Douluo's Blue Silver Family

Chapter 375 Destroy Taiyin (two in one)

On the Ziwei Ancient Star, bad news about the Taiyin Sect suddenly caused an uproar as the Taiyin Sect massacred those who discussed the news.

The news that the Taiyin Divine Cult was killing people everywhere made people more convinced of the authenticity of the Taiyin Holy Queen's descendants being killed.

At this moment, suddenly a piece of news continued to spread towards Ziwei Ancient Star.

The Sun God Cult calls on everyone to fight against the Taiyin God Cult, eradicate the Taiyin God Cult, the cancer on the ancient planet Ziwei, and avenge the descendants of the Taiyin Holy Emperor.

Therefore, after the leading forces joined in, those casual cultivators who were dissatisfied with the Taiyin Sect, or some forces that had been oppressed by the Taiyin Sect, continued to join in.

Right now, they are just small players, and there are still many forces waiting and watching.

However, these forces also began to make some moves and began to gather some manpower on standby to see if there was any chance.

If the Taiyin Sect is destroyed by then, these forces can also take the opportunity to join in and carve up the Taiyin Sect.

"Set off!"

Following the order from the Holy Lord of the Sun, the monks of the Sun God Cult who gathered in the Sun God City, as well as some monks who came to the Sun God City to attack the Taiyin God Cult together, began to move towards the Taiyin God Cult.

After seeing that the Sun God Sect was actually taking action, those monks who had not come to the Sun God City continued to rush towards the Taiyin God Sect.

"How dare the Sun God Cult? Don't think that they can compete with our Taiyin God Cult now that they have regained a little bit of vitality."

"Yes, last time the army of the Golden Crow tribe did not destroy the Sun God Sect, but now they dare to come to trouble our Taiyin God Sect. It just so happens that we can take advantage of this opportunity to destroy the Sun God Sect in a fair and just way. This is killing two birds with one stone. A once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.”

"That's right. Not only must we destroy the Sun God Sect, but we must also massacre all the monks who participated. Since they are involved, it saves us the trouble of searching everywhere."

"That's right, that's right. In this way, once the Sun God Sect and the monks who participated in it are eliminated, the world will be pure. Let's see who else dares to talk nonsense."


When they heard that the Sun God Sect was coming to attack the Taiyin God Sect, the people of the Taiyin God Sect were furious at first.

However, as Holy Lord Taiyin discussed with the elders, they suddenly started to smile again.

They felt that since the people summoned by the Sun God Cult came to their door automatically, they could just destroy them in one fell swoop.

In this way, bad things turn into good things, which kills two birds with one stone.

"Tell me, is it the Sun God Cult who is behind the scenes this time?"

"It should be the Sun God Cult. I didn't see that this time they want to attack us. Isn't it the Sun God Cult who is taking the lead? Then it's still fake."

"Whether it's the Sun God Cult or not, even if it's not, they are definitely indispensable here."

"If it's not the Sun God Cult, then who is it?"

"Don't think so much now. Although we are not afraid of the Sun God Sect with the strength of the Taiyin God Sect, the quasi-emperor weapon of the Sun God Sect cannot be underestimated. We still need to find out the details when the time comes."

"The Holy Lord is right. We cannot resist the quasi-emperor soldiers. We should all be careful."

"Okay, since that's the case, let's make arrangements now and prepare for the next battle!"

"Yes, Holy Lord."

The strong men of the Taiyin God Sect also nodded at the same time, and then went to arrange their manpower.

Now, the atmosphere on Ziwei Ancient Planet is extremely weird.

After it was revealed that the Taiyin Cult had killed the descendants of the Taiyin Holy Emperor, long-standing memories were awakened, and the deeds of the two ancient human emperors began to spread among the human race on the ancient planet Ziwei.

Especially the Taiyin Holy Emperor. After all, this time he was going to attack the Taiyin Sect, so the deeds of the Taiyin Holy Emperor were naturally the focus of publicity.

