Douluo's Blue Silver Family

Chapter 366 The soul returns to its homeland

The Fuso Immortal Tree originally grew in Tanggu, but was taken away by the Holy Emperor of the Sun and later moved to the eye of the North Sea.

Beihai Haiyan was the place where the Holy Emperor of the Sun once attained enlightenment. Now, Yuan Changqing has brought back the sarcophagus of the Holy Emperor of the Sun and buried it here, which is considered as fulfilling his promise.

The Holy Emperor of the Sun, an ancient emperor who had great contributions to the human race for eternity, had great merits and promised to take him back to his hometown, so it must be completed.

Therefore, as soon as Yuan Changqing arrived at Ziwei Emperor Star, after inquiring about the situation in Beihai, he rushed here as soon as possible, hoping to fulfill the Sun Emperor's wish to return to his hometown later.

Yuan Changqing knew that the current Holy Emperor of the Sun only had a piece of human skin left in the sarcophagus, plus that ray of obsession.

And this can almost be said that the Sun Holy Emperor's obsession will dissipate after returning to the Fusang Immortal Tree.

After all, that ray of obsession appears for the purpose of returning to his hometown. After fulfilling his wish, it will sublimate and merge with heaven and earth.

In the vast North Sea, with black waves surging into the sky, Yuan Changqing walked forward on the huge waves. However, it was also very difficult to find the location of the Fuso Immortal Tree.

So, Yuan Changqing took out the sarcophagus from the sea of ​​suffering, put it on his head, and used it as a traction, so that he could easily find it.

Sure enough, with the traction of the sarcophagus, Yuan Changqing was finally brought to a peaceful pure land.

This is a mysterious sea area. An island is located in the black waves of the ocean, and it is full of life.

The black sea water laps at this small island, which is full of vitality, with elixirs everywhere, and the fragrant medicinal fragrance makes people feel that their souls are stretching, as if they have been baptized.

An ancient red-gold tree stands in the center of the island, shrouded in divine clouds and shining brightly.

The red-gold leaves seemed to be burning with flames, swaying gently like little suns.

"This is the Fuso Immortal Tree, it's really spectacular!"

I saw this Fuso Immortal Tree, which is only six feet tall, but it gives people a majestic and majestic feeling.

The golden holy power of the sun circulates on the ancient tree, and the red-gold leaves are constantly swaying back and forth, as if three thousand worlds are hanging on the ancient tree. The golden glow is lingering and the atmosphere is myriad.

Yuan Changqing flew up to the island with the sarcophagus on his head and stopped in front of the Fuso Immortal Tree.

At this time, a figure in green clothes with a broken arm appeared. This was the obsession of the Sun Emperor. He flew out from the sarcophagus and looked at the Fuso Sacred Tree.

"When you return to your homeland, you cannot bury your bones in a foreign land..."

Looking at the ancient fusang tree, the Sun Holy Emperor's obsession murmured, echoing on the island like the sound of heaven.

Because of the existence of the Fuso Immortal Tree on the small island, the rich holy power of the sun flows.

As the Taiyin Holy Emperor's voice sounded, the Fuso Immortal Tree responded. It kept swaying its trunk, its branches and leaves were flying, and its divine light was shaking.

This scene seemed to be cheering, telling the return of the Holy Emperor of the Sun.

"Who can bury me in my hometown..."

However, the Sun Holy Emperor's obsession was unconscious and unexplained. He stood beside the sarcophagus and kept telling his desire to return to his homeland.

"Holy Emperor, this is your hometown. You have come back. There is everything you are familiar with here!" Yuan Changqing shouted at this time.

It is a pity that Yuan Changqing did not awaken the obsession of the Sun Holy Emperor, and the desire to return to his homeland was still murmuring.

"Who can bury me in my hometown..."

On the small island, there is a strange atmosphere, and a simple sarcophagus is placed in front of the Fuso Immortal Tree.

The golden light of the Fusang Immortal Tree is bursting with flames, and the rich holy power of the sun is flowing. The red-gold ancient Fusang tree is swaying with golden light. The falling holy power of the sun falls on the obsession of the Sun Holy Emperor, and the sun is bathed in the holy power of the sun. The Holy Emperor's sacred majesty is inviolable.

"Who am I?" The Holy Emperor's eyes gradually became brighter and brighter.

"Nine heavens and ten earths, I am the only one who can conquer the three thousand realms and reverse the six paths of reincarnation. I am the Holy Emperor of the Sun!"

At this moment, the whole world seemed to be shaken. Above the vast and majestic North Sea, black waves surged into the sky, hitting the nine heavens, and the clouds in ten directions were wiped out.

At this moment, the entire Ziwei Emperor Star shook. People with advanced cultivation levels could feel a terrifying pressure coming from the direction of the North Sea. They all looked towards Luzhou in the north with uncertain eyes.

"What happened there? What a terrifying smell!"

"It seems like something terrible is happening!"


At this moment, countless strong men felt the emotion and spoke in their hearts.

The Holy Emperor is obsessed with flying in blue. Although he is no longer the majestic and majestic Sun Holy Emperor he once was, at this time, Yuan Changqing feels that he has an unparalleled demeanor that suppresses the Three Thousand Worlds and dominates the world.

Divine light soared into the sky, reaching straight into the sky. Once the island was unsealed, it was so angry that the whole island seemed to come alive. The star field was shaking, and countless major forces on the entire Ziwei Emperor Star were alarmed.

At this time, the Sun Holy Emperor, who was bathed in the holy power of the sun, lost his mind for a while. Looking at the vast world, his eyes were full of endless vicissitudes.

