Douluo's Blue Silver Family

Chapter 377 Return (two in one)

Taiqing scenic spot, Bajing Palace.

At this time, this place has been opened by Yuan Changqing. The bright moon hangs high in the sky, and the silver light spreads all over the earth. It shines here, making it white and elegant, and extremely sacred.

Now, there are only two people in Taiqing Shengjing, Yuan Changqing and Ye Fan.

Inside the purple palace, there was nothing, except for a stone platform. It was silent and spotless.

Yuan Changqing came to the stone platform. After looking at it for a while, he slapped it down with his palm. When he came to the stone platform, there was a scripture inside with three characters of the Tao Te Ching engraved on it.

"This is the Tao Te Ching!" He also walked forward and said.

This is a stone scripture that looks simple and heavy, embodying a sense of historical vicissitudes.

When Yuan Changqing and Ye Fan looked at the three words of the Tao Te Ching together, suddenly, a picture was transmitted from above, just like in myths and legends.

I saw an old man riding a green bull heading west. The purple energy spread for thirty thousand miles. When he came to a place called Hangu Pass, he wrote three thousand words of morality there.

Ye Fan then said again: "Senior, judging from the information in this picture, it is indeed the same as the legend!"

Yuan Changqing also nodded at this time, and then directly picked up the stone scripture and saw that it was densely engraved with scriptures, mysterious and full of purple energy.

Yuan Changqing's mind swept across it, and the countless scriptures on the stone scripture were imprinted into his mind.

"Tao Jing!"

This Imperial Sutra is the inheritance of Lao Tzu right here, a sutra written by his predecessor, Daode Tianzun.

Afterwards, Yuan Changqing handed the stone scripture to Ye Fan, and Ye Fan took it excitedly.

This is the complete Emperor's Scripture, although Ye Fan also collected complete Emperor's Scripture, such as the Western Emperor's Scripture that he and Yuan Changqing obtained in the old land of Yaochi, and the Taihuang's Scripture.

However, no one has too many complete Imperial Scriptures. As the Nine Heavenly Lords of the ancient times, Daode Tianzun's scriptures are naturally the supreme scriptures.

After Ye Fan received the information in the stone scripture, he also looked happy.

"Damn it, Dao Jing." After Ye Fan accepted the information in the Stone Jing, he cursed directly.

The Tao Jing is Ye Fan's foundation-building scripture, but only the Wheel and Sea chapter was recognized. As soon as he came into contact with the scriptures of the Tao Jing, he recognized it.

Afterwards, Ye Fan said: "Senior, this time I have really made my mark. This is the Taoist Sutra. No wonder Yi Tiande can become the first person of the younger generation on Ziwei Ancient Star. This is because he has practiced the complete Emperor Sutra. "

"Furthermore, in the past few years, there have been supreme secret techniques such as turning three pure states with one breath, as well as other secret techniques. This has made geniuses like Yi Tiande possible."

"This sutra is indeed a supreme sutra, it is truly mysterious and unpredictable."

Yuan Changqing said at this time: "That is natural. As one of the nine ancient gods and the founder of the secret of numbers, he is naturally extremely powerful."

"It's a pity that there is no inheritance of digital secrets left here, but it is a great opportunity for us to obtain the Taoist scriptures."

After Ye Fan heard this, he also had a look of pity on his face, and then thought about it, he couldn't take all the benefits.

Ye Fan said: "Senior, let's look for something else."

Ye Fan was still unwilling to give in. He couldn't just leave a sutra in this pure and holy realm.

Sure enough, after the two of them searched, they found another scripture, which was an alchemy scripture.

However, there is nothing else. Basically, Yi Tiande took them away, and the rest here cannot be taken away.

Ye Fan immediately went through the Eight Views Palace, and by the way he was also looking for the five-color altar of the Beidou Emperor Burial Star.

Now Ye Fan is also a little anxious to return to Beidou, but after searching here, he did not find the five-color altar.

Ye Fan came to Yuan Changqing and asked: "Senior, why is there no five-color altar leading to Beidou here as you mentioned!"

"Follow me." Yuan Changqing said.

Afterwards, Ye Fan followed Yuan Changqing to the outside of Zique.

At this time, Yuan Changqing's divine power surged, and a monstrous momentum rose.

After that, Yuan Changqing's hands bloomed with divine light, and he lifted the entire purple palace with force and moved it off the ground. Suddenly, a majestic aura circulated.