Therefore, after the Sun God Sect took the lead in preparing to attack the Taiyin God Sect, people continued to come to complain about the cruelty and bloodshed of the Taiyin God Sect over the years.

"Holy Lord of the Sun, your Sun Cult is also the blood descendant of the Holy Emperor. You must avenge the descendants of the Taiyin Holy Emperor!"

"We can't just watch the Taiyin Divine Sect continue to occupy the magpie's nest and tarnish the Taiyin Holy Emperor's orthodoxy."

"The Taiyin God Cult is too cruel, killing people everywhere. For the sake of the livelihood of the people in the world, we ask the Taiyin God Cult to lead everyone to jointly defeat the Taiyin God Cult and eradicate this cancer on the human race."

There are constant petitions for the Sun God Cult to come forward.

Although there are some people here with bad intentions, they just use the Sun God Sect as the leader.

However, the Sun God Cult didn't care. He was the one who started this time. Coupled with the old madman, the great saint's trump card, and the imperial soldiers, the Sun God Lord didn't care about those calculations.

"The Taiyin Divine Sect harbors filth and evil, and its sins are heinous, and its crimes should be punished!"

As soon as such a declaration came out, countless people cheered, and the news continued to spread like a tornado.

I saw a huge portal opening, and the monks from the Sun God Sect began to enter, in the direction of the Taiyin God Sect.

Taiyin Cult.

As a crack appeared in the void, it continued to expand, forming a door of light, from which monks continued to come out.

Holy Lord Sun took the lead, followed by Yuan Changqing, the old madman, and Ye Fan.

Holy Lord Taiyin looked ahead and said loudly: "Holy Lord Sun, do you want to start a life-and-death battle by gathering so many people to come to our Taiyin Sect? It's still too late to retreat now. Our Taiyin Sect can forget about it."

"Otherwise, even if your Sun God Sect has quasi-emperor soldiers, our Taiyin God Sect is not a vegetarian. We will all be here to show our divine power."

The Holy Lord of the Sun snorted coldly: "You are not afraid of flashing your tongue when you speak. With the virtue of your Taiyin Sect, you are just a servant, usurping the Taiyin Sect, and massacring the descendants of the Taiyin Holy Emperor. Based on this, you guys You shouldn’t live in this world.”

"Furthermore, any bloody human race in the world can attack you based on what you do."

"Fellow human race, please join me in defeating the Taiyin Sect and avenging the Taiyin Holy Emperor!"

The Holy Lord of the Sun didn't want to talk nonsense to the Taiyin God Sect. As soon as he finished speaking, he called on the human monks to start attacking the Taiyin God Sect.

"Since you are looking for death, let me help you, the sons of the Taiyin Sect, kill these people who disrespect the sect." The Taiyin Holy Lord also summoned people to start a counterattack.

Even if the Taiyin Divine Sect doesn't admit the massacre of the descendants of the Taiyin Holy Queen, it doesn't matter now.

The two sides also officially fought together, with countless divine lights, swords, guns, swords, halberds, tripod bells, tower hammers and other weapons constantly emitting divine light.

Suddenly, there were screams and blood everywhere.

There are countless strong men from both sides fighting in the sky, and the immeasurable divine power is shaking the void.

With overwhelming divine power, constant explosions, and screams, a world-shattering battle is taking place here.

The war drums resounded through the sky, and the monks from both sides kept colliding with each other.

Ye Fan also joined in at this time. With the cultivation of the Second Immortal and the ancient holy body, it was really a god who could kill a god, and a Buddha who could block a Buddha.

This also caused the masters of the Taiyin God Sect to continue to fall into the hands of Ye Fan.

"The Taiyin Divine Sect exterminated the descendants of the Taiyin Holy Emperor. Let's work together to eliminate this cancer."

"My human race man, do I still have the blood? Can I still fight?"

"Fight! Fight! Fight!"

