain much benefit.

In this way, it is likely to trigger a war between the imperial soldiers, and the revival of the imperial soldiers will not be without cost.

Yuan Changqing's action this time also made people know that there is still such a human race in this holy city.

Later, it was discovered that Yuan Changqing and disciples from Yaochi Holy Land appeared in pairs, and they also learned that Yuan Changqing and Yaochi had a close relationship.

Having the signature of Yaochi also saves Yuan Changqing a lot of trouble. After all, with the quasi-emperor soldiers in hand, and the fact that he is a strong man at the Holy Lord level, the forces that originally wanted to take advantage of him have to think about it.

The forces that attacked Zishan this time suffered heavy losses as a result, and were also hunted down by ancient creatures. It can be said that they lost both their wives and their troops.

Obviously, they also guessed what happened to Wushi Bell in Zishan. It was suppressing Zishan.

The Zishan incident also let people know the news that ancient creatures were about to be born.

And these ancient creatures are all powerful clans inherited from a long time ago. There are many strong people in the clan. If they are really born, it will not be a good thing for the human race.

Once the news spread that the ancient creature was about to be born, it also caused huge waves in Beidou.

However, what is coming will always come, and it will not be transferred by human will. When the time comes, we can only use soldiers to cover up the water and the earth.

After Yuan Changqing followed Zeng Li to the Yaochi Holy Land's residence in the Holy City, he took Zeng Li and Yuan Yuer to the Southern Region.

The mother and daughter hadn't seen Yuan Dongfang and Jiang Fen for a long time, and they just happened to go over for a reunion this time.

Yuan Changqing also needs to go to the Fire Realm to refine treasures, so he is on his way.

However, before leaving, Yuan Changqing and his family went to Tianxuan Holy Land to visit Mr. Wei, which was a big deal.

In the future, when Taikoo creatures are born, such strong people will be indispensable to support them. Otherwise, the human race is likely to be passive when facing the Taikoo clan.

You must know that many of those holy land families are selfish people. For the benefit of the sect family, they will not stand up for the human race.

It is still necessary to unite those hard-liners so that the human race will have an easier time, although the human race may sacrifice many low-level monks and mortals.

However, it is better than being suppressed and bullied by the Taikoo clan. This is why the Black Emperor will later cooperate with Gai Jiuyou and other strong human clans to use the remaining power of the Wushi Emperor to set things right.

"Old Wei, we are here to see you again." As soon as Yuan Changqing entered the Tianxuan Holy Land, he saw Mr. Wei sitting on the big bluestone with a lifeless look as he saw last time.

Mr. Wei glanced at Yuan Changqing and the others, and said, "Is there anything you want to do when you come here this time?"

"Hey, Mr. Wei, I have nothing to do with my visit this time. I mainly came to say goodbye to you. I have finished seeing the excitement of this holy city and am going to visit other places." Yuan Changqing replied.

Mr. Wei looked at Yuan Changqing seriously and said: "You really should take a walk around. You are not far from Zhan Dao now. Do you have a clue?"

Yuan Changqing nodded and said: "I already have a clue, but I haven't fully understood it yet."

"Unfortunately, when it comes to cutting off the Tao, you can only rely on yourself. Everyone's Tao is different, and others can't help you." Old Wei warned.

"Well, I already know this, so I'm also considering going to more places to see, maybe I can gain something from this."

"It's good that you think so. Since you are leaving, the old man will give you another sermon."

Yuan Changqing was immediately overjoyed and said, "Then I'd like to thank Mr. Wei for your success."

Mr. Wei shook his head and said: "It's nothing. From now on, it will be your young people's world. While the old man is still of some use, please help if you can."

"Mr. Wei, you can't think like this. You are the pillar of our human race." Yuan Changqing said quickly.

"What Optimus Prime? The old man is just a man waiting to die now. He won't live long." Elder Wei is not that important to see life and death.

Perhaps, as early as six thousand years ago after the Tianxuan Holy Land incident, after thousands of years of wasted time, the ambitions of youth have long since disappeared.

At this time, Yuan Changqing took out a jade bottle containing a drop of the true dragon elixir of immortality and handed it to Mr. Wei.

"Mr. Wei, there is a drop of elixir of immortality in this, which may be helpful to you. You must not think about death now."

Mr. Wei was also a little surprised. He didn't expect that Yuan Changqing even had the elixir of immortality and gave it to him. This was quite courageous.

