Douluo's Blue Silver Family

Chapter 358 The Power of the God King

After Yuan Changqing and Ye Fan met Queen Jiang Shen, they could be considered to have made the preparations that Ye Fan needed to make to overcome the four major tribulations, and they were just waiting to overcome the tribulation.

Although this time I paid for the real dragon elixir of immortality, there is hope only if I survive.

As for whether it is worth it, that depends on how you look at it. Moreover, this time Ye Fan also made friends with a strong man like Jiang Shenwang, so it is not a loss.

In the future, when Ye Fan has not yet grown up, having a backer like King Jiang Shen will also be a help.

And just after Yuan Changqing and Ye Fan returned to Tianxuan Shifang, the atmosphere in the Holy City became a little tense.

The Hengyu Furnace of the ancient Jiang family also appeared in the Holy City, and the Holy City was immediately sealed off. Only exits were allowed, but no entry was allowed.

This kind of action gives people the feeling that a war is about to happen.

Moreover, this is also a way to confuse the opponent, making people think that King Jiang Shen is now in the Dragon Transformation Pond, at the most critical moment.

Those who are hostile to the Jiang family will definitely choose this time to take action.

It's a pity that they don't know the true situation of King Jiang Shen, otherwise, they wouldn't come to die.

As the Holy City was banned by the Jiang family's Ji Dao Imperial Weapon, people in the city became panicked.

On the other side of Hualong Pond, people began to come continuously, hoping to take the opportunity to kill King Jiang Shen.

However, I am afraid that I have overthought these things. Before I even got close to the Hualong Pond, I was attacked by a strong man from the Jiang family, and was directly beaten to death.

The King of the Dark Night is also a king, in the same era as King Jiang Shen, and the King of the Dark Night also has a twin brother, the King of the Sun.

It is a pity that the Sun King was killed by Jiang Shenwang four thousand years ago. This time the Dark Night King came to the Holy City to avenge his brother.

For a long time, the Dark Night King believed that King Jiang Shenwang could kill his brother because the Jiang family had the Hengyu Furnace, a supreme imperial weapon.

This time the King of Dark Night was also determined to kill King Jiang Shen and crush him to ashes in order to take revenge.

What's more, this time it's not just the King of Dark Night who wants King Ginger to die, but also many of King Ginger's sworn enemies.

Of course, in addition to these enemies, like some holy land families and sects, they are all different. The Jiang family has a king coming to the world.

After all, the forces of the major Holy Land families are all powerful men on the surface, and they do not want a king to overwhelm them.

Therefore, many people were secretly sent here, just to take advantage of the water and achieve ulterior motives. In fact, they just wanted to kill King Jiang Shen.


Streams of blood rose into the sky in the Holy City, and they were extremely terrifying, heading towards the Hualong Pond.

And this is where King Jiang Shen is. The blood that soars into the sky in the holy city turns into a big dragon, containing a monstrous murderous aura.

And these bloody dragons soared straight into the sky, were extremely thick, penetrated the sky and the earth, and exuded a vast and majestic aura.

As the big bloody dragons came to Hualong Pond one after another, there were thirteen of them. At this time, they had already surrounded Hualong Pond.

The divine power is constantly churning in the void, and every figure is like a god burning with flames, filled with vitality.

And the blood dragons of the thirteen figures were connected together, forming a blood-colored ocean. The majestic divine power shot straight into the sky, making people feel like their souls were trembling involuntarily.

"These are thirteen powerful men of the Holy Lord level coming at the same time. Are they going to join forces to kill the God King?"

Thirteen first-level Saint Masters joined forces, and the terrifying divine power made the people in the Holy City tremble uncontrollably. Even the Holy City seemed to be shaking in the majestic momentum.


The terrifying momentum continued to increase, with supreme power, and then it hit the Hualong Pond. This was the aura of the Ultimate Dao.


The monstrous flames rose into the sky, and the terrifying aura filled the sky above the Hualong Pond. The light rushed towards the sky, and a crimson divine phoenix spread its wings and soared in the sky, resisting the aura of the extreme.

With the arrival of the ultimate aura, the Hengyu Furnace also revived and turned into an eternal divine furnace, intertwining countless great principles and principles, Wiya heaven and earth.

The supreme imperial power was surging, possessing the power to suppress everything. The red power of the Hengyu Furnace dyed the sky red.

At this time, the sky above the Holy City seemed to be filled with thousands of suns, moons and stars, shining with divine light.

This boundless divine light and the phoenix bathed in the red divine fire were intertwined and confronting each other.

The Ji Dao Imperial Artifact in the dark also began to revive, as if there were thousands of stars swaying, bursting out with bright starlight, and confronting the Hengyu Furnace.

"We respectfully invite the God King to go on his way." A majestic and domineering voice resounded throughout the Holy City.

The blood energy is overwhelming, turning into a big bloody dragon. The blood energy conceals the true identity of the person coming. Just by the breath, you can tell

Its strength is terrifying.

And this person of unknown origin is quickly coming to Hualong Pond.

"Time makes people grow old. The God King should not exist. Why do you have to make this fearless struggle anymore." The voice of this strange and strong man directly shook the world.

"I'll be here to see the God King off on his way." Another stern and cold voice sounded.

This is one of the thirteen figures. These people came at the same time, with vast murderous intentions. Like the bloody dragon, the vast divine power also came towards the Dragon Transformation Pond.

"It's too much to bully someone." Jiang Yun shouted angrily.

Now these people came and made it clear that they did not want the God King to live and were ready to kill the God King. Jiang Yun also had an angry look on his face.

