Douluo's Blue Silver Family

Chapter 368 Hope (two in one)

Now the Sun God Sect is facing the pressing pressure from all forces, and the Sun Lord is already unable to hold on.

Holy Lord Sun, who has already reached the peak cultivation level of the Second Immortal Power, has been unable to break through the current state due to the loss of the inherited Immortal Scripture.

After all, the Ziwei Emperor Star is not the Beidou Emperor Burial Star, and it does not have such a powerful suppression of the Qing Emperor's imperial path.

Therefore, on Ziwei Emperor Star, the King of Killing Dao is the strongest person on the surface of every force.

Of course, every force that has existed for a long time has a stronger foundation.

However, the Sun God Sect has been fighting against foreign enemies, resulting in the loss of all its heritage and the inheritance of the Immortal Scriptures.

This resulted in the younger generation not having complete cultivation techniques, and could only be stuck in the realm of the Immortal Second Power without being able to break through.

The forces on Ziwei Emperor Star have long forgotten the unrivaled achievements of the Sun Holy Emperor and his descendants in protecting the human race.

A common man is not guilty, but he is guilty of carrying a jade!

What I am talking about is the Sun God Cult. Desire is human nature, whether it is an ordinary person or a monk.

The Sun God Sect has existed for a long time, and the Sun God City occupies the place with the strongest aura on the Ziwei Emperor Star, which naturally arouses the jealousy of many forces.

As a result, all the major forces worked together to suppress the Sun God Cult in a tacit understanding. The current Sun God Cult's sphere of influence has been compressed to a very small size, and it can only barely maintain the Sun God City and the surrounding cities.

As for other spheres of influence, they have been divided long ago. This is because there is no king, so any force can bully the Sun God Sect.

But the Holy Lord of the Sun is powerless. After all, his strength is not as good as others, so he can only endure. Facing the territory taken away by other forces, he can only watch helplessly.

The Holy Lord of the Sun appeared in front of the statue of the Holy Emperor of the Sun. His face showed incomparable sorrow and pain, not just because his territory was taken away.

There is also the crisis facing the Sun God Sect. If this continues, the religion may eventually destroy people.

Just like the Taiyin Sect on Ziwei Emperor Star today, it has long existed in name only.

Although the Taiyin God Sect still stands in Ziwei and is more prosperous than the Sun God Sect, there are no descendants of the Taiyin Holy Emperor on the Ziwei Emperor Star.

Those who stole the Taiyin Divine Religion, in order to prevent the Taiyin Saint Queen's descendants from restoring their power, had wiped out all the people with the Taiyin Saint Queen's bloodline.

The Taiyin Holy Emperor is also like the Sun Holy Emperor and has made unrivaled contributions to the human race. However, his descendants are even more miserable than the Sun Holy Emperor.

However, human destiny still favors those who have made great contributions to the human race, just like the ancient holy body is favored in this life.

The descendant of the Taiyin Holy Emperor is now in the ancient Jiang family of the Beidou Emperor Burial Star, the one with the Taiyin Divine Body, Jiang Tingting.

Now the Sun God Religion is facing a major crisis, which is why the Sun Lord is talking to himself in front of the statue of the Holy Emperor, hoping to get guidance.

"Holy Emperor, ancestors, I am not willing to accept it. It has been more than two thousand years, but my cultivation has not improved."

"I am even more unwilling to accept that the divine religion will decline like this, or even be destroyed in my hands!"

The face of the Holy Lord of the Sun God Cult was full of unwillingness, helplessness, and despair, and he shouted in a low voice.

It's been more than two thousand years, two thousand years in total. Two thousand years ago, I was already at the peak of Immortal Ermao's power, and I couldn't make any progress. This kind of encounter is nothing.

However, facing the many forces that are eyeing Dandan, the Sun God Sect, no matter how good a person is, would have collapsed long ago if it were an ordinary person.

It is already commendable that the Holy Lord of the Sun has persisted until now.

Without a complete Immortal Sutra, it is impossible to kill Dao and become a king. With such cultivation, it is naturally impossible to defend the huge Sun God Sect.

As for the forces that are eyeing them, none of them is strong enough to be at the level of a king, and their background is that of a strong person at the saint level.

The reason why the Sun God Cult still exists today is simply because it does not want to bear the infamy of killing the descendants of the Holy Queen.

