Douluo's Blue Silver Family

Chapter 353 Yao Chi Grand Meeting

After Ye Fan's recommendation and after hearing some of Zhang Wenchang's experiences, Li Ruoyu felt that he was the most suitable person to inherit Zhuofeng.

Afterwards, Zhang Wenchangjiu settled down on Zhuofeng, and Li Ruoyu also accepted him as his disciple, so he no longer had to live the precarious life he had before.

After Ye Fan also practiced at Zhuofeng for a period of time, he left again under the supervision of the Black Emperor. As for where he went, Yuan Changqing did not ask.

Afterwards, Yuan Changqing's family reunited for a while before leaving again, heading to the Northern Territory.

After Yuan Changqing returned to the Northern Territory again, he did not stop and walked with Zeng Li and Yuan Yuer on the vast land of the Northern Territory.

The vast area is so vast that if you rely on walking, you may not be able to cover it all.

The monks are fighting for their lives, and the weak seek more powerful techniques, secret techniques, and resources.

And the strong are also pursuing the ethereal fairy.

There is no end to what we seek, our desires are endless, our path has no limit, and our actions have no end.

Each realm has different perceptions. Yuan Changqing also used walking instead of flying to measure the earth and appreciate the charm of nature.

Carrying the sky and the earth, it encompasses all things, and contains the mystery of the universe, such as the sun, moon and stars, the evolution of the universe, the birth and death of Tao, everything in the heaven, earth, universe is constantly changing, only the great principle remains unchanged.

As Yuan Changqing continues to realize the mechanism of heaven and earth and the way of nature, the mysterious Tao charm is constantly revealed around him, as if he is integrated with the world.

Zeng Li and Yuan Yue'er also benefited a lot from the Taoist charm emanating from Yuan Changqing. Together with Yuan Changqing, they merged into the universe and realized the ethereal Tao.

The sun rises and the moon sets, and time is constantly passing by. It is true that there is no time to cultivate immortality. Time just passes by unconsciously.

And Yuan Changqing and the three of them also walked aimlessly across the Northern Territory, tirelessly, like mortals, neither slow nor slow.

It seems to be integrated with the heaven and earth, constantly integrating with the mountains, rivers and earth, and all kinds of Taoist rhythms are rhythmic in the void.

The incomparable and mysterious artistic conception is like breathing together with the heaven and earth, constantly understanding the various things in the heart, comprehending the world of mortals, and confirming one's own path.

And Yuan Changqing is also in this artistic conception. His Taoism is constantly improving, his essence is constantly rising, and his foundation is slowly settling, laying a solid foundation for his future Taoism.

Not only Yuan Changqing's Taoism is improving, Zeng Li and Yuan Yue'er have also made great progress. After realizing the Tao this time, their strength will be rapidly improved as long as they retreat once.

However, just by walking, it is obvious that Yuan Changqing and the others have only walked through a corner of the Northern Territory. The Eastern Wasteland and the Northern Territory are really too big, let alone the entire Beidou.

The three of them did not stop at one place, but continued to move forward, looking for the path imprinted between heaven and earth through the mountains, rivers and earth.

However, in the ocean of Tao, it seems that I have forgotten time and everything, and only Tao is flowing in my heart. All this feels so beautiful.

After Ye Fan left Zhuofeng, although he followed the Black Emperor everywhere, he did not forget that improving his own strength was the fundamental thing.

Therefore, I have been practicing hard all the way, and with the blessing of a large number of sources, my strength has improved rapidly, as if there is no bottleneck.

As long as there is a sufficient supply of energy, improving strength is as easy as drinking water, but it consumes too much energy.

Fortunately, Ye Fan is now considered wealthy and has no shortage of resources in the secret realm of the Taoist Palace.

And now that it has been a long time since he last left Zhuofeng, Ye Fan has finally raised his strength to the peak of Dao Palace.

Next, Ye Fan will face the difficulty of the four great tribulations. After being promoted to the peak of the Dao Palace, Ye Fan also consolidated his cultivation and wanted to rely on his own strength to try to overcome the tribulation.

However, every time Ye Fan was about to let go of his cultivation, a huge sense of crisis instantly enveloped Ye Fan's heart.

This also made Ye Fan dare not try easily again. He also knew the reminders Yuan Changqing had given him before. Looking back now, he also found that he was a little arrogant and reckless.

Ye Fan now also feels that his four major catastrophes are indeed what Yuan Changqing said. This is a real catastrophe of life and death.

If you can't get through it, you will never be able to return to your hometown in this life, and everything will disappear.

Fortunately, Yuan Changqing had proposed a plan for himself to survive the four major catastrophes, and finally there was still a glimmer of hope.

Therefore, Ye Fan took the Black Emperor and the little girl to the Northern Territory again, and planned to visit King Jiang Shen first.

After Ye Fan returned to the Northern Territory, he also discovered that some news about King Jiang Shen began to spread in the Northern Territory.