After all, to put on a show, you have to do a complete set. Regarding the situation of the God King, Jiang Yun knew it very well. This was also the Jiang family's plan. Now, these people have really taken the bait.

Four thousand years ago, the God King was extremely majestic, invincible, and proud of all the heroes in the world. No one could compete with him, and he was rarely invincible.

But four thousand years later, it was faced with a siege by a group of enemies, which made people who didn't know the truth sigh.

Everyone now thinks that the blood of the God King has declined and withered, and the hero has become old. Faced with the siege of the strong, how desolate it is.

The Holy City was shaken, and everyone's eyes turned to the Hualong Pond. At this time, the strong men of the Jiang family also burst out with overwhelming power, confronting the thirteen figures.

Jiang Yun had a murderous look on his face at this time and shouted: "Four thousand years ago, who dared to fight against our God-King? Now, while his life is in danger, you, the rats hiding in the dark, actually join forces to attack and bully the God-King in his bleak old age. What a strong man."

"We want the Beginningless inheritance and the Nine Secrets, so we have to ask the God King to go on the road." The cold and ruthless voice came again.


The secret Ji Dao imperial weapon revived, swallowing the essence between heaven and earth, and the essence in the holy city was also swallowed up.

Then, a monstrous divine power erupted, like a huge wave, resisting the Hengyu Furnace.

The Hengyu Furnace also erupted with monstrous energy, causing the Holy City to tremble. The sound of the Phoenix's cry rang across the sky and the earth, suppressing the secret Ji Dao Imperial Weapon.

The confrontation between the two Ji Dao imperial weapons filled the holy city with a terrifying aura. The souls of countless people were trembling, making people feel unable to breathe. Ordinary paper was like a huge mountain pressing down on it.

At this moment, the people in the Holy City wanted to escape from here. After all, in the place where the ultimate imperial weapon competed, it was extremely dangerous. If one did not go well, it would be the end of life and death.

"Kill, take off the head of the God King." The thirteen figures joined forces to kill the Dragon Transformation Pond. With overwhelming divine power, they turned into bloody dragons and rushed straight into the Dragon Transformation Pond.

Now that Hengyu Furnace is contained, this is the best opportunity to kill the God King.

Lines of divine power erupted like volcanoes, endless murderous intent shook the world, and terrifying murderous intent permeated the Holy City. Weak people were directly crushed to the ground, unable to resist the terrifying pressure and murderous intent.

"Kill the God King!"

"Invite the God King to go on his way."


Thirteen first-level Saint Lord masters, working together to exert supreme magical power, are extremely powerful.

"I, Jiang Taixu, have never been afraid in my whole life." A plain voice sounded, shaking the entire holy city.

After King Jiang Shen appeared, he said: "Oh, you shouldn't have come, but since you are here, just die."

Then, a terrifying aura shot up into the sky, and under this terrifying aura, the thirteen figures were like a lone boat on the ocean.

"Taixu Gui, how could you... maybe there's nothing wrong with you!"

"Impossible, you must be someone pretending to be Taixu Ghost."

"The Taixu ghost must still be inside. Kill him and I'll rush in."

At this time, three skeleton-like figures came out of the darkness, but their consciousness was extremely blazing, like bright lights in the darkness.

"Taixu Ghost, why don't you come out and see your old friend after four thousand years of separation? You forced us into the Mountain of the Immortal, causing us to be inhuman and ghostless now. Now, we are here to come here. You have your revenge."

The three figures were like dead trees, trembling, as if a gust of wind could blow them down.

People were also shocked at this time. People who had lived for four thousand years were from the same era as the God King. However, these people were physically dead, but they were still alive.

"Hmph, since you think I'm not Jiang Taixu, let me show you now whether I am." King Jiang Shen snorted coldly.


King Jiang Shen didn't say anything else. The divine light appeared in his hand and he fired countless sword lights. No matter how many enemies there were, it didn't matter.

"Swish, swish, swish!"

In an instant, two holy masters were choked on the spot before they could make any move, and even their souls had no time to escape.

"Who are you and how could you be so powerful!"

"Let's take action together and kill him."

At this time, facing King Jiang Shen, he raised his hand and killed two powerful men of the Holy Lord level, and their souls were trembling.

As a result, they began to take action one after another, and their divine power was like a vast ocean, shining brightly. The current situation is that either you will die or I will die.


Jiang Taixu was not polite at this time, and smacked it down with one palm. The divine patterns intertwined and directly wiped out the attacks from the Holy Lord.

"Boom boom boom!"

Three divine fires lit up, thousands of feet high, extremely terrifying, and filled with the aura of cold death.

The three skeleton-like living dead now burst out with bright divine light and rushed directly towards Jiang Taixu's sea of ​​consciousness.


At this time, Jiang Taixu's eyes also bloomed with divine light, divine patterns emerged, and two divine lights burst out, directly colliding with the three spiritual energies and shattering them.

A purple spear struck, with Dao patterns intertwined on it, the void shattered, exuding terrifying murderous intent.


Jiang Taixu defeated the purple spear's attack with a slap, and then grabbed the purple spear with his hand. With a shock of divine power, the spear flew back.


At this moment, the purple spear penetrated directly into the head of a Holy Lord, obliterating his soul. Blood dripped from his eyebrows, and his body was nailed to the ground.

Suddenly, the ten remaining Holy Masters felt frightened. The people in front of them were unable to resist, and they also had feelings for themselves.

Countless people in the Holy City were amazed. They did not expect that those powerful Holy Lords who were once so high and mighty would also have such fragile moments, as if they were being killed as easily as chickens.

"Are you really Jiang Taixu!"

"Hahaha, it's too late to know now. Today, none of you can even think of leaving here." Jiang Taixu laughed.

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