Although those forces are oppressing the descendants of the Holy Queen, the legend of the Holy Queen will always be passed down to the human race, and it does not mean that it can be destroyed if it wants to be destroyed.

After all, the Sun Holy Emperor's contribution to the human race is too great. Maybe one day, an unparalleled powerful man will know what happened to the Holy Queen's descendants and directly take action to suppress and destroy the forces that destroyed the Holy Queen's descendants.

"Holy Lord!"

An elder of the Sun God Cult walked into the Sun Temple and looked at the Holy Sun Lord standing silently under the statue of the Holy Sun Emperor.

"What's the matter?" Holy Lord Sun asked without looking back or showing any emotion.

"Alas, another city of the divine sect was robbed, and many tribesmen died in the battle." The elder lamented.

The face of the Sun Lord couldn't help but tremble. Sure enough, it was not good news, and the Sun Lord had long been used to such things.

After all, every once in a while, a city would be taken away by other forces, but the Sun Lord had no way to save the situation.

Faced with these extremely bad situations, the Sun Lord felt extremely tired in his heart, and even his anger was gone.

Because as the sphere of influence continues to shrink, the angry heart has now become numb.

Over the years, the territory of the Sun God Cult has been continuously annexed by other forces, but there is no choice but to watch it being divided and cannibalized by many other forces.

These huge pressures are all pressing on the Holy Lord of the Sun. He also wants to fight to the death with those forces, so that even if he dies, he will not have to bear such great pressure.

Unfortunately, the current strength of the Sun God Cult no longer allows him to do this, if he really fights to the death with the enemy.

Then, what the Sun God Sect will face is the death of many tribesmen in battle and the destruction of the Sect.

Over the years, the high-end combat power of the Divine Religion has long been lost, and now it is watched as the Holy Lord of the Sun struggles to support it alone.

And the forces in the dark are waiting for him to fall, so that those forces can completely carve up the Sun God Cult.

"I know, let the people in the remaining two cities be more vigilant!" Holy Lord Sun said weakly.

"Holy Lord, are we just going to give in step by step and let those forces eat up the divine religion? How about we fight with them!" the elder said unwillingly.

The Holy Lord of the Sun said expressionlessly: "Fight, what are you going to fight with? Now we have even lost the inherited sacred artifacts of the divine religion, and we have also lost all our heritage. If we really fight, what will be the consequences in the end? You know What?"

"Do you think I'm really willing to cower like this? I also want to fight, but it doesn't matter if we people die, it's just death."

"But what will happen to those old, young, women and children after we die? How will they continue to live? How will the blood of the Holy Emperor be passed on!"

As he spoke, Holy Lord Sun burst into tears. These pressures could not be released for a long time, making even a strong man at the peak of the Immortal Second Power unable to hold back tears.

The exhausted Holy Lord of the Sun also wanted to fight to the death with those forces. However, if this was the case, the bloodline descendants of the Holy Emperor might also be cut off at his hands.

"Damn Taiyin Cult, and the damn Golden Crow Clan, I never thought that our Sun God Church would see such a day. Thinking about how glorious our religion was back then, it has fallen to such a low point now." The elder roared angrily.

Just when Holy Sun Lord and the elder were hurt and angry, a figure appeared next to the statue of Holy Sun King.

"Who are you? How dare you break into our temple of the Sun God Cult!"

At this time, the Sun Lord and the elder were shocked. They did not expect that someone could break into the Sun Temple silently. Who was it?

At the same time, the Holy Lord of the Sun and the elder also felt sad. The current defense of the Sun God Cult was already so ineffective against the strong.

"The Emperor's formation pattern has been obliterated, and even the charm of the Emperor's way has been lost. No wonder the Church of the Sun God has declined to such a state." Yuan Changqing said with a sigh.

In the entire Sun God City, the Great Emperor's formation patterns have long been obliterated, and even the imperial charm and formation patterns of the Sun Holy Emperor in the temple are gone.

How many wars has the Sun God Sect gone through since ancient times before the Imperial Dao formations will disappear and be wiped out!

"Who are you, sir? Why are you trespassing on our Sun God Religion?" the Sun Lord asked solemnly.

Now, he still didn't know whether Yuan Changqing was an enemy or a friend. As he asked, he was also secretly on guard.

Yuan Changqing said softly: "Sun Lord, don't be nervous, I won't do anything to you."

"Besides, this time I came to the Sun Temple to find you."