As people continued to respond, the voices resounded through the sky, and the monks on the side of the Sun God Religion became instantly high-spirited.

"I've long been unhappy with the people of the Taiyin Sect, and now it's time to teach them a lesson."

"I and the Taiyin Sect are at odds with each other. My ancestors were killed by thieves like the Taiyin Sect. Now is the time for me to take revenge."

"Let's all work together to destroy the cancer of the Taiyin Sect, avenge the human race they killed, and avenge the descendants of the Taiyin Holy Emperor!"

Suddenly, people began to respond one after another with great authority.

Not only that, even those who came here early to watch were excited to hear it, and people began to join in to attack the Taiyin Sect together.

The momentum of the monks who attacked the Taiyin God Sect continued to increase, but the people of the Taiyin God Sect were frightened by this momentum.

Many people here only joined later. In the past, because there was very little news about the Taiyin Divine Cult massacring the descendants of the Taiyin Holy Emperor, these people were not very clear about it.

Now that they knew the news, coupled with the declaration from the Sun God Cult, their momentum instantly dropped, and they had no intention of fighting.

The senior leaders of the Taiyin God Sect also discovered this situation and began to shout with difficulty to cheer up the people of the Taiyin God Sect.

Unfortunately, the effect is not very good.

"Swish, swish, swish..."

Several rays of divine light were fired, and in an instant, several people's heads fell to the ground, killing a chicken to scare the monkeys.

"If there are any more people who don't contribute, these people will be punished. Quickly, come to me and kill those people." A master of the Taiyin God Sect used thunderous methods to scare many people.

Later, the monks from the Taiyin Sect obediently obeyed the arrangements and killed the monks from the Sun Sect.

The old madman did not take action at this time, and was hiding in the void, preparing to wait for the Taiyin God's secrets to appear, kill them in one fell swoop, and completely destroy the Taiyin God's religion.


The Holy Lord of the Sun also took out the Golden Divine Spear at this time, and the aura of the quasi-emperor soldiers began to spread on the spot.

The overwhelming divine power began to spread. Under this divine power, some monks with weak cultivation levels were instantly suppressed and unable to stand up.

"This is the quasi-imperial weapon of the Sun God Cult. I didn't expect that the Sun God Cult would start using this magical weapon so early."

"Yes, it seems that the Taiyin Religion is in danger this time. The Sun Religion plans to destroy the Taiyin Religion."

"So, the Taiyin Sect is no longer guaranteed this time, so we must join in as soon as possible, otherwise, it will be difficult to get a share of the pie later."

"Yes, let's send the news back as soon as possible."


Those forces that were waiting and watching began to take action quickly after seeing that the Sun God Cult had begun to use quasi-emperor soldiers.

Although there are no saint-level monks on the Sun God Sect, since the quasi-emperor's troops are out, they are determined to destroy the Taiyin God Sect.

Moreover, no one knows if there are any tricks behind the Sun God Religion.

If you don't join in now, it will be difficult to carve up the Taiyin Cult after the Sun Cult destroys the Taiyin Cult.

"Quickly, please reveal your secrets to fight against this quasi-imperial weapon."

After the people of the Taiyin God Sect saw the quasi-imperial weapon of the Golden Divine Spear, they knew that at this time, if they did not reveal the details, the people of the Taiyin God Sect present would not be able to resist it at all.

On the side of the Sun God Cult, with the emergence of the quasi-emperor soldiers, the situation changed drastically in an instant, and a win-win situation was already presented.

In this way, it would be a bit silly not to join the party that destroyed the Taiyin Sect today.

After the Taiyin Sect is destroyed, you can also take a share of the pie.

To avenge the descendants of the Holy Emperor's bloodline, to remove cancer from the world, and to get some benefits, this shouldn't be too much, right?

As a result, countless monks gathered together and continued to gather towards the Taiyin Sect.

At the same time, as the news spread here, the strongholds and vassal forces of the Taiyin God Sect in various places began to be attacked by hostile forces.