"If you really want to give this elixir of immortality to the old man, you won't be afraid of wasting it on a dying man like me."

Yuan Changqing shook his head and said: "Mr. Wei, how can you say this is a waste? I think you know about the ancient creatures attacking the Holy City before. Obviously, this ancient creature is not far away from being born. Your survival is the greatest blessing for our human race. ah."

"Okay, since you said so, the old man will accept it." Mr. Wei was also a straightforward person, and he immediately kept the elixir of immortality.

After that, Mr. Wei didn't say anything more and began to talk to Yuan Changqing's family of three.

Yuan Changqing and Zeng Li had already listened to it once last time, and after listening to it again this time, they gained some new insights.

But Yuan Yue'er, who listened to Mr. Wei's sermon for the first time, gained a lot. Many things that he didn't understand before were solved by Mr. Wei this time, and he was very happy.

Then there were questions and answers, and the doubts and confusions in his mind were raised. Mr. Wei also answered them one by one for Yuan Changqing and the others according to his own understanding.

"Okay, let's stop here this time. When you come to the Holy City in the future, you can come and sit here with the old man." After the sermon, Mr. Wei said again.

Yuan Changqing and the others stood up and bowed, saying: "Thank you, Mr. Wei, for clarifying my doubts. I will definitely come to visit you when I come to the Holy City again. Our family will take our leave first."

Yuan Yue'er also said at this time: "Grandpa Wei, next time I come to the Holy City, Yue'er will definitely come to see you."

Hearing this, Mr. Wei showed a rare smile on his face and said, "Okay, Xiaoyue'er, you must remember what you said!"

Yuan Yue'er nodded vigorously and said, "Don't worry, Grandpa Wei, Yue'er will definitely not forget it."

After Mr. Wei nodded, Yuan Changqing said again: "Mr. Wei, let's take our leave."

"Well, go ahead!"

After arriving in the Southern Territory, Yuan Changqing took Zeng Li and Yuan Yue'er straight to the Fire Territory.

In the fire domain, Yuan Yue'er also asked curiously: "Dad, what kind of treasure are you here to refine this time?"

Yuan Changqing waved his hand at this time, and a bodhi tree appeared on the spot. However, except for the six green bodhi leaves, the rest of it looked dry.

"Do you still remember this Bodhi tree?" Yuan Changqing asked at this time.

Zeng Li said at this time: "Changqing, is this the dead tree you collected on Mars?"

"Yes, it's exactly it. Originally, I wanted to see if I could save it, but later I realized that I was overthinking it."

Yuan Yuer asked again: "Dad, do you plan to use it to refine some treasure?"

Yuan Changqing nodded and said: "Yes, you should have heard the story of Sakyamuni attaining enlightenment under the bodhi tree. Now I tell you that the bodhi tree is this one, will you be surprised?"

"What, dad, what you said is not true, is it!" Yuan Yuer suddenly blurted out in surprise.

Zeng Li was also shocked at this time and said: "Changqing, you can't just make random guesses."

Yuan Changqing added: "I know you don't believe it, but I really didn't lie to you. As for the specific reasons, I won't say more."

"You can think about the Western Desert. Are all Buddhists there? Moreover, the myths and legends of Sakyamuni are also spread on the earth."

"Now, you have been on the path of cultivation for so long, and you have been exposed to a lot of things in Yaochi. Are these things not obvious yet?"

Zeng Li thought for a while and said: "It seems that this is really the case, but it is really incredible!"

Yuan Yuer also nodded quickly and said: "Yes, although Dad, you have told us before that those myths and legends are basically true, but now I still feel unimaginable."

"Haha, we are all practicing now. Nothing is impossible. As long as we work hard to improve ourselves, I believe we can become myths and legends in the future." Yuan Changqing said with a smile.

"That's true. In this way, we can also become part of the myth in the future. It's amazing to think about it." Yuan Yue'er still felt a little weird when she thought about this.

"Okay, no more words, I'll get down to business first." As soon as Yuan Changqing finished speaking, he began to deal with the bodhi tree.

Although the bodhi tree is now dry and lifeless, after all, it was once the elixir of immortality, and it still retains the properties that can make people enlighten.

The flames of the Fire Realm have its own unique characteristics, that is, the magic weapons refined by the flames here will be improved to a certain extent.

And this is also the reason why Yuan Changqing came here to refine the treasure. Otherwise, with Yuan Changqing's current strength, he wouldn't have to travel thousands of miles to the Fire Realm to refine the treasure.

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