"Senior is mighty." Ye Fan also praised at this time.

The momentum of this Purple Tower alone makes people breathless. Every ray of purple energy is as heavy as a thousand pieces. It is simply impossible for ordinary people to lift this Purple Tower.

Then, Yuan Changqing placed the purple palace easily next to it.


At this moment, five colors of divine light appeared on the ground, flashing continuously, looking very mysterious.

Then, a small five-color altar appeared, and Ye Fan stepped forward with excitement on his face.

"Five-color altar, senior, this is really a five-color altar." Ye Fan said excitedly.

Under the Eight Views Palace, this five-color altar was specially built and left here by the sages Laozi.

This is a small altar with a radius of only one foot. The altar suddenly became brighter from the dark state, emitting five colors of light, forming a Bagua pattern.

"Senior, we can learn Beidou now." Ye Fan said happily after seeing the altar starting to charge.

Yuan Changqing also nodded and said: "Yes, I have been out for almost ten years, and I am finally going back."

As the five colors of light continued to bloom, a yin and yang pattern began to appear in the void, and at this time, the starry sky channel.

Yuan Changqing said again at this time: "Ye Fan, let's enter the altar and prepare to cross the starry sky and return to Beidou."

Ye Fan nodded and said, "Okay, senior."

Then, Yuan Changqing and Ye Fan stood side by side on the five-color altar. After a while, the starry sky channel opened, sucking Yuan Changqing and Ye Fan directly in, and their figures disappeared into the Taiqing Shengjing.

Just after Yuan Changqing and Ye Fan left, the starry sky door in the void closed, and it was as if nothing happened here, and there was silence.

After that, the five-color altar disappeared and sank into the ground, while the purple palace bloomed in the sky, rose into the sky, and returned to its original position.

In the starry sky passage, Yuan Changqing's instrument of enlightenment, the Five Elements Diagram, appeared, carrying himself and Ye Fan.

In the starry sky channel, except for the little bit of light, the rest is darkness.


After a period of time, Yuan Changqing and Ye Fan appeared again, on a fiery red planet.

At this time, the flames were rising, and the golden flames were rising continuously, emitting a terrifying temperature.

This is the sun, and this is where the small five-color altar in the Taiqing Scenic Area connects to the Beidou.

However, with the cultivation levels of Yuan Changqing and Ye Fan, there was not much harm.

Of course, this doesn't mean that the flames here are not powerful enough, it just doesn't show its terrifying temperature.

Otherwise, given the terrifying nature of the power of the sun, Yuan Changqing's current strength is also very fearful.

When Yuan Changqing and Ye Fan appeared on the Sun Star, they felt the strong aura of Beidou.

However, the two of them have not returned to the Big Dipper yet, they are still above the starry sky.

"Let's go, let's go back to Beidou first." Yuan Changqing said at this time.

"Okay." Ye Fan nodded.

Unlike Yuan Changqing, Ye Fan was forced to leave Beidou.

Yuan Changqing took the initiative to leave after finding a five-color altar.

Ye Fan left Beidou, originally thinking of returning to Earth Star to see his relatives.

Yes, by accident, I went to Ziwei Ancient Star, where I met the old madman and Yuan Changqing.

Ye Fan also experienced nine deaths, but did not return to the Earth Star. He wandered in the starry sky for several years, and briefly stayed on the ancient Ziwei Star. Now, he finally returned to the Beidou Star Territory.

At this time, Ye Fan really wanted to see his old friends, and Yuan Changqing also couldn't wait to see his family.

The five-color divine light on the Five Elements Diagram flashed, wrapping Yuan Changqing and Ye Fan, and headed towards the Big Dipper.

Under the setting sun, the earth was dyed with blood.

When Yuan Changqing and Ye Fan came to Beidou, they appeared in an open and endless barren ridge.

There are countless towering trees here, blocking out the sky and the sun, and providing shade.

Under the afterglow of the setting sun, it seems to be coated with a layer of golden color, looking so fantastic and mysterious.

After the two of them set foot on this land, they both looked into the distance in unison, as if they wanted to penetrate the void to find the trace of thoughts in their hearts.

Ye Fan murmured at this time: "I'm finally back. I don't know what happened here in the years since I left."