The Sun Lord asked doubtfully: "Your Excellency, I don't remember that we know each other. I wonder why you came to see me?"

"A good thing, a huge good thing, it can be regarded as helping the descendants of the Holy Queen!" Yuan Changqing said lightly.

Although Yuan Changqing said this, it did not make the Sun Lord relax his guard.

After all, if someone you don't know comes to help you for no reason, he must be asking for something.

However, the Sun God Religion has declined to such an extent, and there is nothing left to do.

If there is one, it is the remaining sphere of influence of the Sun God Sect.

"Your Majesty, please make it clear what your intentions are when you come to our Sun God Sect." Holy Lord Sun asked again.

The current Sun God Sect, facing the pressing steps of other forces, has long been frightened, and they cannot help but be doubly cautious.

"Hahaha, I said, you don't have to worry so much. There is nothing about the Sun God Cult that makes me tempted yet." Yuan Changqing laughed.

Then he said: "Besides, if I really wanted to take action against you, I wouldn't have shown up so easily, and you would have been dead on the spot."

"I'll say it again, I'm here to help you, why don't you have any trust?"

"Fellow Taoist is telling the truth. I don't know how you plan to help our Sun God Sect!" Holy Lord Sun suddenly had another thought in his mind and asked.

Just like Yuan Changqing said, if he really wanted to kill them, he wouldn't talk so much nonsense to the two of them.

Moreover, Yuan Changqing also said that he was here to help them. Whether it was true or false, at least it seemed to be showing goodwill now. The Sun Emperor seemed to have grasped a life-saving straw.

"Please also ask fellow Taoists to lend a helping hand to my Sun God Sect." After the Holy Lord of the Sun finished speaking, he wanted to kneel down.

However, no matter how hard he tried, he just couldn't kneel down. At this time, the Sun Lord knew that Yuan Changqing's strength should not be underestimated.

Moreover, from his aura, the Sun Holy Emperor also judged that Yuan Changqing's strength was at the king level.

After all, the Sun God Cult has experienced countless battles and seen powerful kings.

Yuan Changqing also did not want to accept the kneeling of the descendants of the Holy Queen, whether it was respect for the Holy Emperor or respect for the descendants of the Holy Queen.

The descendants of the Holy Queen are also worthy of Yuan Changqing's respect. Adhering to the concept of the Holy Emperor, although the descendants of the Holy Queen have declined, they have not done anything to smear the Holy Emperor.

"In a monk's life, except for his parents and ancestors, he should not kneel casually." Yuan Changqing said to the Sun Lord.

The Holy Lord of the Sun was filled with shame at this time. He had been forced to a dead end. Now he had a glimmer of hope. In order to preserve the divine religion and the descendants of the Holy Queen, there was no other way.

Up to now, there are only three cities left in the vast and boundless territory of the Sun God Cult. Not long ago, one city was taken away.

However, those people in the dark will not give the Sun God Sect any chance to breathe, and will further persecute them.

When Yuan Changqing saw this, he also felt sad for them. The descendants of the Holy Queen had fallen into such a miserable state.

Yuan Changqing added: "I also heard the conversation between you two before, and I also know a lot about what happened to the Sun God Sect."

"Also, I think you are now at the peak of the Second Immortal Power. I am afraid you will be unable to deal with other forces. I will teach you a method now. You can improve your cultivation first."

As soon as Yuan Changqing said he wanted it, he pointed it out and shot it into the brow of the Sun Lord. This was the Sun Immortal Sutra that the Sun Lord insisted on teaching to Yuan Changqing.

But now that it is taught to the Holy Lord of the Sun, it can be regarded as a return to the true master and repay the grace of the Holy Emperor of the Sun for teaching the law.

Countless scriptures emerged in the mind of Holy Lord Sun, and they were exactly the same as the scriptures he practiced, only more complete.

At this time, the Sun Holy Lord finally knew what scripture Yuan Changqing taught him. Isn't this the Sun Immortal Scripture that the Sun God Sect has been pursuing so hard.

Now with this identical Immortal Sutra, the Holy Lord of the Sun can quickly ascend to the realm of king cultivation. In this way, when facing other forces, he does not have to be so cautious.

With this complete Sun Immortal Sutra, those masters within the Sun God Sect who have been stuck at the Immortal Second Power Level can also break through.

In this way, the Sun God Cult can finally breathe a sigh of relief.

