Douluo's Blue Silver Family

Chapter 38 Building an Alchemy Furnace

Yuan Changqing obtained his sixth soul ring, which reached 31,200 years. He was already a level 61 soul emperor. The soul skill he obtained was the Blue Silver Gold Shield Array.

The blue-silver-gold shield array can form six shields, and can form six protective shields around itself for defense. The shield position can be adjusted according to your own needs.

After everyone returned to Tiandou City, Yuan Changqing invited Zhilin and Bai Baoshan to have a meal together at Catherine's hotel (the wealth would not go to outsiders) to express his gratitude to them for helping him obtain the soul ring.

After eating, everyone went back to school together and then went home.

Young uncle Ye Xiaofan was left in the hotel by Yuan Changqing, who asked him to stay here for one night and go home together tomorrow.

Now Yuan Changqing also returns to his hometown to reunite with his family at the end of every semester.

Next year he will bring his eldest son Yuan Qinglan to Tiandou City to attend junior college.

Moreover, in order to prevent Wang Yuyan from having nothing to do in the past two years, he also found a lot of books for her to read.

Whether it was the herbal atlas on Douluo Continent or the Chinese medicine knowledge from Yuan Changqing's previous life, they were all written down and handed over to Wang Yuyan.

There were also some medical books collected by Yuan Changqing, and Wang Yuyan also read them all, leaving only practice.

This knowledge of traditional Chinese medicine is generally common in these two worlds. Combined with the herbal atlas on Douluo Continent, they can be integrated and integrated.

Yuan Changqing also plans to ask Wang Yuyan to open a clinic in Tiandou City next year, so that he can practice his medical skills and earn an income.

Although there are healing soul masters in Douluo Continent, their charges are relatively expensive, and few civilians can afford to hire soul masters for treatment.

Then Wang Yuyan can also help those civilians by opening a clinic. After all, the largest base on Douluo Continent is civilians, and the proportion of soul masters only accounts for a very small part.

When Yuan Changqing is free, he can help. After all, his medical experience is not very good. This is also an opportunity to practice. These things will be passed down in the future.

Catherine left the child for a few days and couldn't wait to hold the child when she returned home, full of the glory of motherhood.

Yuan Changqing also briefly explained to Wang Yuyan the process of hunting the soul beast this time, and how he planned to return to his hometown of Lanyin Village tomorrow.

Wang Yuyan has not seen her child for almost a year and misses him very much.

Yuan Changqing said: "Yu Yan, Qinglan has also awakened his martial spirit. Next year we will bring him to Tiandou City to study at the Junior Soul Master Academy."

"This way you don't have to be separated from your children for so long. Our family can live together so far away."

Wang Yuyan said: "Well, thank you, Brother Changqing."

The next day, Yuan Changqing and his family came to Catherine's hotel, met up with his uncle Ye Xiaofan, chartered a carriage, and headed towards Soto City in the Kingdom of Barak.

Blue Silver Village.

Yuan Changqing's family returned to Lanyin Village and reunited with their family. Everyone also saw the new member Yuan Hailan.

Now the family business is getting better and better, and my sister-in-law and uncle are based in Soto City.

My sister-in-law's strength has improved rapidly now, and she is not far away from the Soul Emperor. She can obtain the soul ring next year.

Dad Yuan Fei is already a level 51 attack soul king, and his martial soul has successfully evolved to the advanced martial soul Lan Yinhou.

Every member of the family has improved and is thriving. Yuan Changqing is very happy to see this.

Now that he is on a long vacation, Yuan Changqing has more time, so he doesn't need to be distracted from his research.

Through reading and collecting some knowledge about soul guidance devices in the academy, he also knew that the most important thing about a soul guidance device is the core part and the formation patterns on it.

Therefore, although Yuan Changqing's current mastery of formation patterns is incomplete, he can conduct further research based on the runes in Feng Shui.

He first drew various possible array pattern designs on the drawings, then made the core parts and engraved the array patterns one by one.

This time Yuan Changqing wanted to build an alchemy furnace, so he designed several functional soul guide cores for this alchemy furnace.

The first is the fire control core, which controls the size of the flame.

Energy-gathering core, which gathers energy to ensure sufficient energy.

The Qi gathering core is to gather soul power to ensure that the furnace is full of soul power.

Solidifying the core is to ensure that when refining an elixir, it can be directly condensed into an elixir. It can be used to refine elixirs or powders. You only need to control the core to choose according to the requirements.

This is only the core part, and there are also fingerprints that connect the core to input soul power, which are fixed on the outside of the furnace body.

In this way, it can be controlled by inputting the amount of soul power according to the needs of the alchemist.

Of course, the stove also has a shell, a large outer shell and a small inner shell, and the core is installed between the two shells.

There is also a furnace cover. This furnace cover also has a transparent window that can be used to observe the situation inside the furnace. A gas gathering core must also be installed inside.

Therefore, according to Yuan Changqing's plan, an alchemy furnace needs a fire control core, an energy gathering core, two gas gathering cores, and a solidification core. These cores are connected to the fingerprints of the shell. If you need to use that function, enter it on the fingerprints. Soul power is enough.

Therefore, when refining elixirs, you only need to refine various medicinal materials into medicinal liquids at first, then cover the furnace lid, input soul power from the furnace cover, warm and nourish the medicinal liquid, and then solidify the medicinal liquid, and finally turn it into pills. .

But this is an assumption. Now Yuan Changqing is just doing experiments to see which of the drawings he designed is useful.

Therefore, after Yuan Changqing returned home, Catherine and Wang Yuyan didn't care much about him. I wonder if it was like this after having children.

Therefore, Yuan Changqing went into his blacksmith shop every day, kept striking iron, and kept carving formation patterns.

Just these experiments wasted a lot of materials. In the end, Yuan Changqing was able to build several cores.

Not only that, he also created the core of a dragon-seeking disk for himself.

This is his tool for finding the Ice and Fire Eyes in the future. According to Yuan Changqing's guess, there must be a relatively strong magnetic field near the Ice and Fire Eyes.

Therefore, Yuan Changqing directly created the core parts of a dragon-seeking plate based on what he knew from Feng Shui books in his previous life and combined with the formation patterns of this world.

After the core parts were completed, Yuan Changqing began to build the shell of the alchemy furnace and the shell of the dragon-seeking plate.

Although the outer shell is not as difficult as the core parts, since the alchemy furnace is relatively large, it requires a lot of physical effort.

Because what Yuan Changqing wants to make is a high-quality product, both the selection of ore materials and the final forging requirements are not small.

Yuan Changqing has to forge the entire furnace body to the thousand-forging level, which is a waste of energy and time.

In this way, Yuan Changqing worked hard every day, recovered, worked hard again, and went back and forth in recovery. As time passed, he finally completed it.

This time can be regarded as a test for Yuan Changqing. Both physically and mentally, he has completed a baptism, making Yuan Changqing's whole person seem to have been sublimated.

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