"Nanny, Ziyue, Pangbo, Brother Blackwater, Brother Savage, I wonder how you are doing. Are you all okay?"

The longing in his heart was so strong at this moment that Ye Fan couldn't wait to go find them.

In this endless wilderness, there are deep forests and dense trees, wild beasts roaming rampant, and birds hanging in the sky.

When Yuan Changqing and Ye Fan came to a barbarian residence, they also knew where it was.

"Where are you two from?" A burly young man wearing animal skin asked after seeing Yuan Changqing and Ye Fan.

"We came from the depths of Huangling Ridge. Dare I ask this brother, where is this place?" Ye Fan stepped forward and asked.

At this time, the burly young man looked at Yuan Changqing and Ye Fan with disbelief, feeling that they were lying to him.

The depths of this barren ridge are extremely dangerous. Even tribes like them who have lived on the outskirts of this barren ridge for generations dare not go deep into the barren ridge.

Not to mention Yuan Changqing and Ye Fan. At first glance, they are not from here, but they are the same as people from the outside world.

Therefore, Ye Fan said that he came from the depths of Huangling Mountain, which makes no difference if he is lying.

After all, there are countless dangers deep in the wilderness, and even the elders of their barbarian tribe dare not enter at will.

However, this barbarian young man doesn't have many other thoughts and is still very simple.

"This is deep in the South Ridge, the territory of our barbarians!" said the burly young man.

"What, you said this is Nanling?" Ye Fan was also a little surprised. He didn't expect that after returning from outside the territory, he would appear in the Nanling after returning to Beidou.

Zhongzhou, Donghuang, Nanling, Beiyuan, and Western Desert, these are the five major regions divided by the Beidou Emperor Burial Star. As for Nanling, this is the first time for Yuan Changqing and Ye Fan to come here.

"Brothers, do you want to be a guest in my barbarian tribe?" the burly young man asked at this time.

Ye Fan shook his head and said: "Brothers of the barbarians, no need, we are still in a hurry. We will definitely go when we have the next opportunity."

Now Ye Fan doesn't want to stay for a moment. He can't wait to return to Donghuang to find his partners. How could he stay here again.

"That's okay. When brother comes next time, I'll treat you to wine and meat." The burly young man is also a cheerful person.

At this time, Ye Fan thought that this was a barbarian tribe, and he thought of his savage brother Dongfang Ye. Wasn't he from the Nanling barbarian tribe?

So, Ye Fan asked: "Brother, you are a barbarian. I wonder if you know a man named Dongfang Ye?"

Suddenly, the burly young man became alert and said, "Who are you and why are you asking Dongfang Yelai?"

When Ye Fan saw that the burly young man was so vigilant and so enthusiastic before, he knew that he had misunderstood him and thought he was here to cause trouble for Dongfang Ye.

Ye Fan quickly said: "Brother, don't be nervous, my name is Ye Fan, I am Dongfang Ye's friend."

"What, you said your name is Ye Fan, the same Ye Fan with the ancient holy body!" The burly young man asked with a surprised look on his face.

Ye Fan nodded and said, "Yes, I am Ye Fan."

The burly young man shook his head and said: "This is impossible, absolutely impossible. Hasn't Saint Ye Fan already left the Big Dipper Star?"

Obviously, the burly young man did not believe that Mark was the real Holy Body Mark.

Ye Fan said again: "I'm back now."

"I don't believe it, unless you can prove that you are the real Holy Body Ye Fan." The burly young man still shook his head in disbelief, wanting Ye Fan to prove that he was the real Ye Fan.

At this time, Ye Fan was speechless, thinking, I still have to prove that I am Ye Fan, isn't this nonsense.

Afterwards, Ye Fan could only let go of his momentum, and then, a golden breath filled the world, and the golden blood in his body continued to roll.

And the golden divine light shrouded Ye Fan. At this time, Ye Fan seemed like a god, majestic and sacred.

Just after Ye Fan let go of his momentum, he also alarmed the people in the barbarian tribe.

"What's going on? Is someone knocking on the door?"

"Everyone, hurry up and copy this guy and fuck him."

At this time, a group of rough men rushed out from the barbarian tribe, each with weapons in their hands.

"You are really Mark. You are the holy brother that my brother calls me." The burly young man also said in surprise.

I didn't expect that this was really Ye Fan. After all, the characteristics of the Holy Body were so obvious that it couldn't be faked or deceived.