More than a year and almost two years have passed since Yuan Changqing and Ye Fan rescued King Jiang Shen from the Purple Mountain. Unexpectedly, after such a long time, news about King Jiang Shen still spread.

However, it was finally much better than in the original work. He was discovered as soon as he came out and was secretly besieged by the enemy.

After such a long period of recovery this time, although I cannot return to my peak state, I am not likely to be attacked by the enemy due to some changes at any time, so I can deal with it calmly and calmly.

Now, there are also undercurrents surging in the darkness of the Northern Territory. Those enemies of King Jiang from four thousand years ago, as well as the enemies of the ancient Jiang family, are also preparing to deal with King Jiang.

However, what makes Ye Fan curious is that the news now spreading is that King Jiang Shen had the opportunity to escape from Zishan because the holy land families attacked Zishan last time.

After hearing this news, Ye Fan almost knew that there was probably a plan by the Jiang family or King Jiang Shen.

However, Ye Fan did not rush to look for King Jiang Shen. He planned to go to Yaochi first to see if Yuan Changqing was there.

When Ye Fan left Zhuofeng before, Yuan Changqing told Ye Fan that he could go to Yaochi to find him, or Zeng Li and Yuan Yuer.

This time happened to be when Yaochi was holding a peach event. When Heihuang heard the news, he was already drooling. He thought it was because he started to miss the flat peach in Yaochi.

The flat peach mountain in Yaochi is not the real flat peach of the immortal medicine. The real flat peach tree of the immortal medicine is still in the dark restricted area.

The flat peach tree in Yaochi was only the peach core left behind when the Queen Mother of the West obtained a real flat peach with the elixir of immortality. It was cultivated in the fairy pond in Yaochi's former place.

Originally, if the current peach tree in Yaochi had not experienced that accident, it would still have the effect of a semi-miraculous medicine.

Unfortunately, that accident led to the relocation of Yaochi. Now there is no sacred spring water to water the peach trees in the Yaochi Holy Land, and the peaches produced on the trees no longer have the effect of semi-miracle medicine.

Although the current flat peach cannot be compared with the demigod medicine due to the water of the spiritual spring, its efficacy is still something that countless monks crave but cannot get.

Those monks who are about to expire are all eager to get a flat peach to extend their life. However, there are only so many flat peaches, and it takes time to mature.

Therefore, except for the ones for Yaochi's own use, the flat peaches that go out are all doing some transactions with those big forces.

Yaochi still understands the principle of not worrying about scarcity but not equality. If none of it is passed on to others and is exclusively used by Yaochi, it is likely to cause dissatisfaction from other forces.

Well, maybe nothing will happen in the short term, but over time, when you are facing life-span threats, those big forces will not care whether you Yaochi is a Yakuza force or not.

Besides, it’s not just you, Yaochi, who has the Jidao Imperial Artifact, so every time the peaches in Yaochi mature, some of them will be taken out.

In this way, not only those who are about to expire will have the opportunity to get flat peaches to extend their lifespan, but Yaochi can also get a lot of resources from them. Isn't it the best of both worlds?

When Ye Fan came to Yaochi, there were already many people here, all of whom were the geniuses of the major forces.

Moreover, Ye Fan also saw the Holy Prince, the ancient clan of the ancient royal family, here.

Ever since Ye Fan cut out the Holy Prince from the Source Stone, he once thought that Brother Monkey from Journey to the West had come to reality.

To say that among this ancient clan, the only ones who treat human races equally are the Shencan clan and the Holy Prince's fighting holy ape clan.

One thing these two tribes have in common is that they have few members, but they are extremely powerful, and every member of the tribe is an extremely terrifying existence.

Moreover, both clans had given birth to ancient emperors, but it was a pity that the Holy Emperor was attacked by the Immortal Emperor and did not live out his second life.

The God Emperor is not dead yet, and is undergoing transformation in order to live another life. He is currently lying in the nine-layered coffin, in his ancestral land in Zhongzhou.

Once upon a time, an immortal dynasty was established there - the Yuhua Dynasty. Unfortunately, it was directly destroyed by the ruthless emperor.

Originally, it was possible for the Yuhua Emperor to embark on the path of immortality in the world of mortals. Unfortunately, the unfilial piety of his descendants, coupled with the terrifying cultivation of the ruthless Emperor, also caused some mistakes in the second life of the Yuhua Emperor, causing it to be less than perfect.

In fact, the Yuhua Emperor was frightened and had to be born early, and the Ruthless Emperor might just want to scare him.

However, I didn't expect that Emperor Yuhua's Dao Heart would be so frightened that it would cause the Dao to disappear in the second life and not live out the third life.

It has to be said that Emperor Yuhua is still a bit tragic, and although the ruthless Emperor did not kill Emperor Yuhua, breaking his Taoist heart was even more cruel than killing him.

After all, this was a great emperor, and he was so frightened that he finally fled away. Maybe this was one of the purposes of the ruthless emperor.