Inheriting the Immortal Sutra and returning to the Sun God Sect again made the Sun Lord so excited that his body trembled. He did not expect that Xinfu would come so suddenly.

Now is the most dangerous moment for the Sun God Religion. At this time, Yuan Changqing has sent hope. How can he not make the Sun God Lord excited?

"Holy Lord, what's wrong with you?" The elder next to him looked at the trembling Holy Lord of the Sun and couldn't help but ask.

"Our Sun God Sect can be saved, our Sun God Sect can be saved..." Holy Lord Sun kept saying excitedly at this time.

"Holy Lord, Holy Lord, what's wrong with you? Tell me clearly." The elder quickly grabbed Holy Sun Lord.

The Holy Lord of the Sun also woke up from his excitement at this time, and grabbed the elder, saying: "Our Sun God Sect is saved, the Immortal Sutra of Inheritance is back. Do you know, the Immortal Sutra of our clan is back."

When the elder heard what Holy Lord Sun said, he was stunned for a moment and then quickly became excited.

"Holy Lord, what did you just say? You said that our clan's inheritance of the Immortal Scripture has come back. What you said is true and you did not lie to me!"

Holy Lord Sun nodded quickly and said affirmatively: "It's true, it's true. The Immortal Sutra is back, and our Sun God Sect is saved."

At this time, after receiving the definite answer, the elder began to tremble with excitement and said: "Okay, okay, just come back, woo woo woo..."

Old Tears May be used to describe this situation. These people from the Sun God Sect have spent countless years trying to retrieve the Sun Immortal Sutra.

The Sun God Sect also began to decline because of the loss of the Sun Immortal Sutra, which also led to today's predicament.

At this time, the elder suddenly knelt down in front of Yuan Changqing and said: "Fellow Taoist is so kind and virtuous that even if I have to go through fire and water, I will not hesitate to do so. If you find anything useful in the future, just ask."

When Yuan Changqing saw this, he quickly moved away and said: "It doesn't have to be like this, there must be a cause and an effect. It is inevitable that the Sun Immortal Sutra will return to the Sun God Sect. Even if it is not me, there may be others."

Although Yuan Changqing's words were comforting, they were not false. Later, when Ye Fan came to Ziwei Emperor Star, the Sun God Sect had perished.

However, Ye Fan found the last blood descendant of the Sun Emperor and accepted him as his apprentice.

However, at that time, the Sun God Sect, which had been glorious for countless years, had only one person left. How sad this was.

Yuan Changqing said at this time: "The next step for you is to work hard to improve your cultivation. Otherwise, sooner or later, you will still be defeated by other forces."

"Moreover, since the Sun God Sect doesn't have much territory now, it's better to shrink its power, give up other territories, and defend the Sun God City with all its strength."

"In this way, our strength will not be wasted and defeated one by one. The current Sun God Cult can no longer withstand more losses."

"You must know that if you save land, you will lose people, and if you save people, you will lose land. You can no longer waste your remaining manpower like this."

The Holy Lord of the Sun said at this time: "Fellow Taoist is right. Since our Sun God Sect has already lost so much territory, then losing two more cities will not matter to the overall situation."

"Now, I will make arrangements to withdraw the manpower from the other two cities and defend the City of the Sun God with all my strength."

At this time, the elder said: "Holy Lord, it's up to me to do it. You should try your best to break through your cultivation first to deal with the challenges ahead."

After the elders left, Holy Lord Sun realized that he still didn't know who Yuan Changqing was. He had been so happy that he forgot about himself.

Holy Lord Sun asked: "Fellow Taoist, please forgive me, but I still don't know your surname."

"Yuan Changqing."

"Thank you, fellow Taoist, for sending back the Immortal Sutra to our clan. It is a great kindness and virtue that I will never forget." Afterwards, Holy Lord Sun bowed deeply to Yuan Changqing.

"Holy Sun Lord, you don't have to be like this. This Sun Immortal Sutra was originally your inheritance, but it was just sent back to me by false hands." Yuan Changqing waved his hand and said.

Holy Lord Sun said again: "No matter what, it was sent back by fellow Taoists. You are the great benefactor of our clan."

Yuan Changqing didn't say anything more and said: "Holy Lord, you should improve your cultivation first. I will stay here for a while. If something happens to the Sun God Religion, I will help you again."

"Thank you so much, fellow Taoist, and please come with me," Holy Lord Sun said gratefully.

After that, Yuan Changqing also lived in the Sun God Cult.

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