I was also surprised that Ye Fan was able to come back from outside the territory. This is really not easy. He is worthy of being his brother's brother.

"Your brother, Dongfang Ye is your brother?" After Ye Fan looked at the burly young man, he also discovered that indeed, he and Dongfang Ye did have some similarities.

The burly young man nodded and said, "My name is Dongfang Xiong, and I am Dongfang Ye's younger brother."

Suddenly, Ye Fan asked happily: "Is your brother Dongfang Ye in the tribe now?"

At this moment, the warriors of the barbarian tribe who had sensed Ye Fan's momentum had arrived.

"Anyone who dares to break into our barbarian tribe wants to fight."

"I really think I, a barbarian, are easy to bully."

I saw these people rushing out from the barbarian tribe, each with weapons in their hands, shouting to fight and kill. Do they really have to be so wild?

When Dongfang Xiong saw it, he realized that there was a misunderstanding. He quickly went up the mountain to stop him and said, "Uncles and brothers, please stop, don't be impulsive. This is my brother's brother, the Holy Body Ye Fan."

A big barbarian man asked: "Is this really your brother's brother?"

Dongfang Xiong nodded and said: "He is really my brother's brother."

"Holy Body Ye Fan, didn't you say you were leaving?"

Ye Fan quickly stepped forward and said, "Uncles and brothers, I am back now."

"I traveled far away from the territory, traveled across the starry sky, and came back smoothly. My dear, that's really amazing!" The group of barbarian men couldn't help but praise.

Ye Fan was a little embarrassed by the praise at this time, and then asked: "Uncles and brothers, isn't my brother Dongfangye here?"

After Ye Fan asked this question, he immediately fell into silence, and everyone couldn't help but sigh. They had heard from the news from the outside that Dongfang Ye had been bleeding in the East Wasteland.

Afterwards, a big man came out and said: "There are rumors in the outside world that Ye'er died in the East Wasteland, but we don't believe it."

"Ye'er has been gifted with extraordinary talents since he was a child. He has amazing powers. He grew up eating wild dragons and evil tigers. He has a very tough life. How could he die so easily."

"I must be in danger, now I'm just hiding."

Ye Fan was immediately frightened, knowing that something big must have happened after he left Beidou.

"What's going on? What's going on? What happened here?" Ye Fan couldn't wait to know what happened after he left.

Later, the barbarian people told some things about Ye Fan that happened after he left Beidou and went abroad.

Ever since Ye Fan left, Dongfang Ye has been hunted down, and finally there was news of bloodshed in the East Wilderness.

Not only that, the treatment of Ye Fan’s good friends was also similar.

People like Li Heishui, Pang Bo and others were all in the same situation. They were all chased to death and injured.

Moreover, now the Wang family in Beiyuan is also constantly inquiring about the news about the barbarians in Nanling, and they have the intention of taking action against the barbarians.

After hearing this, Ye Fan instantly became furious and furious. It was all because of him that they were hunted down.

At this time, Ye Fan's mind was rumbling, his blood was boiling, like thunder, and even his soul was shaking.

"Ah... Beiyuan Wang Family, Hua Yunfei, Li Xiaoman, Valley of the Gods, Killer Dynasty, you are all looking for death..."

Ye Fan couldn't help shouting to the sky, furious, and the sky was filled with strong murderous intent.

Ye Fan was so angry. He didn't expect that just after he returned to Beidou, he heard that his old friend was being hunted down, dead and injured.

They were all implicated by themselves. When they were far away from the territory and could not deal with themselves, they attacked their friends and brothers. This made Ye Fan not angry or hateful.

Dongfang Xiong and other barbarian tribesmen also felt his incomparable strength from Ye Fan's sudden burst of momentum, which was so powerful that it made people's souls tremble.

The ancient holy body of the Immortal Er Great Power level definitely has the qualifications to be proud of all the heroes in Beidou.

Yuan Changqing said at this time: "Ye Fan, useless rage is of no use. Now these news are just hearsay and cannot prove whether they are true or false."

"So, the next thing you should think about is how to deal with the follow-up matters."

"The other thing is, go out and find your friends first and avenge them."

Ye Fan nodded and said: "Senior is right, I will settle all the accounts with them one by one."

"Didn't you say that the Wang family is inquiring about information about Nanling? Let's start with the Wang family."

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