If the Feathered Emperor could withstand that test, it would be possible that the relationship with the ruthless Emperor would be completely eliminated, but he would still die silently in the end.

"Brother, what's your name? I was born thanks to you!" The Holy Prince thanked Ye Fan after seeing him.

Ye Fan scratched his head, looked at the Holy Prince strangely, and said: "Um, Brother Monkey, my name is Ye Fan. It's nothing. It's just fate. You don't need to be like this."

"Hey, Brother Monkey? Why do you call me that? You should call me Holy Prince. Everyone calls me that." Holy Prince said again, also a little confused about Ye Fan's name.

Ye Fan explained: "There is also a magical monkey in the myths and legends of my hometown. He looks very similar to you. Everyone calls him Brother Monkey. I only called you that when I saw you." "

The Holy Prince nodded and said: "So that's it. Then you can call me whatever you want. Brother Monkey is also pretty good."

Ye Fan was also curious about how the Holy Prince came to Yaochi, and asked: "Brother Monkey, why are you here too?"

The Holy Prince said: "I came here to ask Yaochi something, so I made a deal with Yaochi. Brother Ye, are you also here to participate in this grand gathering of Yaochi?"

Ye Fan said: "Didn't I hear that Yaochi held a grand event in Yaochi? I just came to see the excitement, but I didn't expect it to be really lively!"

"Hey, it's really lively. There are a lot of strong men from the younger generation here this time. It's a pity that the time is not coincidental. Otherwise, I would have met them well." When the Holy Prince spoke, his eyes began to twinkle. With golden light.

Unfortunately, it dimmed after that. Obviously, there were more important things to do.

This is indeed true. That time Ye Fan gambled, not only cut out the Holy Prince, but also cut out the princess of the Shencan Clan.

However, the life of the Divine Silkworm Princess was also hanging on by a thread. Fortunately, the Holy Prince snatched it away in time and did not completely cut it off. In the end, the Divine Silkworm Princess's last vestige of life was saved.

And this time the Holy Prince came to ask for the flat peach to save the life of the Divine Silkworm Princess.

In fact, the Shencan clan originally had a plant of immortality, which was the nine-second immortality medicine in the ancient forbidden land.

But it was later snatched away by the ruthless emperor and divided into nine plants. It was this nine-second elixir that made Ye Fan successful from the beginning.

The Black Emperor disappeared as soon as he arrived at the Yaochi Holy Land. It was obvious that he was not doing anything good.

"The people in Yaochi are really stingy, aren't they just Pantao? Why are they watching so closely?" The Black Emperor returned to Ye Fan cursingly and said.

Ye Fan suddenly had a black line on his face. He didn't expect that the Black Emperor was still restless in this Yaochi Holy Land. If he was really caught by the people of Yaochi, he would also be unable to eat.

"Damn dog, can't you just calm down and cause trouble for me? You want to kill us!" Ye Fan reprimanded the Black Emperor.

"The dog is naughty and disobedient." The little girl said, touching the Black Emperor's head.

The Black Emperor glared at Ye Fan, and in a blink of an eye, he flattered the little girl like a licking dog: "Little darling, aren't I going to find delicious food for you? It's just that Yaochi is too tightly guarded, so I can't succeed."

Ye Fan instantly knew what the Black Emperor had been doing before. He must have gone to the peach tree to steal the peaches, and his face became ugly.

At this time, the little girl said again: "Dogs must be good. Look, the big brother is angry."

"Woof woof, okay, just listen to the little girl this time." After listening to the little girl's words, the Black Emperor became more honest.

"Brother Ye, your black dog is really strong. This is the first time I have discovered that a dog can grow so big." The Holy Prince looked at the Black Emperor and said strangely.

"That monkey, who are you? You actually feel so bad about me? Do you have any right to speak here?" After hearing what the Holy Prince said, the Black Emperor was immediately dissatisfied and grinned.

"Hey, I didn't expect you, a black dog, to have such a bad temper. Come on, let me see how confident you are to say this." The Holy Prince was instantly angered by the Black Emperor.

After growing up, very few people dare to talk to the Holy Prince like this. Today, he was underestimated by a dog demon. If other ancient tribes found out, wouldn't they laugh at themselves for the rest of their lives?

Seeing that the Holy Prince was about to take action, Ye Fan asked you to stop him and said: "Brother Monkey, forget it, for my sake, I will let him go this time. This dead dog is like this, and there is no door shut."

"Besides, this is Yaochi, and it won't look good if you fight it. If it stays like this in the future, I won't care how you want to deal with it."

After hearing what Ye Fan said, the Holy Prince thought about it and had no further plans to take action.

"Brother Ye, for your sake, let's spare this black dog this time. If he does this again next time, we'll settle the matter together."

Ye Fan glared at the Black Emperor at this time and said: "Damn dog, be honest with me and don't cause trouble for me everywhere. Isn't it troublesome enough?"

"Woof woof..."

There is only this chapter today, it will be restored tomorrow.

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