Ripples emitted from the body of the Holy Emperor of the Sun, turning into black light, surrounding it like a black sun.

This is the endless holy power of the sun shed by the Fuso Immortal Tree, and the evil thoughts of the gods in the obsession of baptizing the Sun Holy Emperor.

The Sun Holy Emperor's obsession was silent for a long time, and the surrounding black light slowly dimmed under the Sun's holy power, and then disappeared, and the Holy Emperor's eyes became clear.

"I am not the Holy Emperor, I am just a trace of his obsession, not one ten thousandth as good as the Holy Emperor..." The Sun Holy Emperor murmured with obsession.

The Fusang Immortal Tree sheds the endless holy power of the sun, washing away his evil thoughts, allowing the Holy Emperor to awaken to his past and present lives and know everything in the past.

A golden halo surrounds the Holy Sun Emperor. At this moment, the obsession of the Sun Holy Emperor finally seems to have a trace of the momentum of the ancient emperor of the human race, and his eyes are like the starry sky.


The sarcophagus was pushed away by the Holy Emperor of the Sun, and the supreme aura of the ancient emperor shot straight into the sky. The black waves in the North Sea were turbulent, and the clouds suspended in the sky were scattered.

Unprepared, Yuan Changqing was almost knocked away by the supreme pressure. Fortunately, he took out the Hetu Luoshu in time, and saw the dragon, horse and black turtle appear, surrounding Yuan Changqing, resisting the terrifying pressure.

The Holy Sun Emperor bloomed with a terrifying aura, as if it had traveled through the past, present and future, suppressing three thousand worlds and reversing the six paths of reincarnation.

Inside the simple sarcophagus, there was only a piece of human skin and a few drops of golden earth blood. The terrifying pressure radiated from the human skin and the emperor's blood.

However, this was the body left by the Sun Holy Emperor in his lifelong battles for the human race. In the end, only a human skin that failed to transform and a few drops of emperor's blood were left. Not even a complete body was left. An indescribable and endless desolation.

The Holy Emperor of the Sun looked obsessively at what was left in the sarcophagus and remained silent for a long time.

The Sun Holy Emperor waved his remaining arm, and a branch of the Fusang Immortal Tree fell down. With a wave of his hand, he came to Yuan Changqing.

Then, he looked at Yuan Changqing and said, "This hibiscus branch will be your reward for sending the Holy Emperor back!"

"Thank you to the Holy Emperor." After Yuan Changqing saluted, he accepted the hibiscus branch that the Holy Emperor of the Sun had sent over.

"Ashes return to ashes, soil returns to earth, soul returns to its homeland, smoke disappears, and it will eventually pass away, alas..." The Holy Emperor of the Sun sighed with obsession.

Then, toward Yuan Changqing's eyebrows, a divine light sank into his eyebrows. In that divine light, countless scriptures emerged.

This is the complete Sun Immortal Sutra, the last gift given by the Holy Emperor to Yuan Changqing.


There was a loud noise, and the entire island shook and began to slowly sink to the bottom of the sea. Black water continued to pour in.

When Yuan Changqing saw this, he knew that this was the sarcophagus of the Sun Emperor and would be buried here along with the island.

Then, they began to race against time to collect the holy power of the sun on the island.

"The enlightenment is here, the bones are buried here, the origin and origin are destroyed, everything is gone."

A voice, a sigh, echoed in this world.

Looking at the small island and the Holy Emperor's sarcophagus on the small island, Yuan Changqing was silent for a long time.

The ancient emperor of the human race will eventually come to an end.


At this time, Yuan Changqing couldn't help but sigh for it, for the Holy Emperor of the Sun.

Afterwards, Yuan Changqing also left the place immediately.

Not long after Yuan Changqing left, many major forces on Ziwei Emperor Star swarmed towards Beihai.

Heavenly Demon Alliance, First Demon Sect, Ziwei Divine Dynasty, Guanghan Palace, Ice Demon Palace...

In particular, the Golden Crow clan was extremely excited, even more aggressive, and extremely domineering.

However, countless powerful powerful people came here, but they found the most powerful and yang aura lingering in the air in the void.

"The Holy Power of the Sun, this is what remains of the most original Holy Power of the Sun."

"Could it be that the legendary Fuso Immortal Tree has appeared?"

"Look, look for me quickly. Even if I have to go to hell, I still have to find the Fuso Immortal Tree..."

Facing what may be the Fuso Immortal Tree, no one can resist such a temptation. This is something exclusive to the Emperor.

It's a pity that countless forces and countless strong men searched this sea area upside down, searching back and forth for several months, but found nothing, and finally left sadly.

However, the Golden Crow clan did not give up and still sent clan members to search here.

Among these forces, the one who desires the Fuso Immortal Tree the most is the Golden Crow clan.

It can only be said that other forces are endlessly disappointed if they cannot find it, but the Golden Crow clan is different.

This Fusang Immortal Tree is no less than an imperial weapon to the Golden Crow clan. The Golden Crow clan was born out of fire.

The Fuso Immortal Tree is a sacred tree that constantly exudes the holy power of the sun. For the Golden Crow clan, it is an incomparable fit.

The Fuso Immortal Tree is still the sacred tree of the Golden Crow clan. From the bloodline memory, the Fuso Immortal Tree has always belonged to the Golden Crow clan.

That's why the Golden Crow clan cares so much about the Fuso Immortal Tree, and because of this, they never give up for a moment.

I saw golden crows soaring above the black waves of the North Sea, searching every corner.

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