Suddenly, Ziwei Ancient Star was really lively, but this liveliness was accompanied by a bloody storm.

Taiyin Divine Sect, as a top sect, has a large area of ​​sacred land, and its spiritual veins exude rich essence.

On top of these spiritual veins, there are countless ancient trees and divine vines, and elixirs can be found everywhere.

As the place where the Taiyin Holy Emperor's orthodoxy is located, it is naturally extraordinary and is a famous holy place in Ziwei Ancient Star.

In the Taiyin God Sect, the spiritual peaks stand tall, and the pavilions and pavilions are filled with mist, making them look like the grand scene of an immortal family, with extraordinary momentum.

And in the deepest part of Taiyin God Religion, there is a suspended divine city, which exudes amazing momentum, bursts of divine power, and is indestructible.

Now the top brass of the Taiyin Religion are under great pressure. Facing the power of the quasi-emperor soldiers, they can hardly resist.

"Your Sun God Sect is really determined to destroy my Taiyin God Sect!"

"Hmph, your Taiyin Divine Sect massacred the descendants of the Taiyin Holy Emperor. Today is the time for you to repay the consequences." The Holy Lord of the Sun snorted coldly.

Then he said: "My companions from the human race, destroy the Taiyin Sect and restore peace to the world."

"Kill! Kill! Kill!"

"Dong dong dong!"

The war drums roared, and the densely packed monks listened to the sound of the war drums. They were majestic and numbered tens of thousands.

Regardless of whether these people are sincere in seeking revenge for the Taiyin Holy Emperor.

However, now that they have joined, these people are seeking revenge for the Holy Emperor.

Countless monks were constantly attacking the Taiyin God Sect's defense line, fighting with the Taiyin God Sect's people. Countless magic weapons were flying and divine light was blooming.

Although most of these people's cultivation levels have not reached the Immortal Stage level, they can kill an elephant even if there are many people.

These people's attack on the Taiyin God Cult did not have a very good effect, and a large number of people were killed and injured in a short time.

After all, the Taiyin God Sect is one of the top sects in Ziwei Ancient Star, with countless masters, half-step immortals, and many second-level immortals.

Therefore, the monks who besieged the Taiyin Sect were naturally unhappy and fell in large numbers.

It was precisely when the Sun God Cult saw this situation that they used quasi-emperor soldiers.

Otherwise, if too many monks who participated in the attack on the Taiyin Sect died, the momentum Yuan Changqing and the others had built this time would instantly fall apart.

Then, what is left in the end is that the Sun God Sect faces the Taiyin God Sect alone. In this case, the Sun God Sect will definitely suffer heavy casualties.

Yuan Changqing also shouted loudly at this time: "Taiyin Divine Sect, you dare to slaughter loyal people, it is really a heinous crime."

"It seems that not only are your ancestors so vicious, but you have also inherited this vicious nature."

"Those of you who retain the blood of evil people should all be wiped out. Fellow humans, form a formation and surround the Taiyin God Sect. Kill!"

"Kill! Kill! Kill!"

The people of the Taiyin God Sect were so angry that they vomited blood at Yuan Changqing's words. Aren't you here to attack our Taiyin God Sect? Do you still want us to be unable to fight back and let you kill us?

Now that Yuan Changqing is here, no matter what the mood of those in the Taiyin Sect is, standing on the moral high ground, he will bombard them first.


Yuan Changqing and the Sun Lord activated the golden divine spear together at this time, and the golden divine light bloomed instantly, and the heaven and earth seemed to be silent.

The Golden Divine Spear, a quasi-emperor weapon, is rare in the world. In the ancient Ziwei star where there are no Ji Dao forces, it can be regarded as an invincible existence.

The terrifying divine tail dance bloomed, and the heaven and earth were shaken by it.


Voices full of murderous intent came out from the mouths of Yuan Changqing and the Holy Lord of the Sun. At this time, the two of them had no idea of ​​mercy at all, and they were going to kill the masters of the Taiyin God Sect.

"don't want!"

"I don't want to die!"

"Let us go..."


The terrifying attack came, causing the masters of the Taiyin Sect to panic. Such divine power was beyond the ability of these people to withstand.

Facing the attack from the quasi-emperor soldiers, it was simply too terrifying for them.


Suddenly, the holy power of Taiyin filled the sky, and a large seal appeared. This was the ancient holy weapon of Taiyin God Cult, and it was a great holy weapon.

"Ah, we are saved, our ancestor has come forward."

I saw that the big seal exuded a cold aura, like a moon, projecting immeasurable divine light, making the big seal dazzling.

The ancient emperor's soldiers of the Taiyin God Sect have been lost long ago, otherwise, the blood descendants of the Taiyin Holy Emperor would not have been slaughtered by these servants, and the bloodline would not exist.


There was a crisp sound, and the big seal could not resist the quasi-imperial weapon of the Golden Divine Spear. In an instant, cracks appeared.

Then, it turned into pieces and flew in all directions like meteors.


The senior officials of the Taiyin Sect were immediately shocked and began to call out.

That big seal was a sacred weapon passed down from generation to generation. It had protected the Taiyin Cult for countless years, and it was broken like this.

Following the call from the higher-ups of the Taiyin God Religion, a terrifying force rose up, which was extremely terrifying.

This is the foundation of the Taiyin Sect, and it is accompanied by several weaker auras, all of which are above the saint level.

These are the foundations of the Taiyin Sect, and they exist as the final trump card.

Now that Taiyin God Sect is facing a crisis, they have to come out.

As for why all the secrets were turned on, it was because the Taiyin Divine Sect had already sent people to notify them, knowing that someone had appeared with quasi-emperor soldiers.

Therefore, all were unsealed from the divine source to deal with this life and death crisis.

The Great Sage, such a peerless powerhouse, can be considered invincible in any era.

"Who dares to offend our Taiyin Cult!"

Shocking power appeared, divine power was overwhelming, and the sound resounded throughout the world.

However, the next moment was tragic.

I saw the golden divine spear flying into the sky and appearing in the hands of the old madman.

As the old madman activated the Golden Divine Spear, it enveloped the place where the Taiyin God Sect had placed its foundations. The terrifying aura made those Taiyin God Sect's foundations instantly feel cold to the core.



The constant voices of reluctance indicate that the Taiyin Sect's background is not a big problem.

If the Great Sage activates a quasi-imperial weapon, it is not as powerful as Yuan Changqing and the Sun Lord.

Even more terrifying divine power bloomed in the void, making it difficult for even the Taiyin Cult to resist.


The great sage of the Taiyin God Sect wanted to escape from the lock of the quasi-emperor soldiers, but unfortunately, how could an aging great sage escape?

A ray of golden light cut through the void and directly penetrated the great sage of the Taiyin Sect. Even his soul was destroyed together, and he lost his life in an instant.

The rest of the Taiyin Sect's heritage also perished along with the great sage.

Yuan Changqing saw this and said loudly: "Come on, all the foundations of the Taiyin God Sect have been destroyed. Now is the opportunity to destroy the Taiyin God Sect. Kill!"

"Kill! Kill! Kill!"

For a moment, the people of the Taiyin Sect were completely frightened. Those with low cultivation levels kept running away, and some even surrendered on the spot.

Those high-level officials were not much better. As more and more powerful forces joined in, more and more masters from the Sun God Sect began to besiege and kill the masters from the Taiyin God Sect.

I saw that the sacred land of the Taiyin God Sect was flowing with blood, and monks continued to die. The Taiyin God Sect was destined to be destroyed at this moment.


"how so……"

"This is God's plan to destroy our Taiyin Sect!"

The senior leaders of the Taiyin God Sect felt extremely desperate at this moment.

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